Cornwalls Nutty Noah Troubled waters. PART 2 of 3 Documentary PLEASE VIEW PART 1 FIRST )

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[Music] [Music] so i can't really have forward to carry on with the try and look for these bars and mullet so we so we put that net away again he's a lot of work i know but he's he's one of the things that we got out of a sonar gotta have patience and um time and we haven't got any of those well i got patience but i got the time in the sauna so we put the net back in the loft and hopefully uh when we get some of our friends french fan franks we'll um go to france and see if we can get this net is a friend of mine from gruenze is uh got a net lined up um then coronel next next job hopefully we'll be going across that channel instead of the bristol channel we'll go across the english channel and uh see if we can get her the net is still over there but i got um i paid the money out and i haven't brought the net back because it's a bit too much of a problem getting the net to the ferry and the ferries would leave in awkward times i couldn't get a vehicle right on thanks for turning up and taking me out unless if you are going to take me home anyhow probably halfway mark [Music] cadre of gold followed me up they think they're going to catch some fish i suppose ready sean here she is [Music] they can see color blue and red is the first color that apparently is lost in the sea hallelujah [Music] hard work he's he's a feral net in a hard work one is just too young thanks to george and woodstock the firm down at falmouth where they're selling the wood thank you very much for taking me up my pleasure it's been a wonderful day [Applause] [Laughter] rachel will think it was wonderful yeah oh they're peace and quiet 200 miles longer than we thought [Music] all right okay the net is in need of repair before it can be used to catch pilchards martin's family do what they can to help you catch all this grandma right does it oh yes well good practice for you toots for when you meant your jeans [Music] cafes around cornwall are all closed the visitors are going on and the tamarind trees are bending over touching the ground good gale here now southerly gale on the lizard southerly point in england and not very nice out there well we got the net on the back of the truck we haven't got it in the boat but we got it out the barn it was too wet and windy and awkward to put it in the boat today but we're going to putting in a boat tomorrow if it hitting too windy and raining i'd come down here now and again have a little thing i have a look at a not to drive off a cliff because it's quite easy down here 200 foot dropped in there but i just sit here get rocked about in the truck in the wind and have a thinked about all sorts like you do and sometimes ever think about what weather we're going to have through this winter because up to now has been gales after gales after gales and even today we've got a ship going ashore down mousel four men picked off by the helicopter 15 or 13 men 200 mile off spanish spanish troller in trouble and we got this steady pattern of gales coming in i'm a bit worried about it and sadie's a bit worried about it obviously because we haven't got no fat on us most most birds and animals they get plenty of fat on them don't they when they're when there's plenty of worms around plenty of fish and seals or eating these fish and they get half inch or four inches of fat all around him i know sally keep telling me i'm overweight but um this is for me this fat is for me i couldn't survive i was i was trying to allude to um financial fat we haven't got any spare hackers so i'm a little bit concerned if i was a creature i would probably starve to death because i haven't planned ahead i haven't got enough in the summer to get by the winter but there is a little hopefully little bit of good luck coming out of this somebody the other day told me that you may be able to ask the bank to put us on hold [Laughter] hibernate put us on all for 12 months until we get on our feet you'll be swept off your feet you're great in this scale you go over the top of the cliff [Music] poor weather had prevented martin from going to sea so it was fortunate for him that the bank did agree to put his repayments on hold [Music] now with calmer conditions martin sets out to try the net he'd brought in france [Music] [Music] [Applause] the last time that martin fished for cultures like this he lost his boat tensions are running high this net is much larger and martin knows that once again he could be near the limit that one isn't coming in it's meant to be coming in i said bring it in it's going out in is the other way isn't it [Music] [ __ ] wound up [ __ ] in wrong way made you a problem [Music] concentrate on that put it on fast here here's our first fish judd he's a little a spratlet and uh cultured here and there's a lot of goals looking so let's open some more in there so many different things to do it's easy when you've got four hands or three hands two wounds is a bit too much [Music] [Music] there would probably be as much the mark we shot would probably fill up all these bins or more but they would have gone out through the holes and as you can see there's sprouts and filters [Music] [Music] [Music] our company [Music] quite a successful day although it's very frustrating but it's well to me it looked very hard work like you undermined really yeah undermined all right we um we managed to get in over the side because the main thing was get it over the side and purse up but we only just managed to do that because the winch is in the wrong place i didn't realize that until today well he's been pretty handy looking at the footage of the net going over the side flying out over and working out where the winch is going to go and i'd be brought back to reality for when i spoke to my crew member on a telephone to ask him if he could give me a hand he replied saying he will if he can but he got a bit of family commitments is his 13 year old son who's had cancer as uh the operation to remove the tumor is unsuccessful so he got to be moved from trellis up to bristol so [Music] on hearing that terrible news all i could say was terribly sorry to hear about that and if there's anything i can do don't hesitate to ask and don't worry about his job his job will always be there so when it and it's so meaningless sometimes when you're trying to trying to survive catching fish or whatever job you've got when you've got a serious illness in the family or if you have an accident or anything like that it's job money and surviving is meaningless when it comes down to your actual life which is really precious [Music] [Applause] what do you say yeah he told me he had 200 stones i said because i told him oh i don't mind you taking all the credit i think i think it's really that's our good decent catch-all buddy anyway done it how far off was you for them he's getting there really dead you know he's uh he gave up there for a while i don't blame him please uh i would have given up a long time ago myself still very ill having to go to bristol uh he'll pull through he's determined he's young determined now so no fingers crossed and uh i wish him all the best really yeah well he's uh he's a fighter and uh well i wish you all the best well i wish you'll land the boy thank you very much ted thank you now i'd like to see an idea with me one day actually hopefully one day we'll be sharing the same boat birth all right thank you very much for asking and uh i'll see you soon that was to be the last time that they've sailed with martin many ships only put to see around 15 days report to the meeting says some fish markets have nothing to sell fuel costs also hit viability ralph harris eat your heart out tiny kangaroo down sport i got spare time because this easter you win not so sp win now he's east you wind and lots of it gales and it's getting a bit frustrating so i thought i'd try and unwind a bit and do some painting that's one of my paintings there of kaidruth in the moonlight it's called gooseberry moon actually this trap this trap here is a gooseberry they two they are kissing and cuddling in the moonlight the stars are up in the moon and it's like night before last when we had a big moon around a big ring around the moon one of those nights is flat cow stars was out and the shadows from the moon on the beach done by memory and another one i've had with this particular picture is um it's about five five or six years old that's the first tractor we had down the cove and i've given it to sally because i too sally and i got love you on there with a drop in the wind and a new crew expectations of a good catch soon comes to an end when equipment fails right yeah the casing was aluminium pulled away but it's jamming up until he finds it this has been rubbing on the boat probably why we never caught any fish last night begin hello john martin has applied to math for a grant in the hope of raising enough money to purchase a sonar this would be far more efficient at finding pilchards project for pesca so that could well be about three thousand pound that would be most helpful and we might be able to get a sonar put in early perseverance finally pays off and on his next trip martin catches eight tons of pilchards [Music] well it's eight o'clock we shot the net and it was three o'clock time we finished getting the fish in the boat and then when the whole the fish made up made a hole in the net and they all all the rest of them escaped because there was ever such a lot more in the net than what i used what eight ton was george vinicom is probably the most experienced man in the southwest of england fishing and he still goes out and he's he had no spring chicken anymore but he's still going out there and uh being ever so helpful oh another thing just now and jed sally's just been on the phone and tom told them penny you're in the bank manager we caught some fish so she said i can stay on hold until april and see if we can carry on catching them get on my feet a bit so the bank manager is happy that's a good thing george in it who's happy if you keep the bank manager happy don't worry yeah don't worry about nobody and a wife yeah well it's even happy when i been catching anything found credit that's all right i don't have already no money oh you weren't talking about financial in the closeness we're cautiously optimistic enjoying it very much my partner julie and myself um martin's not so happy not getting a very good price for the pilchards he's not feeling a very happy man at the moment he's got the crew he's got the weather the boat's working well and fingers crossed well this is like seventh heaven coming down here it's a real escape and it just gets you out of all the fray and all the things that are going on at home trying to get the book sorted out and keeping martin in a jovial mood this is really good they are exactly 65. thank you so much would you like it in a bag are you going to carry it and show it off i'll show it off you will oh you've got the sonar in and that's gone great i just brought her back today and i've come on to see the official news because there's really good write-up and efficient news here of with disappointing results from the eight-ton catch martin can well do without the next phone call that has arisen from the article and one of the mishaps i i had before the penrose sunk was some scholars took my gear away and my gear was going to go to the bank saying i borrowed 20 thousand pound for the penrose and i got on just now and found a message on the phone from one of the scallopers which was working in the area of where my gear was it's a bit a bit distressing anyway have a listen now i was not the man that towed that giveaway but i want you to state you've accused a local scholar now that's an accusation that you've got to back up now if you've got the proof of it bloody prove it because i'm sick and fed up with the accusations i was not the man that told you gear away well that was quite quite something this man was in the area and uh we can't prove that it was him or anybody else new boots for a new job as more people leave the fishing industry it's difficult to get replacement crew martin is lucky to have found a young bunch of lads who are willing to try life at sea he explains to his inexperienced crew the complications and dangers of shooting a large ring net [Music] why don't you use two horizon more then well my left one's better than me right one so i'm gonna use a good one wouldn't thought we'd have any problem with shooting away but if we don't have a problem shooting away muscles shut away with a fish in the net a problem definitely if we wait to come in a little bit dark between two lights i'm gonna give it a go at least we got a chance of catching them whereas we wouldn't catch him with his daylight like now too early right away biggest fuck-up we've ever seen i can't explain why now because it's don't do any good all lands come here the wire went up too slow all the net went right over there the circle wasn't big enough because you made it so short the wire i'm gonna we've got to get the feel for the wire going out [Music] i'm in the [ __ ] so much i don't know what to do [Music] you're ready to first start see that guy when the boat rolls it goes down the front you know when you do it to get it out doing a good job man looking all right prevail moored up for the night there's time to reflect and learn from the evening events youthful enthusiasm and martin's eternal optimism combined to lift their spirits as they settle down for the first night aboard oh i grabbed do that save me spending them good night john boy all right nightwing bob nice jenny lou i didn't know you've got jenny lou in here with him not [Applause] thank you [Laughter] [Music] i uh the net was in the water we took five hours to get back in five hours even and grunted but anyway we've mended it yesterday and put two brand new motors in it and it's probably like a demon but unfortunately things got from bad to worse and the net went over and came back all right but the witch had more power and he parted the wire a brand new wire and all that met with the bottom and i've been into garen's bay which is north of falmouth bay uh for 12 hours now anchored up to the bottom and trying to get somebody to a big boat or something to pull me so it's like [Music] just after a friends talking to you on the phone tight slacked off and because there's quite a bit of toy he must have parted out on the rudder and uh the net went away because it was wrapped around us that actually went away on its own and had a big rope this big rope here tied on it and shot it away and give it a bit of stick and parted that out it's extremely frustrating quite often say that don't i get fed up for saying that but on sunday we brought a punt punt around and moored up in the garands bay and seeing i had problems last night and the night before i wasn't able to get it when i went in to get it just now [Music] local man from port scala said i got your punt we garber master gotten he said the uh customs next ice was wondering what was happening the farm of coast guards and carrick district council are they all wondering who left the punt there and they thought it might be bodies or rum or brandy or drugs or something like that i said no name on the bottom so i just been in ports catholic to get the punt back water flipping week what a year well what three years we've been having coming home beyond about four or three hours yeah ripping that ripped it up so i would have a bit of sleep take it off tomorrow all right all right thanks for phoning man love you bye family having a nice day on the beach loads of visitors [Music] it didn't as if we got a menu it's just lacing it up and just try it there and bring it together a bit like my shirt but leicester me and sally been very worried about the situation as the bank said we aren't allowed to use any more checks been to the bank again and she's let me have some more money on the overdraft facility so as i can pay some some of the red bills which some of the people were getting more because more than concerned they said it's going to be a going to be court proceedings the following week which was last monday so last friday i went to the bank after four days at sea supplies running out and no sign of pilchards marty looks for an alternative catch mullet which swim near the surface during hot weather really wanna win cover and get your backy donny thank god i don't smoke anymore terrible habits getting addicted again that's not that's just bugger all to do over and over again be careful [Music] they've gone up there like young sailors striding through their own little quaint little village of coverage gone in the main store to get some get some more grub for an action journey into the unknown like my t-shirt sally bought it for me showed away about 8 30 and we must've got all the fishboard by about 20 past 12. yeah 4 30 [Music] why god 30 time two in it handsome three ton that time and that he's done it hopefully it'll be a lot more to come let's have a good price should we save 50 pence i don't want to go any lower than 40 40 if you want to start 40p we had a mention on the radio cornwall so that was good andrew munson who talks on radio cornwall about what fish being caught in newlin he mentioned that the uh i think he said the only cornish ring that her to be working for pilchers landed some fish this morning so that was nice and we got bbc television crew coming out doing some filming like you do jed on catching them the promise of wages from the last catch has fired up the team to hunt the pilchard again so no time is wasted and returning to seed at last just like his ancestors before him martin has become the pilchard catchery at dreamgulf but at what a cost it's taken three long years the sinking of penrose trips to ireland and france but most of all martin has called himself under the burden of huge debts [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] we're in it [Music] the high spirits were short-lived once again martin is knocked back all his efforts are rewarded with no buyers and rock bottom prices as most of this catch will go for fish meal unlike years gone by today's pilchards are not in great demand and martin is forced to wake up to the reality that hard work doesn't always equal profit realistically how long do you think you can carry on like this not much longer really i don't think because the bank has asked us to revalue their assets so time could be very short they've got re-value the house and they want the um the registration of their boat just in case things go worse and uh they take the house and take a boat i think i'm your biggest asset at the moment well if it weren't for you fading me a proverbial i would have gone under financially long ago another bill from berkeley card how do you think we're going to pay that donut come down to me together i can't do no more what i've done i made the craft here today to have a bit of think the great granddad it was here for the pilgrim industry down the cove and he wouldn't get beat by the system if there isn't any markets there to be developed he'd say come on boy pull your finger out do it yourself if they aren't going to buy them you can catch them cook them yourself i've got a secret recipe we'll prepare them with sally my missus and anna my cousin my daughter my daughter's there and they'll be giving me and we'll have a taste in the evening down the cove were they pilchards that sounded a good idea doesn't it well good luck mark well we need a bit of luck now does [Music] these are pilchards are marinated herself it's last 24 hours and we've got a secret recipe in there and uh they're all tasting handsome i hope you enjoy them as well and when you do take a questionnaire away with you and put little tickler in the box inappropriately and um if you're going to be sick there's especially special little boxes in the corner and survey outs and uh i hope you enjoy them um for everyone else [Music] i've even licked my plate they were that good [Music] handsome here you've got that right you know yeah cheers the past three years have been an emotional rollercoaster for me as well as martin it was over a cup of tea that martin told me of his plans to rediscover the pilgrim fishery i was called up in his boundless enthusiasm and suggested i followed him with my camera little did i know then what i was letting myself in for at times i found it very draining and others have burst my sights with laughing it's been difficult knowing when to draw this to a close but i think the right time is now and i wish martin and sally success in his latest idea it's been one hell of an adventure yeah i just hope things work for you in the future um what was your thoughts on our on the tasting session pretty darn good yeah we've had well over 100 people here and uh these questionnaires have been filled out handsomely the middle one here is the three little boxes it's handsome not bad or horrible and most of them are handsome i reckon with cracking dick i reckon this is answer instead of catching them in vote and middleman kept getting so much money like one buyer said on the telly the other day if a fisherman don't like it you set up shop yourself so i think we're going to just set up shop with our team we got here because i'm nobody was sick and let's hope things are going to be right so thanks for filming me and uh giving me the opportunity to do something like this jetted right cheers everybody all the best right on dad [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: jed Trewin
Views: 38,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 22sec (2482 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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