Corned Beef, Matzo Ball Soup, and More

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we are gonna corn this beef corned beef what's corn i'm corning i'm corned do you guys like the band corn i loved him in grade eight [Music] what's this a brisket big old greasy brisket whew what could you make if you took that brisket and put it in the brine for 10 days corned beef oh i love delis i think delis are great good delis are always packed bustling you're walking in how you doing how are you how are you i'm fine are we gonna make a corn beef sandwich on supper time did i wake up on the wrong side of the bed today obviously not i woke up with corned beef on my mind i woke up with latkes on my mind i woke up with mozza balls filling my mind nothing beats walking into a deli and getting yelled at hurry up where's your ticket i need the car what you get so confused you get so scared do i want a pastrami do i want corned beef do i want smoked meat and that excitement i i want people to have that in their home this is a medium dog meal we have to brine a brisket for 10 days in our fridge that's a lot of acreage corned beef is something that everyone should know how to make [Music] this is the lean part of the brisket why do you use brisket when making corned beef because that's the beef you make corned beef with brisket that's it it's a really tough piece of meat to cook properly but by brining a brisket for 10 whole days it really makes it a little bit easier brine will will break down the meat and it will make it more um succulent to make a brine take a half a cup of salt you know when you have corned beef and it's like bright red and it's amazing it's because of nitrates i'm gonna put in like a half a tablespoon if you don't want to use nitrates just don't put nitrates in your brine your brisket will just not be like bright red like it is with nitrates we're going to take two cloves of garlic what are these drink a bit juniper berries juniper berry smells like gin that's how you make gin it's from juniper it's just an aromatic i'm just taking like a little dibble dabbles two big pinches of peppercorns like ten little pieces of clove star and nice i'm only going to throw in two i love sarnies because it has that kind of orange and nice flavor we're already adding juniper to the brine so those two work hand in hand with giving a very deep flavor to the beef cinnamon sticks one broke it in half fresh bay leaf we're throwing two mustard seeds themselves one tablespoon so that's a quarter cup of sugar we're gonna add one liter of water we're gonna bring that up to a boil just dissolve all of the salts and i love this trick for every four cups of water we're gonna add four cups of ice and then it cools it down super fast look at this that was just boiling briny now we're gonna brine this fatty piece of beautiful brisket we're just gonna put this into the fridge for 10 days put a lid on it i'm here at cat's deli and aubry is the man that's gonna show me all things about corned beef let's go inside what are the characteristics of the brisket that make it so difficult to cook at home the brisket sits on the chest right of of the cow so it has a lot of connective tissues if people don't cook it low and slow it makes it very very tough so then the process so we brine and that helps break down the connective tissues and the collagen how long is a brine form anywhere between seven to ten days yeah and then we throw it in here what is this giant machine this is a tumbler it moves the brisket around for hours okay breaking down those connective tissues yeah makes it very tender makes it a very sliceable delicious product okay is this temperature controlled it is we want to always make sure we keep the beef cold very cold wow we should start like the the the tumble challenge like we go further and further back from the tumbler how far can we throw it can we do that i'd love to you guys do that right now go for it oh my god it's so juicy nice there we go there we go there we go bam bam so why is corned beef called corned beef back in the day they used chunks of coarse salt right what they referred to as horns of salt right to help cure and preserve the meat right and that's how they came up with corned beef from here where do we go next let's go over and get smoked over the smokehouse it oh yeah okay okay in my mind i thought it was just more like steam no no no it's thick it's smoke okay this is it oh this is the quintessential deli sandwich oh oh it's incredible thank you maddie legend pleasure corned beef so what's for supper ten days and look at this fatty brisket that is what the pink salt does to the raw brisket and now we have to cook the corned beef we're gonna simmer it for three hours nice and slow with all my flavoring vegetables we are gonna take our brisket put it in to the pot so fill your pot up with water so once it comes up to a boil you turn it down nice and low but we want to get that initial scum out of there before we add any vegetables we're gonna add one onion cut in half two pieces of celery cut them into three pieces two bay leaf fresh three cloves of garlic so in three hours do you smell that you know what that smell reminds me of my first job in toronto was at a corned beef shop so every morning i would have to you know lug these barrels of brined briskets into this room with these kettles and i take out these briskets and put them into this pot and one day i overcooked i'd say 50. it's like mush they fell apart and i got fired but the lesson i learned don't ever put something on the stove for a long period of time without putting a timer on let's put a timer on shall we three hours start start start start coming up and we are going to make lots of ball soup soup [Music] we are back and we are gonna make mozza ball matzah ball soup have i ever made it before no no i haven't but i love eating matzo ball soup i love chicken soup and matzo ball soup is just chicken soup with a giant matzo ball take a bite of the matzah ball soup the soup matzo ball soup of the soup first thing we to do is we're going to separate our egg yolks and our egg whites to make our mutts oh macho we're going to separate six eggs you take the egg whites you whip those to soft peaks it's a soft peak it's a peak of softness it's when you beat your egg whites to it's soft erect flaccid stiff peaks soft peaks [Music] is that how you whisk can you show me how you wish to get stiff peaks i want to see well you're basically there you did it you do it you need soft peaks soft peaks look oh our food stylist if she could just eat mozza balls all day long she would when was the first time you ever made uh mozza balls oh i was like like on a stool in my baby's house like when i was like four years old there's no way with like looking cool when you're making stiff peaks is there no that's good okay so that's good yeah thanks michelle see this is soft peaks that's all you want now we got our egg yolks we are gonna add three tablespoons of chicken schmaltz take chicken skin render it out in a pan strain it off you got chicken schmaltz that is cracking so now we're just gonna incorporate our chicken schmaltz and smell that now we're gonna fold in our soft peaks you want your matzo ball batter to be light because you want them to be floaty don't you i don't like dense mozza balls they're called sinkers sinkers embarrass the family and if you embarrass the family you gotta you gotta skip town we're gonna add one cup of matzo meal and we're gonna take our baking soda just a tablespoon so jewish people during passover make matzah so matze is the bread that they eat and you just crumble it into a dust and then from there you can make your mozza ball soup now we're just gonna add a quarter cup of salsa water the seltzer water actually makes it a lighter ball if you were to use just regular tap water it'd make them more dense one final pass we're gonna add our matzo ball look at that beautiful and then we're gonna let this set up for 30 minutes in the fridge and then we're going to be able to form our mozza balls out of our beautiful matzo ball batter i am gonna make chicken soup now in my chicken soup things to be a little chunky we're gonna add two tablespoons of chicken schmaltz we're gonna add our one large diced onion beautiful we're gonna take one stalk of celery and we're just gonna cut quarter inch chunks of celery peel three carrots [Music] i'm just gonna cut these in little rounds because these carrots are a little small guys we're gonna add our carrots this is our base we're gonna cook this so it's just translucent and then we're gonna add our two quarts of chicken stock oh oh my god we got matzo balls so after 30 minutes it tightens up doesn't it the thing about the matzo ball is you can make it any size you want i like matzo balls like that big i don't like matzo ball soups with just like one giant matzo ball in the middle matzah ball soup is so good we have a boiling pot of chicken soup [Music] i'm gonna drop in one mot's ball at a time we're gonna bring that up to a boil turn it down to a simmer what are these multiples doing these aren't sinkers i wouldn't give you sinkers i wouldn't show you how to make sinkers [Music] we are gonna simmer look at this as soon as that ball floats about five minutes and you're perfect that ball's cooked perfectly so take a slotted spoon i'm gonna take my matzo ball i'm gonna take our three mozza balls laid all our chicken soup this is the first time i have ever made matzo ball in my life and it came out perfect because once again michelle she is an encyclopedia of matzah look at this [Music] see that steam going by my face are you crazy coming up if you don't do this then you'll have shitty latkes period i think you're going to be jewish by the end of this episode [Music] we are going to make some latkes lakas are one of those things that we just love making so potato latke is like the world's greatest potato pancake it's crunchy on the outside you got your applesauce your sour cream you want to use russet potatoes and not yukon gold potatoes why do you want to use russet potatoes because these ones are starchier and they are better for latkes so peel three russet potatoes grate your potato for latkes [Music] now this is not a fun thing to do this is cheesecloth you should be able to get a cheesecloth at any kind of kitchen store you can wrap sausages you can drain things strain things you can hang cheese from it just add a handful at a time then we're going to take our cheesecloth and you're going to spin it till it's tight and then i'm going to squeeze as hard as you can with the latkes you squeeze out the starch and you have that crispy edge then on the inside that potato really cooks really well because we've squeezed out all that liquid this is what we're looking for nice dry grated potato if you don't do this then you'll have shitty latkes nobody wants a wet lot cut nobody wants a wet latke [Music] now we got our dry potato pulp take one onion [Music] add chicken schmaltz i'm gonna add two tablespoons of chicken schmaltz i'm gonna add one egg i'm gonna add our baking soda one teaspoon and then we're gonna add our matzo meal we're just gonna add just a little bit like two tablespoons and now just take our hand and just move this around nothing really gets a onion going like grating it really gets you an eyeball says roasting now i like to make thick latkes and i just push it down and make almost like a big potato patty there we go we got our little potato patty that's good to go so i'll make a few of these because i like a thick locker this is on like a medium-high heat we just got enough canola oil in there so i got two latkes in here and what we're doing is shallow frying we're not fully deep frying these you want them to be nice and golden brown that may take a minute and a half to two minutes aside let's see how your latkes are doing okay come see how my lockers are doing oh you made baddies i made fatties holy no no yeah don't talk whoa my bubbie used to her oil was never hot enough when she got really old yeah and they would just like sink in there and turn green and they would just like be like eating oil that's gross but these are getting nice and golden brown yeah they're like they look really good give these a little flip i think you're gonna be jewish by the end of this episode oh these ones look so good i think you can take those two off you think so i i mean i think so okay so these ones are good yeah i mean they're so hot on the inside what they're like hockey packs no they're light are you just in my lockers bro i love my lockers now like a lucky lucker they get some crispy crown lockers us i make them golden brown i add the applesauce and the sour cream yeah potato lockers are nice and crispy i think singing our laka song really helps it out look at this latkes look at our lockers michelle do you want to feel how light these are like i don't think you know how you said hockey pucks really wasn't that nice first of all it wasn't that nice okay and i was like okay yeah this is crazy light can you tell me something yeah why do you serve i don't know i've never i would never put applesauce on french fries does she like applesauce yeah does she like sour cream yeah everyone loves sour cream do you have it with both yeah you can have it with but i have it with though i don't think i've ever even had applesauce with it what did it really look [Music] no this is good coming up we did it again look at this beautiful corned beef wow can the cooking show be so good the beef is ready it's really exciting welcome back [Music] i thought i was gonna spike your microphone sound guy not a chance our brisket look at that look at that you thought i was gonna get fired you thought i'd up twice i don't twice that was 17 years ago look oh mama look at this steaming pile of brisket look at this oh mama look at this beautiful corned beef [Music] we did it again and i'd like to bring on master rank master rang yahoo you come here you come here my little vietnamese angel you come here now this smell that love seriously okay sorry [Music] what do you think tendon the soft the fat the flavor from the brain for 10 days where are we at cooked perfectly absolutely perfectly isn't it okay i got to make a sandwich let's slice this puppy up so i think there's two things you can do put it on a bagel with yellow mustard put it on rye bread with mustard anything else is blast for me and you're stupid definitely just bury yourself up to your head and have someone kick you in the face right here this is what you need two pieces rye bread no problem both sides yellow mustard we're just gonna layer this up look at this [Music] get it in there get it in there [Music] i don't even know what to do oh my god oh yeah i'm sure there's been a few cooking shows that have shown this not the way that we have we shine a bright light a real light [Music] ah there's pecos peculiar these are three beautiful jewish deli dishes i got to learn a little bit about myself michelle got to learn a little bit about herself she helped me get over that big gruesome applesauce hurdle i'm sure there's a lot of applesauce fears out there in the world and i got to strike mine down today the beautiful corned beef a salty flavorful matzo ball soup and an absolutely crispy divine vodka what's up for tom and i'm maddie matheson this is how you make three delicious jewish delicacies welcome to maddie's [Music] it's delight a greasy squid dude i just eat applesauce with a spoon you ever do that i'm not a six-month-old child it's fair [Music] you
Channel: Munchies
Views: 285,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Corned Beef, Deli, Matzo Ball, culinary, food, home cooking, jewish, recipes, It’s Suppertime, Matty Matheson, VICE, MUNCHIES, jewish deli, deli recipes, jewish recipes, corned beef, corned beef sandwich, matzo ball soup, latkes, potato latkes, recipe video
Id: rF19-_qYjFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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