Cheesy Eggplant Parmesan | It’s Suppertime!

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if you show up to a nightclub with an eggplant parm you'll be able to walk in no guest list no vip lounge no problem let me tell you you're gonna be in the dj booth you diplo hanging out skrillex is there dj with laptops chewing on some parm [Music] aubergine eggplant i like to say eggplant we are gonna be making today on it's supper time eggplant parm if i was a vegetarian i would eat eggplant parm every day this is one of those vegetarian dishes but doesn't seem vegetarian breaded eggplant tomato sauce cheese a little bit of parm you know what else we're gonna be making we're gonna be making two delicious salads this eggplant parm is rich and you need salads to bring it together i'm gonna be making a citrus fennel salad that'll knock your socks off if you have socks on [Music] see you next tuesday socks salad number two we're gonna make a chicory salad with walnut vinaigrette when times were a little simpler when i was just a chef every single day off i'd be hanging out with all my friends and i would often cook a big bad vegetarian meal man i used to cook vegetarian quite often this is a small dog all we're doing is peeling slicing we're going to fry it we're going to put some tomato sauce in there and all of a sudden boom you got an eggplant parm this is a small dog meal because there's like there's no butchering all these things are very simple not that dangerous [Music] step one we're just gonna take a veg peeler oh yeah we're gonna slice the eggplant pretty thin and then when we fry it it all cooks the same time all my friends are like punk vegetarian freaks i need to feed them they're anemic they're small they're frail and so i need to step in give them some cheese a little bit of sauce wrap it all up into an eggplant parm and feed it to them and make sure that they're healthy nobody comes and kicks them in the back of the knee and if somebody does do that they're prepared because they have strength from the eggplant palm [Music] there's three containers and we're gonna be making a breading station dry wet dry classic all you need is like some all-purpose flour take about six eggs you put the the wet is the eggs and we're gonna beat those [Music] okay that's nice and incorporated [Music] i'm just using every day bread crumbs so i'm going to add to our flour mixture i'm going to add i'd say 6 tablespoons of salt then i'm going to add 30 poles on the old pepper mill you know it's good i'm starting to sweat i really like to shine when i'm not making meat so then people can understand i'm not just a big meat head i need to i can cook vegetables [Music] oh this is called shallow frying that's about three cups of canola oil we're gonna be able to control the heat get a nice golden brown bread crumb fry up on these eggplants another two cups of olive oil i added both because i want the high heat of the canola oil and i want the flavor of the olive oil so adding those together we're kind of making like a little combo oil here they sit on the rack all the excess oil can drip off of it and it's good to go let's begin one hand is for dry so we're gonna just put in our eggplant get all the excess flour off of it now drop it in to the egg take your one hand that's wet now into the dry take your dry hand boom look at that done then this way you don't get clumpy little fingertips into the dry dry hand good hand bad hand dry hand wet hand nice look at those those are beauties frank what why don't you come and help me because i'm going to start frying soon why don't you come and help me bread so do you know how to do dry hand wet hands with hands right hand yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah which one's your dry hand this is your dry hand and this is your wet hand okay yes yes boss yes okay okay now look at this we're sizzling and you don't want to overcrowd your pan why don't you want to overcrowd your pan the temperature ground are going to stick together that's it no good and brown god damn it frank knows what cheese starts i try to be it's been a minute since me and rang actually were like cooking together you know i think the last time me and him cooked together was like two years ago when we went to like vietnam it was great he's doing the part that i hate doing like breading eggplant so it's nice and easy guys all you need is a little fork give these a little flip oh look at these it's a lot of work isn't it right it is but it's about love you know i mean you put your time in there you put your time in there it is about love it's about love look at these it's beautiful isn't it it is yeah so take your salt now on that fresh breading we're making eggplant this is what happens that's it you're you're making eggplants all of a sudden we're social we don't have our cell phones you're not looking at pornhub not now when's the last time you had sex this morning last saturday last saturday how long does the sex take about three minutes three minutes like take your pants off yeah kissy kissy going on but if you actually cow straight in yeah straight in yeah two minutes this is a lot so when we come back we're gonna be making tomato sauce goddamn it okay look at how beautiful these here we go we are gonna make an amazing tomato sauce [Music] first things first garlic cloves three cloves of garlic is my rule per can so we're gonna do nine what's three times three nine huh my teachers never said i was gonna amount to nothing hey what are they doing still teaching kids way to go teachers i'm gonna add one medium-sized onion we're gonna add half a cup of olive oil okey-dokey bobby we're gonna cook our garlic and our onions on a medium heat now until these are nice and roasted and this is gonna take a little bit of time just listen i can fall asleep imagine if you fell asleep and then your face hit that and then it's spilled onto your face that'd not be a good day this is exactly where we want it [Music] this is exactly where we want it to be now you take your tube of tomato paste we're gonna add three tablespoons of tomato paste will be more than enough and tomato paste is really rich and really acidic just cook it out this is a food mill and this is really good for tomato sauce so you take your food mill we have beautiful san marzano tomatoes and you just turn it like this and you can see it just purees it instantly a food mill allows you to blend it together without adding too much air a hand blender adds so much air into it and it always like whips it and emulsifies it and you don't want to emulsify you just want to break everything down that is a proper tomato sauce this is a quick tomato sauce too we're not cooking this for a very long time oh my god that already is just perfect tomato sauce how do i know when i make a tomato sauce that is delicious um it's easy i taste it with my mouth and my mouth goes wow maddie you've done it again and then i'm like yeah yeah i'm here at the lovely cheese boutique to visit my friend and master cheese master man of aphrom christine about the wonders of mozzarella let's go inside and visit this master of cheese so you're chevalier i got a couple levels up now yeah metro from ajay metro de fontaine and english is cheese master cheese mastering and right now we're going to talk about maybe the blandest cheese see and i'm very happy you said that because i completely disagree with you so mozzarella is a thing that is a black canvas of types very good points look see this is mozzarella to everyone in the world not in italy okay but let's talk about a buffalo let's talk about a buffalo we're not a conversation about it okay we're talking we're not talking buffalos maddie you cannot milk a buffalo you can't where's the otters show me the others and i'll milk it doesn't have any you're gonna get something else you know what i'm saying are you talking about uh cow uh i'm not saying that mom and dad are gonna watch this but yes so a buffalo is a breed of cow right if it doesn't come from that breed of cow is it buffalo mozzarella no buffalo mozzarella is the one that's gonna be kind of that higher end really milky really sweet it's fat fat flavor i'm high flavor are you i'm human flavor okay buffalo mozzarella okay it's not bland it's just mild fresh now i like to make eggplant farm nice but the thing is i don't like to use beautiful buffalo mozzarella when i'm making my eggplant parm i like to use shitty mozzarella why because i like when it solidifies when after like the next day once it like solidifies it turns into like a terrine that really lends itself i'm with you okay these are too creamy and milky yeah i don't think you need they they bleed they the babe comes out you hit this with any kind of heat yes it's gone can i rip this in half can you let let's it's like a phone book oh my god that's amazing slap that break we're gonna build our eggplant parm our tomato sauce is boiling always put tomato sauce on the bottom oh my god i love this so you can turn the heat off on your sauce and now we're gonna layer look at this nicey nice we're gonna take our mozzarella we're just gonna put four pieces in and then we're gonna layer tomato sauce put some fresh basil in there i love fresh basil now we're gonna layer cross in the opposite direction that you just laid down so we're gonna criss-cross oh mother of pearl little sauce on top this is getting me going so now we have the top layer we're just gonna put some cheese i'm just gonna rip this and put little blobs in here and finally we got the parm so i'm just gonna put a little bit of parm on there oh my god take a little bit of olive oil on top that is an eggplant parm we're gonna put the eggplant parm into a preheated oven at 450 degrees fahrenheit for about 30 minutes that's your big boy [Music] we have the eggplant palm in the oven cooking bubbling melting coming together turning into a beautiful thing one of my favorite dishes to make is this [Music] i make a fennel citrus salad that is so good that i want to share it with you guys of course i remember the last time i made the fennel salad it was in the summertime uh you may know this guy's name siroush he owns vice him and his beautiful wife came over for dinner and i made the fennel salad and it was the head you welcomed cerus just cut your fennel in half like i just did core it you don't need the cores and then we're just gonna slice it as thin as possible take this and just throw it on your plate look at that take a red onion just slice as thin as you can we're just gonna put these all over this is a layering salad we don't toss this we plate it we're gonna add just a little bit of salt we're gonna take a little pepper we're gonna take a little bit of red wine vinegar just a few little spriggles now we're gonna take our orange slice the tops off so just take your knife and just slice all the rinds off so this is a caracara orange you can see that it's not really an orange and you're like looks like maybe like a little baby grapefruit why do i use the caracara orange oh because the food stylist got it 100 i have no idea i've never even seen one of those oranges before it's great you should look for it google it nice and easy now we're just gonna slice this into little rounds just the set is falling apart that's okay you could use any kinds of citrus fruits any kind you can use karakara you could use blood orange you could use mandarins you know i like to use the sweeter ones obviously i love sweet don't i and now we're gonna do a grapefruit once again just slice into slices we're just gonna place down the grapefruit now our orange little cara cara we have some fresh mint leaves let's give them a rip we're just gonna drop these around we're gonna take some thai basil same thing people always just think of me as like this like cheeseburger fried chicken i'm out here making beautiful salads i love salads i may not eat them but i can make a goddamn beautiful salad that tastes great then we have the little fennel fawns we love these little fennel fawns some of them are a little shitty make sure you don't use the shitty ones does it look beautiful on the camera yes it does who knew that i could make beautiful salads who knew that not even me now we're gonna take a little bit of olive oil we're gonna hit it with a little fresh cracked pepper we're gonna slice some chilies these are just green serranos let them lie around beautiful put a little red chilies in there too you don't need that much a little bit of spice these aren't really spicy hot peppers these are pretty chill they're pretty relaxing pretty nice my fennel citrus salad is one of the greatest salads of all time it's crunchy it's acidic it's spicy to that floral crunch of the fennel all of the components all of a sudden you're eating it and you're like it's a perfect salad now what else do we add to this oh yeah or espalet that's blood powder's kind of like a chili dried chili flakes see how i'm layering every little thing layered layered layer i'm gonna smush a few cherry yellow olives break them up little pieces of olive go a long way the brininess the saltiness just another layer to this salad there you go that's maddie's very special citrus fennel salad you put that in front of anyone they're gonna enjoy their mouths now that perm i could smell it if i could smell it it means it is cooking look at are you crunchy crispy eggplant look at that i need to let this sit for about 10 minutes because if i was to cut into this now it'd be soupy like any lasagna holy i've done it again god damn with me on that a beautiful eggplant parm resting but i have one more salad to make for you guys see this different little bitter lettuces they're the lettuces that you always walk on you're like that looks like grass or i don't know what the fat is i'm not buying that those are trickeries grab some need it but you know what you need with bitter lettuce a good salad dressing this is a walnut raisin honey vinaigrette it's quick and easy we're making a vinaigrette that i want the salad to taste like so it's like i want it to be bitter and i do want it to be sweet and balanced and then we're going to add it to a bitter lettuce oh full circle so we're going to take a handful of walnuts three tablespoons nice little raisins one clove of garlic one two three four five tablespoons of honey i'd say quarter cup champagne vinegar about a quarter bunch of parsley just a little bit of tarragon so we added what a quarter cup of vinegar that means we got to add about a half a cup of olive oil make it kind of chunky let's see what this guy is doing in here oh everything i make is so delicious look at this beautiful shot perfect amount we're gonna take our frise the edges of the frisee are always a little mucky i don't like that i don't like mucky lettuce we got our dandelion the core is very bitter we don't need that now we have our chicory just slice this up you can get all of these at any grocery store whatsoever all those like pre-prepared lettuce bags are disgusting take real trickery chop it up eat your lettuce if you're gonna be eating lettuce now finally beautiful radicchio what i like to do is radicchio i like to cut it in the bottom you can just rip it break all the leaves apart just really want to make sure everything just looks like it's falling from a tree onto the plate we're gonna add our walnut vinaigrette about four tablespoons we're just gonna take our hands the flavor profile of this salad is like easily the first time you did like a hallucinogenic drug and you felt all of your emotions at once and you're like who am i am i a star am i a wave am i a sparrow what am i i'm lost in the world but i'm found at the same time and this salad will let you find yourself yeah there that's the ticket this salad's amazing if you wanted to you could just take a few little raisins take a few of the you know the walnuts just break them up in your hands oh look at that big boy [Music] the moment of truth the eggplant parm we've taken the time we've let it rest you don't want to kerfuffle you don't want to ruin all this hard work we just did what i like to do i take a little bit of sauce and i put it on the bottom of a bowl or a plate oh look at this so we're gonna take a little bit of parm just put a little bit boom it's perfect look at the layers the eggplant the sauce the cheese we add a little bit of marinara on the bottom a little parm on top and look at the supper we have like those salads beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful healthy salads eggplant parm with all that cheese not that healthy but it's still good vegetarian food carnivores herbivores together everyone is eating off the teat of matheson everyone and i have more teeth than i need so i can share my teeth with the vegetarians today it's supper time i'm maddie mathison that's how you make a goddamn vegetarian meal [Music] you can't always be eating heavy ass god damn ooey gooey food you know
Channel: Munchies
Views: 239,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eggplant Parmesan, Mozzarella Cheese, its suppertime, it's suppertime, it's suppertime full episodes, it's suppertime matty matheson, Munchies, VICE, VICE TV, matty matheson, matty matheson recipes, matty matheson cooking, how to make eggplant parmesan, eggplant parmesan near me, best eggplant parmesan, eggplant parmesan recipes, eggplant recipes, it’s suppertime, dead set on life, eggplant parmesan, salad, vegetarian, comfort food, italian food, cooking at home, recipe video
Id: FNpFJjlr650
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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