Cornbread Recipe Demonstration -

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[Music] hi I'm Stephanie Jaworski of Joey baking calm today we're going to make corn bread so first pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit which is 200 degrees Celsius and then once your oven is preheated you will need two tablespoons at 28 grams of butter if you don't want to use butter for this you could use bacon fat you could use shortening lard or even two tablespoons of a vegetable oil and then just put it into a nine-inch that's 23 centimeter cast-iron skillet and then what we're going to do is put it in our the oven for five minutes and that will melt the butter plus get our cast irons get nice and hot so therefore our cornbread will have a really nice crisp outer crust now if you don't have a cast-iron pan like this you could just use a equal size just a baking pan and you probably don't need to put it in the oven for the full five minutes okay so now we'll start our batter well that's heating up so a cornbread is a quick bread which means it's quick to make and we only need two bowls one for the dry and one for the wet ingredients so we'll start with the dry ingredients now in here I have one cup 130 grams of all-purpose flour you may know those plain flour and to that I'm going to add one cup which is a hundred and twenty grams of cornmeal now I'm using white cornmeal which is made from white corn you could use yellow cornmeal either one I like to use the stone ground preferably and what that means is some of the German the whole of the is still left in the cornmeal you can kind of tell if you look it's hard to see in the white but they're kind of like little grittiness that's how you can tell and different brands of cornmeal taste different so you might want to try a few and if you want I like to use half cornmeal half flour now if you want a more dense cornbread with a more crumbly texture and a stronger corn flavor you could use all cornmeal or a little more conversely if you prefer more cake like cornbread with that's doesn't have as strong of a corn flavor you could use more flour so you can just kind of play with that and then to that I'm going to add two teaspoons of baking powder a half a teaspoon of baking soda and a half a teaspoon of salt I like to use a kosher salt and I like to add a little sugar between one and two tablespoons now I know that some say cornbread should never ever have sugar especially in the southern US people do like their cornbread savory so if you prefer it that way just leave the sugar out um it's good either way so then just take a wire whisk and just whisk those together and that's our dry ingredients and for our wet I'm just got one large egg and I'm just gonna lightly beat that and then you will need two tablespoons 28 grams of melted butter again yeah you could use oil you could use bacon fat and then you'll also need cornbread can have buttermilk it can have milk or can have I'm using a combination of both kind of best of both worlds the buttermilk will give you a more bread like texture to your cornbread the milk will give it more cake like so I'm kind of compromising and I'm using 3/4 of a cup 180 milliliters of buttermilk and 3/4 of a cup of milk you could use all one all another change the proportions as you can see corn bread you can really customize it to how you like it so really kind of experiment so then I'm just gonna make well in the center of my dry and then put my a now also if you wanted to flavor your cornbread you could add some maybe some rosemary cumin you could add some purse chopped parsley some cheese chilies are very good chopped chilies chopped jalapenos I mean just have fun with it and then if you wanted to make your own buttermilk you can just take the three three quarters of a cup of just regular milk at room temperature and add just a little shy of a tablespoon of either lemon juice or vinegar and let it sit for ten minutes and you have sour milk and you can use that in place of the buttermilk so I'm just gonna stir this together if you found it you want a thick batter don't over mix just like any quick bread of you mix too much it's a little tough and a few lumps if you found it it was too thick you could add a little more liquid so our times boat up so I'm gonna take that let's move this out of the way take our hot pan out of the oven sorry butter is nice and sizzling so then you Garrett very careful this is so hot just tilt your pan kind of get that butter now some people like to pour off the extra fat into the batter I don't I like to just leave it and then the butter kind of goes up the sides and makes them the the edge is really nice and crisp and crunchy which I love but again whichever way you like this is also known as a when you use a cast-iron frying pan it's also known as they be very careful don't touch that handle also known as skillet cornbread so then just kind of even it out and we're done so now back into the oven I would say around 20 minutes what you're looking for is being a nice color to it the surface does tend to crack and if you just take a toothpick and insert it into the center it will come out clean okay Thor cornbread is now done you can see it lovely burnt and golden-brown cracked toothpick inserted into the center will come out clean so now what we want to do is just let it cool on a wire rack for like 10-15 minutes and then we'll cut a slice okay so now we'll cut our cornbread so just use a sharp knife cut them like a pie so there we have it her corn bread you can see really it's it's nice rise nice and moist so how would you eat cornbread well you could serve it with your meal like you would a yeast bread it's really good I like to serve it with soups or stews or even with a salad it's nice for breakfast cut in half with butter and jam some people even like to make a cornbread stuffing for their turkey for Thanksgiving and if you can cover and store this for a few days although like most quick breads it is best the day it is made so until next time I'm Stephanie Jaworski of joy baking calm [Music]
Channel: Joy of Baking
Views: 208,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baking, cooking, recipe, food, kitchen, homemade, howto, diy, joyofbaking, Joy of Baking, Stephanie Jaworski, Rick Jaworski, Cook, cornbread, corn bread, bread, quick bread, skillet cornbread, Recipes, how to make cornbread, how to make skillet cornbread, cornbread recipe, skillet cornbread recipe, how to bake, bake
Id: 145ww9DkTJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2012
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