Charger your Cordless Drill without its charger! - How to Make a Universal Battery Charger-

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hello and welcome to Paris Ali's electrical training channel in this video as I promised before I'm going to teach you how to make a universal battery charger a universal power to battery charger now as you see I have one two three four different types different shapes and different sizes of battery-operated drills cordless drills 18 volts another 18 volts this is 12 volts and this is 14 and 14 point 4 volts and there are they all have their own obviously the or hat used to have their own charges and for one reason or the other the charges went out out of order and then they weren't working and then I have another source all here so so that is 18 volts also what they're all different shapes is you will see they're all different shapes and sizes and all have different polarities if this side is negative whereas that side is positive and again they won't fit in the same charger so as I promised before I would make I will show you how to make a universal battery charger and in this video I will teach Allah with the use of a few parts that I also show you where to buy them from where these bits are sold and you can buy these things that the links provided at the bottom of the video in the description you can find these things no matter where you are when you are in America or the UK you can find the links to buy these products now this is just an adapter depending on what size of voltage you have what range of voltage you have you can choose an adapter that feeds up to that voltage now the challenger that are made the universal charges are made can take up to 30 volts so you can charge anything from 10 to 30 volts within that range you can charge your car battery if you want you can charge anything in between within that range they don't have to be batteries of drills or power tools that can be anything as long as you set their right value on them this is the regulator battery charger regulator module and it basically shows you how much voltage your battery has currently and you can set the value of the voltage how much you want it to be charged up to maximum and how much the minimum starting value of the voltage you want it to be at what one point you want the battery to start charging so this is basically protecting your battery so you won't get fully charged well it will get full each other it won't get overcharged so it won't damage the battery and it won't go below and then minimum voltage again it might damage the battery and the input of this kit as I'll explain when I show you how to wire it up how to do it can take this regulator module can take from 10 to 30 volts so it has a big range that is why I said you can choose your adapter your AC to DC adapter from 10 to 30 volts and anything in between them and I provide links to adapt as versatile adapters like that that you can should we select the voltage for different batteries as you can see I've charged all these batteries are operational and I don't have a charger for them but this the charger is this and you also need a clamp like this this size about six inch tall clump and that is all you need with all these with these three elements and some wires you can do away with all the other charges and carrying them all with you wherever you go with you in your toolbox so here are three and it costs you less and less hassle less time and less money and less space - less weight to carry in your toolbox when you can charge anything you want and in the mean time you can charge your kind of battery - this is a very versatile tool nobody has mentioned this nobody has talked about nobody has made this and this is the first video of the of its kind which will be probably which is published or will be published as I'm speaking on YouTube so I hope you enjoyed this and if you love this video and I will expect you to share and comment and ask questions if you want I'll answer all your questions promptly as soon as I see them and if you have any troubles with any of these things ordering them or if you want me to make a kiss for you I can do that for you right and let's go on to it hello and welcome again to another Thomas Elise electrical training video channel today as I promised before I'm introducing this voltage regulator kit and show you how we can make a universal lithium-ion battery charger for all your drill batteries for all your power tool batteries if you have anything in your workshop or around the house that the batteries are not the battery charge is not working anymore or it's not doing the job is supposed to do and then we can do away with all your old battery charges as well as all the battery charges different shapes different sizes and their adapters use important things no itch power tool has their own voltage now in this case the battery for a drill that is 18 volts in a separate video um made this up of old drills where the battery was good but the drill wasn't good and the charger wasn't good but the batteries are still used in this casing for a new job for a different drill now in this video I'm showing you how to make your own battery charger or in other words regulator so the battery doesn't get charged too much to destroy it or it doesn't go below its voltage again to be destroyed what you do you get one of these kits the links to buy these kits are at the bottom of this video in the description you'll find these links for all these items are I use here to make this and you need one of these obviously you need some wires and adapt him now depending on what size of voltages you have around what signs of batteries batteries you have around the house that you want to charge you can choose your but choose your adaptive input voltage for this kit can be from 10 volts to 30 volts so there's a big range there and you can charge batteries your drill batteries your power tool batteries your car battery your motorcycle battery and any batteries within that range of 10 to 30 volts as long as you have the right adapter that can provide that much voltage up to that much voltage in this case because I have an 18 volt battery here this print is is 18 volts but we're going to work on this one because my adaptive is providing only up to 15 volts so we can still use this charge it up to 15 volts but we can't go to to 18 volts because it doesn't give you them in this case I'm charging this battery which is 18 volt and my adapter gives the output voltage of 20 21 volt 22 volts now the adapter I have is obviously put my own wires there the wire is not long enough so I'd use crocodile clips and that will go into the input which is these first two terminals the top one is positive the next one is negative this is your display the two buttons here the first button is to set there starting voltage how much you want the battery to go down before you start charging and the second one on the right is the button that sets the stop voltage how much do you want to charge the battery before it stops charging now this display doesn't come on until you actually connect the battery to it the battery is connected to the bottom two terminals this one is negative I put black on it and the bottom terminal the last one is positive to the battery the middle two terminals are negative their joint really on the PCB they're actually joined now you make sure your wire is nicely tucked in the terminal and then make sure you observe the polarity of the battery because otherwise you can damage the battery or your circuit board in this case this is positive that's negative so I have positive here and negative there and I use this big six-inch clamp it's very good very handy to have again the link to buy one of these or as many as you want is that the bottom of this video in the description now I haven't I'm just using this as it is without doing any more work but you could make this a permanent thing for yourself you could take these orange bits out they come off you can pull them out I'm not going to try but yeah you can just twist it and it comes off now what you would to do all you could do is to drill a hole in here so that way I can come out a little bit and put a plate there solder it to that and pull it back and then you have a permanent charging clump so you have that for any size battery so that is why it can be universal not just because of the voltage also because of the clamp it can just fit any size or any dimension batteries so I'm just gonna connect that as soon as I connect this you can notice the display coming on there you go this play comes on and it shows 19 volts now 19 volts is the current voltage of this battery so what you do to set their starting point and the stopping point of the Evoque value of the voltage you press and hold the button down for three seconds right the starting point in this case is set at thirteen point five volts I can increase or decrease it by these two buttons this button decreases it and that one increases it so I can increase it and the maximum it gives me at the moment is fourteen point two there is a reason for that because if I leave it to flash a few seconds then it goes to current voltage again press this one yes you can see the stop voltage is fourteen point four previously I was charging a fourteen point four voltage battery at 14.4 volt battery that's why I put the maximum charge on that now if I put that there and hold that again three seconds starts flashing when it does that well as its flashing you can increase or decreases that that amount I'm just going to increase that to 18 volts because my battery now is 18 volts I've changed it so the battery is 18 volts the maximum stop voltage is going to be 18 volts the start voltage we set in that 14.2 I can change that again pressing holding it down three seconds when it's flashing you can change that I've changed it to 16 volts let's just say 16 volts don't change don't make too much of the gap between start and stop but not too much of a narrow gap gap either because it keeps switching it on and off on and off then you don't want that you want it on for a long time until it gets fully charged and then off at the moment as you can see the LED there is an LED here it's off why because the voltage the current voltage is 19 volts and the set maximum voltage is 18 the only starts charging if that is below the maximum set voltage so at the moment I haven't connected the adapter or the the input voltage today to the circuit board so it's not doing anything but even if it was connected it wouldn't do anything the relay is switched off there is a relay here and this LED indicates the relay is on or off at the moment is off so the input wouldn't be connected to the output when it's on basically the input gets connected to the output negative is already connected positive gets connected through this relay and that's why it does and it charges it keeps but taking the measurement of the voltage of the current current voltage of the battery if it is below that it keeps charging if it is above the maximum set value it stops it right now just for demonstration I'm just going to increase this right this is this the star I think values I'll just leave it at 16 sorry but I'll change the maximum voltage or stop voltage to something that we can see not 220 right and you can see the LED coming on a neck and they click of the relay the maximum value we just change it bring it down to let's say 20 volts and I'm gonna connect this adapter to the power let's see why it's not switching on at the moment is 19 and the set value is 20 increase that again 21 21 and a half right the the reason it didn't come on was the minimum starting voltage was below your set value that you want to charge because it was below that lot below that and it wouldn't come on so you have to have it right so you're starting starting voltage is 19 if it is below that it's not gonna start charging because you're saying I'm still okay when it gets below that then it starts charging so at the moment I've set it at nineteen point two and the current voltage was nineteen so as you can see you hear the click the relay clicked switched on and the LEDs come on it will keep charging as you can see it's 18.9 18.8 is flashing between 18.8 18.9 and it's stabilizing on 18.9 and and then you'll get to 19 volts when it gets to 19 volts again it'll switch off because you said it's okay my starting point is you know I'm still within a good range that's why I said you shouldn't have a big gap of a start and stop and you should have very much of a narrow gap either so it should you should just get it the right amount it depends on your voltage and depends on your discretion this is it now I'm just gonna let the video run a little bit just to show you the back battery is charging 290 old although this battery is not supposed to charge to more than 18 volts because it's an 18 volt battery but it's just showing that all it does work because my input is more than 19 volts and it's 20 volt 20 22 21 volts so it does give me that and these batteries have a little bit of Tolerance it does accept a little bit more or too much if you give it too much it can be dangerous it can take and explode and they can completely destroy your battery or your whole workshop be careful I'm not recommending that one I'm just doing this because I know I'm doing sir don't do what I'm doing but do the restaurant teaching you to do so you can see the voltage is an 18.9 or eight and the LED is on that means this input is basically connected to the output which is to the battery and that's about it right I'll see you again with another video on electrical or electronic engineering see you again and like I said you find the links to buy this regulator in this clamp crocodile clips at the bottom of the video in the description thank you again this is fairy dawn on Tabitha Lee's electrical training channel talk to you later and goodbye for now
Channel: Total Electrical Training
Views: 134,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Universal battery charger, Lithium ion Battery Charger, Drill Battery Charger, Make your own battery charger, Battery Charger Regulator, Battery Charger Module, Make Your Own Drill Battery Charger, Make A Universal Drill Battery Charger, Charge Drill Batteries without a charger, Charge Any Battery, charging a drill battery, charging a drill battery without a charger, charging a cordless drill battery, universal battery charger, how to charge drill battery without charger
Id: Bj5F56Yzr0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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