CORALINE THEORY #8: The FULL Timeline of Secret Backstories

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what if I told you that this creepy witch thing from Coraline was actually a human what if I told you that the well we've seen the film is actually another portal to the other world and not a secondary portal but rather the main one what if I told you that the black cat we see in the movie is actually the grandfather of Y B and what if I told you that Coraline herself is never safe in the real world and that even the real world is all a part of the other mothers twisted dark magical agenda I told you all of this you'd probably be off the charts hello I'm the theorized ER and coralline is a movie which I have made more theories on than anything else I've looked at and it's also a difficult movie to come up with theories on if the theorizing genre wasn't already hard enough as I said in the last video my massive hypothesis is more of a fanfiction so twisted has to be true but I don't care so long as it works and today I'll be doing the one thing that's long overdue I'm going to make one gigantic timeline which explains the entire six part theory I came up with this won't include the recent part 7 as it was not really a part of the main series so please I implore you to watch the other videos before this one and let's begin shall we it all begins with the other mother theorized way back in part 4 that based off of the date the pink palace was built and the age of the Bell damn it was likely that she was the first owner of the pink palace this all happens in the 1850s i theorize that this woman was amongst the first to settle Ashland and that the giant house was built in her honor as we see in the backyard her face consumes the garden as opposed to the other world where the garden is more clearly Coraline space I then went on to state how she has pictures in the Otherworld of a city as well as the Pink Palace during daytime all leading to the idea that she did indeed own the house first it's likely that she was a seamstress very likely but what happens next the seamstress finds an old well near her house one which is quite clearly not a well it's some sort of deep large object which fell from space and crashed through the ground very deep as we see the other world is a different universe something directly affiliated with space it crashes deep into the ground and lands and stops the grand dame falls down the whole one day sort of like an Alice in Wonderland thing and she was lured to it by the power radiating off of it she falls through pops out through the portal at the bottom and is launched into a pocket universe of void emptiness using her own soul by ripping out her eyes she begins to create the laws of this alluring universe and uses her own soul to create magic allowing her to do anything she wishes in this universe this of course leads to the eventual problem of losing the magic after a while of being trapped in there needing a refill she uses what's left of it to build a very child-friendly world so that she could lure the new residents of the house up top into her traps she acts very motherly and fools the kids into wanting to stay allowing their souls to be very potent and full of happiness and life and love to keep her more alive with this plan in mind he puts her eyes in place of the moon she can see all and her soul controls the world her magic begins to seep out into the real world and she creates a doll which she can see through she uses it to spy on the child in her abandoned house and molds the world around their likes and needs she uses her magic to change the real world and create multiple portals allowing for the servants she's created with her soul to run around the real world and do things for her that she couldn't do herself you see if she leaves her pocket universe her magic will all fade away and the whole entire universe will die along with her and her old age more evidence to support that the well is a portal is that the mushroom pattern around it denotes a fairy ring something in mystical lore known to be an indication of an otherworldly entrance one of the portals she creates is a tiny door in the wall which leads directly inside of a fake house she's created she sends the key through as well as the boy living in the house must come willingly for his soul to be potent enough for her magic he eventually comes through and the grand dame almost traps in but he realizes what is going on and escapes terrified this leads the grand dame to lose all of the magic her soul had to offer and she begins to deteriorate over the years she begins to replace her rotting body parts with needles the only thing she has left after she lost her magic she only has bones and hair left after her skin and organs brought away she also sucks in the souls of bugs in the well and sucks life out of anything that gets near her other portals she becomes a monstrous behemoth of sewing equipment and amalgam ative bug species collectively making her into his like figure the boy who once traveled to her world in the late 1800s has now become a father and more families with kids have moved into the house while he lives a short distance away he thinks that these new children will be fine he owns the house and he figures that he killed the witch after he left her alone but he was wrong and after he inherited the house from his parents kids start going missing the beldum had improved after losing the first kid she developed a style an unbeatable method first it was a girl with long blond hair then it was a little boy with blond hair and then the father moves back into the house so that nobody else will telling his daughters not to go anywhere near the door and they of course go against him and he loses one of his daughters moving back out of the house he dies much later and leaves the house to his remaining daughter meanwhile the seamstress had been forcing her servants to steal real world objects she takes them and she alters them into new creatures using the children's life forces she's taken crushing them into sand which she uses filling for her creatures she then sews buttons onto them locking in the magic and allowing her to see what they see creations that are portrayed as very loving characters require much more soul sand in order to act naturally and more human we see this with YB and the other father they have so much soul sand in them that they actually go against their programming and betray the other mother to save Coraline I named it Sol sin because it has a nice ring to it and you know minecraft but technically it's a dusty material which is composed of life essence the souls themselves are actually trapped in the pocket universe with the bell down and when the life force runs out of these creations they slowly reform into what they truly are the other father a pumpkin author YB sawdust the jumping mice rats and the sand inside of the dolls cotton anyways the twin daughter wasn't taken by the Bell damn grows up and has kids who she doesn't let anywhere near the house she even boards up the well knowing what it may or may not be capable of she spreads rumors that if you fall down you'd see a sky full of stars in the middle of the day her kids have kids and she adopts her grandson she protects her grandson and doesn't let him go anywhere near the house the beldam is needing another refuel of life essence she's failing to live off of much else other than what's left of the three children she'd already taken she begins to pray on this grandson known as why born kind of a weird name I know and now and only now I see the significance of his name asking him why he was born this kind of a cruel thing and to be fated with such a name that's brutal but to name him that out of fear that you won't be able to protect him like why were you born now I have another person to worry about protecting from the witch who likes to stitch makes total sense now a grandma she fears for her grandson's safety and allows another child to move into the Pink Palace sort of conniving and evil of her risking someone else's child for her own grandchild she even leaves the key right there in the house for someone else to find for someone who never lets kids play in the Pink Palace this is a bit strange meanwhile there was a reincarnation going on the universe attempting to save the child closest to the witch why being the only boy who ever escaped the other mother all these years ago is reincarnated to save his own great grandson after he failed to save his own daughter the cat who stays with and protects why be whose ethnicity and accent is identical to why B's grandmother he simultaneously spies on Coraline the new girl who'd moved in eventually his knowledge of the other world is what leads to Coraline survival after the Bell dams defeat or so he thinks he realizes that the well is a portal of course only after Coraline throws the key down it neither of them had this knowledge and then at the movies end you see the cat used a portal implying they found the other world again still there with the building still up to get four so that's the gist of it the timeline I came up with in a brief summary there is a lot more information you just have to watch the first six parts and so with that I'm done with this grand theory I'm certain there's still more like home movies I can theorize on and I may even tie them to Coraline but you heard it right here right now from me the theorizes grand theory spectacular the origin of the human beldam theory and the soulsand theorization until next time whenever that may be I'm the theorized ER you [Music]
Channel: The Theorizer
Views: 1,116,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coraline, clips, scene, scenes, full, film, movie, theory, theorizer, the theorizer coraline, theorizer coraline, coraline theory, other world, ending, beldam, other mother, timeline, secrets, laika, the fangirl coraline, other father, conspiracy, pink palace, coraline theories, other world coraline, the fangirl, coraline doll, coraline analysis, coraline black cat, coraline ghost kids, the theorizer, coraline conspiracy theory, coraline timeline
Id: ayBOiquwq6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2017
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