CORALINE THEORY #7: The Cat is the Beldam’s SON?

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what if I told you that the film Coraline has an extremely hidden backstory one which took a year and a half to piece together and one which ties up every loose end that the film has to offer this is the ultimate Coraline [Music] Theory hello I'm the theorizer Coraline truly is the series which defines a large part of this channel out of all of the animated movies with mystery this one seems to Trump all of them out of everything which is ever requested on this channel Coraline demands just keep coming and coming and with demand certainly will eventually come Supply and although it may look like I wrapped up everything with my six Theory there was still more in this movie that intrigued me and today we'll be delving into even more as I try putting it into my grand Theory which is honestly more like a brutally in-depth fanfiction with plethora of evidence but let's add another chunk to this since I've been researching a lot since part six was released on Halloween but first the usual recap and be warned this is going to be a big recap part one was what kicked it all off I'd watched Coraline many times but in October 2015 I noticed something new the old well which we see in the movie clearly has some kind of direct tie to the Otherworld portal if you look at the tunnel and compare there's a direct correlation this is where I kick things off by proposing that the well may be another portal and for those of you who don't know I do come up with all of these theories by myself I don't find them elsewhere on the internet I'm quite adamant about that with these Coraline theories anyways this first Theory didn't cover much so I created a second theory about a day later in this video I covered all of the secrets Easter eggs hidden mysteries and hints that the movie displayed and then I used both parts one and two to make a massive giant theory on the timeline of Coraline this was still in October 2015 this video was okay but it wasn't my best work at all but what it did do correctly was establish a large piece of the timeline who the ghost kids were when they all moved into the house Etc I was done with the film at this point there wasn't a whole lot else I could add to my theory and then I watched the film a few more times and suddenly got an idea so weird that it might work could the Bell down actually be a human I began to work around this idea and compos my fourth video this one Spike My channel to 50,000 subs and really kick things off for me but that isn't all it spawned a chain of Coraline theorizing on YouTube which to my knowledge hasn't exactly ended yet many of these theories were revolving around the idea of my theory that the beldam was human and that the cat was another victim when I started with part one I could only find a few Coraline theories on the web like that Coraline is about mind control but my jump into the lore suddenly blasted across the internet like a like aom this chain hasn't ended and now everybody's sharing their ideas on this and so by all of my viewers and by every single theorist who SP respond from my theory there was an immediate demand for part five which came a few months later in part five I wrapped up all of the Unexplained questions in part four and constructed another grand Theory but I wasn't done soon I made part six to answer even more unexplained questions and so here we are we sit right here at part seven the horror never ends what we're going to do in this video is delve into the things that the filmmakers removed from the actual movie itself the deleted scenes we are also going to rewatch the movie with a whole new lens again and then produce something out of it finally I'll make a whole other video explaining the entire timeline which was produced by theories 1 through 6 let's get started so there wasn't a whole lot removed from the movie but they did remove two core scenes which I feel Define the movie to a certain extent when Coraline is bored and is mumbling on to her mom about how she is bored a spider that was stuck inside of a flower comes out and Coraline throws it backwards it lands in her mom's coffee mug it sits there for quite a while and then right after her mother drinks from the mug the spider runs away so weird and so interesting considering how the other mother is a spider-like figure and she needed to pose as Coraline's mother in order to lure Coraline to her world it's almost like this spider is taking her DNA or something to bring back to the beldam the the other important deleted scene is when we see Coraline draw plenty of swirls across a notepad and it transitions into those huge swirling clouds kind of bizarre right yet again it is the beldam she is controlling the world and is creating things which Coraline enjoys it all gets pretty weird but it's always fun to check out what they removed from the movie and then guess why they removed it so those were the deleted scenes but before I watched the movie with a new lens I'm going to do something I never thought I'd do in part six I said a ton of things as usual but many of the things I said were anticlimactic at best for example this framed picture of the blue boy I could have gone in depth as to how it was tied to the beldam but instead I claimed that it was more likely that the Jones family had brought it with them and was a part of their unpacking but then I realized and got a ton of comments telling me that when Coraline was going around the house counting all of the windows and doors she noted down a picture of one boring Blue Boy implying that she hadn't seen it before so today I am going to explain the awesome repercussions that would arise if it were the grand Dame's picture there was also the chance that it could have been left there by the other three or maybe even four previous families living there but I'm going to assume it was drawn in the mid 1800s like the painting implies so it was the Bam's pick what does this mean for the story well prepare yourselves I'm about to blatantly say one thing which counters against every single Coraline video I've made henceforth the blue boy was the Grand Dame's son this is a point which I've been holding off on revealing ever since my first Coraline video it was a theory which I had from the very beginning and which I never really wanted to make a video on but seeing as how I've established so much already and seeing as how dozens upon dozens of my viewers have also told me I should look into it I think finally cover it the boring blue boy is basically used to contrast Coraline's boredom and her excitement but he has a huge effect on the lore in general and therefore I must treat him as more than just a random painting he seems to be rather important to the belem the study room is the only room that remains in the other world by the time Coraline faces off with the bem and the Pink Palace has countless paintings strown all over the walls but this one it has some kind of significance his picture in the real world is kind of depressing he has lost his ice cream to the cruel fate of gravity but in the fake World he's happy once again this is to contrast the differences between Both Worlds it's a tactic not only used by the filmmakers but by the beldam herself to convince the kids However the fact that she keeps up the painting even when Coraline realizes that the world's a winding web of death shows that the BAM holds this picture quite dearly to her the BAM despite her evil has the clear Touch of of a mother she knows how to parent she knows how child psychology works and ignoring her evil you can tell she does love Coraline to some extent or she's trying to fill the void left by a dead child and failing so I propose the idea that the other world is more than just a trap that the beldam got herself locked into I propose that either the child had died and this was her way of remembering him or her child was with her in on all of this posing as someone who's always been there helping out the kids fall into his mother's trap oh look we do have a character like that see this mirror as I said in the previous Theory no parent in their right mind is going to endanger their child like this to ask them to come and save them even mildly neglectful parents like coralin know far better than this it's selfish and weird considering the way their characters act in the rest of the movie this Vision in the mirror it isn't real at all it is the beldam again producing a fake image to lead Coraline back to the other world and guess what Coraline wouldn't have even seen this if the cat didn't wake her up and lead her to see it and then what do we see we see the cat grab the parents' doll how does he even know where to find it and tell me again why this doll is so important if the belam can just take Coraline's parents then why would she need a doll to spy on them it makes no sense unless it's all done to lure Coraline back in notice also how Coraline is about to dispose of the key and the cat gets in her way and meows at her to stop as he doesn't know what she'll do with it I mean the cat does go for wbe to help in the end but what is the end game death to wbe the goal perhaps and we see him use the portal at the end implying that his mother did indeed receive the key that fell down the well when he figured out that she was going to toss it down the well he relaxed and brought wbe in his well death notice how he's always with wbe walking around with him now this can either be protecting him from the other mother or him preparing him for the other mother remember what wbe says it wasn't his idea to give Coraline the doll it was the cats and the doll spies on kids things just got real dark with the Grand Dame calling her son everything is sold Coraline Chucks him at the BAM he claws out her eyes selling it giving Coraline the last eye to level the playing field and convince her of his heroism but do I think all of this is correct no no I do not I don't think the cat is totally evil or anything but I do believe he may possibly be the boy in the picture the blue boy who the beldam Lost long ago who she built an empire for an empire for her dead child where all of his dreams could come true where he never lost his ice cream where they could infinitely have fun and what about the fact that he's a cat either it's out of reincarnation or due to something terrible that happened in the other world or perhaps and this makes the most sense her son simply died and she spends decades attempting to compensate while simultaneously trying to keep herself alive so that's all fine and good I don't know if the cat is good or evil or if he's even the boy but I can more definitively say that the boy in the painting is the BAM son but there is another part to this new Theory other wbe and the other father they're the only other people who defy the BAM originally I said it was because they had more Soul Sand in them giving them more control of themselves but then I realized it's more like their facades faking it the other wbe saves Coraline from the mirror room and brings her through the portal but I want you to notice something the portal isn't the same it leads her back to the real world or so we think no in this world casual old ladies have a device that lets you take advantage of another world why on Earth would they have this exactly it ain't on Earth it's another level of the fake world put there where her parents haven't returned home yet and when Coraline officially does return home what do we see it's the exact same time and weather is when she entered initially right after her mom left coincidence nope and the snow on their clothing also a fiction derived from the Bam's control of the real world when Coraline actually returns home notice how the beldam makes a really hard attempt at trying to stop her from leaving whereas when WBY helped her escaped the first time she casually walked down the stairs all of it leads into a trap finally I have even more evidence for part five's theory that the beldam controls the real world look at the swirling clouds above Coraline in the well scene Magic or even the hand how else could she control it unless her magic seeped out into the real world and so I leave you with more ideas to ponder over in the comment section I want to hear your ideas and soon I will release one final timeline which details the events of everything I've theorized on all the way from part one to part six but not including this part as it was a separate theory on the blue boy and the cat so see you very soon and until next time I'm the theorizer why not check out my third Channel basically it's a massive epic story I've created which I'm telling in the form of Animation it's only got around 2,000 subs and it's where I spend a lot of time so why not check it out by tapping the icon you can't search up the theorizer 3 it ain't called that see you
Channel: The Theorizer
Views: 3,299,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coraline, theory, theorizer, the theorizer, coraline theorizer, the theorizer coraline, theorizer coraline, coraline theory, analysis, full, clips, scenes, ending, other mother, beldam, secrets, coraline conspiracy theory, coraline explained, coraline theories, coraline ending, coraline ending explained, the fangirl coraline, everything wrong with coraline, coraline secrets, coraline film theory, the secret truth about coraline
Id: Cj6cFutLSF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2017
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