Coraline Explained - Scene 7 | The Fangirl Scene-ic Saturdays

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it's finally time to meet the Bell Dam in today's Coraline scene [Music] dissection welcome back family members this is still Manan still being the one and only the Fang girl as in as in one fan girl to rule them all and in the darkness bind them and today is another Scenic Saturday for Coraline where we are in what I'm roughly estimating to be scene Seven where Coraline has just gone through the portal behind the small door and she's about to meet the other mother for the first time and we're going to meet the other father too because the Bell Dam's entrance is such a short scene and side note of all the kismi weird things for me to do I bumped into something and knocked over a hunchback of notredam snow globe and it shattered that thing has survived since 1996 and I feel terrible plus my floor now comes with soaked in glitter that's going to be be there forever so if your parents were lost in the otherw world I think I just release them for you you're welcome anyways Coraline gets to the end of the cool colored tunnel and she's pretty flabbergasted to be crawling out and finding her own living room again and the details in this apartment are pretty strikingly similar to Coraline's actual house it looks like the same shovels the same box on the chair the same Furniture the same fireplace screen the same snow globe and snow globe box even the compass rug is still there however all the furniture looks slightly moved just a little more curated and strangely of all the things to be out of place the heat radiator maiga thing under the window is noticeably smaller in the other world let's remember to check back on that detail later because Coraline is in that room after she locks the tiny door for the final time actually you know what I've been saying since 2016 that Coraline never escaped from the otherw world and I am tired of seeing people on Tik Tok stealing my theories and acting like they just thought of them so I jumped ahead in the movie and yes when Coraline gets home the snow globe is broken and her parents get returned however the smaller radiator is still the one in the house and look it's a very prominent difference the one we see before Coraline goes through the door for the first time has three extra rings and is a lot wider than the window it's under but the heater in the other world fits perfectly under the window and that smaller one is what we see when Coraline supposedly gets home so yes 100% verified at this point Coraline never gets home the tunnel ends up looking different because they're all different tunnels going to different places as I've said for years all these tunnels are going to different spots that just look the same and Coraline is trapped in this cloned world that I call the limbo Pink Palace because as long as she's trapped in the limbo reality Coraline can't get to the tunnel she actually needs to go through to escape because the tunnel that goes to the real world is in the Bell Dam's Lair so all of those tunnels are like different pieces of a spiderweb going to different parts of the other world and once Coraline went through the little door I don't think she ever got to come back out not really because the bellam can make the other world look like anything and the BAM has proven that she can make human looking eyes so basically Coraline is in a refrigerator while the bellam eats her love and if you're confused here I have 40 plus previous Theory videos for you to watch yay okay sorry sorry I got excited and completely derailed us there let's go back into this scene of course the other major notable difference between this living room and Coraline's real one is that the painting of the boy with the Fallen ice cream has changed now the boy has three scoops intact and he looks ecstatic to be having the treat and that is the only difference that Coraline notices which isn't unfair because Coraline just moved to that house less than 2 days ago now I wouldn't blame her if she can't notice that the radiator isn't quite right and even though there's lights singing in the background which should jar Coraline and if you have a good ear you'll notice that it's the same Melody from the intro of the film when someone is making the doll but Coraline smells something food related and that pulls her towards the kitchen and we start this moment with Coraline walking away on screen but then we get this animation nerd fan service kind of shot from a first-person perspective where Coraline walks through the hallway and the dining room to get to the kitchen and now suddenly it's Coraline who's the one that's giving us a voyerism style perspective she is the one watching from the shadows and it's almost as if human Coraline has now traded places with the doll which again in the past I've talked with people about the BAM possibly being a fairy and how fairies will often steal babies and leave something like a doll behind I believe that video was a conversation I had with all monsters go to space and with this one shot that theory suddenly feels a lot more plausible because of this single moment but Coraline pushes the kitchen door completely open taking no heed to the fact that she just came through a tunnel and this place is slightly off at least come on girl you have to at least want to survive now where the living room is just a little different the kitchen is massively changed the table and chairs look like Quality Furniture whereas the Jones family had metal folding chairs and a cheap looking Round Table the stove vent has a nicer cover there are fresh spices hung up above the window there's hanging pots and pans and a kitchen island also the cabinets are smaller but with much larger shelves and despite being in the middle of the night with a crescent moon in the window the Otherworld kitchen is lit so warmly and so it feels very inviting where as the realworld kitchen felt cold and dingy and still despite the kitchen looking completely different in a way that would have taken multiple shopping trips and a small construction crew Coraline thoughtlessly pushes her way into the kitchen and calls out believing that she's seeing her mother from behind and Coraline even says what are you doing here in the middle of the night so she's aware that she's not in her home but she's also going around like she owns the place and knows nothing of fear so when the other mother turns around and we Linger on her shiny button eyes Coraline is taken AB for half a second before Fring her eyebrows and getting mad just like we watched her do with the cat and wbe earlier Coraline has this Dee rooted how dare you trick me issue going on that we keep seeing resurface and Coraline tries to March forward and challenge the Bell Dam by saying you're not my mother but she loses Steam and the fear kicks in when Coraline tries to talk about the butt KN the unnaturalness of the whole place is setting in and the bell Dam must know what freaks this kid out because the other mother has such an upbeat and playful attitude about the buttons asking Coraline if she likes them without ever offering an explanation for why they're in her skull so before Coraline has a chance to process any of this the beldam says she's Coraline's other mother and then assigns Coraline the task of alerting the other father that supper is ready which appears to be a turkey now trying to distract Coraline with busy work like this is the exact same thing that Mel and Charlie were doing just minutes before on screen and that keeps Coraline from standing still and thinking things over and asking a lot of questions because her brain is being reset with a task Coraline has this woman who looks safe and familiar to to her talking in this perky sweet way with good lighting and good smells all around and then she's ushered off to get the other father I always love that moment in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo where the villain has the protagonist and they say you sense the danger but you came in anyways because you were worried about being impolite it's kind of the same situation here when someone is overly kind towards you your natural instinct is to be compliant so that you do do not upset them but other than the weird look of the other mother there is really no danger to be detected yet we teach kids not to judge a book by its cover so who's to say that this woman can't be nice and just happen to have creepy button eyes so yes all you children listening now you do judge a book by its cover if it looks scary it's scary darn it now Coraline does look a little bit lost when she's told to get her other father and she Squints a lot at the Bell Dan but Coraline chooses to go along with this and walks into her father's office and this is a completely different space in the other world there's no boring computer or paperwork boxes instead we have a grand piano with boxes of Records a record player interesting paintings on the wall a cello fancy looking hard cover books a big chair that would be inviting to have Coraline come and sit in this room whereas her real world dad had no time or space for his daughter and when the other father turns around Coraline is a little shocked to see more button eyes but she's just rolling with all of this now she is still skeptical though and she tells the other father that her father can't play the piano which Presto out poo these spring-loaded gloves so that the piano can play the other father problem solve that's how you do it also the fact that the other father song isn't considered one of the Dam's Wonders that that's just a travesty and I love the other father's look he's got his Hugh Hefner smoking jacket and orange monkey slippers he's just the best he wins Fashion Week but even though Coraline is acting more distant and cautious of this button-eyed daddy he starts playing his Coraline song and she's completely warmed up to him by the time it's over also another detail to note is that the other mother has a smaller more straight nose than Mel and the other father doesn't have such a curve to his chin and face their features are more in line with traditional standards of beauty which tends to make people feel more at ease and I've analyzed the other father song before so I don't want to micro dissect it here but the fact that he explicitly references Coraline as a doll always gives me Paw did Coraline swap places with the doll is she trapped inside of it now and that's what the other world is and I know that doll is also old timey slang for a cute girl but out of all the words in the English language they could have avoided the one that raised more questions here also as the piano spinning we see some old 80s stereo and recording equipment and then some weird abstract paintings and Frames I cannot make them out but I wonder if these were paintings that Coraline did as a younger kid maybe in different art classes over the years everything in this movie is so intentional but these images just don't make sense to me then on the next wall is a painting of a matador and what appears to be a huge bookshelf with liquor bottles it is that why the other father is so happy he's a happy drunk there's also a golden native american head just hanging out by the books and then a lot more abstract art all over the other walls this is a very curious room and because the other father disarms Coraline by singing about her and you know lavishing her with the attention she's been craving plus it doesn't hurt that he's being silly and joking around too because that allows Coraline to let her guard down and she decides that these people aren't dangerous however because this initial impression is so good Coraline is going to keep seeing red flags and dismissing them as no big deal she keeps coming back to get the positive out of the other world while ignoring the uneasiness that she feels and that's actually very consistent with dealing with narcissist or other toxic personality types you get these people who are raised by narcissistic parents and they always have an internal conflict on who to trust or how to react because they have so much cognitive dissonance from their own upbringing and if you are unfamiliar cognitive dissonance in a nutshell means that you have two conflicting things happening so your brain just decides to cling to one and ignore the other which can manifest as things like my parents severely neglect me but they tell me they love me so they must love me and the neglect I feel is normal so Coraline not looking at the other parents and going F you guys I'm out of here right from the start is a possible indicator that she lives in a household that's probably psychologically abusive and Coraline doesn't know how to properly stand up for what she wants versus doing what she has to do to survive we're going to call it here for today because the next scene has a ton to talk about but please chime in with your thoughts in the comments especially in regards to how Coraline reacts to the other world I might be overthinking it but that's literally my job and to any of my members here on YouTube a huge bottom of my heart thank you for all of your help and support if you would like to become a paid Channel member there is a link in the description below thanks again guys love you well family members we're almost done but I want to invite you to hang out with me in some other places I'm on Twitter and Instagram as my own personal self and I have a Facebook page too but I mostly just post photos over there and sometimes people say hey Manan I want to mail you something how do I do that easy just click the about tab on my channel page and my most current PO box info will be right there I also run another channel the family it's really a hodge podge Channel where we might post anything oh yeah and I also sell shirts and stickers and stuff with the family and the fan girl logos if that is your cup of tea I have a link in every description of every video finally if you want to help out the fan girl Channel and make sure I'm putting out video essays for years to come the best way you can help is by subscribing and watching more of my videos whether they're new old whatever maybe even share one or two on social media help spread the word people who watch to the end of videos like you helps to tell the site hey this is a good video we should recommend it to other people so if you made it this far leave me a comment of something like hey I made it to the end love you see you next time family members [Music] [Applause] bye yeah
Channel: The Fangirl
Views: 5,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coraline, coraline theory, coraline never escaped, coraline never left the other world, beldam, other mother, other father, other world, coraline meets the other mother, coraline tunnel, coraline blue boy, blue boy painting, the fangirl, the theorizer, film theory, looper, scene-ic saturdays, coraline explained, coraline enters the other world, coraline meets the other father, other father song, coraline analysis, the fangirl coraline, film studies, video essay film, caroline
Id: HWe-M7ynoRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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