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hi guys welcome back to the channel i'm going to try to get this intro done and over with because my camera is like sideways things are falling my hair looked a lot better in my opinion when i looked at myself as you guys can tell by the title i'm going to show you guys how to make rails marinara sauce this is one of the best pasta sauces i've ever had but they're not paying me to talk about them so that's going to be it for them the one thing that i think is the most disgusting about this sauce absolutely disgusting is the price depending on where you live it can be anywhere from like seven to eleven dollars i don't know about you guys but who the hell has that much to spend on a jar of pasta sauce as much as i love pasta and as much as i love saucy like super sauced up pasta it would be like 25 for one dinner that's ridiculous you might as well go out to eat so you guys know me i'm gonna show you guys how to make it for under three dollars yeah well under three dollars and if you have all of this stuff it's probably going to cost you like a dollar 75 and it's gonna be more than what's in this stupid jar all right let's get into it wait wouldn't you guys want to know what's in it so this jar there's whole peeled tomatoes olive oil onions salt garlic basil black pepper and oregano if you have all those things then you can make it so for this recipe you're gonna need a good amount of olive oil almost a quarter cup do not be shy this is gonna be one of the main like flavor elements so i'd say three tablespoons to a quarter of a cup which a quarter of a cup is four tablespoons so just shy of that give it a little bit more a little bit less it's up to you then you guys know i pre-chop my onions so i'm going to take one large onion pour it in there now unlike the rest of my recipes where you want to develop some color with this for this you are just wanting to like perfume the oil and just really let the onions sweat out like literally you're not looking for any browning any golden color if you happen to get that then that's fine but you just want to soften everything up until it almost looks like jam i'm going to cook it over like a medium to a medium low i'm not going to try to rush this because the longer anything sits it literally doesn't matter what it is whether it's soup pasta beans they taste better as they sit so i'm going to let this go for about 10 minutes but if you only have five go for it once your onions look like this and they're super soft and just translucent and you can almost like smash them with a spoon we're gonna season with some salt we're gonna add a good teaspoon of salt because remember tomatoes are very acidic so you need something to balance it out then we can add a heaping tablespoon of some garlic mine just happens to be packed in a little bit of olive oil but about four to five cloves then we can stir this around and the thing that's nice about adding your salt at this stage instead of adding it before is salt is like an abrasive meaning it's kind of like rough in texture so it's going to help kind of break down all of that garlic and the onions and you guys hear that it sounds kind of like grainy that's great because salt is just going to dissolve in there oh it smells so good like garlic oh my goodness i feel like i could just eat this like slathered on bread done then the only three seasonings you need for oh that almost fell the only three seasonings you need are oregano basil black pepper we're going to do roughly about a teaspoon each i never measure seasonings because depending on where you get them from and how old or new they are they you could need a little bit more or a little bit less depending on like how potent they are but we're going to go with a teaspoon and the same for some black pepper so at this stage what this is is it's just called blooming the spices just letting them hit that either depending on whatever you're making warm oil warm butter just letting it hit that heat and just really kind of blossom i like to just give everything a brief stir we're still working over medium low heat so it's not too like aggressive with the heat so if you walk away for a minute answer a phone call whatever it's not going to burn but you just want to keep everything moving this smells incredible oh my goodness so i'm going to push this stuff to the side then next step now if you guys don't have whole peeled tomatoes you can use crushed tomatoes but specifically to make this my copycat version of rayo sauce you want to use whole peeled tomatoes don't bother using fresh don't bother using tomato sauce but if you're gonna make regular spaghetti sauce and you just are not trying to make ryo's you just want pasta sauce use crushed tomatoes whole peeled whatever you have but specifically for this we're gonna use whole peeled tomatoes gently put them in there because remember it's liquid and whole peeled tomatoes so it'll splatter then now you're probably wondering like what the heck are you gonna do here these are slowly going to cook i'm gonna just take my spoon and just kind of like crack them in half be careful because some of them will just like spew liquid but just crack them and break them down the as they continue cooking and the heat hits them they're just going to soften and they're basically going to turn just like the onions soft and jammy now that i have all of them in half i'm just going to stir all of this together now for most recipes i would say at this point you're going to want to taste for seasoning with this you do not because the onion is still kind of like metallicy from the fact of it being in an aluminum can so you just want to let it heat up i can't say that enough in this video you're just going to want everything to go low and slow when you hear of like italian grandmothers making pasta sauce and it's just boiling or not boiling it's just simmering for hours and hours it's not because they want to seem fancy by saying it was cooked low and slow but low and slow truly whether it's this or barbecue just intensifies the flavors and makes everything so much better and i'm gonna tell you mine is gonna be better than rails not for the fact that it cost under two dollars but just for the fact that it's it's homemade like the ingredients on this i've literally said it is it's like six ingredients and four of them are seasoning how is this how does this cost ten dollars this is ridiculous they should be smooth that's like borderline illegal okay but enough of my rant we're gonna let this sit and on like a three to four heat we're gonna add the lid and we're gonna check on it in 30 minutes and you're basically done but we're gonna let the flavor develop so about halfway through the cooking process this is what it's all looking like it is so hard to do this one-handed we're saucy we're jammy now you can either do one of two things here you can grab what i recommend instead of the spoon grab a potato masher and just mash it in there and really work up to your desired texture or consistency whether you like it chunky or smooth or a little bit of both or you can just live your best life and throw it in the blender and everything will be super nice and smooth i personally i personally like a few chunks so i'm just gonna go in with the potato masher i'm gonna turn off the heat at this point and just go in with the potato masher it's gonna take about it's gonna take about five minutes but you just want to kind of press slowly because not only is it tomatoes that are gonna splash hot tomatoes so we're just gonna keep smashing and we'll check in okay i kid you not it probably took me like 45 seconds to get this super nice consistency now as i've said if you guys want it to be a little bit more just liquidy and not have as many chunks throw it in the blender or even throw half of it if you still want it to have some chunks i think this is fine now i want mine to get just a little bit thicker so i'm going to turn the heat back on to a medium and let it cook probably for like four minutes because we're almost there with the thickness okay now for the taste of our sauce if you guys can hear it do you guys see that steam okay it's really really hot it's still thickening up and simmering oh my god okay every time we have pasta knife at our house like regular marinara sauce i make it with crushed tomatoes and it's good it's really good but i think i'm gonna switch to this recipe this is really bomb now if i were to blend it i would get the same kind of mouth feel that you get from the rayos but this i'm just gonna go in with the same spoon don't don't judge me here it is so it's so different from any sauce i i really don't like jarred sauce that's why when i found rails and i was like damn this is expensive but i tried it it's really good it is but who the hell has ten dollars every single time you want marinara that's ridiculous it really is that good oh my goodness you have to make this over pasta over cauliflower vegetables whatever this is delicious make it oh yeah and for those people that are gonna say i don't have the time to make pasta sauce that's gonna take forever um how long is this video or how short is this video how long did i say to cook everything this is quick and it i tend to make mine every time we have pasta but if you make a double batch of this or even if this is enough for you and your family throw it cool it down throw it in a bag or in a jar put it in the freezer and you have pasta sauce whenever you want it okay i threw mine in the blender because i realized it'll be so much easier for baby roman to eat under two dollars and [Music]
Channel: Amber Griffith
Views: 349,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: re-HO61UK3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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