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do you have your driver's license or an id with you yeah no why do you mean white county sheriff's office i'm a canine handler and we're out doing a criminal interdiction on the highway today and i'm going to run my k-9 around the outside of your vehicle is there anything that you want to tell me about before i do what's going on guys this early product news this video comes to us from paul barger his channel is a channel of a man traveling the interstates um from coast to coast with his wife in a bread truck that he's converted into living quarters pretty cool channel go on and check it out beat me there don't meet me there the problem with this is while traveling the interstates you get a bunch of little small towns that'll sit out there and pull over anything they can and they even admit it in this video you gotta watch it the whole way through it's unbelievable but for these little small towns that's how they generate their revenue even if it's one out of a thousand if they find money uh in large quantities they're keeping it so even though my man paul is trying to live the dream in his bread truck with his wife he continuously gets pulled over let's watch paul's driving his bread truck um on the border of oregon going into idaho as you see that semi truck just flashed his lights at him and he said when he saw the guy's face he was telling him to slow it down which is the universal sign for there's police ahead so paul was aware of this there's three police officers sitting on the side of the road waiting for people to come through now when i came through here they are right here on the right side of the road i came through completely obeying the law doing nothing wrong and they were just waiting for people to come through so they could pull them over and here's one more time zoomed in just so you could see how they were sitting uh waiting for the bread trucker to come along and get their spot on youtube for the day hi there hi how are you i'm great how are you good thanks stephanie if you're quiet at the white county sheriff's office reason i stopped using have a little light out on the top of the van oh okay you have your driver's license professional's registration yeah what what do you got in this van it's just uh it's like a rv that i converted i see out of florida yeah i go all over the place in this guy all over the place in this guy yeah well i travel uh full time when police pull you over remember they're not doing it just for the heck of it they're doing it for a reason look how nice she's trying to be as if they're friends because remember this is over just a little light in our own words but watch what it turns into time what do you do for work i have a youtube channel you what i have a youtube channel a youtube channel what kind of youtube channel it's just it's about my travels making fun of cops no not at all there's both my registration and my insurance so you live out of the van yeah so where are you coming from today um i'm coming from nevada from nevada from where [Music] yeah just outside um we went to spencer springs is right near there okay and where are you headed to tonight boise traveling with anything anybody else no just by yourself really do you have your driver's license or an id with you yeah why do you mean oh i didn't see you wearing your seatbelt because if if people aren't wearing their seatbelts i normally ask you if you wouldn't mind it's no big deal if you do or if you don't normally i ask if you're not wearing your seatbelt i couldn't see your seat oh yeah i had a seatbelt now we're starting to get a little hairy even though this is all over a small light he they need to know who's with them uh where they're coming from where they're going to now she wants to see the passenger's id because she couldn't see that she was wearing her seat belt before they're in a bread truck and they drove past you on the interstate you're probably not going to be able to see anybody wearing their seat belt even though you're staring at her right now wearing her seatbelt uh because before you couldn't see her wearing her seatbelt you want to see your id that's insane logic that's not even logic okay all right hey chad i'll be right back okay okay content so your little starburst things making fun of cops well check my youtube channel i was like wait i think i meant to give her my concealed weapons for a minute but i didn't so what a white is that like a legal thing i guess i don't know like those lights on the top of that yeah yeah all my regular lights work but i wanted like the marker lights man security's high next month yeah sure is well this will be on youtube too i hope i don't get a seatbelt ticket i don't even have a seatbelt so here we go we're about to get into why they really pulled this car over a canine handler is going to come up on the passenger side and you know why he's there that's right for the tiny little light that was out on the top of the bread truck i mean i bought the trunk no window no i have a window right here this uh like uh turned into a got a strobe light like a sleeping quarters and stuff yeah i mean it's a whole house right home hey deputy woods white county sheriff's office i'm a canine handler and we're out doing a criminal interdiction on the highway today and i'm gonna run my k9r on the outside of your vehicle is there anything that you want to tell me about before i do that no sir is there any user amount of marijuana or anything like that because if you tell me prior to we probably could show you some lean see but you know if i run the dog and then we do our search and the whole nine yards um it's not going to work out that way so is there a little user amount of marijuana in there there is no amount of marijuana no meth heroin cocaine bombs no no isn't it funny how they all do that is there any bombs ninjas uh samurai swords that i need to be aware of like they're trying to get you to give up your rights but be your buddy at the same time it's almost like they all took a class in psychology large amount of cats were kind of boring there there's nothing in this truck is that your gear shifter yeah what is that brass knuckles well it's just a gear shifter it says made with love in north dakota i got this in my travels one of his friends made it yeah right on where are you guys coming from ah she already asked me all those questions oh i'm new to the story look at this guy the k-9 officer trying to stretch his gear shifter being a weapon because it looks like brass knuckles and then he starts with where are you coming from that's why you need to be able to stand your ground like paul paul's doing a great job okay well you can shut your doors in i'll be real quick i don't see an expiration date on here i see an effective date so i guess she's saying it's my valid for a year or something you've got a good bumper on it and then you just had it they just bring that pens and stickers on them right yeah oh but that would have been that was crazy so the the expiration date isn't actually listed it says effective there's a date right there yeah and then right below it right here it says um this card is invalid wait let's see keep your current card until the effective date of this card um let's see the other one said it was expired within a year on the bottom of the other one okay but oh let me here let me this one doesn't not valid more than one year from effective date see that on the bottom yeah well um i have i have uh current i do have current insurance or i maybe just pull it up on your phone too well my state farm is like state farm doesn't have all that um online stuff like they don't have progressive and uh because i used to have progressive and it was really easy i have it on mine it's super easy but his is like like state farm just doesn't i mean i've had trouble getting into the hop and yeah because they have like private um you know offices that handle each region it's kind of done old school you know okay do you mind if i see inside there i kind of do i'm sorry i don't yeah because i can see like there's like a blue light or something in there and i i'm just curious well it's a whole house back there it's the lighting system from my house i see yeah okay oh you're curious because you see a blue light oh we come full circle now the light was off that's why they got pulled over now she has to come inside the car because she sees another light on and she's curious do you see how little by little by little we've gone from a little light out in the back of the truck to her wanting to come in the truck even though she's running a dog around the trucks um so that's why i pulled you over is is is the light um don't be offended we're stopping just about everybody we can today for every violation like he said we're out here working a criminal i'm not offended it's cool we're looking for you're working with sorry it's called an interdiction and we're looking for drugs okay is what we're doing okay so um so we're stopping a lot of people i i'm a canine handler too we're running our dogs on just about every vehicle so that's just the way it is okay okay um let me double check with him and then i think we'll we'll be good to let you go there's three officers behind us now all right here's your driver's license and your registration back so just so you do know you have that one light out okay i'll take care of it i actually on board i have new led lights to go around the truck and uh tail lights and stuff too so um when once we get to where we're going and i can have some downtime i'm gonna be switching all that stuff out okay so well so uh your youtube channel you make you have a lot of followers yeah pretty good amount you want to check it out let's check it out you can give the fella back there it's hard too if you'd like it's just my name if you look up that name on red trucker yeah because i live in a bread truck was that what this used to be yeah it used to be a bread delivery truck yeah we really want to see inside come on so there you go she can't hold it in anymore she's asked she's run the dog around now she's gone to the point where she's gonna grovel and beg to see inside the truck want to see inside come on you can see it on my channel it just it's kind of like i'm consenting to a search if i let you guys inside my truck i i get it i mean we're cops but yeah you seem cool but i'm sorry we're out here just doing our job we're cool i know but you can see all of it on my channel there's plenty of uh you know do you get good fuel with this yeah yeah totally i get 14 miles of the gallon it's got a four-cylinder turbo diesel in it so that's that's the whole reason i bought this truck because it's got a four-cylinder turbo diesel it's a cummins so um yeah it gets great mileage i mean your trip probably gets close to 14 i would say i bet it doesn't even get bad yeah so i think i'm doing pretty good i run it pretty hard though yeah i run i mean when i drive this thing it's not that fast but pedal goes the floor every gear you know i can't even speed top speed is only 60 in this so well then you can't ever get pulled over for speeding yeah well in when it cuts down to 25 and towns that's when i can get away from me but i you know i'm a good driver and are you paul's girlfriend wife uh girlfriend girlfriend yep do you are you part of the youtube channel too i am reluctantly you know what bam well you know you don't need to put us on youtube yeah well you got a camera right there you're recording me the other the other guy well i understand i mean it's his job too yeah it protects me i feel the same way because people say hey you did this and i'm like i didn't do that well not all police officers are as cool as you guys say hi i don't want to be on youtube paul don't put me on youtube okay drive safe thank you thank you oh that was kind of fun i'm surprised the canine didn't do anything it's weird why would it just smoke a joint in here in another state with you okey-dokey let's give these guys a face of two people that just got away scot-free we just got away with nothing well yeah i got away with nothing but anytime you drive away i'm happy with that paul is 100 right there anytime you get to drive away you got to be happy with that but think about how far those officers went they pulled him over for a tiny light out on the top of the bread truck they went from asking him about why he had brass knuckles attached to his gear shifter uh they begged to get inside the truck they ran the dog around the truck they asked to get inside the truck uh they wanted the passenger's id because they didn't see them with their seatbelt on even though they had their seatbelt on just all that came from a tiny little light out so remember that and make no doubt about it is there a ninja is there a bomb is there a sword they all say that because they're all trained the same way it's psychological so remember that my name is story product news wishing you and yours a very safe and happy rest of the work week
Views: 117,805
Rating: 4.9155178 out of 5
Keywords: Disorderly Product News, Bay Area Transparency, James Freeman, ASD-DOCS, Lackluster, Audit the Audit, San Joaquin News Network, San Joaquin Valley Transparency, Auditing America, traffic stop, K-9 search car, k-9 traffic stop, A&E 60 days un, Shoplifters caught, live pd, body cam footage, Disorderly Product News Presents The Cop-Arazzi, Rights Crispy, Chuck Bronson, Bait car, John Filax, James Madison Audits, Eyes on the State
Id: ByzM830ykhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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