Copart Auction Damaged Fiesta Will it Run or Drive ??? PT 2

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welcome back to the channel everyone and a new video on the little 2010 fiesta that looked like it had been fired out of a cannon we genuinely didn't know how bad this car was if you haven't watched the previous video please do go back and watch that video it's quite entertaining we bought this car on a whim and didn't really look at the pictures so a lot of you in the comment section on this video very optimistic about this car and we are as well but you know it is a low mileage car i have just got off the phone to mark at ken auto salvage and we have managed to come up with a deal for a parts car so i'm not going to go on too much let's actually crack straight on with it get round there get the deal done pick the parts car up so that we can get this car back on the road let's do it [Music] so there we have it a parts car thank you damian for loading that on for us mark looked after us as usual we've got the gearbox there that we need this is a low mileage flood damaged car he said it's got about 55 000 on it so we're quite happy with that the subframe all looks perfect all the shafts everything that we need is on there there's the like we need an air box there's quite a lot floating around these cars in the yard here that still had air boxes inside them so we've got the air box well i think we're pretty much quite close to having everything we need i did notice that somebody has had a go at the gear change cables on this one and broke it and also our gear change cable is broke on our one so i'm going to need to whip a couple of those probably off that silver one there because it's got no engine in it should be nice and easy also the windscreen we are going to need a windscreen for r1 and we was going to go with this one because it is heated but it is starting to go at the top there so i've had a deal with him in with the price for this car and we're going to be taking the windscreen out of that silver one there so jobs are good let's get back to the yard [Music] [Music] [Music] i was going to time lapse the whole lot there getting that done but i thought i'd cut in and explain what it is that we are doing we're actually going to drop the whole lot out engine gearbox strip off everything we need and as you can see the way we're doing it rather than undoing all the bottom struts we've took the bolts the hub bolts out and we've dropped it straight out there release the roll bar link arm there both sides and drop the calipers down so as soon as we release all the engine mounts the whole lot will come down and won it on the engine bed it just makes life a lot easier then we can put the engine back in the boot of the car and take it back round to the yard we are trying to get it done as reasonably quick as possible because obviously i need to free the truck up i can't have it sat on the back of the truck for days so exactly the same this side and the other reason why we're doing that it's going to prevent all the oil coming out the gearbox and going all over the back of the truck so making quite light work of it it is a lot easier once it's all stripped out and as you can see we've got it propped up on both of those wheels there and we've got the chains on it as well and the car is still strapped down to the back of the truck so we're quite safe we need to get underneath now just cut through the we'll be cutting under cut through the exhaust pipe just there so that we can drop the whole lot down let's crack on [Music] i think you would all agree that was definitely the right way of doing it and made life so much easier in and it's going to make life easier for the the garage when we take it back the breakers yard because that engine we're going to lift it into the boot forum they can lift that straight out and actually put it in their engine shed as soon as someone rings up and wants one they can have it there at the car ready to go there is only that gearbox mount holding it holding the engine bed and the drive shafts to the gearbox but like i said earlier really the reason we did that is because we didn't want to dump all the oil it would have been really odd to catch it on the back of the truck even though it had been deep polluted it deals did have some anti-freeze in it and some liquid come out of the ac pump it had been de-polluted so there is always still a little tiny bit in there but quite straightforward nice and simple to do and there we have all of the bits to bolt back onto our car just undoing those hubs there off of the struts made life so much more easier because you would have seen this yesterday hanging off of our ones getting the lower arms out so yeah that kind of made sense to do it around that way and you can really see when you come up close to that gearbox you can see that how low mileage this is it's all in quite nice condition apart from the little bit of dust on it so we'll probably give that a good jet off before we fit that anyway but there we go we're now going to start what are we going to do chris take that car back to the breakers or should we get this strip first oh of course we have yeah silly me we can't put the engine in the boat of course so we'll get all that stripped out get that in and then we can get that car straight back off the back of the truck let's do it there we go guys everything we need laying on the floor i will be taking these hubs off both ends and i'll be returning them because alcohol's a bit lower mileage and there's nothing wrong with the ones on our car but we've got the engine bed they're complete we don't need to swap anything over and the gearbox the only thing holding the gearbox to the bed steel is that rear man but mount but once we remove those hubs we're gonna probably gonna pull the shaft out over um a drain pot drain the oil out and then hopefully start the process today in this video get that gearbox fitted and if we got more time even get the bed back in there as well let's get on but before we do i've just pulled the parts car out you would have seen that we struck the engine down on the back of it and that is pretty much ready to go back around to the breakers yard now the we've got everything we need so i'll return that back round now then we can actually crack on with this car we were just swapping over the this part of the clutch kit three-piece clutch kit and this is actually the frost bearing and hydraulic slave all in one and i just thought it's quite a clever bit of kit really these two stick out the top of the gearbox and your pipes connect up to it and you've got your blade there as well but very very different not something that you'd normally see like completely different to the fiat 500 as you can see out there is a bit wet we've just washed off that engine bed and the gearbox just blown them all off and chris is there fitting that clutch kit so i'm gonna quickly whip around and actually take that parts car back get rid of that off the truck and then as soon as we get back we get that gearbox fitted back in the car believable guys just before i left we plopped the gearbox on the stand with the drive shafts in it i've gone around and dropped that car off chris has fitted the gearbox i can't believe you've done that to be honest and he's got the gearbox fitted in there so what we're going on to now getting the bed fitted in we're ready for it this is turning around so fast we were so lucky to get that parts car that was a godsend let's get it on there because we haven't really done a lot of live in this one we decided to stick the engine bed back on live so hopefully you can see it guys i've got put my gloves on again let's grab my glass chris every time i wash my hands forget to put the gloves back on that looks pretty good my side material yeah just go get that steering column yes it's lined up quite nicely at the moment it's going to go straight in probably get it hanging a little bit on those back bolts chris or the front bolts rather and then i'll jump inside and check it keep going yeah cool yep [Music] yep i've actually moved my leg forward a bit a little bit more i think that suits me my first part [Music] not quite would you believe [Music] think you might have to criticize i think i'm still walking come down yeah well the pokemon started i'm gonna jump in there and check that steering i haven't yet yeah i mean come together pretty fast this one guys considering the stadiums in i'll let you gun them up chris and i'll uh block the microphone because that's quite loud let's yeah i wound it in quite a long way [Applause] tripod yeah keep going yeah are you going back to timelapse yeah i think so what we did there though guys i will mention before we start putting it back together silly things really like these pinch bolts that go in these lower they go in the bottom of the hubs you can see now they're really clean just quickly run them around on the wire wheel then when you put these back together and actually put them in it really does make life easy because they get quite corroded on all cars really early on let's get this car back together [Music] so yesterday just four hours and today we've had five hours on it so nine so far and i think you would agree that's brilliant it's now all back on its wheels we're just getting the battery off charge and we're just about to find out will it run i'd like to think it run it was definitely driving all right when it crashed so we're going to get the battery in and flick that key for the first time keep your fingers crossed for us we're going to actually try to start it we've got no air box on there we've got no radiator or anything like that so we are just going to briefly hopefully fingers crossed it starts i don't think you have to push a clutch down on these ones chris windscreen wipers work yeah i don't know if that battery would be any good it's been on charge but sounds sweet as an art nothing wrong with that at all yeah lovely mate turn her off guys i'm just going to show you a couple of bits so in the pictures i've now had a look at the pictures down at co park again do bear remind people's feelings in the comment section but there was something stuck in the window here down at copa and it was that so some poor learner has had an accident while they're out practicing to drive also this car i didn't know until a couple of days ago good friend of mine only does vans doesn't do cars but his father-in-law does do a few fiestas and i was speaking to him and he said have you won anything down co-part and i said yes i have i've actually got the conversation on my phone and i'm going to try and include it somewhere i said i won a little he went oh it wasn't a blue one was it he actually run me up he said it was at 250 pound and i thought it was cheap so i went all the way to 600 i said yeah and we bid 650 for it so got run up there by one of my mates or i'll run him up if even if he would have won it but we're quite happy now it's driving we'll um i suppose we'll pick up tomorrow chris won't we now we get that front front panel and outfitted steering column and take it for a drive so back in the morning the next morning and uh there's not really a lot left to do we're going to try and get the rest of the bits that we have got for the car put back on there the bonnet was still undecided chris to get his hammer and his dolly out probably later and have a little go at it if we can't recover it we'll just get a new one for it it's gonna need little bits of paint work anyway but piecing the video together i can see it's quite a nice long one so hopefully you do all enjoy it let's crack on and get this front panel fitted and get all the rads all plumbed up and get it back together [Music] so [Music] we've just put all the front panel back on it's all plumbed back up air box all back on water in it we just started it up bled the system through now the water's on maximum we're just really chris is going to fire it up and just drive it backwards and forwards for the first time just make sure that gearbox is all right before we that secondhand gearbox before we start fitting the rest of it back together because we may if there was a problem have to remove that all again yeah mate the engine sounds lovely well that's a good start trying to go right back and try a couple of the gears that is good news guys and how lovely is it to turn that car around in just a couple of videos and got it back to this stage they all seem fine let's continue on [Music] [Music] um first proper little drive in it it does sound so quiet for him little fiestas but i expect that that is purely down to the mileage i'll just give it a quick wash down i didn't do it on camera just to rinse over and i had it running the whole time just charge that battery up nice yeah perfect i think we got away with that one chris by the skin of our teeth it just goes to show you guys no matter how long you have been doing this game it you know anyone can get caught out it was more than anything it was in we didn't look at the pictures it was a bit of on a whim like we've got auction today and we're sitting there going through each and every picture making sure getting a list of parts that we think it will need looking online seeing if those parts are available it's just always best to do your research and of course if it doesn't run and drive you know expect a bit more work that bonnet it's gonna need a few hours work trying to get it right so what we'll probably do is actually go down the route of getting a new bonnet for it but we'll see the bodywork video and airbags is going to be another one i'll keep it short and sweet guys it is already probably that one of the longest videos we've ever done but we just wanted to crack on with that car we really genuinely haven't spent a lot of time on it yet all together four hours of first day five hours the second day the auction's just starting it's 12 o'clock we started at nine so we've had three hours on it today so we're quite happy that we haven't spent loads of time on it and getting that parts car was definitely the right way to go even when we took the subframe out that car the bolts that was holding it in were bent so it just saves that trip backwards and forwards to the breakers yard we got all those little bits and we got that car back on its wheels running and driving and chris said it feels so tight it feels like a new car so we will leave it there don't forget if you haven't already hit the thumbs up like and subscribe share with on all your my social media accounts and we'll see you early next week in the next one have a lovely weekend
Channel: salvage rebuilds uk
Views: 69,254
Rating: 4.9829893 out of 5
Keywords: Crash, Damaged, Accident, Rebuild, Repair, Salvage, Copart, #Salvagerebuildsuk, Write off, Auction, Yard
Id: m6eP-n3TXGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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