Crashed Mercedes GLA 200d AMG Line Repair Did We Earn £££ PT 8

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hi everyone welcome back to the channel and the final video on the mercedes gla this is the one we've all been waiting for the paint shop has been very very busy and we've been waiting on that call from him to say drop it up here so i've finally just got that call we're gonna try in this video to get it dropped at the paint shop pick up where we left off when we get it picked back up put it all back together and hopefully crunch some numbers and this be the final video on this car i'm really looking forward to it being completed and when we do go and pick it up from the paint shop we'll be able to pop them number plates on it and actually drive it home but for now because it's not all fitted up properly i am going to load it onto the back of the truck and get it there quite a lot of you in the last video was what bit worried about how rough it seemed to be running and the engine moving but guys it the engine had been removed and it hadn't been run for quite some time so i think you would agree now it is back to normal of course we're going to be doing a road test and the proper snagging on it once it does come back and don't forget don't worry about all these gaps none of this is fitted permanently it is all loosely fitted because it's all got to come off at the paint shop to be painted let's crack on get it up there and get it all in one color just turned up for it and it looks incredible he's done a really nice job of it painted the whole front end the passenger side front door and then gone round and mopped the rest of the car and it's come up incredible that lower lip down there on the bumper got him to paint that as well just so that it matches with the front one there that i've got him to paint as well because they would have been slightly off color but yeah really happy with it let's get it loaded on the truck and get it back to the yard [Applause] i thought y'all [Music] it's so nice to finally see the car back now at the yard and we can crack on and actually finish this one it's been it's been standing around for quite a while it sat here for quite a while before we actually got on it but it's back now and we do plan on completing it got the bumper sitting on the stand got all of the bits there ready for it we're going to start the process of building that bumper back up and then we'll move on to other various jobs throughout the car chris is inside just looking for any little parts we seem to be missing a trim out the bumper so if you can't find that in there we'll be at the paint shop but let's get straight on and try and get this bumper all back together [Music] unfortunately you couldn't see a lot going on there in the background but there genuinely was a lot going on chris has run all of the washer jets back right through the bonnet the a-pillar covers he's cleaning them up and put all them on i've been busy there putting that whole front bumper back together and that was a bit of a task in itself because i'll put the grill in and then i had to take the grille out to put the top piece in and then i'll put the lower grill in to the silver piece then i'll take it back out because the silver piece has to go in first so it was all a little bit complicated but we really are moving along with it now and the bumper bar the foam bar is all back in there and it's got that crash what's that cool to get chris that pipe pedestrian protection so this is the one when it gets squeezed these little sensors it triggers them and actually blows off those actuators there in the bonnet and throws that bonnet up backwards so moving along with it very very nicely can't wait to get it down off the ramp and actually get all those seal covers and that back on it but we'll continue on it's actually the next day now back on the merc trying to get it nipped up in this video and i've had it plugged in we've been running around plugging various bits in plugging the bumper in just going through it and it's got a flat tire light and it's got an engine management light still on and it keeps coming up auxiliary battery malfunction so i've got the little recovery charger i've chucked the battery on charge and it just keeps coming up fail so this battery is actually knackered and you google that part number on there i just looked online there's a few abroad these batteries but they're actually from the dealer about 80 pounds now this chris got his tape measure out measured this battery 12 volt 1.2 amp hours this little battery here exactly the same 12.2 amp hours same size battery but for an alarm around the tall station how much nine pound 32 we're not saying it's going to work just yet but we're quite confident and we're going to plug that one in there and see if that salty issue don't seem to be capturing a whole lot in this video i've just fitted that little auxiliary battery but really we want to plug the front bumper in as well just to test all the lights get all the lights out just lift it high chris and you've got those little lugs there you've got two to plug in your side didn't you got a little pedestrian protection thing down here to plug in one more side one chris's side and the radars outside but chris is as well plug that battery back on oh yeah none of that's clipped on there properly but that really does pull that car together with that front bumper on there we get all that buttoned up start it up make sure all the lights have gone out [Music] you would see on that bit of time lapse there i mean no exaggeration chris how long was that it was a couple of hours there wasn't it couple of hours just trying to get it all lined up that front panel has got to be absolutely bang on so that all of these gaps are 100 uniform and they've got to look right right down the edge of that wing all the way around that headlight see that gap there then you've got right across the top of the bonnet and the bumper and then of course that gap there was so hard to achieve to get it all to flow and we was really really fighting with it and genuinely we couldn't quite work out what was going on at first we'd get the bumper right then we'd get the wing right and then the bonnet wouldn't sit right and we thought the latch was loose but the latch was actually tight and you know what guys actually turned out the painters actually removed the bonnet and removed the wing obviously this side we knew it had been removed because he's done that we had that little bit of damage just here didn't we and that's now been repaired but he's actually had the bonnet off and hung it up to paint it and the bonnet hinge bolts the actual bolts was loose so every time we was getting it about right that bonnet kept moving but i think you would agree now perfect we're just going to concentrate now get the wheel arch liners in we did all the under trays earlier off camera that that wasn't important there's a few little 10 mil plastic bolts but we'll show you it underneath after we need to double side tape this wing and then of course it clicks in all down here on the front bumper the other side is because that wing wasn't touched it's still on there so we've just got to click all that home get the wheels off and get all the arch liners in it but yeah there wasn't a lot i could show there while we was messing around the good news is the little battery that we put in it has worked perfect it's turned the light out and all the faults have cleared on the car so let's crack on and see if we can get this one wrapped up [Music] [Music] so be a bit of work going on there guys we have to talk up those drive shaft bolts right at the last minute and then get those caps on the end of it that cover them up the dust covers the wheel arch liners are all back in i've just got to put some double tape just on the top edge of this wheel arch and then clip all that home and chris is there on the bench and it's been quite torturous i think for him there chris hasn't it getting all that tape the excess tape off of that wheel arch because it had been removed at the paint shop and literally from here all the way around here to the edge of the wing there's two little thin rows of tape so he's got to stick some glue remover on there and actually get all that glue off before we can re-tape it up so he's got to do that wheel arch i've got to do this little one here side skirts on it and i think it can go outside so we're getting very very close all the side skirts on we're large liners in everything is back to normal now look how lovely that looks guys what that's come from i'll try and include a picture now but it really has come a long way and we're so happy with the way it all gapped up when we finally realized that the uh bolts were loose the nuts were loose on that bonnet let's just get out that wind [Applause] what a lovely car let's take it out on a road test and check the alignment and if that's out well we're going to get it checked anyway let's go get it done here we go protest time and seems to be lovely steering is a little bit off steering wheels a little bit off so we'll have to have alignment done but that was always something we was going to have done anyway he is a little bit road noisy because we haven't got the back seats in it yet but seems to perform lovely and it is driving really nice changing up and down through the gears just got no complaints with it at all got nearly a full tank of diesel as well so that's temperature's up to normal yeah just can't fault it brakes are still a little bit grindy but i think that's because they've got obviously it's been sat for quite a while now so they're going to have quite a lot of surface rust on the discs can hear it changing up through the gears chris yeah smooth though it's very very smooth got a bit of noise in the back there just spin that camera handle and show we're actually driving then we still got that back seats in so we've got a bit of noise there but we'll do a little bit of an accelerating yeah changes gear lovely very very smooth car you don't really expect anything less with mercedes do you well let's go back to the yard and finish it off i'm happy with that go guys four will alignment how far out is it minimal lovely that's what we like to hear minimal unbelievable considering what that car's been through let's get that all done get it back and finally finish it off hopefully those seat clips will be in they said just after dinner time so should be any minute so that tracking's all sorted out now it was very very minimal which was surprising and very i was really happy about that i've bought it i'm on the isle of sheppy anyway so i've bought it straight over to sheppy salvage and he's just gassing up the aircon for me that's another job ticked off the list i wasn't going to record this bit but i thought i'd add a little bit in i have just arrived and i was very expensive there's the original one the cartridge a couple of people said what do you do about it now a breakers yard's probably not going to split one of them trims so we have gone down the route of ordering nice new ones and you can see those seat belts destroyed it but it was really easy i'll just pop this back cover off it just pulls out and then there's little clips here on the seat i've folded them back and then you can just tilt the whole thing forward you can see where that goes in and it's just got two star drives in it so i'll get that fitted in both seats we can get that fitted and that'll be all done there we go guys about five minutes that was that's all in there now i think we've got to get it in the car get it clicked in and then we can stick them little finishing panels in after and jobs are good and i won't video the other one but i'll go and get the larger one out the two about the car and get that that one fitted in that one as well and there we go all finished i went down the car wash there they're fantastic but they are ram packed so they couldn't spend as long as they normally would on it but of course they've done a lovely job it does want running right round with a clay bar but apart from that couldn't be happier with how it turned out drives fantastic got no faults at all showing everything seems to be working perfectly on it we'll have a quick little walk around it and i'll show you the inside let's have a little look in the boot all come up very nice in now just can't fault it the back seat was quite mucky he even gave that a bit of a wipe over he said rob i'm really sorry i haven't got lots and lots of time but let's jump in and quickly show you the inside it's all come up very very nice of course it would benefit from a full valet but quick little valid down there and that back seat was quite bad and they've got it up a lot lot better than what it was guys it's that time let's get inside and crunch the numbers you're gonna have to bear with me a little bit on this one guys because it is a big big list i've just bought the car back in the under tray was the last job left to do and we have left it right till the last minute chris has just gone to grab it and we'll crack on get that fitted and that is that car that's a wrap so the mercedes gla purchase price now quite a lot of people in the comments in the first video said why would anyone insure that car third party they didn't insure that car third party unfortunately the lady's boyfriend was driving the car and he was fully comp on his car and he was only third party on that car so it was a bit of a downer for them to be honest because they'd not long had the car so they'd had various offers on the car and they asked me a price and i said yeah i'll have it three thousand pounds the guy that put us onto it i gave him a 50 pound drink collection was the other side of essex and so it was 10 pound for the total 40 pound for diesel right the airbag kit the front panel complete with reds sorry front panel red pack headlights bumper and trims grills the wing the splashes and the bonnet we got all of those from that same rl i can't even think of the name of it in essex and that was two thousand two hundred and fifty pound now there was quite a lot of you pointed out a full front end for it on ebay for three thousand pounds but i didn't come with an airbag kit so i did shop around a lot explained to the guy that i could probably get all of it for that price and just the way it worked out was two 250 and we was quite happy with that the chassis legs as you know we went down the genuine route and bought two new ones for it two pieces for the left side inner and outer and for the right side it only needed an inner the outer had no damage on it at all and that was 263 pound with all the v80 and all that sort of stuff the aluminium casting that run up the engine that had the alternator water pump and everything bolted to it i got off of ebay for 35 pound the alternator itself was broken because half of the mount was snapped off on that bracket and that was 80 pound the pipes dipstick washer pump etc from mercedes that was our first order was a 181 pound the oil filter and antifreeze was 60 pounds excuse me paint sealer and consumables that i went out and got an older matching sealer was pounds uh battery backup that we got yesterday from uh tall station i think it was nine pound slang we've ripped down ten quid and that was a huge saving and it's been perfect um seat catches from the dealer they come today i was expensive 240 pound but i finished the car off and i had to be done air conditioning recharge we've done earlier at sheppy salvage i'm going to tell you the price but bear in mind he does look after me 50 pound four-wheel alignment this morning at a2 tires again they do look after me 40 pound stevenson's mercedes do you remember we took it over there when it wouldn't start and they plugged it into their style machine and cleared the crash data so that he wouldn't take no money i gave him a 20 pound and told him to buy everybody breakfast the paint rounded the painters he always does look after us so of course it was worth the money and it was 600 pounds he painted the bonnet front bumper both front wings driver's side front door and mopped the rest of the car so we've got a grand tote warning of 7 000 and 14 pounds for that car i've had a flick through ebay prices fluctuate they vary depending on spec model they do that in a manual four-wheel drive two-wheel drive mileage and we decided a couple of weeks ago actually before we had even done our numbers that we was going to ask 12 000 pounds for it now i've looked on there like for like they are around 15 so that would have been very very cheap but the bombshell is in the end of this is that car ain't going nowhere apart from home with me claire's really not getting on with that range rover she doesn't use it it's just sitting on the drive we've now added about three months and she's done a grand total of 204 miles so i've decided to actually sell that range rover free up the big lump of money i've got in it write chris a check for 6 000 quid and actually put her in that little car it's perfect for what she needs is put up we don't really need a car i've got my little van and like i said she don't really go out very far she's got a little salon and she works there and that is it so let me know what you think in the comments section down below that is going to be the end of today's video if you enjoy it please do give us a thumbs up drop your comments in the comment section down below like subscribe and share don't forget to turn on your notification bell so you don't miss any of our videos and we'll see you monday in the next one
Channel: salvage rebuilds uk
Views: 47,618
Rating: 4.9752293 out of 5
Keywords: Mercedes, AMG, Damaged, Crashed, Accident, Repair, Salvage, GLA, A class, 200, #salvagerebuildsuk
Id: smqXtvaw8MI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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