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[Music] give you do this a spade day one day what up guys welcome back to another daily driven exotics fellow and it's about to get crazier and crazier on a speed rally we're leaving from here in Toronto we're up real early because the tire Slayer is a bit of an issue and we're gonna go get that sorted out right now before the rally starts with pressed for time so we're heading over to simply tire my boy Allan and the crew are gonna take care of us jump into the top [Music] the gee-gees higher-layer we got the radical we got the purple monta here we go guys last minute rally prep we were here at simply tired of what Alan is hooking me up yet again last year this car was here if you guys will remember we had a the car in a vlog here and it got all four tires yeah four tires so here we are back again it's like a ritual we can't drive a spade rally unless we come to simply tire oh we got other ralliers here I love the color on this car okay what color is that from porch no I think is it hey the new chalk color it's sweet I love it that's rally life right there I wish we could get it all in like that in my car seriously Alan's GCS is looking six this is the new build right damn will you list you guys good so what kid is the Darwin Pro hook thing is mean-looking [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we are ready to go hey oh yeah he hooked it up you guys need anything comes to him as simply tired you know just pop in and spend a bunch of money on rims and tires they do everything sure all right thank you I can't wait to see the car on the Sun roll Dave you look amazing you look amazing come on [Music] [Music] well guys we're here a spade rally day one a lot of people super excited can't wait to get out and just check out all the cars who's ready to rally that was weak who's ready to rally okay guys we are here a spade rally we are we're the last to get signed in and pick up our goodie bag and there's like complimentary breakfast and coffee and they do it right beautiful hall all the cars are lined up out front look at this come here watch this check this out look at all the cars now I promise you're gonna see all these cars I will cover all of them over the next couple of days but I gotta get my coffee and you know I need my coffee Dave needs his coffee too easy grumpy little I can't believe you didn't fill this stuff out yeah oh yeah [Music] leave me to the coffee to the coffee and you're not allowed radar detective got another one gotta bake those cops with the video bro you said we wouldn't have any problems at the border I think I might have some problems well bro you ready I'm ready whole pilot duties you got your duties ready yeah I Drive you talk on the radio channel one guys channel one group in it is beautiful in here what a beautiful venue what a great day and I can't wait to hit the road so why don't we go out say hi to a bunch of the people who were out there waiting for us show off the car a little bit because everyone wants to see it thank you for coming out last night the crowd was over it was insane it was overwhelming but it was amazing so thank you to everybody who came out all right we're oh yeah thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we are making a run for the border you guys we're here at the border crossing duty-free we're waiting for the luggage truck to show up we have to cross the border with our luggage of course so they have like this little system in place right yeah so basically the luggage truck goes first we sign a form they take all the risk we fall behind we're good they take all the risk I love that right because nobody knows what's in your bag oh you don't want to know it's a deep dark and dangerous place lots of incredible cars for 30 Spyder Porsche m4 what we got here California m3 e92 AMG GTS got all sorts of cars 570 Spyder this is a really cool and unique car is the loo so this guy came up and said hi to me last night said he's follow the channel check out is Lou so probably the ultimate rally car right here four seats lots of room for luggage v12 oh wow leave this custom green carbon fiber that's uh that's incredible all throughout the cabin we're going to check this out a little closer later jeez I like that green carbon fiber is incredible [Music] so here you guys are starting the shenanigans off I was it the very first yeah we made a mistake we messed up we got caught you got a ticket wait Wow Anthony got a ticket Anthony what are you doing I was following the Ford GT for like 20 miles that like you know 60 kilometers an hour and then we got over the bridge and everything opened up and I saw you opened up I opened up horse opened up yeah the cop said I was doing 50 over I don't think I got up to 50 over because that would've been 150 maybe a buck 30 you go check it yeah so the Porsche is running good yeah it's just got one notch on the belt for a spade rally I'm gonna write you oh geez I love how it's always a challenge James any predictions I don't have a radar that took it down okay strong work we've learned our lesson we've learned our lesson but now we're headed back to America America's just right there land of the free home of the boy who knows this is gonna put my red or detector on right now so I don't forget maybe maybe give it a mile you never know can you imagine border agent last year oh yeah that's why I think he's what tipped that cops oh yeah he wasn't happy now he wasn't he was having a bad day well we'll find out we just turned the duty-free into a car show look how you got to get in out of the radical looks easy okay you got pulled over - yes you're going for the record were you the very first I think you were the very first they were search circling like vultures for a while we thought Toronto City police and they may not be interested but they finally selected the McLaren so we pulled in behind we still act a couple hundred meters yeah and after they had discussed a bit they waved us to come forward let's go in front and but he was actually great he was super polite and did any tickets no tickets yeah he was a good guy sweet can't wait to see this thing rolling down the street [Music] we got another crew rolling in my boy doc damn three checking mode on YouTube the purple Montague [Music] Captain America a whole crew beast well what a monster rolling out border jump border jumps this is legitimately one of my favorite things about a spade rally is that it's the only North American rally that jumps the border this is like I look at this as like gumball level because it's it's risky it takes a lot of work a lot of preparation long a lot of organization and logistics to get all these cars and everyone over the border with luggage and luggage trucks it's legit that Saturn does this it's cool all right guys bye bye to Canada yet again we're here for 24 hours and we are gonna be over the bridge and into the USA All Right see how we're on the other side of this fence well this is called secondary I get it every time we're going in today hopefully it doesn't take too long well well well nervous no word of a lie I wasn't sure if we were gonna get in a lot of questions came up about Dukla yeah new questions about a car and why it's in the u.s. so long and I well you know I come down explained everything saw the registration saw that I wasn't fooling come saw that we have the car coming back to Canada on fly car and gave us the pass we're good we're good so we are now so far behind I honestly don't think we're gonna catch up for the rest of today's leg so you guys are gonna get to see a lot of Dave's pretty face in myself and whatever beautiful scenery you get to see along the way which this is what's this Buffalo welcome to Buffalo do I hear it I would love to ready yeah [Music] and handle the web [Music] I told ya [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know the people who stuck around dessert down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the better those tires are done the right ones gonna be harder up because that was actually going well guys thanks for coming out there's the real signature you guys actually hold on should we make Dave ride on the wing again my mama would never do that again what a wimp hey what happened a dead rat in the rat finally caught up with the group we get the rally for 20 minutes was impressive as we were an hour and a half behind me caught up I was flying guys this is proper proper gas station take over isn't it homey it is look at his ride beautiful a-line get the roll of you and now we roll out everyone's gassed up got some energy drinks in them Anthony bang we made it I'm so excited no tickets I shouldn't say that we're not there yet yeah my daily dripping exotic yeah man I've seen you on YouTube hey thanks how's it going cool yeah you're done not quite I got another two hours don't lose your twelve - that's not bad not bad at all everyone behaving themselves so far yes gotta watch out for the ladies oh man that's what they all say good night all right now I think you guys had an escort or something yesterday I've seen a lot of the cars going yeah I know I'm married I don't know escorts for me right yeah I think we do have a police escort tomorrow or something we made it we're in Columbus we made it to Cleveland I got a mixed up so I apologize to everybody if you watch us and I was saying on insta stories that I was going to Columbus when really I was going to the Cleveland meet both amazing cities both of you both amazing amazing people but hey that cop what about that cop super cool guy awesome guy watches the channel so thank you shout out to all the great men and women who put their lives on the line to be the police force the firefighters the military thank you very much in Columbus we're here [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] boy [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys this is where we're going probably thing hey nice hat hey hey what's up guys guys [Music] [Applause] Columbus in the house Columbus in the house I'll actually park straight how's everybody doing what do you think of all the cars some nice cars sway talk really loud thank you well thanks for coming out guys welcome to the channel we got a panda where's Dave where is Dave these guys are excited stayed up till 12:30 to come and see the tire Slayer hey dude big fan of channel thanks to the ride man hey you're welcome you're welcome bro dude top of the world with the with the tire Slayer hey yeah the Levesque building it's got the red white and blue from Memorial Day weekend Columbus is awesome the hospitality coming back how about this view this is their City Hall right here check this out guys look at this view City Hall right look at the view we got for this evening we've had what do short hours a sauna come up because we're DeeDee and we haven't slept much I know we have not Dave and I are just kind of actually taking a moment kind of taking Columbus in I mean you guys is the hospitality everybody coming out thank you so much not gonna lie we're tired I'm like I'm coming down from like four coffees and two Red Bull it's a hard crash it's a hard crash but what I love about Columbus is this you guys all the colors like this building back here is actually changing colors right now you guys see that see that green now yellow goes it red that pinky purple blue I mean you guys just got colors everywhere it got neon lights here look at down here you guys got more let's just a colorful city I love it super welcoming you guys smash the subscribe button this is where we're gonna end the video we're gonna put the tire Slayer to bed the tire Slayer has slayed tires is she tired it's higher she's a tired tired for asleep in the car man I got bone in the room say good night good night guys thanks for watching I'll see you guys in tomorrow's video it's gonna be nuts because we have some crazy stuff planned so stick around for that I'll see you guys in the next video love you guys peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 299,280
Rating: 4.9365535 out of 5
Keywords: Ace Spade Rally, Toronto, Cleveland, Columbus, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg, Donuts, Lamborghini Drifting, Police, Cops
Id: GxJ8Hs7xL9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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