COOLJC Centennial Celebration Friday Bishop Marvin Winans

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seeing the lightning flash and I heard thunder road I felt since breakers - trying to conquer my soul but I heard the voice Jesus telling me to steal vital Jose promise never leave me never leave me [Music] life's fierce winds are blowing [Music] temptations sharp and clean there is comfort in knowing my cedar stands between he stands to keep me from de day when all of my friends are gone for the promise never leave me never leave me alone no never and Elijah said unto Him [Applause] I got I don't to keep you here all day that's all I'll sing pretty comfortable right there Elijah said unto Him take bow and arrow and he took unto him bow and arrow and he said to the king of Israel put nine hand upon the bow and he put his hand upon it and Elijah put his hand upon the Kings hand in ageless anointing Elisha whose name means God is salvation he was a ninth century BC Israelite prophet he was the son of shaphat he received his anointing through prophetic since succession I think there's anything I'm so happy to see Bishop Neill show well friend people talk about it a lot but if you're going to work for God it doesn't come from being in a field by yourself walking from somewhere that no one knows where you come from your anointing should be traceable you should be able to have it confirmed where you got what that is you have we have a lot of people today that are being called anointed and credential eyes over the Internet we have a lot of people that just heard something in their bathroom and operated on that but what I understand and what the Bible confirms is that there should be a preceding anointing and then there has to want there has to be one to succeed what they receive all right I'm i'ma give him a preachers voice in a moment the Apostle Paul writes and says I am preaching what I received hmm living in a day where folk want to be new and sensational I want you to understand that God gave the word and great was the company of them that published it that the Word of God is sufficient the Word of God is relevant in every generation I know we hear a lot of talk about the Millennials we're all Millennials and what I mean by that is what every year you were born whatever time you were young you always wanted to do what you wanted to do and you thought your parents we're old fogey the only difference is the parents didn't pay attention to the Jill I'm gonna preach in a moment just just do it and so as a result we have folk that don't know anything teaching folk that haven't been anywhere leading and it is called a mess because you can only go so far on energy alone just stay with me please promise not to disappoint what what is the re-imagination of the church well we have to understand is that God is not like a rapper in that he's just not flowing and making it up as he goes along God has already thought this thing through hence the reason he is called the Alpha and the Omega some of you have memory of you know a hundred years ago or you knew someone that was born a hundred years ago or you have family members or grandparents that you knew but most of us is gonna end maybe if we had parents that lived long time and grandparents I I knew my great-grandfather and I knew him well and he was born March 2/3 1875 and I knew him so you can have a memory or folk that were around but at about 200 Muslim folk agon got it and so how does the church continue to move when all of the fathers how does the church continue to grow when those that were here when it started are no longer around well it's easy Jesus told the disciples upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail or have the capacity to overthrow it how I'm getting loud now I didn't mean to get too mad how does the church continue to grow I was subject today Elijah received his anointing through a prophetic succession by survey not by showing off not in competition with [Applause] not by trying to outdo someone else but by sir second Kings the third chapter Joe Hoffa Jehoshaphat got hooked up with the king and he shouldn't have been with and they were on a journey and he said let's stop all of this guesswork is there not a prophet here that we may read inquire of the Lord by him and one of the kings of Israel servants answered and said here is Elisha the son of Jason watch the quality he didn't say here's the prophet the son of shaphat that out prophesied Elisha or that worked more miracles than Elisha or that out preach them or out sing them or out administrated him he said I know he's a servant because he poured water on the hands of Elijah he served his master he followed them all the way so often in the church we use people to tie our red wagon up to them so that we could launch our own ministry I know that doesn't happen here in the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ I'm just saying other places we say things like well my season is up and I didn't know you had a season I didn't find that I was talking to one person one Bishop it had his Reformation he said people will come to your Reformation and say all I need to be covered but really their intent was I need to be discovered they'll come because they want to preach in an auditorium this size they want to sing in an auditorium this size not because they're in love or they come to serve they've come to see how can I get my shot I hope my boring you is this too terrible for me to be virgin the Bible says that Elijah poured water on the hand of Elijah and he served him and he followed him all the way until his chariot was until he was taken up in heaven in a chariot of fire then and only then did he receive the request of a double portion in order to really gain the completeness of what God has for you to do you got to hang around no matter how you try to tell so I'm not through with you yet you need to stand me no the Lord told me but I got some more to put any northern Lord I got to go I got to go so you let him go and then they get discouraged and they quit and the ones that follow them are discouraged and they quit and it isn't because God didn't call them it's because they didn't stay until they received everything they need want you to understand that a father and I had a good father a father is never jealous of his son father never wants to hold his child back but when they see the talent they encourage it they push it out my daddy had seven sons and three daughters and he could out sing all of them but when we first started he was pushing us and that's what father's do they don't try to hold you back they don't try to tie you up but you have to have enough deference and enough respect to say I'm gonna hang around till I get relief [Applause] cars the truth of the matter is we don't have enough time to keep starting over we don't have enough time to keep everybody got to go through the same situation you should want your child not just because I don't have nothing on her well that's why I worked so you don't have to stop where I started feel like preaching now we got a lot of work to do I don't want you to take that the church's work is over cousin not only it's not near over we have a lot of work to do we cannot continue to start over every time somebody died the church was not intended as the young man said it was not intended to be a movement which turns into a monument that turns into a museum feel like preaching now so I'm gonna click cross the field here Jesus died on the cross and everybody in his little fledgling Church was disturbed they were hiding out they were afraid of what would happen to them because Jesus had been crucified two men were on the road of him asked and Jesus saw them and saw how sad they were walked up alongside of them and said why y'all so sad it looked at him and said dad where you been he's been some dark days they took Jesus who we thought would be our deliverance we thought he would be the one that would restore respect and restore prominence to Israel we had such a big cry to everywhere we went there were multitudes had to push out and votes had to preach on the side of the mountains we thought we were going somewhere but then about three days ago they crucified him now we have to go undercover because we don't want to be associated with Jesus now that he's dead and then we got news this morning from some ladies that I think were hysterical talking about he's no longer in the tomb so we don't really know what to do now we're at a loss and the Bible says that Jesus began to open unto them the scriptures and told them the things that he had to say amazing thing is that they didn't know it was him but when he revealed himself after they had saw him for intermittently for about forty days then he got on a cloud and was elevated into heaven he looked at him and saw told them go he in all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be damned but don't worry about it fellas because these signs [Applause] shall follow them that believe in my name they will cast out Devils I don't hit nobody talking to man it's really hard to get folk to even believe in the church that there's a devil we think it's just a hormonal disorder but the truth of the matter is these folks are filled with demons and the how are they gonna get cast out if the church doesn't stand on the gift that God has given it look at your neighbors say an ageless anointing so now just for a minute let me finish so yeah he went up into heaven and gave them the commandment to go into Jerusalem the same place where they would see receive most of their criticism and most of their trouble going to Jerusalem and stay in the upper room until you be endued with power yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah my table a bicycle tours decoder CC with power from on high preaching in a Baptist Church in in in Texas Arlington Texas on Pentecostal Sunday a few years weeks years ago I told him I said I won't you understand the Holy Ghost is not a denomination [Applause] the Holika is a promise [Applause] looked at me the pastor looked at me said I never heard it like that see we're I'm trying to define myself denominationally but I just want you to know I just want to ask you have you picked up your problem the promise is that all of God's people would have the same spirit I said the same spirit the same spirit Peter who was so free that he cursed lied and denied but after he got the Holy Ghost so you can't cuss and had ahold of okay you either gonna Custer you go ahead and hold a good you came [Applause] but after he got the whole ago the same Peter who was afraid of a little woman the same Peter walking to the temple he had to go to the temple because they didn't have anywhere for the church together so he went to the temple during the hour of prayer and when he got there there was a man waiting on him asking him alms and the Bible says that he looked at Peter and John and because of what they had they were not afraid to tell him look on us I'm trying to slow down but I'm about to go the church has to have the ability to tell the world look we're not worried about whether or not it works because it's an ageless anointing it works in every era it works in every generation he said look on us silver and gold [Music] silver and gold have I none but such as I have give it underneath and what I want you to understand is that you can't give somebody something you don't already have that's called stealing it has to be yours in order for you to give it to somebody else but do I have any Saints in this room this afternoon look your neighbor him I and say I got it and I know I got it because the same thing the same thing that Jesus Peter and John hey the same thing that the sons and daughters of Peter and John they had and it's been passed on we stand here in 2019 not with a different Hall ago [Music] [Applause] not with a modern holy ghost but with the same holy dose that sell back in penny toss shake your neighbors fantasy neighbor I got the same holiday I gotta get out of here [Music] yes look at your neighbors a NEMA I've got the same hole ago there is no modern Hall ago there is no old hole ago but it's the same I can hear brother Paul saying the spirit that raised Jesus [Laughter] [Music] look at the neighbors see neighbors I got the same holy though I'm so glad Thank You Jilin yes and the proof that Elijah had the same thing Elijah had that is because after he picked up the man look at your neighbors in me what's that you got all tell them I got the mantle of the Holy Ghost yes I do and look at your neighbor's a neighbor I want you to know that it works yes it yes yes and in second Kings the second chapter and the 15 verse the Bible says when the sons of the prophets which were to view at Jordan saw him talking about in Asia huh they said the spirit of Elijah does rest on Elijah can I talk to you today that has the spirit of dr. Lawson got the spirit of Bishop Spencer got the spirit of Bishop Bonner not because I talk like them or I walk like him or I try to preach like a man but I got the same I got the same anointing uh because I don't know better talking to me [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna love secret I have a son of Bishop on Oh pastors in Detroit and he was telling me how he was his his youth president and there was a mother in the church that had cancer and Bishop Bono went on a fast and had the church on a fast and it was terminal but he said God is gonna healer she came to church and he prayed for and said mother go home and drink a coca-cola and God's gonna heal you she went home and drunk a coca-cola and God healed her [Music] there was no healing in the Word of God in the Word of God when you [Music] get me that morning [Applause] [Applause] remember above us hello come on open your mouth don't bring it up [Applause] [Music] I've Cecotto baba Yaga Baba I want you to reach across the hours here shut up aah everyone grab somebody's hand the person standing next to you reach across the aisles all the way in the back I wanted to be a an endless chain da da ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba si la hora de ba ba Sunday a cold rotala ba I want a release of God's anointing [Applause] how high shot above us there it is there it is ah dah dah bah bah Kittel all shudder Bubba let it flow from hand the hand from heart to heart here called wah bah bah bah see spirit of the Living God move here now transform the mind kid Tata bye bye bicycle - all in the name of the Lord Jesus in the name of the Lord Jesus a young dilemma bakit Rocha mondo or koto baba Baba son Davos my head [Applause] lift that hand that you're holding lift it up there is no way there is no way that this church that is called the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the apostolic field has lasted a hundred years because of your planning it hasn't lasted because of your educational system to have all of these folk in the room after 100 years the reason you're still here is because of the anointing of God [Applause] ah [Applause] now father lift that hand up lift it up Father in the name of the Lord Jesus I rebuke the spirit of competition iris beaut the spirit of division and everyone under the sound of my voice give them a longing like they've never had before for the anointing of the Holy Ghost let the present of God lift this body to heights on imagine let young people be saved let it be filled with the same spirit let the anointing of Succession be upon this house in the name of Jesus I want you to throw your head back and shout unto God with the voice of triumph [Applause] [Music] [Music] let the praise go up let the praise go up here [Applause] there it is there it is yokes are being broken right now the anointing that breaks the yoke in the back of the sanctuary as well in the front of the sanctuary I need somebody to open your mouth and give it one more shot of praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Oh what what I want you to do right now quickly is I want you to just walk out from your seat there's an anointing here and it's a corporate anointing mid-quarter look shantamma and I want you to dis find five people and tell them I got that ageless anointing just move up from your seat [Music] thank God weird or that [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I got a run out of here and catch a plane I want everyone to get a $20 seat in your hand and as soon as you get it I want you to run down here with it just get it we gonna make them work today just to get here and throw it on the halter and tell them I gotta ageless anointing just just get it and come on down here real quick I feel a breakthrough in this house I see just
Channel: Church Nation01
Views: 18,626
Rating: 4.8900342 out of 5
Id: B36Lrt_P2Ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 9sec (2649 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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