Cooking With Volk - Lamb Gyros, Greek Souvlakia | Pita Bread Tzatziki and Taramasalata

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what's happening guys another episode of cooking with vog and we got a bit of a treat for you guys we're going to do some uh lamp sulaka going to do like a year Ros I'm going to do my own sort of style so it's going to pretty much have everything that you usually would have on them just might do it a little bit different uh make it a bit easier I might add a couple of things that some people do add some people don't and uh while I'm cooking that up I might even do something else that I like to do with the p bread as well um as you can see I've got a few different things here so I might uh get a couple of those going have a little bit of nibble have a little snack while I cook use a mean little sui rrap or Yos whatever you want to call it so let's get into [Music] [Music] it um going to cut cut up the lamb I've actually got the lamb back strap here obviously the back strap on most uh on all the bloody animals is going to be the nice nicest going to be the most tender it's going to be the best cut of meat so I thought I'd get that not too much fat in there but it'll be nice lean um I'm gonna be adding a bit of fed a bit of oil here and there so we're going to get our fats in there anyway so uh it'll be nice and moist from all that but let's get into that I'm going to cut that up I'm going to marinate it up a little bit we're going to leave that aside uh while we get everything else prepared going to keep them pretty much have them cubes yeah nice little cubes just like that now put them in here and what we're going to do marinate that up and first just a little bit oil there you go fresh oregano chop that up however you want to do it all right bit of Rosemary get a bit of color in there now pretty simple uh what I like to use lemon pepper uh my mom with uh every time she does it with lamb she will always uh She'll always just lemon pepper lemon pepper obviously oregano Rosemary and all these flavors you can sort of do whatever you want salt and pepper will be beautiful right just salt by itself but lemon pepper is something that my mom always would do uh and my so that's exactly what I'm going to do you know we love our flavors yeah get that on there beautiful all right now mix that up a little bit all right we're going to set off that off to the side and I'm going to put that that on skewers uh when it's ready but we'll get everything else prepared let's go the pet bread obviously it's all different type of uh pet bread you can get you can get some just from your Lo local supermarkets can go find a better place that might have uh more higher quality sort of pet breads um I just went to the local uh Supermarket got this um as long as you cook them uh right they usually come up pretty good sometimes if you don't cook them right they can get a bit flaky and break and things like that so we'll do our best uh to cook them right but all you need is a bit of olive oil I'm going to sprinkle a bit of olive oil and um right now I'm going to use the dried Oregan right it up does matter how you want to do it there you go beautiful let's do that again right beautiful all right awesome right so what I'm going to do I'm going to cook some of these obviously I'm going to make a wrap but I'm going to use some of the the Peter breads dce them up and I'm going to have uh as I said I'm going to make a little snack while I'm cooking um as you could do a lot of times when I'm cooking a barbecue this is what I'll put out first I'll put some bitter bread I'll get the T masal um always difficult to say that or if you ziki dip it in it's perfect just like that honestly it's just like that even if you want to you know what sprinkle a bit a lot of times I sprinkle even a bit of lemon pepper on the pit of breads as well and all this stuff that I'm going to prepare is going to be so quick cuz even the lamb we want to cook that nice and quick on a hot plate and that's that so it's all going to be done pretty quickly so let's go get these on the [Music] barbecue so obviously when you're when you're cooking them you don't want to undercook them and you don't want to overcook them you don't want them getting more charcoal right through either and getting all crispy and just breaking apart like that as well but I mean again a couple of little uh burn edges on there is always perfect you know get a bit of color in there okay shut that in so we're going to get these on the skewers lamps of laka uh what I will do I'll put some cherry tomatoes and I will put some onions on there as well so they can get a bit of a Char and then what I'll do with the rest of the tomatoes and onions and even a bit of the chili and some of the the flavors feta cheese and all that I'm going to sort of uh dice that up and have that mixed in with the with the with the ziki and the feda cheese and stuff like that so I wouldn't mind that little bit extra freshness so I'm going to have some of the onions and tomatoes slightly cooked again you're going to cook that really quick going to have that real hot and they're just going to try and get a decent Sea and the rest of it I'm going to have it a little bit more fresh in there and then we're going to set these skewers straight on top and uh that's going to be done very easy right depending what colors you want I'm going to put these I'm just going to chop them up in half like that that'll do tomato get an onion piece get another one same again obviously you can do capsicum you can do whatever you want for me this is all I want there you go perfect let's do the same again going to dice up some of this uh onion dice up the tomatoes I'll just dice it up however you want chop it up however you want you'll see how I'll do it even a bit of the chili um maybe Chuck some of the the herbs in there as well mix it up and then that's going to be bedding uh the bedding on top of the ziziki all right chop these up a lot of times I'll just while I'm sitting there dig that right in there beautiful now get them straight on there again with a lamb must steak or lamb you wanted um you know medium rare medium like Max so as long as it's nice and hot look you get yourself a good sea sooo have a look at that lamb suia beautiful put a bit of lemon on that beautiful so be generous with a mate yeah that's how I like it nice and generous Chuck that on there I'm going to bed this on there remember the chili everything on there now let's get these bad boys on like that honestly grab ploop and let's wrap these bad boys are that's it nice and easy get in your Gob so there you have it a you rush could do it however you want um obviously you've seen some of them they put the chips in in there uh hot chips you can put lettuce tomato onion you can be real basic with it I just want to get a lot of the flavors like I said the the feta cheese with the ziki and dicing up some of that onions and that in there bit of lemon drizzled over the Sakia the lamb once you cook perfect or just have the skewers by themselves beautiful literally however you want to do you can have the skewers chips have the bit of breads chopped up just so you can use it with the dips as well uh totally up to you it always uh comes up a treat so hope you enjoyed it till next time love you
Channel: Alexander Volkanovski
Views: 112,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #souvlaki, #cookingwithvolk, #greekfood, #lamb
Id: kgaXWVFK9Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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