Cooking Viral Tiktok Recipes Blindfolded with Anne Curtis (Feta Pasta and Tuna Onigiri)

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you be professional for once in your [Music] life hi it's everyone and i'm with my wife and today so today's me very different um in the household i do most of the cooking and doesn't cook much at all no i do i at least cook once a day so today it's going to be very different because the concept is anne has a couple of ingredients in front of her and she's going to have to cook the dishes i for one will not cook anything and i'll be sitting next to her with a blindfold solely giving her instructions if you've seen my videos in the past i'm not the best person to instruct people so today we'll be making two different dishes two are very trendy right now one is that very viral tik tok feta pasta bake that's really really easy to do so if you mess this up a lot of questions will be asked um and then we're also gonna be making one of our favorite dishes when we go to japan which is an onigiri the added layer today is we're gonna try to make these dishes healthier um and add some protein to them by adding some sentry tuna so effectively we are century tunifying it tomatoes onions chili flakes and garlic are seasoned with salt and tossed in olive oil the block of feta cheese is placed right on top this goes into the oven for 30 minutes before adding some pepper thyme in our tuna flakes in oil after about 10 minutes the freshly cooked pasta is tossed in with some basil so this is going to be the tik tok tuna bake pasta dish correct easy so the first thing we're gonna do is prep the cherry tomatoes the onions and the garlic um but you're gonna first start by quartering the red onions peel them uh don't cut them right away i didn't cut them i heard it chopped no i didn't i just was checking if the knife was sharp and hot cut them in four oh my god are we still here you give me one uh grab four uh five cloves of garlic and then just half them cut them in half okay it's actually really hard to cook are they all happy there yes they're all hot i feel like you did something purposefully to the onion so that it was harder for me so i look weird the garlic has been hot okay the onions are ordered no you didn't say that yeah i said cut and fork that was the first instruction i gave you it's literally on three cameras whoever's editing this please replay that in slo-mo three times to make a point first start by quartering the red onions [Music] okay yeah okay so um there should be a glass think somewhere here okay so you're gonna place as many cherry tomatoes as you can put in there so that without having them stack on top of each other so basically what i'm trying to do here is to even out the tomatoes and make sure that they're not touching each other and they don't pile on top of each other as you can see look at that definition um next you're going to put in your garlic and your onions i'm not going to crush no no don't crush anything just put them whole like that and then garlic halves yeah all of it all of it as well okay and then you have a bottle of olive oil yes okay drizzle drizzle like really drizzle coat them don't drown them no no no no no okay okay um there should be salt somewhere yes okay uh just a small pinch and then kind of just sprinkle that be annoying with it okay hands yeah toss mm-hmm good yeah is that a cheese yeah in the middle in the middle on top or on top don't squeeze it in just put it on top okay done no design what's the like the streaks yeah no no just like make sure it's all covered good yeah okay that goes into the oven behind you for about 40 minutes we're gonna take that out in 20 minutes so just take note of what time it is hey guys so we're back on the air when uh it's 20 minutes later back to life no life with heroin no 20 minutes later welcome back to the one friend your feta cheese uh should be ready okay feta is not one of those cheeses that melts all the way what tuna we're using here i'm not gonna flake oil add that around the feta cheese not on top of it at all i would do ruin it time goes by really slowly when you're blindfolded so slowly okay done done so it's like a pepper mix but you can also use just black pepper if you want um and then you should have some thyme on your left yeah hold it from the tip like the top and then no and just pull it down like that yeah okay it's not gonna be shredded but we're removing the stem we're de-stemming it basically sometimes in there so that goes back into the oven for about 10 minutes i'm scared [Music] you have two minutes two minutes on okay grab the pot behind you the whole thing yeah boiling this falls on me okay take off the lid grab a big pinch of salt and then put that in the water add in your pasta um put that back onto the stove so delay instructions beginner instruction let's get the first oh let's get the pasta okay so this is all by your guidance right pour that in voila good um we're gonna do what we call a chiffonade so you have basil on your left yeah got it um you're just going to take the basil and kind of like roll it so it becomes like a like a cigar with a stem oh yeah and then slice it yeah okay all right um and then let's take the feta cheese out of the oven so what am i doing cut up the cheese with the wooden whatever you have okay i smash it yeah oh my god just to be sure because once i do this use whatever you have in your hand okay can i see what you have in your hand what happened why is this my fault you're the one cooking yeah but under your guidance and your timer yes clearly i can read my watch give me a second to mix this more it's taking forever good okay now we're done did you add your basil no adding it no put a pinch of chili flakes that's a lot that sounds like a lot i think it's spicy mix mix mix mix mix mix okay now your pasta okay we don't want to add too much pasta so just add how much you think you need okay and then i mix it yeah no it's just i really want to get the tuna in there oh what do i do now with the lemon um just dissolve just it yeah don't eat too much just a little bit it goes a long way you put black pepper okay grab another plate press us with your plating you can always finish it with like a drizzle of olive oil um a bit more pepper if you want okay yeah it's looking good okay wait wait wait what's happening [Music] [Music] i would have been really worried if you messed this up you did a good job really good job thank you it's nice that when you're doing this in the oven why we decided to add the tuna not from the beginning because then it would dry out way too much and you want to kind of keep that moisture but you also want that top to get toasted that's why i told you not to mix it in so it's really important as much as possible in all your meals to add some protein whether that be vegetable based or whether that be tuna tunify your recipes okay this is easy the next one's gonna be interesting after carefully cooking the sushi rice it's seasoned with rice vinegar and sugar the spicy tuna is mashed together with mayonnaise and sriracha [Music] the tricky part will be shaping the rice making sure that it covers the tuna mix [Music] completely okay how are you feeling confident do you know where to start no did i did i put out the rice anywhere no okay um so you should have a really wide bowl there yes with a wooden thing spatula okay so just um put rice in there yeah like about a cup and a half let's say two cups okay okay it's really important when you're making this recipe to use um rice that's kind of like warmish um because or else it's not gonna work as well um so you want something ideally it's quite fresh so what we're gonna do now is you have rice vinegar in one of the bowls it should look like yellow yes i know what rice vinegar is okay then you have some sugar next to it yes um so you're gonna take maybe two pinches of sugar and you're gonna mix that with the rice vinegar and then if you put two cups of rice in the thing then you can add two small teaspoons of that mix into the rice now take the wooden pallet and then kind of just um mix mix it all around make it homogenous um and make sure not to kind of like kill the rice what just happened you just dropped the tuna i feel like i'm lacking the vinegar and water like i need more is it sticky it's sticky yes okay that should be enough um next you're gonna grab the can of tuna what are we using now century tuna hot and spicy so you have a bowl with a fork there yes just put the tuna in there i'm so impatient like i feel like this is taking forever let me take my time i want it to be perfect for you my husband because in reality that's not how she talks to me at all add one teaspoon of mayonnaise so we're using japanese mayonnaise here um and then depending on the spice level that you want there should be some sriracha so add maybe half a teaspoon of that done and then use the fork and kind of mash everything together it's kind of like a tuna spread right this is yummy also in crackers crackers or celery sticks carrot sticks sandwich like a dip so that's good yeah so there's a uh should be like a scallion or a leek next to you um this is optional um i actually didn't do it when i was doing the beauty shots a while ago but you can slice a couple of those i mean just the green parts you can kind of chop that and mince that and add it to the mix so that goes into the bowl okay now comes the fun part um you're gonna need a bowl you still have salt around you somewhere yes and then you're gonna need a little bowl like a finger bowl where you're gonna add some water and you're gonna use that for your hands so that the rice doesn't stick onto your hands this is the part that's gonna be hard to explain okay um you have nori sheets hey can you grab one nori sheet please yeah and then there should be vertical lines yes cut it with the vertical lines not necessarily on not on the vertical lines just one sheet yeah um and then are you looking at it with the vertical lines in front of you yeah okay you're gonna cut that in three how do i cut it what do you mean how do you cut it do i cut it with a knife yes slice it what am i hearing what are you doing now i'm folding it why are you wait i didn't say fold why are you holding it that it's even no don't don't be like that it's cool like just just just look at it and then slice it in three don't fold it so i don't know what's how you're how you're folding it why does it sound like you're chopping bread just like one even slice don't stress me okay there's three okay set that aside off the board okay so dip your fingers both both hands in the water rub make sure your whole hand's covered take a tiny pinch of salt put that in your hands rub that in your hands as well yeah then you're gonna scoop rice enough to almost cover your whole hand just from your palm maybe midway up your fingers wide canadian what how thick is it is that like an inch at least yeah it's too much flatten it a little bit but don't like press it down on just crimp it with your hands like use your fingers use your fingers like this okay it's not supposed to become like a what's that called or whatever like just but it's not supposed to look like that it's supposed to still look like rice you gotta should we have a wide enough circle i mean ovo yeah okay now you're going to take one teaspoon of your tuna mix and put that dead right in the center should it be no no not too much what's my faux pas one teaspoon yeah it's in the middle yeah okay now fold it like that put one side over the other okay now you're gonna form it like into a ball-ish shape how's it coming along so for any anyone who's watching now like this is a really cool little snack um because you have carbs but you're also adding some fat and some protein so by adding the century tuna it actually becomes really kind of like a complete meal so um this is the perfect like this is what a lot of kids in japan eat and they have in their lunch box in short rice so are you done yes okay now you're gonna take the one sheet of nori and basically you're going to put your rice on top of the nori and then just squeeze the two sides like that in the middle like this and then okay it's done and then you do like that yeah okay okay can i look now oh you're done you're done right wait okay tell me when you're done we're not looking to make like that perfect seaweed pouch where you pull the string and everything coming oh that's where i was no just how are you going to do that where's the string this is the simple nigiri just stick it to the sides you're done yeah you can take it off what it's like to win that's not supposed to happen i mean it's not i mean you at least we got there in the end but so it's have you ever seen an onigiri where you see the filling right on the side where where i've had one before okay you want to try or me first you first me first yeah tell me what you think flavor not fun you didn't tell me to put sesame seeds you can always add a little bit of fruit okay did i cut it right yeah that's okay how did i do out of one to ten like a solid four huh no i'm kidding i know i would say like i'd say like a seven it's not bad the only thing the only issue i have with it is that the tuna was splitting out so the whole point of you putting half a teaspoon or teaspoon of tuna onto the palm is to make sure that it gets completely covered on all sides and then you have that too much tuna or your rice was kind of cute i do i love my taste not bad i'm impressed i'm impressed thank you [Music] so anne cooked two dishes today which is something she hadn't done how long pretty long time usually anyways anyways i think today proved something that i think is really important is that you can make really good food and healthy food if you have the right ingredients and if you have the right instructions uh cooking for yourself does not have to be complicated and adding ingredients like sentry tuna to your dishes does give you something that's just a bit heftier healthier and just overall has a better nutritional profile which is why i hope you enjoyed the two recipes that we did today um they weren't hard no they were very easy i mean coming from someone who obviously is not always in the kitchen but has that willingness to always learn and want to learn and to make at least three dishes a day this is a good step into learning how to add more dishes to my [Music] if ann can do it anyone can do it um there's actually a contest running right now on this entry tuna facebook page i'll put their link in the description box um below so show us how you can tunify your own recipes um of course you can do it with your husband by yourself with your friend or even with your kids we'd love to see your own videos and how you tunified your own recipes so the contest runs until june 11th so just submit your recipes there and you could win some really cool prizes um thanks for watching that was fun um yes if you guys want to see more of anne on feature let us know let us know if you want to see more of the airwam show or the one for anne actually let us know what you think we should name our show together whether it be cooking or me teaching him how to sing or no i said you should have a series not us together why not have stickers it clearly stresses me out like they can tell i'm stressed out right now [Applause] okay okay so you just cook two recipes this is literally this is literally all right wait why do i have to cover my nose what just happened you just dropped the tuna what if that was a knife [Music] you
Channel: FEATR
Views: 2,444,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: erwan, heussaff, thefatkidinside, anne, curtis, tiktok, pasta, feta cheese, onigiri, japanese, food, viral, challenge
Id: eMaFf7tO8TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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