Cooking Smothered Liver & Onions!

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[Music] what's up y'all i want to welcome y'all back to 80 cooks and on the menu today is a smothered liver recipe ew i know a bunch of y'all probably like ew i've never had liver uh it's something that's an acquired taste and you have to kinda have uh been grown into eating this as at a younger age but don't knock it until you try y'all so what we have in front of us is some beef liver that we're gonna season we're gonna first start off with seasoning this with some black pepper and if i didn't say it this is beef liver we're gonna go with some regular salt just regular plain white salt some garlic powder for our not garlic powder onion powder and we're going to flip it over on the other side and season it the same way that we did on this side liver has been salted on both sides so what we're going to do is go ahead and coat it with some flour and uh what i have on the left side of me is a bowl of just white flour i didn't season it i've seasoned my liver well enough so i don't have to season my flour when handling handling this liver i would suggest you use a fork or some type of utensil to pick it up because it is kind of slimy and it is bloody simple y'all we're just gonna dunk it into this flower and get it coated y'all it's almost like frying chicken or frying fish almost all right so we're gonna and it's very tender and uh and uh delicate some parts of the liver is so it may fall apart on you that's fine just be a little careful when dealing with it once you have your liver flour we're gonna go ahead and dip this into some vegetable oil in this cast iron skillet and i did have it heating up so we should be ready to go and we just want to take our flour liver and fry these babies i'm going to use my hand because the fork is kind of making the liver fall apart and i'm not going to overcrowd it i'll probably just stop with those two pieces and all we're looking for is to brown this uh liver does not take long to cook so i'm thinking like maybe two minutes on each side but it does not take long if you do overcook it you will have a tough liver so one minute to two minutes on each side or until brown let's go ahead and flip our liver over and that's the type of brown look we're looking for [Music] we'll let it cook another minute to two minutes on the other side or on this side all right liver is ready to come off that's a little bit of red on that one it kind of was turned around on me so i'm gonna go ahead and put that one back in there but you get the idea you just want to make sure you cook it but don't overcook it we're gonna go in with our other batch you just want to follow the same steps you are uh just be careful um when you're placing your liver in because on that first batch i had a piece of liver that kind of folded and it didn't get the grease didn't get to it so it wasn't cooking so i had to stick it back in and kind of move the uh folded piece around so the grease could cook it so just be careful when you're uh cooking deliver because it kind of tends to fold a little bit on you too as well so just be careful and when you're done cooking or getting ready to take out your liver just make sure that every piece has been cooked on it all right we're gonna let this last batch cook all right once you have uh finished frying your liver you want to kind of set it to the side and i dump some of the vegetable oil out of this cast iron skillet we're going to go in with uh some about our whole onion [Music] chopped up kind of roughly [Music] once we have our onions kind of salt we're going to go ahead and pull them off and they're going to go back in our gravy but we don't want to cook them so much to where they're kind of um like mushy if that makes sense so we're going to set these to the side on a paper towel and let the grease drain off of them a little bit all right now we're going to go in with us some flour and i'm using about a tablespoon and a half on this [Music] and we just want our flour to brown and cook a little bit and i may have to add a little oil to this i may add some right now for you okay guys we're still working on our rule this is sort of like a rule i don't know if i told you all uh earlier in the video but uh this is we're creating our gravy right now and you want to keep stirring this you don't want to walk away and leave this on the skillet you want to keep stirring this and you want to get it to the color of your liking and i think i have it to the color of my liking so we're good with that all right at this point what we're going to do is we're going to go in with a cup of uh hot water and basically what we're doing now is we're deglazing the bottom of this pan and this is the start of our gravy right here y'all at this point we're gonna go in with a little more black pepper we're gonna go in with some garlic powder some parsley flakes a little bit of worcestershire sauce and we're gonna lightly season this we're not gonna over season this right now because we're gonna add our liver back into here but i'm gonna add a little bit of lauri seasoning salt in and let's stir this baby up it's already turning into a gravy y'all you want to make sure you get all of that stuff that's that was sitting on the bottom of this uh pan because that's flavor all right at this point we're gonna go in with our liver that we fried earlier and try to get it in here as best as possible we're also going to take our onions that we sauteed earlier add those in missing one more thing guys give me a second i'm gonna go in with us a little bit of butter [Applause] gotta give my top one second we're gonna cover and kind of let things cook down a little bit y'all all right guys our liver has been on for about maybe five seven minutes just wanna let you all look and see how it's looking and it's coming along the way we want it to if uh if your gravy is uh too thick for you you can always go back in and add a little water but you may have to season your uh gravy a little more but this is looking yummy the liver is gonna be tender y'all too that's why you do not overcook your liver so we'll put the top back on this and continue to let this cook we'll probably let it go for another five to seven minutes all right guys our liver and onion has been on for about maybe five to seven minutes i'm gonna go ahead and check this and it's looking amazing y'all this is the consistency of my gravy that i'm looking for we're going to go ahead and turn the eye off on this you also want to check and see if you need to add more salt or add anything to it you may not need to i'm going to go ahead and turn this eye off and plate this baby all right we went ahead and plated our smothered liver and onions and i also put some rice on the side of it this pair is well with white rice amazing y'all the house smells so good you also compare this with mashed potatoes it goes well with mashed potatoes as well but again y'all a real quick easy simple meal and very cheap liver is not expensive so try this meal leave a comment down in the comment section below i appreciate you all for tuning in like share and subscribe and peace
Channel: 80 Cooks
Views: 46,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NaHZC6Ytsv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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