Best Liver and Onions if You're Scared of Liver

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chef buck here and today we're gonna cook up some liver, apologies in advance, but not really 'cause liver is awesome look at that If you think liver is scary look at this green cutting board now that's truly frightening this looks like something from the set of a Freddy Krueger movie but it's actually a super nutritious and delicious ingredient that you can use for a very basic liver and onions recipe... usually if you don't see it in the meat case you can buy in the frozen section this was previously frozen you know but I just bought it from the meat case already thawed out and I like seeing it in the meat case cause I can see how thick the cuts are and I like a nice thick cut of liver you want to buy it deveined and there's sometimes a silver skin on the outside of the liver but if you buy it deveined you usually don't have to fool with that although you might find a chewy piece in here but liver cooks up super fast it's a very basic recipe that I'm gonna do today I'm just gonna heat up a skillet on medium heat throw a little bit of oil in here and get that nice and hot thing I like to do before I bread my liver is cut it into some more manageable sizes it just makes it easier to handle I'm gonna go ahead and throw a little seasoning on here just a little bit of pepper and put salt garlic powder, whatever you want and you don't even have to season it too fancy-pants I'm gonna put a little bit of Chipotle on here too just for the heck of it now this is all I'm gonna use to bread my liver and I'm not even really gonna bread it so this is just a super-duper light coating of flour I'm just gonna throw it down then I'm gonna put the seasoned side down .... I'm using almond flour but you can use whatever kind of flour you like .... my mother always used regular wheat flour but I'm trying to be all cool and hip with the cool kids so not a lot of flour on here at all you know I'd hardly call this breaded I'm going to put a little more seasoning on this side now ...a little reckless with it so I get some in the skillet because I'm gonna put my onions in here afterwards now if you wanted to you could cook up your onions beforehand but I like doing the liver first then having a little bit of flavor from that liver in the skillet now the one thing with liver is you don't want to overcook it it'll cook up super fast so I'm gonna do about two minutes on one side and then flip it over and do two minutes on the other side .... approximately depending on the size of your liver but you want it to be a little pink in the middle if you can although if it's not pink in the middle that's alrighty but definitely don't overcook it because it'll get tough Has it been 2 minutes?... look how meaty this look you know it's very steak-like, and it's super duper cheap... cheap, nutritionist, tasty.... you just got to get over that liver stigma there was a time when liver was a very popular dish ...Idid a couple of minutes on this side and look super duper bueno I'm gonna pull out these pieces first and I'll let these two here go for maybe 20 or 30 more seconds cause they're thicker I'll pull these off and put them on the paper towel and now while my oil is still hot and it's got that super duper liver flavor in there I'm gonna throw some onions in here and this is a lot of onions but you're gonna want a lot of onion.... these are really gonna cook down I have I've had my skillet on medium the whole time, but I'm going to reduce the heat just a little bit go ahead and stir these onions around get them covered in this oil and that liver flavor and seasoning I put in the skillet and you can add more seasoning if you like and this is the most time-consuming part of the dish so it's probably gonna take about eight or ten minutes to get these onions soften up you know you don't have to caramelize them but you want them to cook down a little bit so they're nice and soft so I'll let these onions cook down about ten minutes ...they look perfecto to me they're definitely softened up quite a bit and this was four medium sized onions so it's a lot of onion, now I'm gonna take my liver and it's still warm but I'm gonna throw it in the skillet just for a second ... like I said you know you could cook the onions first and then just do the liver boom-boom-boom I like to cook the onions after the liver that way I can get that flavor from the skillet in on the onion...and that's all there is to it... just toss it with the onions and we can plate this bad boy up want to distribute your onions evenly so nobody feels left out oops I didn't do a very good job, but I guess I'll get the plate with the most onions... I mean that seems fair...I cooked it my momma always serve up liver and onions with rice or mashed potatoes but we're just serving this up with a little veggie sides... look how super this is you don't have to be scared of the liver liver is your friend see if you can find some liver under those onions I gave her the most onions ...turns out I'm a great boyfriend man I can't believe we got two plates of this stuff here for about three bucks...super duper melt in your mouth man there's just a little hint of pink in don't have to cook it all the way through just don't overcook it because it'll turn into shoe leather .... people have been eating liver since the dawn of time it's such an important ingredient especially for our early man I mean Native Americans ate liver all the time they used to call it maize ... I'll have to check... maybe...or is that a butter commercial?... if you want to print this liver and onions recipe go to MyFoodChannel dot com ...I'll have a link below can print all our recipes over there ...really appreciate you subscribing and thanks for watching ...sign up for our mailing list over there and never a chef buck recipe video ...I will see in the future....buh-bye
Channel: Chef Buck
Views: 848,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: liver and onions, liver and onion, liver recipe, how to cook liver, liver recipes, how to make liver and onions, how to cook liver and onions, beef liver, fried liver, keto diet, keto, superfood, southern recipes, recipe, recipes, chef buck, healthy, how to, howto, how to cook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 31 2018
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