Delicious Liver, Onions & Gravy From Mattie's Kitchen!!

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welcome to Maddie's kitchen I hope you enjoy her fabulous liver recipe hi y'all this is Maddie from Maddie's kitchen and today I'll be cooking you all some liver beef liver calf liver and I would not be making with that is some rice and also has some sugar snap peas that's already cooking here's my rice it's done and my sugar snap peas are almost done and so what I'll be using for and when you're cooking liver try to not use overpowered and liver because liver is just liver and gravy with a little seasoning the greatest should be really good and I'll be using some salt some pepper some onion powder maybe garlic and here's for the brown gravy I'll be for the gravy I'll be and my always add brown gravy mix and I'll be using with my I'll be using some green peppers and some onion chopped onions and here's my slice onion and here is a cap liver it's compact and I don't like the the original just the the cow lover I like the baby liver so that's what I'll be using today okay my stove is getting hot I put some little oil in the skillet and that's about enough you wanted just to cover the center uh the skill in half maybe about an inch of oil in there and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna start seasoning my uh liver and the flour this is all-purpose flour I'll be using something put some garlic powder like I said oh don't use a lot of seasoning here because liver it should be I mean when you have another season so much it tastes honey so just a basically use maybe some garlic powder and a little onion powder I haven't used too much onion powder because you're gonna have onions and I'm gonna put some pepper some pepper in here no matter what the pepper and stuff how much pepper you put in and I'm gonna put some salt in here a little salt less salt then I sprinkle around like I said go all around mine and I'm also going to put a little brown gravy mix and just to season it up really good give it a good taste I've always used uh brown gravy mix in a pack no matter what kind you use so I'm gonna put all of this in here okay and I'm gonna stir this up really good Stir It Up really good get back with you I'm gonna put this little one thing about livers you can see this level here it melts really quick and you shouldn't handle it very long just put it in a skillet get the skillet hot and put it in there because it's gonna melt it's kind of messy but if you do it don't let it unthaw too much you know have a little ice in it like I did powder my paper two teaspoon for a little onion powder and no pepper a little bit more salt I just added uh I did because it didn't look just eyeballing it didn't seemed like I had enough okay and I'm gonna get back but hey I'm getting ready to put this liver in this skillet for it unthawed you know like I said a little bit is kind of you know it's kind of it melts a lot so I'm gonna put this in a dust it and then put it in here Skillet it's not hot enough it could have been a little hotter but I'm trying to get this love in this skeleton honey what could have been a little warmer but that's okay let's start cooking and when you're cooking liver please let liver cook about three minutes until it brown on one side and once a brown on one side do the other side because it don't you don't if you cook live a long time it will have you ever cooked living it was so tough you let it stay in the gravy too long the gravy should be really seasoned when you get ready to put in like I said the skillet could have been a little warmer but I want to get just another in here before it starts melting I'm gonna put it in here because this like I said it's easy to melt and I'm not installing this start frying on one side I'm gonna get back with you until you show the rest but like I say put it in quick and have a little ice in it so I'm gonna let this cook and get ready for the next part okay once you said I was kind of hard once I got it in there it's okay once you start Browning it's okay so that cooked about three minutes like I said you've been cooking real quick you don't want it uh the Browns uh you want to be real tender when you're eating levels the top level taste curls once you get it together it's easy to turn it's easy to handle and just getting it in the skillet in the hot grease okay there's the other ones in here I'm gonna let this brown I want to Brown on the other side like I said about a good it's almost ready to go and go and I just turned it over and if you can see it like that and look at it and bring it because you're gonna put it in the grape it for about a five six don't take never long y'all not at all put it in the pan and you can keep it warm and remember I said I just turned it over and it's brown enough I made a standard gravy about you don't eat won't liver to get tough put it in there and I'm gonna cool just fill it down a little bit so I can put the rest of the liver in there cut it off and let it cool down make sure you do that let one if you've got more than one piece of liver I mean you're gonna cook more than a skillet for and you can put another some more on make sure you let this uh the skin to cool down a little bit okay you know here's the other last of the liver and one thing I say about liver it be kind of um it's kind of messy like when you put it in a tear up but once it starts cooking you know it might be not shaped like good it's the first batch but it's okay like I said I'm cooking too long on that side now because it don't take forever about two minutes to cook on each side and the skeleton comes because if you want some good flavor don't let it cook too long and I'm getting ready to make my gravy now I'm gonna make my gravy and that's all too look if your gravy got to be good now it has to be good use the same dripping for your grade that if you use the cooking level and you want some good looking like I said don't put too much seasoning in it overpowering it with all the difference price that you get on the job okay I use this garlic a little garlic onion powders and salted Peppers that's all I use okay I'm getting ready to make them before I love this grease out I'm getting ready to I'm gonna use some of these some of these grease with the a sliced onion I did just for garnishing some and I got some other onion that I'm gonna put I chop some onions and green peppers that I'm gonna put for my ingredients I'm gonna get back with you okay y'all I'm putting some of my sliced onion in here this is for kind of this is the liver gray uh grease nothing make sure you use that let me just put some here just so you know I'm gonna put all of these in here for garnishing you know and I got because I have chopped um uh uh onions for the the gravy I chopped some up I don't care I'm gonna get put that down let that dog start cooking those now I'm getting ready to make my gravy what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start with my uh I got a little bit of grease in here a lot uh because I want to make a lot of gravy I like a lot of gravy with the liver so I'm using a little bit more but you should have used equal amount of oil in the same amount of uh flour okay so I'm gonna put I'm gonna use the same flour I had a piece of lip that I use for the liver same flower put back uh five two three tablespoons full that's about enough eyeballing it like I said that's about enough I'm gonna take you know this number I'm gonna put my onions candles my onions and uh my new probably need a little bit more flour because you're gonna have pizza you want this like a paste I'm gonna put another tape and then like I said for this right here I want a lot of um flour I mean a lot of gravy a little bit less and when you're making gravy I'm gonna put these onions in here and let it gonna cook with the uh season my uh my gravy I should have put them in first but that's okay because I don't want these to I just wanted to melt into the gravy I don't want to cook away so I put that in there and I'm gonna put some green peppers in here that's all you should use it I wouldn't use garlic if I was your fresh garlic I wouldn't use it if you like garlic use it but I wouldn't let this fry because I'm getting like I said I want this gravy to do really good foreign in here so the onions and the green pepper can season its flowers and I have always to this water here when you're making gravy have a little warm water and it's because it's easier than uh Cooks start boiling to form the greens so now that's about the way I want I'm gonna let these cook a little bit simmer a little bit and I'm gonna be ready to make my gravy what I'm getting ready to do now cut the stove I had to cut it off let's put some brown gravy mix in this is just the flavor the gravy make sure you use that any type of ground brown gravy mix I use my Converse all the time I'm so used to that I mean but they can use anything that's up to you so I'm gonna let these uh let this kind of season into it and get ready to pour the hot water in it and that's the end of this just like I said season it really good make sure your gravy is seasoned good that's the main thing and when you uh when you put it forwarded him a person ordered him it's not hot look see like it but it's not gonna put in the water and then start my gravy taste so much better and like I said when I'm quite a lot of gravy today I like to save some put some more water in here you get my onions over there cooking I'm trying to turn these as I'm cooking these let these like I said Johnny came for the uh he's in the same grease so I'm gonna taste this put this together and the green peppers only thing I'm cooking this for is the season is really good because like the liver you don't need to liver to stay in the grave if you want some tender liver let it stand the greatest about two or three minutes to go into it and that's all we need so I'm gonna get this the right consistent add a little bit more some more hot water and the next thing you're gonna do because the lip is red like I said the onions have cooked over here it's a very simple little video here my great grand I love child talking y'all I'm sorry but anyway you taste your gravy and make sure that it tastes like you want to taste it because not keep on at the salt and pepper some garlic and just this same side taste now pretty good I can taste that green pepper and onion the only thing I need is a little salt because you know gravy has to have salt in it you have to put salt in gravy and probably a little bit more than you normally put in there this won't come out yeah until you get it now this gravy tastes good with them green peppers so like I said let's feed a little salt I look I got the little bitty I always do that because the season's so good I always use chopped up onions and green peppers in my gravy and make it taste so much better try that okay and I'm gonna taste it again let's see what I need in there pretty good I put a tap of salt in there Mr tap almost salt a little tap and it's ready to go it's so simple to cook and live and put a little pepper just a little pepper in here it's so simple to cook lover y'all just don't overcook your liver and I'm gonna put a little maybe just a tap of garlic but the green peppers really did the thing in the onion it did it okay now what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna set my stir this up good and I'm tired of great and that's how I want the grated because the one thing about the the um the liver is gonna thicken the gravy up a little bit because it has flour on it so you can let this summer for a while you can put the liver in here my grandbaby is really making noise so I'm gonna put the liver in here and let it simmer for about five because you don't need it long because you don't want tough liver you won't liver just to fall apart I'm gonna put all of this in here and let this cook for maybe two minutes to some of the gravy get into the liver not very long it's not good to look y'all I had two packs of liver put this in here let it cook for a little while yep let it cook I'm gonna put it on there you can cover it if you want to if you don't because you just want the liver to just uh the grades that go into the liver and that's what you call Lemon onions simple way don't don't fuss over living onions just go to the store nine and make sure if you like this video like I say make sure you um strive hit that notification Bell to Maddie's kitchen and I mean all my videos are simple and they're old-fashioned I'll put this little onion in here for decoration and stuff because it already uh was cooked in there I got onions in there that's what it is for living onion yo fuss over just cook it like I said simple season it with whatever you want to season like I said don't over season it okay I'm gonna get ready to put this on the plate in a few minutes and like I said let it staying up about two or three minutes so I'm cooking that's about long enough maybe another couple of minutes and that's it okay I'm gonna get back with you when I get ready to put it on a plate here's the Finishing Touch of my um level in onion and gravy with sugar snap peas I hope you enjoy this presentation if you did uh when the next video pop up look at it because you'll get the same thing and like I said once again thank you for tuning in to Maddie's kitchen don't forget to subscribe and make sure hit that notification Bell thank you and have a great day
Channel: Mattie's Kitchen
Views: 12,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Appetizers, party treat, party snacks, game day, side dish, how to cook, Southern, sauce, homemade, easy meal, quick meal, easy, how to make, old fashion, mukbang, how to, cooking, super, pepper, Mukbang, eating, 먹방, belove, beloves life, nick avocado, soo, 4Sure Family, paula, gordon, tasty, food network, #MattiesKitchen, for beginners, with, quick, Dessert, honey, gravy, 5 minute, simple, Celery, fried, Southern Cooking, liver
Id: w81qlMtTaXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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