Cooking In The Hood w/Chef Lele "Happy New Year!!!", But Do You See These Greens???????

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[Music] number one [Music] i know it's been a while since y'all have seen my face and my cooking but you know i'm slow but i'm sure but today i'm back so today we're going to make crab meat stuffed pasta shells with a cream sauce and we're going to do some pecan bars but first before i start on what i'm going to cook for y'all today i want to show y'all something hope so here let me get this this are some beautiful turnip greens have y'all ever seen anything mustard mustards i thought it was mustard look at these look how beautiful these greens are look how full it looks just like a flower okay so these that these was given to me from country fair farms a family-owned farm here in duval county and i would like to show to the people that live here y'all must go there and get your veggies your fresh food look at that that is so beautiful but i wish i was cooking them for y'all today but we're gonna cook these later i mean maybe maybe sunday i'm gonna clean them pop all them put them in the freezer and it's fun to be proud to put them together you know with a little meal a little smoked turkey and you know but i just had to show y'all that country fair farms y'all can't have fun cut your favor okay i gotta move this so give me a minute i'll be right back all right okay here we go thank you mate so today we're going to do some pecan bars you know i always got to do my dessert advice so how y'all been doing out there y'all beautiful people i know y'all been busting at me when the way i've been i've been working so hard trying to get myself together accomplish a little goal that's a little things i've been through but 2020 is gone 21 is here and these are better times i tell you but before we do our stuff crab meat stuff possibly on beauty pecan bars let's get started with the pecan bars now the good thing about this recipe is everything is in same part meaning i'm going to use two cups of sugar brown sugar two cups of flour two eggs two sticks of butter two cups of pecans you know and if you do three if you use three you gotta use three everything you use one cup give you one cup everything so this recipe is real easy and real real real simple and good so what we're gonna do first is we need two sticks of unsalted butter that i have right here it's been sitting at room temperature so i'm going to take these two sticks of butter and you have to start you have to do this in a pot so follow me and you get it right every time all right we're going to take these two sticks of butter and we're going to put it in the pot melt down because i already had it heating up yeah come on sticking all the time all right now to that butter let me wash my hands all right now to that butter we're gonna add two cups of firmly packed brown sugar so i have right here one cup and my fight this 16 ounce packet probably is two cups y'all i didn't happen to have it in the cab this time i had to go but look i do just right shopping too and then we're going to stir this around to the butter bazaar dissolve and the sugar cooks together so while we let this melt around whoa all right while we let that melt we're going to chop up the pecan so we need two cups of pecans if you guys are so oh my goodness so i got a six ounce package here they hope they have but we're gonna chop them up and make them small so while that melt down we're gonna come over here and talk i'm gonna go ahead and cover sean been asking me am i okay you've been worried about me got to but i'll be good y'all it's me chilling i wanted to get the choppy car but um i think the smallest body probably had like 17.99 i say oh i need a pecan tree what i would do to be a bit my house right now i put it back y'all get all the pee caught out while man we still for free it's kind of hard to pay that much pecan we just get them for free what you say y'all know what i'm saying out there if you down if you from the south like me with on tree they be in everybody's backyard that's all we would go out there and pick pecan like they would to pick oranges or from any other state they have a proper popular item in this case i'm talking about the nuts and i'm talking about pecan that part okay i would never hear the end of that huh man fact i should let out my dish water but it's okay it's clean i'm gonna get through it i don't know why my um i forgot to if i say something about that later and i really hope he add up two cups i'm gonna be mad if we don't y'all just chopping i'm doing got me to make started me making these first was my son okay let me go back over here that's how about nailed it down i'm just gonna cook that until it melts now the key to this is you gotta get this off the stove [Music] and cool it off and you don't have to worry about putting them both it's all made in this little pot right into the saucepan right here boiling flying pasta all right you're making a mess really okay they already cooking oh i got company again y'all we're gonna have milk in there together we're gonna turn off that eye camera man can you work to this side so we can so i can pull it to the counter please okay we gotta make this sure this is pretty cool now because we gotta crack our eggs in there so we need two eggs i thought i had all my meats and flours up there but y'all gonna leave my time i just now we don't want our eggs to cook because we crack it in hell we don't want to scramble so i'm getting more salt down measuring cup here okay i need to add one egg at a time can you pull that and hold the camera do you think you can help me out are you going one mhm [Music] um that's a lot of whipping y'all my only got tight okay all right now to that we're to add two cups of flour which i have right here all purpose flour come on open up deep [Music] okay all right y'all i had the switch pots i needed some um some extras uh you know room to move i'm gonna add two cups of flour one at a time this is all right and when you make a mess you don't make a mess and ain't right y'all know i tell you that all the time you know i gotta make one and it's a lot of mixing right here is up whoa um all right second cup and that's all purpose flour y'all all purpose flour second one in that was me and once we get all this mixed in with the mix with the wicks then i can go back to the spoon as you can see the consistency is going there it's going to be like bars they're not going to be loose it's supposed to be thick like this so don't panic okay just mix it all in i see why i made these in a while okay gotta get all that flowers there we go oh no more flowers see not even lunch look at that see that you thought i was going to see some lumps you know you seen all the clumps going in there uh huh that takes some elbow that's why my arms okay all that all right i guess that's all we'll get off now we need tablespoon of vanilla extract tablespoon mmm and then we're going to use an overboard to go a half a teaspoon of lemon okay mix that in i like this dessert one because you don't have to go to almond bowl this is one a one pot make up better and it's an arm breaker too not good okay you know he was just um but you know what i mean i don't just measure the way you watch yourself but it's the smallest one on there oh damn it oh boy i'd be so close at some time that's the way it be y'all okay that's a fourth teaspoon of salt we're gonna season everything now i'm coming back mix my own [Music] or close to it i think it goes to it why so i know what to back now but i'm just making a small batch so if y'all made a big batch of this if you use four cups of everything you decide with four because you make a big baby for everything five five of everything that's the good thing about this recipe all measure not science so this two cup dash is gonna make like a little brownie pan y'all see all right all right y'all i still gotta cook this for y'all two cups of pecans please people but i'm gonna use what i have it just won't have much pecans in it if it did if it had two cups so remember y'all please two cups gonna stir it around in there but that's a lot of pecans they're gonna be fooling me on i felt a little short but it's okay you got an idea okay hand here do i have some vegetables gray i thought i did just a little bit i have a vegetable spray all right look at all that come on it's all smooth we got no lumps it smells good man baby crying you know grandma antennas go up when the baby brown baby cry y'all spread that out in the pan now y'all can do whatever you want like sometimes i like to put caramel on top i didn't put in chocolate cause my daughter don't like chocolate so i didn't do any shopping today i'm just going to leave a plain old pecan bars today caramel worthless original um i mean i guess whatever you would like to go on top of that i want all that y'all to excuse me all right let me put this in a 350 degree oven for about 20-25 minutes okay y'all see that see the way it looks it should be just like that when y'all get ready to put it all thick and delicious so put this in the oven and i'm clean i'm missing some white to sweat on my face and then i'm gonna get right back with y'all enjoy too probably under the air hey y'all how y'all doing welcome back uh all right so now our pecan bars are done so let me show you the end we thought today oh it took 15 minutes there we go hold on the pecan powder so when they cool we're going to cut it y'all see the gooey inside of it it smells divine cooking y'all should smell it so now we're going to focus on our crab meat stuffed pasta shell okay so in this part i have the water already boiling for the for our jumbo shells right here i have a veggies over here that's going to be cut and mixed up in it i have the cheeses i have claw crab meat i have lump crab meat ricotta cheese garlic and herb cheese parmesan cheese garlic salt pepper and butter of course so we're going to get started but first we're going to put this pasta in this oil this water water hill and then you gotta season it real heavy like the ocean because you only have one time to see no pasta and nothing worse than bland taste and pasta i don't care how good sauce is though heavily stocked like the ocean got a heavy salt that water i know it made me look like a lot people but that's how you have to do it get some flavor okay when they come back to a good boil again we're gonna focus on this stuffing mix over here so i have some lump crab meat i have some nut crab and i still got some crab okay this is ridiculous all right and this is the um that's the dope proof that's who and this is the um recipe that um this recipe is kind of steep in the pocket you know what i'm trying to say people so this is a special occasion for your boo kind of time because i don't want you to come out cause then but i'm telling you this is a a special boosting meal so this is the sexy knife thing maybe do a little steak with it a little lobster tail you know that kind or you can even do some big old clusters or or oh and uh or some blue crabs and take the the back off and stuff it with this okay we could do it all right so in this bowl let me get all this opened up for you so i'm not gonna go through that this is the garlic and herb cheese spread it's soft spreadable cheese y'all i love this more than i love ricotta so this is my go-to cheese even when i'm making lasagna see how that look it smells just like garlic and it tastes it's it's real good then we have our parmesan cheese so this is a four ounce container parmesan cheese that's going in with stuffing okay now we're going to add the cheeses first because we really don't want to mix our crab meal too good we kind of want that the cake stay kind of busy you know so we're going to add this whole container like herb cheese and then i'm going to switch back over here and cut up my parchment stuff jumping ahead y'all i'm excited everybody ready to eat some of this i'm gonna eat all that up out of there so y'all have to excuse me for me okay so i got a half a cup of ricotta now that's what cottages have um lemon zest in it and some um green onions half cup that's what i prefer you don't have to do that but if you do just this that's one lemon and chop some fresh parsley i mean some green onions in there okay that's all i did that's all i did i promise i'm sorry y'all i jumped but i already had it so i just telling you what was there don't be mad at me okay all right my bad okay so now we're gonna jump over here so yeah i got some parsley that i already washed it's pretty difficult today i'm trying let me tell y'all so when i first started working i used to get my hand all my fangs because you have to move at such a fast pace and if you not if you haven't been up on your a game in a while and you get distracted you can use your finger and i learned that the hard way y'all you want a half cup of parsley that's about a half and then we got two the green onions that i already washed faster for me it's always good to have a pair of kitchen scissors in the kitchen it's good for cutting up your greens unless you like big pieces of chitlin which you know i didn't grow up with those big pieces but i have met people that do you know cut up the chitlins the veggies quick veggies like this the chives i could have did the parsley but hey now if you want more onions you can put more in there that's on your taste no i'm not gonna i'm not gonna um make a big deal about it all right push that to the side and i got one roasted red cup you can get these off your island um on your outlet at the grocery store and jar or you can use a fresh red pepper but this is what i had on hand but i use this one for this recipe and i also use the fresh one y'all this weather down here keep your sinuses messed up it's freezing one week it's hot the next week last week we were short this week being cold nation we were being short come on hey that's god's word that's how they work all right let me take this back over here and we're going to add this to the cheese all right now we're gonna try it that looks so good y'all it looked kind of christmasy though it looked christmassy it looked like a big old christmas light all right we're going to add i really want to say this whole container i really want to add this whole tens number four ounce but depending on let me now the four ounce container people you don't have to but that's just me i'm just cheating for that do you want to get all that mixed up because you don't want to break your crab meat up in you and they're all piecing up and stuffy you know a couple of dashes of pepper i'm gonna say i'm gonna say a fourth teaspoon of pepper y'all and just a little salt season of taste for you you always add salt you can't take it away it's a pinch of salt i'm a good guesser all right and then we're going to use a 18 teaspoon of minced garlic which i have in the jar here and cut it up this time a little bit of that juice a little bit just a little bit mix that up in there all right we got all that good stuff there mixed up now you can add i guess you can add mushrooms to this if you want i mean the the possibility are endless we're going to add our candle claw crab gonna be real meaty y'all and we gonna add this whole thing i love crab [Music] too much mm-hmm just enough strokes to make sure it's pretty mixed up pretty good yeah what's that taste better you use this as a dip if you want it yeah i'm just thinking about possibilities are endless i mean just because i'm doing like this that don't mean you have to be lazy you can do all kinds of stuff we don't taste this oh [Music] this is so good oh yeah um all right let's poke it back over here to this water so i got a box of jumbo which all that i don't know if i'm gonna be able to use all that huh a jumbo crab 12 ounce i mean jumbo shell 12 ounces no more crab to make something tomorrow if we gonna cook this kind of al dente y'all we don't want to cook it all the way done we still gotta bake it in the oven so while we letting that cook we're gonna focus on the sauce this pan i have i'm going to add 1 3 cup of butter we'll turn it up something hot all right come on bottom let's do this [Applause] and my daughter everybody can't wait for this to get done i can't wait for it to get done myself pretty much that's going to be some good stuff right now man get some crackers um what you say making sandwiches sandwiches that sound a seafood i gotta make ultimate sub you know that's kind of the base to it that i was gonna use oh man yeah but that's not the whole that's not the whole setup of the sub now when i do this i'm someone blow your mind on this sub all right so don't be calling me talking like i told people christmas if you can't i can't move in with you once you eat this food you hope that they still own that food that christmas all right i bought about melted up here now we're gonna need some half and half some heavy cream where is my heavy cream well i got regular whipping cream and i got half and half oh that is a loud car isn't it very loud did you hear that car i did attract you yeah i'm doing that and i'm talking to y'all i'm home what and what oh i forgot where i was at oh i forgot i just like have fun y'all so you know i told y'all if one cup of liquid to every tablespoon flour all right one cup two cups and a good [Music] we're going to cook this until the raw flavor comes [Music] i'm gonna off a little salt a pinch of salt not much and some pepper you gotta season every level to this if you don't still have boring black sauce shells here okay we got another mint and a half on these so while that's cooking up for the folks just getting the bowl out i'm coming back y'all just gonna get the string out but [Music] that's just me yeah my vacation's over i go back to work tomorrow and i love it because you know that's my serenity the kitchen so knowing i'm in the kitchen i'm good i could work all day until the beet go to hurt and i get mad and go to talk to noah all right real good i have it on medium medium low i got no medium low medium low medium high in the middle just like smelling nutty when it gets done because you if you start if you smell it when you first do this it smells like dough so as it cooks it get a nice smell and that's when you know it's done okay crosstalk we won't do this all right y'all now aru has cooked flour has cooked we're gonna take one cup of regular whipping cream that's about a [Music] [Music] and we'll mixture two cups of half and half all right [Music] and when you do cheese you don't want to rush it so you know this has to come up to a slow blush lift so now we have some more papaya trees here okay remember milk in there it's not gonna kill you this is my house i'm home what maybe one and a half we got all the cheese and you know yeah we need some for the top so we're gonna let all this come together awake salt gotta season every level remember i said that pinch of salt you want two salted cause of parmesan pepper maybe a half teaspoon of black pepper i mean a fourth of the teaspoons like that started off everyone let this come together and then i'm going to clean up and then i'll be right back with y'all into it are we all there he's on the air hey y'all welcome back try to clean up a little mission newbie so i got one step ahead of y'all so we won't be standing here all day stuffing shells i mean i had already pre-started stuff in these so i never come over here so y'all can see okay just hold that right here it's gonna take a tablespoon you might have to use your hands i just wash my hands i'm just going to stuff it real good with the stuffing add to the pot it's time consuming also down i got to get that down in that being right now excuse me y'all get it gotta get all that cause like i said this is expensive but we don't want to waste none of this none so you gotta love your boo you make this for him don't make this one know anybody cuz you ain't gonna want to throw this at nobody cause you're gonna hit yourself after you throw away your food so you make sure you're on good term you put when you prepare this uh luscious meal here all right just enough i'm just just enough girl i tell you how does that work out every time y'all now how was i supposed to know that we're gonna be fomo tell me that you saw it you got to give i got that kill okay okay there we go they go all of our stuff crab stuff pasta don't they look good y'all i thought i was gonna have to get some more pasta stuff to make some more i don't want to be any the stuff that was just enough and i didn't even use all the pasta i think i got a whole bunch of them left over there okay there we go that was hot [Music] okay okay now here's the sauce it's nice and thick look at that isn't that beautiful people look at that but y'all never seen me make this sauce before so that was one box that was one box paper well this might be four people but if it's just an intimate moment it's just the empty moment so we're gonna add this over the top of that look at that people oh my goodness look at that stuff there look at that look at that look at that all right oh just enough sauce just about everything okay we're gonna add some parmesan cheese to the top of that i'm trying to ask a little pinko panko no i'm i'm going to miss some dry parsley with it i have a cup of parsley maybe two tasting i mean half a cup parmesan two tablespoons of parsley yeah might as well so we're gonna say that was two cups of parmesan cheese yeah that's about a good two cups oh look at that we don't waste no change we're gonna put this in a 350 degree oven it's already preheated from the pecan bars and we're going to bake this one good 15 20 minutes and we're going to check it and then and then matter of fact i think i'm going to make it cover for 15 minutes and then we're going to uncover it back [Music] we're gonna coat this their thing up and we're gonna put that their thing in there good old country bump girl okay so we gotta and then we're gonna make some garlic knots we got a pecan balls cooling over here and i'm gonna clean up a little bit then we're gonna come back with the garlic hops together and then we're gonna put this whole meal together i'll see y'all back in two or two are we on there mm-hmm okay y'all how y'all doing i'm gonna clean up try to clean up the message a little bit starting to come out infinity got it not where we can get this so i got one fourth a couple butter which is four tablespoons of butter the measurements on the package okay now this is remember we made this thanksgiving that's that garlic and lemon oil we made thanksgiving remember that remember it see the garlic still in there and the lemons are still in there you have to keep it in the refrigerator we're gonna put a tablespoon of that in there you have to keep this pretty ready y'all there's not always sitting on the counter if i didn't tell y'all that thanksgiving because i still have mine back in the fridge okay we're gonna get half cake full of garlic minced garlic that's already a jar and that i'm to add maybe a tablespoon of parsley in there with it a tablespoon not a good tablespoon salt a little splash of pepper not just two dashes of pepper milk together now right here i have just some crescent bros i'm going to store it guys it got kind of warm because it's hot in this kitchen you make our own look at nice i got a twist and we're gonna make garlic surprises because we're gonna use whatever they turn out to be huh let's say that all right okay you want to fold it around like it's safe to do on the packet and then we're going to just put it in a knot see we're going to sit in the pan oh shoot getting kind of warm there y'all but it's okay everything's it you can see roll that three fix and i'm just going to serve some corn some butter oh good old butter corn on the cob with it see then you go by them all got it outside the thing and then it just but then it's time to kind of feel my homemade because then you know you can't go wrong with crescent rolls you know twist that thing on up in the night ain't got to be all fast and smashy quick quick quick tweet tweet tweet that thing on nothing i'm not good oh nothing [Music] and last one roll it up knot it up put it in the pan okay here we go garlic you can't go wrong with that bars and right here guess who in here y'all with me yeah she always putting me on there put me on fire come here look look it's cooking with tip over there y'all my sister is in the house she's in his house she's in his house hey y'all hey y'all what's up okay boom baby she came already let me get over here now you told me now what chef lilies stuff pasta shells crab meat crab meat sell pasta shells ma'am oh baby i'm ready yes ma'am grab me stuffed pasta they look good too and we got to show the pecan box so he go he got a plate set up right here for sean there you go look at the more pretty pecan bars y'all look at that they are beautiful look at that can't go wrong with that can't go around it kind of look like brown batteries don't look at that can't go wrong okay girl so we're gonna hit the seven we're gonna put this cameraman down to the plate here y'all and then he'll start tasting the food yeah so this is complete our meal this is what we filmed today so i hope y'all try this recipe hope you like it let me know and remember food from god to the heart for the soul food defeat soul remember cooking the hood chef lily cooking with tip lia love the full horn and all the rest of them out there that's something to me y'all watching subscribe like until next time i'll let y'all peace [Music] here bye
Channel: Incredibly Yummy
Views: 69,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, hood, spaghetti, cheese, cooking channel, youtube cooks, chef, bread, sweets, fee, how to, learning, sauces, fried, bake, grill, best chefs, best, sausage, steak, cancer, survivor, critics, food, healthy, seafood, with, Lele, Top Chef, cooks, master, diner, drive in, dives, world, urban, cooking videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 23sec (3863 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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