Cook My Crowd Pleasing Party Fried Rice With Me / Ghanaian Assorted Fried Rice

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delicious well hello there welcome once more to country's kitchen and if this is your first time stopping by i would like to say a very warmer cover to you so sit matches around the corner and if you're asking what's it matches that is the independence day of ghana and last holiday labor day to be precise i made this fried rice among other things and a lot of you wanted me to share the recipe so i thought what better time to share the recipe with you than for sit much so here is my party fried rice recipe a sauteed fried rice and i really hope you're able to make it for this holiday period and all the days beyond come along with me and let's do this i'm going to start off by chopping my scallions delicious [Music] delicious i'm going to dice half of an onion delicious [Music] delicious [Music] now let's dice our carrots so these have been washed all my vegetables have been washed previously the carrot is peeled and i'm just going to cut them this way into slices and then cut through them to make like sticks and then i'll cut across to get the dices [Music] delicious [Music] [Music] delicious delicious [Music] delicious so for this unsalted rice recipe i always add a little bit of cabbage not too much cabbage you just want a little bit in there for just a little bit of variety just few specks of cabbage in there you want to make sure the cabbage is flaked delicious delicious [Music] delicious i have some beef sausage here i'm going to be adding these as well these are smooth beef sausage very very good and i'm going to be splitting them up like that and then cut them in the diagonal just like that to have almost like strips of sausage in there so these sausages are smoked and also have some spice to it they are very spicy or quite spicy i should say and it just makes your fried rice so delicious it smells amazing try that if you can find it delicious delicious i also have here some pork belly ballet because of course we don't want this to be boring i have to say in the labor day video however i use beef to make that fried rice and of course you can use beef or any any other meats that you really want to add in here if you don't like pork definitely don't add that at whatever or just use whatever you like so the pork belly actually has the skin on i know you can see that and making the strips that i'm trying to make before i make my dices is pretty hard you know cutting through the skin was a little bit hard i've made a few strips here and i'm going to cut across like this so i get tiny strips almost like cubes or dices and that is how i want it to appear in the fried rice just like you know the chinese fried rice when you buy pork fried rice or how special and it has the pork in there that is the vibe i'm trying to achieve so i've cut enough here and i'm going to set that aside as well i'm going to be using some chicken thighs i've already removed the skin it still has the bone in and i'm going to try to remove the bone you can definitely buy boneless but with the bone in and skin on is cheaper so i'll go for the cheaper option whatever is easy for you definitely get that all let's say convenient so once i cut around to expose the bone get it out i'm going to make thin strips like i'm trying to do now and once the strips are made i'm going to cut across the strips to get them to be like cubes you can definitely use chicken breast as well but i find chicken thighs to be juicier and more flavorful and this is party fried rice you want the flavors to be there so i'm going to season my chicken i don't want it to be overly salted i'm going to also add about a quarter teaspoon of my white pepper just a little bit of ginger into my pork i'm going to do the same so white pepper salt and some ginger i'm going to massage this in here as well and i'll leave these to marinate for about 10 minutes before we start okay i'll be adding some eggs in here so i have three large eggs and i'm going to crack them into a bowl i'm going to season this with some salt and pepper as well and whisk it so now that we are done prepping all our ingredients let's start frying our rice so to my warm wok i'm adding some avocado oil this is just about two teaspoons or more like a teaspoon in here and to that i'm going to add my pork belly first i'm going to cook this to render the fat you know i'm not going to use the fat but i just want it to fry to be almost like how it looks in the chinese restaurant when you have your pork fried rice or your house special fried rice so i'm going to just spread it out so it gets a chance to just sit well in the bottom of the wok and i'm going to let this cook for about three minutes on that side before i even turn it so it's actually rendered a lot of fat now and as you can see it's almost like bacon because of course bacon is made with pork belly i mean if it's pork baking and look so it's pretty much now frying in the oil that has been rendered and i'm going to let it cook a little bit more until it is brown and golden and then i remove it from the oil so this cooked for about seven minutes actually before i brought it out of the oil time to come out of the oil delicious [Music] delicious i've discarded the pork fat wipe down my wok and now i'm going to cook the chicken so i'm adding about another teaspoon of oil here and then i'm going to add my chicken the wok is still very hot and so i'm going to just cook the chicken or more like try to fry it more you're more like transplant you'll find but it's almost like pan fry until it's brown and golden and then i'll bring that out as well i like that you can cook for three minutes on the side that went in first and now i'm stirring it up so the other side can cook as well and at this point you're pretty much trying to just stir fry it until it is golden the chicken is cooked now and i'm going to bring it out of the wok delicious [Music] delicious [Music] i still have some oil in the bottom of my box from cooking the chicken so i've added my sausage to that and i'm going to stir fry this for about another three minutes until it is cooked you know it is crispy on the outside it's already smelling good fragrant the spice you can definitely smell the spice and that smoky flavor that it already has or fragrance it's really out here it smells so good and i know for sure this fried rice is gonna just pop it so my sausage is all cooked now i'm bringing it out of the oil as well so every time i use sausage in my fried rice i like to make the scrambled eggs after the sausage i just like the fragrance the spice and everything that it adds to my egg and so that is what i'm doing now i just added just a little bit more oil to my wok and i've added my eggs in here and i'm just going to just scramble it i actually went to wash my hand and i almost burnt it but it's still good i mean it didn't burn but it was almost formed and you don't want it to be like one formed egg which you can still do and split it up anyway but anyway it is scrambled and i'm going to now transfer this onto the platter as well and then we'll start with the vegetables i've wiped my work clean again i am adding to it now about a tablespoon of oil and to that i'm going to add my onions this is the diced onion and i'm going to let this fry up until it is a little bit sweaty before i add anything else to it so the onions are sweaty now and i think it's a good time for me to introduce my carrots in here so in here comes the carrots stir it up and to this i'm now going to be adding my spice so i'm going to add my ginger and if i should say it one more time ginger in your fried rice it's amazing so try it please and i'm going to also add in here the rest of my white pepper stir that because i want that ginger to be on the bottom of the pan i want it to cook up a little bit almost like fry that is how you get that good fragrance and aroma in your fried rice so yes it has to go in early enough now i'm adding in my garden piece this is just about half a cup of peas i'm also going to add my sweet corn and everything is going to be listed for you in the description box in the right quantities my rice that i'm using today is plain white rice normally i will use some pan drippings or chicken broth or some stock that i have in the fridge i don't have that today so i'm going to be using some better than beyond that this is the beef actually and i'm just going to use a teaspoon of that in here stir it up so it gets into my vegetables everything is coated with it and of course seeps into the veggies to give it a great flavor when you taste it and at this point i'm also going to add in my cabbage stir that up you really don't want to cook the cabbage for too long once the cabbage comes in you're ready to add your rice so i'm just going to quickly season that everything with the pepper the crushed bell pepper this is just about a half a teaspoon be mindful if you have kids that are going to think it's spicy you may want to omit it or you may want to add more pepper depending on who's eating it and now i'm going to add my rice so this is white rice it was cooked earlier on in the day the same day i just let it cool off and i'm going to use that you can definitely let it chill if you have problems with your eyes and you think it's going to break but this is going to work just as well and this is jasmine rice so i'm going to stir everything and try to make sure that all the crumbs in the rice are broken so you just have this single grains instead of having clusters of rice or rice balls in your fried rice you don't want that emperor so i am also going to be adding i actually ended up adding one more tablespoon so that was two tablespoons of soy sauce um this is just regular soy sauce and i will mix it up i typically don't like too much soy sauce in my fried rice if you've paid attention i don't let it get very dark normally the darkness of my fried rice would come from the pan dripping that i use it makes it dark enough and at this point everything is mixed up this is how it's looking it smells so good so good i know if you make this everybody that eats it is going to be asking for it over and over and over again i like to make fried rice for events if somebody invites me to a party or wedding or something and they are so far as you ask me what i'm going to bring i'm going to say fried rice i mean especially back in the day you know this is the cheapest thing you can take to a party but if it's very well made everybody laughs loves it anyway i'm bringing back everything that i cooked all the meats uh the eggs and everything i just poured it in here i wish i could have done the men's cook pour oh those guys are killing it on instagram when you see the meat go in there you just like oh i just want to eat this so if everything is in here now i'm just stirring it up making sure everything is well combined and we have you know specks of meat and egg and everything in every spoonful of rice that you take and this whole time of course as you're stirring the heat is still on and it's working its magic the fragrances are just marrying each other they are just making themselves acquainted to each other this fried rice is amazing amazing and i really hope you are able to try this recipe as well you will definitely love love it so at this point it is pretty much all done i just tasted for salt i think i need a little bit more salt remember the rice i cooked it's plain white rice no salt nothing in it so i'm just going to add a little bit of salt about half a teaspoon in here and stir everything up so my rice is very well seasoned i just don't want to add more soy sauce obviously you know you could add some more because it's not dark enough i just don't like the taste of the soy sauce straight in the fried rice like too much of it normally i would rather cook the rice with it if anything so at this point i'm just going to add in my onions my scallions i should say and our fried rice is pretty much done i'm just going to stir this up let everything combine and that is it if you've worked up to this point i cannot thank you enough you know yourself you are the real mvp and i am truly thankful for you so our fried rice is done at this point you know once the scallions going you don't want to let it cook for any longer so i'm done stirring it up and i'm going to turn off the flame and dish this out if this is your first time watching me my name is crunchwa and making simple replicable family meals like this it's my passion and i truly hope this makes you want to subscribe to my channel please give this video a thumbs up and share and until i come your way next time with something delicious be loving be kind be happy
Channel: Kwankyewaa's Kitchen
Views: 279,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shrimp fried rice recipe, the best shrimp fried rice, Chinese food at home, home made fried rice, vegetable fried rice, fried rice recipe, the best homemade fried rice recipe, Ghana jolly recipe, lockdown recipes, quarantine recipes, COVID 19 home made meals, easy, quick, party fried rice, assorted fried rice, special fried rice, house special fried rice, pork fried rice, Ghanaian fried rice, popular fried rice
Id: 4V7mJjJmF3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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