Controlling your internet with another Home Assistant and Unifi integration

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hello everybody my name is alan from subway lab and today will be another integration from homa system today's video we're gonna do the integration between the unifi and the homa system why i would like to do this kind of integration the answer is simple what you can do with this you can do a lot of things okay we'll get some situations that maybe will be interesting for you imagine that you want that your kids after school they have two hours of study and that normally arrive at six o'clock in home and that they should be studying at least at eight o'clock and leave them alone in their room but you're not sure if they really use the phone and if they're playing the phone or do whatever searching the internet so in this way you can restrict this one in such a way that between six and eight o'clock a day wi-fi will not connect you for the device or at least if they are connected zero traffic to the internet other situation that you can do as well it's uh if someone use too much band for your internet you can restrict it so if some device use more than 20 gigabytes of your broadband in a day they just switch off until the next day and that's in the next day they will start again other examples as well imagine that you have wi-fi camera and you want that this come it's only connected to the internet when you're not in home and that's this reason that you can set up that during the day they will be off or during the time that you're home they will be off when you leave the house use the digital location they can then find that no one is there and that switch on the wi-fi to record and that you can track the things odd example if you have a switch for unify with a poe you can configurate that suite that will cut the pe energy when you are home or in certain time or anything that you want to do it's interesting to do this integration because in this way you can do some automatization that will trigger a part for your configuration if you like this idea and once you learn a little bit more about it we're gonna show but first of all don't forget to leave a like subscribe for the channel and let's see how we do it [Music] before i start to do any installation let's go for some basic information first of all when i'm talking unify you don't need to have a router for any file you can have just an access point why it's interesting the access point imagine that you have a big house and this house have some spots that don't get so much internet so in this way you can go through this uh internet cable and you can extend this internet making a mesh between these uh access point and all these access points don't need to be controlled specific for a unified device you can have a raspberry pi or you can have uh one container in your docker that you do this manager so have this one in mind we go to the web page for unify to go a big overview and then we go to do the integration before we start to do any installation in the integration through the home system first thing i will go for the basics in my case i have unified ring machine in your case can be a controller and that's this control you control all your device you don't need to have a specific router for it if i open here i have this route in this way i can have my traffic through the internet all my true points that will go in how much upload how much download that i'm going as well here if open clients will show the list of all my clients that i have and what's the seller for each one so i know if it's connected violent or if it's connected by wi-fi in my case i love to connect everything by land uh all devices that i can connect by lamp i will be connected by the otherwise it will connect for wi-fi only if i can not just pass a cable there or some reason have this one in mind i look for my ap address for my device and it's have this one now i will come here my home a system and we start to do my integration to do my integrations quite easy i will come here in the configuration and i click integration in my integration i'll show some integration that already did as my tv my home assist my print and everything but i will not look so much on it i will come here and put ad integration the name of the integration that we're gonna do will be only five if i click here they will already start our setup configuration and we'll appear this page when applied this page you can type your ip address or you can go and type your host name that you did in my case it will take my ip address so i will put here and here i will put my use and my password i will leave the part 443 and i will put submit i will cut this part because i don't want you guys to look for my password if you put your password correctly the right appear this information home 13 that is the name of my home system and here all my dispositive i have my cameras i have my phone i have others device so i can come here and put finish i finish configuration now because at moment i have all my device but if i put look like my iphone 8 i don't have any control about it i can only see what the devices connect for we control properly this device it will come here my integration and click configurate once that i click configurate they will show this page so i want to track my network clients i want to include wireless network and i want to track some network device now we'll look for which ss or which wireless connection that i want in my case i will go for my wi-fi network i don't want to go for my appliance look like my demo start everything i don't want you on this stage i only want to go in my phone so i come here and i will put next ones that appear here i can add my device that i want to control i can add more than one device but my case i will only add my phone once that i had my phone i can allow to access for my phone through the qe in this case will not happen but if you have a switch they will be able to cut an energy this one will be really good if in the case that you want to cut the property connection physically the device you don't need to cut only for the wi-fi but you probably created energy for it i also want that allowed control dpi restriction group that's great i will put next what kind of sensor that you want so i want that to monitoring my usage of a network so i know how much download how much upload they did also i want to control my up type this this will be good so i can come here and submit have this one submit i will come here my devices and open my iphone 8. now right up here how much download i'm doing how much upload i'm doing hey how long my devices connect to the internet so in this way i can track that if i do i don't know 20 gigabyte of download i can cut it or i can do more upload i can cut it also i can control by the time what i'm gonna do if i click here it means that i will have no internet for my device so if i come here my device is only switch off totally the internet if i come here back and put update they will have that my device will be back connect to the internet so have this one in mind now we can start to do some integration the integration that i will do i will come here my configuration input optimization already created two names you can create as many name as you want i try it to see if it's work or not before now in my integration we'll need to i want to do two integration the first one will be the stop internet and the other will be start in this case only for sure how it's work i will set up that after 11 o'clock or midnight my internet is just switch off and that will not have internet my phone and after six o'clock in the morning they will return so i come here and will it eat it i leave a totally aimed i only define the name i can define a description yes or i can leave open no description because it's sufficient description so what trigger that i will set up i will add a trigger in my case i will put as a time i could put any trigger that i want to look like i want that if they use something but in my case it will put only a time and define the time it means that after 2300 fix this time they we stop what's the name of my trigger i can put stop stop internet now what condition will come here and put as a trigger and that's what trigger that i want once that this stop internet happen it means that once that 23 hours 11 o'clock in the night happen they will have an action the action that i want i will add action and i want that caller servicing in this service it will be called a switch off it means that they will switch off and i will define which device that i want i will put pickup device and all those i will be able to see all the blue ones in my case i read activate my iphone 11 so i'll click here and i can put save it means that 11 o'clock my phone will stop to work if i come here in optimization and i activate this one now i can define that six o'clock in the morning return so i will edit this configuration i'll leave an empty device i can activate the red because i want to keep it update and i will put add trigger what trigger that will be will be exactly the same time and i want to be a start internet so i can define at 6 0 0 what condition that i want will be exactly the same will be trigger and this activity it means that when fulfilled this is start the internet six o'clock in the morning you'll have action this action that i want will be caller service and will be switch on my device which device that i want i can put pic entity and i put alan's iphone 8 and i put save so if i come here i have my both it's really work i can check it if i press run action you can see that have no internet so if i open the second page here and i come optimization and i put run that means start let's come back here and the red is start so yes it's working and now at midnight my internet from this phone will only switch off and after six o'clock we start you don't need to do only for internet you can do all this integration that if i use for two hours and they show that i'm using for these two hours to just stop and if i use more they will stop or restart so this way you can do some integration for control devices dispositive that's connected to the internet so guys i hope that you like this video this video it's a base integration but it's quite useful principally that you want to control all your device through the internet let's connect for your network in this way you can do some optimization in the way that you would like more or control some device that do not have access the internet when your home for basic protection or security in the way that you want if you like this video and you think that was interesting don't forget to leave your like consider to subscribe for the channel and see you next time bye
Channel: Sauber-Lab UK
Views: 488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home Assistant Integration, Controlling the internet, Unifi Home Assistant Integration, Open-source application, open source application, file server, homelab, Home lab
Id: kizPtZhDynw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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