Control fsr 3 update dlss to fsr 2.2 + fsr 3 mod link +tutorial+fps test

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hey everyone welcome back on the channel welcome back to another renewal 3 video we are back with control previous mod was okay there was no big issue but uh that was was using FSR 2.1 mod and now the game supports FSR 2.2 mod so yeah we're going to do that with that also we gotr Universal 3 support so we're going to do that also like you will need two zip so first things first uh let me tell you that MSI after bner won't be compatible with this mod so do not use that mner when this mod is pasted uh right now I have not pasted the mod and I'm playing on 1080p DLS is activated and every other setting is set on like high or maximum which could be set to uh with that rate racing is also enabl like every rate racing option is uh enabled and the P I'm getting on my RTX 2060 is around 60 uh 50 to 60 depending on SC why is this picture so pixelated wa it's getting cleared up a little bit so yeah uh anyway uh uh we'll begin the mod uh after playing maybe 1 minute or so what kind of overlay is this head shot B nice okay so yeah the PS is taking around 50 to 60 now we'll begin the mode so first uh you will be needing these two Zips one is for dlss to control uh 2.2 for control uh and control FS 3 stable so first mod first zip uh what it does is uh modifies the dlss of the game control to use the FSR FSR 2.2 to be specific so download this one after extracting we're going to go to the bin folder uh then x64 uh we don't need the plug-in we only need this nvx DLS and nvx ini so we're going to copy this going to go to the installation folder of control and after where the gamees uh ex is are located we're going to paste it here now if you are in first time user of this mod you will also need the uh these two things uh not this two actually you'll need this one uh so we're going to drag that also but if you are an old user you won't be needing this you have already activated the signature over right I guess so yeah we're going to just do it anyway uh and after that uh we will paste the control F is table so yeah let's paste this also now after pasting uh we're going to run the game and close the CD window when it starts up uh so yeah uh then we're going to edit the text file so also one thing uh you will need to run the game from control dx12 I mean the directx12 version is only supported with this mode so you can do one thing you can select the dx12 then right click on it then go to send to then click on desktop shortcut so by this method you can Run the game from dx12 so you're going to open it and then close the CMD and edit uh okay now we're going to edit the FSR 3 config so where is it uh there it had appeared here so we're going to open it with notepad and we're going to change the fake Nvidia GPU to true now we're going to click on file click on Save then we're going to close this and Run the game again from the direct x 12 only do not use control or dx11 the more don't support only run the game from dx12 we are back in the game and as you guys can already see the FPS is now around 100 and above 100 like uh 110 to 100 uh previously it was around maybe 50 to 60 in this area so also one thing I have to tell you right I'll tell you like uh if you go to the setting uh do not change the setting from uh after applying the mod like if you go to setting uh display you can see dlss is already enabled but if you try to disable the dlss and then activate it again the game will crash up on itself so after pasting the mod do not do anything just play the game through and and you'll be good to go so yeah I will also show you that in the end that the game is crashing when like uh reselecting the dlss but uh first I'm going to play the game maybe 1 minute or so then I will show you the crashing issue with the dlss uh turning on and off what do I have to do something in there n there is nothing I think control is the first game which have FSR no not FSR sorry uh RTX if I remember correctly everything okay there is a boss fight I think let us play through it and then I'll show you the crashing issue head shot low ammo needs to reload holy Jesus Get Wrecked now we're going to do what control this checkpoint or something there should be an prompt like that just clear the control Point [Music] yes nice okay so the thing which I was talking about the crashing issue I will show you that now so if I go back to option display like if I disable the dlss it's okay like the game is still playing but if I go back to the setting and try to activate the dlss again the game will crash so yeah don't do that just play the game after testing and you'll be good to go so yeah this will be it guys if this video helps you subscribe to the channel and yeah I'll see you guys in the next one cheers happy gaming
Channel: Gaming and fix
Views: 1,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fsr 3, Fsr 3, FSR 3, how to, install, fsr 3 in, control, ultimate edition, dlss 3, frame generation, fps boost, optimization, troubleshooting, for, low end pc, for nvidia, gtx, 1650, 1050, for amd, rx, 489, 480, 570, 6600, for intel, last of us game, control fsr 3, control fsr 3 mod, gaming and fix, top 10 games, action games, free, mod, download, pc, gaming
Id: YdTxLxOvFYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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