Control ESP8266 from Whatsapp using Node-RED and MQTT Communication

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hi in this video I will show you how to control ESP device from WhatsApp before start please click subscribe button and Bell icon to get update my latest videos thank you let's get started this is the concept to control ESP device from WhatsApp for Hardware I use esp82-66 as iot device DHT 11 temperature and humidity sensor relays and lamps all connected to ESP device for communication I use mqtt broker ESP device and node-red connected to mqtt broker as subscriber and publisher in note red I use node WhatsApp link to communicate to Whatsapp you can view my previous video about the node [Music] I Define some commands to communicate to ESP device when I send the command from WhatsApp node-red will receive the command and it will publish the command to mqtt broker as subscriber a specific topic ESP will receive the command and control the relays based on received message then ESP will read temperature and humidity value and also lamp status then publish them to mqtt broker with Json format node-red receives status Json format from ESP convert it to string format and send to Sender number [Music] this is the required hardware this is esp82-66 as controller and this is dht11 as temperature and humidity sensor and I use relays and lamps they will be controlled by ESP [Music] when I send command status to my WhatsApp bot number it will send me back status of each lamps and value of temperature and humidity foreign command all on ESP will turn on all relays and Bot number will send me back update lamp status temperature and humidity when I send command all off ESP will turn off all relays every receiving command bot number will send me back update lamp status temperature and humidity to control specific lamp send type the command lamp name and Status we want to control example lab 2 on ESP will control the lamp based on the message foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign this is the Arduino code you can download all required file codes see linked video description I put some comment in code line so you can understand the code [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] this is node redflow I use WhatsApp link node to connect to WhatsApp please watch my previous video about the note follow the configuration for each node [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you for watching don't forget to like And subscribe my channel see on my next video
Channel: Yaser Ali Husen
Views: 5,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JN660x7TUsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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