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[Music] ladies and gentlemen it's fall fall is a really fun time but fall also means one thing Winter's coming the tried October is a perfect time right before the temperatures drop to get your house ready for the winter now I've done videos in the past I'll link it right over here where it's 15 tips to winterize your home and it rages from all sorts of things like you know preventing any kind of freezing in your house make sure your energy temperature on your thermostat is efficient and making sure it's the most Optimum house without any kind of damage seriously it's a really good video go check it out and one of the things on that list that I think is the most important to make sure your house is warm in the wintertime and cool in the summertime is make sure you have adequate insulation in your attic well and today ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna attempt to blow in my own insulation by myself based off of whichever part of the country you live in you need certain kind of insulation specifically in your attic and the amount of it for the most part the entire country is roughly around R30 but in certain colder climates it'll range between R38 and like r60 now I'll get a little bit more in detail about that in a second one of the most important parts to know is that the amount of insulation that gets blown in and there's a difference between being blown in and then settling this is a highly trafficked area that I've gone through many times to either add electrical work check on my ducting or run cabling for like say the hot tub or something like that and a lot of it got stumped down making it pretty inefficient there's a difference between having 10 inches of padded down insulation or having 16 inches of fluffed up insulation fluffed up is way better than patted down it looks bigger So based off my installation I need between 16 and 18 of fluffed up insulation and that ladies gentlemen is what we're going to do today all right so we're gonna go to Home Depot we need two things we need about six bags of the R38 insulation and we need the insulation machine that throws it up in the attic and rumor has it that if you buy enough bags they'll give it to you for free but if not it's usually a pretty inexpensive rental so let's go pick that up [Applause] [Music] trying to Crunch the numbers of exactly how much insulation I need I'm going with basically six bags but and each bag covers roughly around 100 square feet but it doesn't tell you how thickness you're trying to add so in my situation I need about like seven to eight inches but in somebody else situation maybe they only need two so how many bags they need I don't know so uh we'll start with six and fingers crossed that'll be enough I just don't want to make another run okay so uh 10 bags of insulation that give you a free rental um I only needed six but basically for another four that would have paid for the insulation uh oh crap I forgot the installation itself all right let's go back fours r19 through our 60th square like this as opposed to this stuff has face on it so face has paper we don't want the paper stuff that goes in the walls because this is uh that's these [Music] we got 10 bags 57 bucks a bag uh spent 507 dollars total if we don't use it all there's a hundred fifty dollar charge if we use it all we save 150 bucks so this is the most we'll spend now take this back and make it snow oh and one more thing there's a 250 deposit so if we don't bring the machine back we're 200 bucks in a hole but hey we're gonna take a quick little detour I bought a piece of property that I want to show you guys well this actually I bought one square foot of land in Scotland you see it's a Scottish custom that if you are a land owner you get to be called a lord or a lady and I have one square foot of it I'm officially Lord Alex mizuka and I got proof check this out all right here it is check this out this is my official Proclamation here thereafter known as Lord Alex mazukin got my unique plot Number it is official I am a lord established titles is a fun and novel way to preserve the natural Woodlands of Scotland while helping Global reforest duration efforts it is official I can place it on my credit card I can put it on my plane ticket and I love showing off to my friends and say hey easy you're talking to a lord right now not only is this an incredible last minute gift idea but with for every square foot plot of land sold they plant one tree not just in Scotland but all over the world to help with global reforestation established titles work with global Charities one tree planted and trees for future to support Global reforest duration efforts so for the first 200 people who go to established forward slash Mr build it use my promo code Mr buildit to get an additional 10 off that they're having on top of their incredible holiday sale will not only have their problem but we'll have their plot of land next to mine so we could build this Mr build it Kingdom together now it's getting way too cold way too fast so let's go back to insulating this attic [Music] so here's a story about the R rating I'll put a little graph right over here based off which part of the country you live in it'll tell you which kind of insulation you'll need based off of this material that I'm using again our 19th or r60 there's a handy dandy chart in the back here that'll tell you based off the rating and how thickness you need so we're looking at r49 and we need a maximum of 17 inches and as you saw we're sitting at 10 because my thick butt has been stomping it all up and down as I'm trying to work up there but not no more I'm done working upstairs I've never used this unit before but we're all going to learn together hose plugs in there we need power outlet there got that there an extension hose because we're going deep we're ready this is a remote for it to turn it on and off or away see if it works on stop stop ah I gotta clean all this now oh not a good start [Applause] ladies and gentlemen we're starting this project off with a fix we have to fix something we rent it it's never a good day but it's okay you know we're good Troopers we're on this rocket ship to accomplishing a very important task that'll save us some money in the future and keep our butts warm and cool well there's our problem here the little caddy for the batteries is broken three brand new batteries oh oh we got it to work hey give you my deposit back and reimburse me for my batteries you're welcome so here's the story there's a little line right there get our little box cutter cut it flip it cut it again break it tiny slice so because it's gonna start expanding as soon as we put her in here and then at that point on we just turn it on and I'll start grinding it bombs away [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at this pinch now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so it's not going to work doing it all by myself I need extra help to have somebody load the machine uh it's just running out too quickly so maybe it's even jammed maybe sitting on the side so I'll have uh camera guy Kyle try to keep fitting it for me and then I'll stay up here and shoot it and I'll just shoot the rest of the content with my camera it's so much harder yeah I jammed the second half in there and it looks like you needed a little extra push to get the paddle so you definitely need somebody here to constantly keep feeding the old work machine foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] good news there's no ghost yet but I'm really thirsty suffocating up there yeah there's no way there's no way you could do this as one person because Kyle was just telling me even when it gets full you still need somebody to push it down into the blender it's just it's not a solo man job make a friend out there let's go back to work [Music] so my house is equipped with a little stapled measuring little tape right there just to know where we're at and we're at a perfect R17 17 inches right over there I would make it easier for you as you're going through especially at a distance get a little stick and a little Sharpie now we can mark on these trusses where you're at so you don't have to keep hauling a tape measure with you I'll make for a nice enjoyable experience which this is actually kind of nice kind of fun to be honest it's like oh it's like a firefighter host it's just the only thing is you're going through a monkey gym right over here like a American Ninja Warrior in the Attic but there's no ghosts which is good okay and that is all folks we got it insulated they call it uh let me find out remember they call it a top dressing what we're doing when you're adding a few extra inches which in our situations like almost 6X inches but unless we're ready for this winter and staying cool for next summer be sure to check out this playlist right over here a lot of cool home remedies projects and other builds [Music]
Channel: Mr. Build It
Views: 173,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blown-in attic insulation, mr build it, home renovation, diy home renovation, winterizing home, diy, energy efficient, how to, save energy, saving money heating bill, energy efficiency, home improvement, blown in insulation, blown insulation, how to winterize your home, insulate, attic, fiberglass insulation, attic renovation, attic conversion, attic insulation, fiberglass, blown-in, how to install, fibreglass insulation, renting attic equipment, how to insulate your crawlspace
Id: p9BZSiBz9I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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