5 Research Hacks To Find Unlimited Ideas For Content Marketing. Find What Your Audience Wants Fast!

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hey miles here miles better calm and in this video I'm going to show you how to find an unlimited number of topics for your content marketing efforts now as you're doing your 90 day challenge your 120 day challenge or whether you're simply growing your site organically through the search engines coming up with new content ideas that you can deliver for your audience is paramount to the process and if you haven't started yet a lot of people think man I can't think of 90 different things I'm going to talk about on my niche so this video is going to help kind of ease that internal voice to help you get started because once you get started with video one new video to the next ideas will appear but I want you to see how easy it is to literally find an infinite number of topics that are highly relevant that you know have a real high likelihood of connecting with your audience and it takes just a couple of minutes we're going to cover five specific ideas or actually kind of processes / websites you can use to research these and I'm going to be using the how to trade Forex niche as my example I don't trade Forex I don't know anything about Forex I know it's a competitive niche and it's going to be a good example for me to kind of just go off the cuff and see what we come up with because I know that these works so I don't want to cherry pick a topic idea that that makes it look easy I want to do something I've never looked for before to show you and kind of give you that updates of what I'm thinking as we go through the process in a very unscripted and kind of off-the-cuff way so let's jump in the first place we start is always Google and just a quick note if you're moving forward with your content marketing in theory you should have more of an understanding of a topic than I have about this topic so I'm going to be coming at it from a little farther down the learning curve remember go with what you know do what you're passionate about what you already love it makes everything else easier but that's just a quick aside so let's jump right in so the first thing we do I'm literally going to type in how to trade Forex into Google now know that we are going to be getting a lot more in-depth than this to be honest but the first thing I'm doing is I'm looking and you can see immediately people also ask it Google is automatically telling me the common questions that people are looking for I would be copying this down into an idea generation you'll also notice right here there's this autocomplete Google is automatically giving me ideas of what people look for now here's a little trip a little tip on this if you hit space a it's going to give you everything that comes up with an A if you do space B it does everything that comes up with a B if you go into my keyword research tool video it actually the tool that I recommend and I'll have that pop up in the top of the video top right corner of the video that that app will do all of that kind of searching with each layer for you in an automated fashion if you go down to the bottom you're going to notice it's got other search ideas for you so right here we've seen that that Google is trying to give us as viewers that content but you can use that as a content creator but I wanted to show you the next level of how to do this so if you're looking at let's say right here this baby pits com school of pips ology right so how to make money trading Forex I'm going to go ahead and take this URL which is baby pics com I'm going to copy it now I'm going to come up here and I'm going to do site colon and then that website and I'm going to click enter now what I've just done is by using the site colon parameter and then the website I am literally telling Google I want you to search for every single page on I want to know what all of the pages you have indexed are on this website and you can see there's about 200 19,000 results and I can now look through what they have written about if you notice every single result is actually from this domain right so it's got trading insights frequently asked questions interesting so I can go into they're frequently asked questions and I can look at what they feel they're frequently asked questions are and then we can look and effectively if you find that they have like a blog category you can do this exact same kind of a search for their blog so let's go to their website real quick and look to see if there's like a blog or if I can find an area that has a ton of content so let's go into the news I want to look so if you see how we got this /nu that's one place and then rates tools education let's see what's here so I'm noticing that they literally have a how to trade kind of education form but if we just take this news I can click here take this back and I can enter that here one second if my mouse works with me and now it's pulling up every URL that has news no I'm not saying go follow this on this site and go into this niche by any means I'm trying to show you how to use this site colon search parameter so you can search out and find what the topics that other leaders in your niche are writing about you can then research those understand what those are you can do keyword research on those to see if they get high search volumes and if it's something you like you know about you can go in and you can create content on that subject matter the second site is YouTube now I'm not going to go into the YouTube you're on YouTube right now watching this video I'm not going to show you how to use YouTube but literally search for your topics just like a user would and take note of what the top 10 to top 20 different videos are and look at the related videos in the niche but those are the really basic ones the next one I want to show you is what's called Korra qu o ra comm so Korra is a question-and-answer website where you're where people from all around the world are able to ask questions and then people from all around the world can answer those questions so it's essentially a platform dedicated to questions and answers so right here I do have an account so it's going to try to skew my results to kind of my account right there trying to learn but if you're new in here you can always just type in how to trade Forex and it'll actually probably do an auto population here let me go ahead and click enter so you can see it automatically pulls up all of these different how do I trade Forex futures there's a new idea how do I start trading how to learn trading what are the best ways to learn trading so all of those they might seem really similar to you but when you're creating a lot of different content each one of those could have been its own blog post right because there's ways to learn there's your favorite way to learn you can cover each of those differently if you would like so now I've just searched how to trade Forex and you can see these are actual questions by real people and it goes on pretty deep there's a more button at the bottom it auto populates more here I'm travelling right now so I'm in a hotel I'm at a conference this weekend so my Internet's not as fast as normal but literally we can go down for ever I mean there's probably thousands upon thousands you can see my as I scroll down the cursor on the right just gets longer and longer each one of these is a question from someone in the audience that I would be trying to serve if I was going to this niche this is a great way for you to learn and I would even go deeper into looking at just forex because I would try to get outside of forex you can see they have these topic areas forex traders forex trading online and you can go into these kind of topic based areas and you can look at the different questions being asked on these specific topics so this is a great place another one is the Yahoo Answers I don't know if it's answers dot Yahoo but let's just go google real quick and I'm going to type in Yahoo Answers it's essentially the same kind of website where people can do the answer so it's answers yahoo.com and this is kind of the exact same thing so I kind of clump these together to be honest and up here you would just search in the answers you would search forex trading and instantly it comes up with a bunch of them you can search through the answers and it's just going to bring a giant search result of all of the answers that they have associated to it you can see there's six thousand two hundred and sixty three different questions being answered so right there we've got a ton of content on it right so the next place we want to go we're going to back to Google here and we want to find niche forums niche forums are absolutely fantastic places to get ideas for content marketing so let's do forum kama trading Forex now I'm looking for one you can see the first one we I was actually already on this website you can see that the baby pips has a and then you can see trading discussions at forex factory so it looks like this is a forum also but you can see Forex tips as a forum so there's already several different forums that you could go into I'm going to look in this one here because this is a new site we haven't been to and what I want to look at here on the right is how many different replies right so I'm going to sort by replies and most forums will allow you to do this this is how you could tell what the most kind of engaging the most commented on possibly the most controversial right because if something that's a lot of replies it could mean it's controversial but these are the most in guiley engaged questions or comments right here so you can see some of them are you know ramblings of a Forex junkie but you can kind of like this person's talking about a specific trading methodology trading the gap with Excel right so you could already learn here that Wow okay so using Excel spreadsheets to help trading and you could create content on how to do that right how to draw correct resistance and support lines there's obviously some question over do you draw it this way or do you draw it that way you can go research it and create your own content on that but what I'm trying to show you here is there is a ton of people conversing about these ideas right here and it will specifically show you like scalping boon or Bane is scalping a good idea what is scalping I don't know you should know if you're going into this area but these are how we learn about the kind of ideas that are important to people and you'll see 314 pages full of results each one of these was initially a question from a user or an idea from a user that engaged a conversation your ability to go kind of be a fly on the wall in these conversations just huge and this is where you can go get a lot of really really powerful ideas that you know are engaging to the audience who like Forex how do you know well it's on a Forex forum and it's got a ton I mean thousand replies that's an insanely large forum right you could go down as far as ones that have a few hundred and it's pretty powerful for you to be able to get to understand all of these conversations people are having so I wouldn't stop with one forum I wouldn't stop with just the first page research takes time and energy it really does but it pays off in the long terms and honestly I would be engaging inside of these forums I would create an account at all these I would if I could add a link to my website in the signature I wouldn't go promoting my content on these I would be just engaging in it and really trying to just don't spam yourself on these forums you'll generally speaking you'll get kind of a shamed out of there quickly if you just jump in and start posting links but it is good to engage you can ask clarifying questions etc etc the last one is one of my favorite research locations and that's amazon.com but I'm going to show you a really cool trick here so the bestsellers list you probably see me talk about Amazon's bestseller list many times I didn't go to books but I did want to go to books only the books over here on the left and if I have the option to go to Kindle books I do want to go into Kindle books but I'm in here so let's see I don't know how to get down to it that way so I'm just going to search forex trading so I'm looking for the niche books obviously right so this is probably one of their highest recommended forex trading books great but here's where I'm going to show you kind of a trick that you can use so you click into the book and then inside of the book a lot of them have the look inside option this one might not it does so you see us as look inside above it allows you to go into the book so what I want to go into is I want to go into their table of contents and generally speaking you can get right into their table of contents and here it is these are all of the ideas that this author thought was the most important content to communicate to someone who bought a book on how to learn forex so what is forex why and you notice they're all even like not all of them but they're questions what are the advantages of trading forex what are other advantages so you can literally look at just the table of contents on this book to find out all of the main topics what's the risk reward ratio what are the different types of orders how many pips is enough literally these are the kinds of pieces of content and I'm obviously not advocating that you go plagiarize or steal their ideas I'm trying to give you idea synthesis and idea generation and idea inspiration is probably the best way to put it a way for you to get inspired about new ideas you haven't quite thought about and sometimes it's not practical to go in and read every single book on the topic but you can go into all of these different books and if they've got the look inside there it is it pops up on this one you can simply click you come in and it pretty much always shows you their different Lego page down it shows you most of the time the table of contents and here it is you can see their table of contents has all of these ideas right what is the magic betting system what's an introduction what's the fatale marginality system if you don't know what these are and you're in the niche obviously that's where you go and dig your research deeper I'm not saying go extract this and write if you're good enough and if you've been in the game for long enough you might be able to do that but this might actually just be that that kind of entrance point to the rabbit hole for you to go down and that's it this is really the last one I'm going to show you at this point I feel like those five ways of finding topics are by far the most powerful ways and really if you haven't started the goal come up with three or four ideas and get started do one video a day or one blog post a day get your first view going and then dig into the research to come up with your list of topics for beyond and if you've been doing content marketing for a long time and you feel like you've maybe hit a wall and you've got 100 or 200 posts up and you're just like wow I'm really out of ideas at this point use one of these five different techniques or five different locations to go find more ideas because you're able to synthesize the best thought processes from some of the best content creators and content contributors in the world in your area and don't go plagiarize them by any means go use this as inspiration to find the starting point for new ideas for new segments for new buckets of ideas and then you can find out how you can create lots of little posts or little videos around it and then you can turn those into your ultimate guideposts and your really big posts etc etc I hope you found this to be helpful if you like this content marketing strategy or these kind of content marketing research strategies give me a up here in YouTube if you wouldn't mind it helps me get the reach out on the videos and that's my only goal with these videos and if you enjoyed the video leave me a comment let me know what you thought I do appreciate your time and I look forward to connecting with you on the next video be well
Channel: Miles Beckler
Views: 21,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: content marketing, niche research, research hacks, ideas for content marketing, keyword research
Id: 7dwXK6hyWzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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