How To Test, Prove & Launch Online Business in a Weekend

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hey miles here in this video you are going to learn how to launch test and prove your online business in a weekend so you can gain confidence and conviction to blaze forward growing your business online so i've got a lot of friends and acquaintances who are very successful online some of them making hundreds of thousands of dollars per year some of them making hundreds of thousands of dollars per month and the difference between those folks and people who aren't making any money online often comes down to how all in and full speed ahead they are and i realize that a lot of viewers here on youtube aren't taking massive action because you're not confident in the business model so this past weekend starting on friday i launched a brand new funnel in a brand new niche and i'm going to map out how that worked for you here in this video and then i'm going to give you the exact data i'm recording this on sunday so this whole thing is about 48 hours live it's already profitable it's already generating leads and it's generating sales and literally it's actually cash flow positive so i'll go over the data with you but first i want to jump in and talk about the model okay the business and we're going to talk about this from a mild abstraction layer to get us going now the first thing i want you to realize is that the internet is full of billions of people okay this is representative of billions of people who all want to improve their life i believe there's something to the tune of four billion people online facebook's got about 2.75 billion monthly active users youtube has 2 billion monthly active users and of these billions of people every single human being wants to improve aspects of their life now it could be improving their performance in a game like fortnight they want to be able to poon their friends or own their friends it might be learning how to trade cryptocurrencies better they got uh reamed by elon musk the uh con artist who's scamming people on dogecoin right now and maybe they want to learn how to actually invest their money truly and honestly maybe you're watching videos online right now how to make money online and you found my videos either way there's people who want to improve their life and what we as online business owners do is we build the pathway for them to help them get to where they want to be okay so the faster that we can test and prove whether we're actually able to a meet them where they're at b take an action that c leads them to another action that d gets them really close either experiencing the goal achieved or at least on the path of the goal achieved this is what it means to prove out your business model okay when you know that you can actually lead people through this process so what's required for this well over here we need ads okay so running an ad is the fastest way to get a message in front of an audience okay so on facebook i ran facebook ads is what i did b we have an opt-in page now an opt-in page is a landing page i'm gonna show you all the bits and pieces we're gonna get into the tactics here but we're mapping out the framework first so you can understand what's going on so the second the first step after they click on the ad is they land on your opt-in page where you offer them something free in exchange for their email address and this free thing is going to help them on the path to their goal okay if you're not able to craft an opt-in offer a free thing a lead magnet that's compelling enough for them to give you their email address what are the odds of you ever being able to sell them something pretty freaking slim okay so then c is what we call a bridge page now bridge page is the thank you page that's where they go it's the pages they land on after they give you their email address and on this bridge page i have affiliate offers actually one affiliate offer okay i put a single affiliate offer on that bridge page um what also happens from here is emails okay they get on autoresponder because they opted in at this point in time and then d is them actually purchasing from the affiliate vendor so if i'm able to get an opt-in right i can get someone to give me their email in exchange for the thing that i'm offering the lead mag now offering that's a confirmation point that this is working if i can get clicks on my bridge page over to the affiliate program that's confirmation that the audience i'm targeting actually wants the thing that i'm helping them with and then obviously if we make money if you see revenue coming in you are on the path and fully this thing just needs to break even because if you put in 100 in ads and you earn 100 over here the byproduct of this is gonna be a really big email list and that email list is ultimately the core machine of your business so let's kind of get into some of the trainings and some of the bits and pieces that make this all work now the first thing is you have to know what your niche is okay who is that niche audience that you're going to be of service to who can you help in this world and you might be thinking well miles i don't know how to help anybody i don't know how to crochet i can't help somebody learn how to crochet then it's all about what are you willing to help people so you have to go learn then you have to go create the content that helps them ultimately to get them on the path to achieving whatever goal it is right here on this channel i'm helping you learn what it takes to build a real business online on gaming channels they're teaching people how to get better at the games that they care about on trading channels they're teaching people how to trade so they can get better at trading to get the results so you have to know your niche but more importantly than just knowing niche you have to know your customer avatar now to find the niche trainings just right here on youtube just type in miles beckler niche and you'll see it's these two these this two-part series right here is the most important one to go through and then you have to know the audience who are they what are they actually interested in what are the things what are the emotional triggers that get them to take action because remember we have to get them to take action you have to get them to actually give you their email address in exchange for your lead magnet so if you don't know where they are and what their actual emotional challenges and problems are in their life how are you ever going to craft an opt-in lead magnet and an opt-in page that's going to work for them that's the challenge so this is why you want to go here on youtube and watch the milesbecker customer avatar series actually it's just this one uh it's one full premium training that i did miles back there customer avatar and it's right there so that's ultimately the goal then what do we build out technically speaking let me go ahead and clear this out just a few um web pieces that we build and i'll tell you how to build it and there's some free options and some paid options so again number one is an ad so my first place i tested was facebook for facebook traffic the second place we actually have bing ads running we're only spending about a dollar i'll tell you the exact numbers on how much i've spent on both of these and then we're gonna run google ads if all of this works we're gonna move on to youtube um certain niches are better in certain spaces so if i was in the trading space i would probably be starting with youtube but like the ideas of of hobby based stuff um trading and gaming i would also use youtube but like hobbies and stuff like um crocheting and how to cook and and how to do green smoothies and and how to you know do yoga all those kinds of things i would absolutely be starting with with facebook ads and then we need an opt-in page so an opt-in page is a very very simple page there's no navigation up top i often don't even have a logo on the top and it literally says free thing will give you a specific result okay it's just a headline okay so i just mapped out an entire opt-in page based on a template that's worked over and over and this optin page i made for mine is converting at about 70 of traffic right now so it literally says free book reveals how to blank now do you have to do a book no i did a pdf because it was very easy for me to put together you can do a pdf uh checklist you could do a cheat sheet you could offer a template you could do a free video you could do a free audio it doesn't really matter what it is but the free thing reveals how to and then this is generally for them to achieve their goal or solve their problem okay then you have three bullet points you have an image of the product itself and then the button says yes i want it when they enter their information they go on your autoresponder so you gotta have an autoresponder set up mine i launched with five emails in it and then they automatically are redirected to what's called a bridge page now on the bridge page what we want to do is transition them over to the affiliate offer okay so the bridge page up at the very top says request received your free thing is going to be in your inbox in about five minutes and this is really small it's actually a lot smaller than this it should only take up the very top part of the page and then this is the real headline it says right now learn how to get that same result that you want even faster through this free video click the button below to watch the free video now and then when they click this watch video it actually links them over to the affiliate offer that has a video sales letter on top of it here and you have just planted a cookie you have just got an affiliate click now the questions we have is number one can you get a click okay are you able to get clicks from facebook over to your page number two what percent of people can you get to opt in for your free thing you want to see 50 or better and then number three are you able to actually make money on it on this side this is literally how we kind of prove that a business model works beforehand now let's get more tactical okay i want to keep going back from from this strategic level to the more specific now i did a very quick quick quick overview of this thing that's actually an affiliate marketing funnel but if you search here in youtube miles beckler affiliate marketing funnel um this video will show you step by step how to actually build it out and this video will show you how to actually go in to a an affiliate network and to find offers and actually build this kind of funnel out based on the sales video right so in order for this to work i gotta have a sales video that reveals something that's interesting that also is relevant to the book itself okay so it's the relevance of the ad hey you wanna learn how to crochet free report teaches you how to crochet by the way do you want the video tutorial on how to crochet bingo we send them over to a how to crochet course so oftentimes i start with the affiliate offer and work my way back to engineer everything for my audience from there and you should know in your niche for your audience as you've done the niche research since you've done the customer avatar research you should know what offers work for them you should know what software products and what physical products and what courses and what things are really popular with your audience that's part of the job of being an online business owner is market research and that's what comes along here so this video here will actually so this video explains it all the affiliate marketing funnel simple powerful affiliate marketing funnel hack just search miles beckler affiliate marketing funnel and then this video here shows you how to actually build that all out now uh the other one you're gonna need to know is how to make an opt-in page that works so if you're here you just search miles back or opt-in page this steal my high converting opt-in page i show you the actual design and how it all works you can always go to forward slash free dash course and this is ultimately the layout that works okay this is the basic idea i told you it's got the headline it's got the three bullet points it's got the uh image and then it's got a button i threw some testimonial kind of stuff down here that actually didn't increase my conversion rate to be perfectly honest so this is all you actually need up top now how do you build this out well if you go to up on the grow your list you actually have the ability to get a free autoresponder that'll allow you to have up to 500 subscribers for free and they give you free landing pages okay and i show you step by step on how to get this all going right here on this post literally every single step on how to create your own landing page to test this out for free okay you got to pay for traffic obviously but for the landing page and stuff you can do it for free again that's that's the grow your list tab up top if you're on thrive themes this is an upgrade to the free landing page builder just search miles back there thrive architect this is the theme that i personally use and i like to use for landing pages either this or leadpages but this video right here the thrive architect update i show you how to build it out um that same style of opt-in page that looks like the one i showed you this one here i show you how to build that out and thrive architect which is the one that i recommend personally using there and that is really all you need from a technical perspective to build this all out so how does it work what does it do okay what are the numbers from mine let me go ahead and clean this up i'm going to re-map this out okay so we've got that same simple funnel set up again here now on the facebook ads and again i started 100 with facebook ads i have to date spent 38.72 cents not so much it cost me in the clicks and for that i don't actually know how many clicks but it's it's mildly irrelevant um what i do know is that i've had 100 leads in at this point in time so that means my cost per lead is just under 40 cents okay it's 38 cents per lead then on the bridge page of the hundred people so 100 people opted in which means a hundred people saw this page i've had about an 87 percent click-through rate on the bridge page so 87 of people who reached this bridge page clicked on the button to go over to the affiliate offer obviously i'd like that to be 100 but hey 87 is pretty good and then from the affiliate offer on this first comment here and what i'm doing is i'm putting a tracking id inside of the links here and i put a separate tracking id inside of the email so i can tell where the sales are coming from when the sales happen um and at this point as of this morning i have made 57 dollars and 20 cents so that means i'm spending 38 cents per lead and i'm earning about 57 cents per lead so this is my cpl which is my cost per lead and this is my epl which is my earnings per lead and this one is 57 cents so this means for every lead i'm able to get from facebook i'm earning about 20 cents 19 cents cash flow positive for every lead so that means i started with forty dollars and now i've earned fifty seven dollars so i'm taking all fifty seven dollars okay i'm not taking that twenty dollars out and you know putting it into elon musk's scammy uh doggy coin i'm taking that twenty dollars and i'm reinvesting it back in my business so in the next couple of days i can go from spending forty dollars to now i can spend sixty dollars and if the numbers hold the sixty dollars is probably going to turn into 80 and then i put the 80 back in and the 80 will turn into 100 and then the 100 will turn into 150 and on and on and i want to remind you this is only on the front end so i'm going to go ahead and oops let me clean that up i want to remove that right there so what i'm trying to show you here is this is just the front end this is what i call the front end because this is the user experience that my leads go through that my traffic goes through in one session right so they literally they click from the facebook ad to here they click from here this is all one session they don't leave but then i get them on my email list and then i have five emails queued up three of these emails are linking back to the affiliate offer again with a different tracking id so i can see if i make sales here versus making sales here so far i've made no sales here but honestly i've only sent out one email because it's been running for like a day okay so i'm gonna be able to track what happens and now that i'm proving that this thing's working i'm simply adding on more emails that go to different offers so i'm gonna have offer two and i'm gonna have offer three in here and this is all pure profit everything that comes off of the email here is absolutely pure profit and if i really wanted to take this to the next level what i can do is i can then replace the affiliate offer so most affiliate offers that i'm sending people to right now they pay between 50 and 65 commissions if it's a digitally downloadable product like a course so i'm currently earning something like 50 to 60 percent uh commissions so if i created my own course i would earn a hundred percent maybe about three percent of the cost has to go to pay credit card fees but my margins wouldn't be 50 or 60 my margins would be 97 which means there'd be even more money in it for me in the front end and this is what i mean by proving out your business model using affiliate products first can i help someone who wants to learn how to knit actually buy a course about knitting am i able to convert someone on facebook who i know they're interested in knitting but they're just browsing around facebook wasting time looking at pictures of dogs and grandkids and videos of cats okay can i get that individual from that point all the way over to buying a course on knitting well we got to run them through a few steps which you saw me map out here if you can it's going to be easier to test us all through an affiliate offer because you don't have to build the sales copy you don't have to build the course you don't have to run the the merchant account you don't have to deal with refunds you don't have to run the customer support all of those things are handled by the affiliate vendor so i'm able to focus on ad to traffic to landing page to bridge page that's it then i just do the math and for me on this test it worked now the last thing i've been doing this a long time made my first money online in 2003 so when i made my first dollar from the moment i made my first dollar online it took me seven years to go full-time online now i am clearly as you've probably noticed not the smartest person in the world i'm also not the scammiest person in the world so somewhere in there lies my balance of honesty and integrity and i'm not the fastest person to grow a business online but i can tell you from my dozens if not hundreds and thousands of friends and students like you have built real businesses online it does take years it doesn't take months like the greedy gurus are going to try to tell you inside of their funnels so you need to make sure that number one you're not going through their funnels you're not watching their webinars you're not paying attention to the sales messages of the greedy gurus unsubscribe clear out your inbox so you don't have these greedy gurus sending you their stupid sales pitches based on their lies about passive income because it's all what you need to do is you need to be building things to see if you can help people go from being on facebook or youtube or google or bing to purchasing something that you know is actually gonna help them accomplish what they want i know somebody's interested in knitting because they've liked how to knit type pages so i show them an ad my opt-in page is all about learning the three knitting patterns that you have to know i don't know anything about knitting and then i sell them on a knitting course and i either can do that break even or better or i can't and this is how you can prove out the entire business model it took me a couple of days to build this all out to start running traffic to test it it's working cash flow positive for me but again it's not my first rodeo so if your first one doesn't work cash flow positive if you're really committed you just got to keep going and you got to keep testing and you got to keep working with it until you find that sequence of steps that works for your people then you add more traffic to it while finding more offers to add to the autoresponder and consider putting your course if you've wanted to create a course so let's say you know how to trade you've had great success trading you want to put out a trading course but before you go through all that time and effort to build the course to get it running on a learning management system to write all the sales copy to get the shopping cart before you do all that baloney can you sell somebody else's course somebody you trust who has a really good course that also has an affiliate program you should know who those people are if you're actually a helpful individual who actually has their head in clear air and you know how to trade right like you would know what courses help people get there you know what courses are honest or genuine you would know what cheat sheet that people would be interested in because it's your cheat sheet so you build out the one single page pdf document you build a landing page around it you run some traffic can you generate sales that's the big question that's how you prove out your entire business model i just launched a whole new thing in a whole new niche this past weekend and it's already generating cash flow and now i'm just going to build on it and build on it you can do this too takes a lot of energy and the real key to everything is publish create more than you consume get off of the greedy guru list and start building can you drive clicks from facebook to opt-in pages can you get those people to opt in will they purchase things that you recommend if you can't get that done probably not worth spending a month or two building out a course and a sales page because you can't sell what's already selling and working and proven in the marketplace well you're just not ready to launch your own course yet so build this refine this work off of this use those videos that i showed you there i'll make sure those links are in the description and that's it for today's video i appreciate you i look forward to connecting with you on the next video any questions you can get at me in the comments until we meet again be well
Channel: Miles Beckler
Views: 9,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing funnel, online business, launch business in a weekend, Miles Beckler
Id: 1kjn_WcqIio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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