Conspiracy? Jeffrey Epstein MCC Death Theories - Was It Suicide? Was It Murder? | 158 |

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[Music] hey everybody larry lawton still here in the rv having fun and i'm with gary massey and we're going to be talking about the abstein case and this is going to go all over the internet because we have our views from a person from the bureau of prisons and a person who was an inmate so this is going to be a really interesting video welcome back gary thank you i appreciate it gary you and i talked a bunch of videos already we're having a lot of fun we're opening up and and you're a great interview because you're honest you're open and the truth helps uh you and i talked about this before but i wanted to really get you here with me and we're going to open the audience's eyes to how the bop works and what happened epstein we all know who epstein is he supposedly committed suicide in uh manhattan correctional center mcc in new york city now we both are i'm an inmate and a ex-convict and gary was a bop and we both believe epstein was murdered and we're going to tell you why and how we think it could have happened now we're talking about a guard who is a bop he was a guard for 18 years he was in the bureau of prisons was even ahead of the union here in jessup georgia first of all gary when ebstein died what did you think right off the bat that he was hit uh because of his connections with uh all the dirty hat on people now when i saw the autopsy report i thought he was it was a murder with the three breaks the three breaks around the neck and you've seen people die in prison right and i have suicides suicides with with the hangings off a door or lots of suits honestly some aren't suicides we know homicides homicides no i mean homicides that they think or suicide right you know like this one uh now the reason i say that now let's explain to the audience how the bop works with protective custody or the shoe which is special housing unit or as i call it the whole and gary probably called it the whole uh they called shoe is the official name for it special housing unit if a person is in jeopardy in some way or another they put him in the shoe now they have two parts of the shoe they have what they call the administrative segregation or and disciplinary segregation in most shoes am i correct that's correct right so now i've been in both never protective custody i was there because i was under investigation so he's thank you into the administrative party they could put you in potato because you might not be a rat there's reasons oh no no no yeah i know everybody in protective because he's not a wreck oh absolutely no but i just designate you like joe exotic i guarantee he's in protective custody now how it works everybody is in a shoe they have what they call tears now on the end of that tier they lock that door so you you need another door key to get into that tier correct correct so when you now you're now your cell is locked there's actually two they have the range they have the range gates and i looked at the epstein tier i'm not sure if it was the actual one but i looked at the the photos of the crime scene but uh yeah they have the gate that goes on the tier that should be locked and then the individual sails are locked right well and you can't access the key from the inside your cell they have that metal plate on them right exactly you can't do that and matter of fact as an inmate or anything if you're ever out of your cell you have to be handcuffed behind your back that's you have to be done unless you're an orderly or whatever you have over there so now gary so they have two lock places and have a control set can you explain give us a view because i don't know it obviously i know it by going through them enough of them i've been in enough shoes give give the audience what they uh it's like like is there a control booth there's a i've i've avoided four prisons and they're all set up the same that i've been right you can say what i mean same with me but yeah there's not a control booth because everything's a turnkey inside the shoe for security reasons turn keys what he means it's not electronic where you can't get behind the gate every door is individually manually manually turned locked and checked so there's like a you come in through a sally port which means a door opens you go in that door closes then whoever's in there will let you in with a turnkey and come in so there's security you can't just get in and out of the front right okay now but there's usually two guards on there's normally always two guards right there's usually more during the day there is no you have to do showers right right during this time the suicide happened at night yeah well we're going to get into that because uh but it's set up yeah there's not a control where you press buttons right but there is an officer station where you can see there's four tiers like you said yeah two up and two down now supposedly this camera is going on all these tiers that's what i've heard there wasn't cameras anywhere when i was why right but why weren't these cameras on because that's another thing that's an interesting point that's fueled a lot of the speculation about the conspiracy um they had the film i've researched this a lot they had cameras on but they only had them pointing on the guards that were sleeping or whatever they were doing and his attorney later asked for apparently he tried to commit suicide prior suppose for that film and they gave it to him but it wasn't the right range they had gave him the film from another range and then when they said this isn't the right film oh we can't find it yeah i love that i love when body cameras on cops or anywhere there's no because cameras everybody are so cheap today obviously i have cameras around my house i have five cameras around my house so i mean it it can be done easily but there was cameras everywhere else so that that narrows down who could have killed him if he didn't kill himself because you have to get in who do you believe killed him his cellmate the yeah uh i don't know for sure and god help me i'm not accusing you no no we know we're just an opinion the guy was a cop before he was a real jacked up gorilla looking a big white guy steroided up he had a quadruple homicide and one of them he tried to make look like a suicide another one right and i think he killed him well i think he killed him i think i do too now you tell you tell the audience how you think he did it okay my opinion with the cameras that are working you can eliminate what it ain't you know you might not know exactly what happened there but you can specifically know what didn't happen so no one came in that front door for the reasons we just said there's no other way into the shoe but through that front door so the murderer and i believe it was accomplices were two people is what i think i think one of the guards was in on it in my opinion there's no film and i believe that they opened the cell doors at an earlier time and the guy went in there and killed him killed him at 4 30. they didn't find him till 6 30 which means they counted him dead apparently hang in there and if he's hanging how can that happen right if they did it now what they're going to say obviously oh they stuff to account and that's what they were charged or fired for for sleeping through countless no one sleeps through count they would have set an alarm i ain't going to laugh slept before can you oh an alarm goes off if you don't i'm sitting oh oh you mean i was so tired and i was going to take a nap i'd set a 15-minute alarm or something to know that count time yeah it's countless times three times a night midnight 3 a.m and 5 a.m in the bureau every day every day is accountability 4pm stand-up count yeah and on the weekends 10 a.m some kind of count 10 of them count in the daytime in the weekends and then they have the right it's all bureau wide everything's well nine i have a 9 p.m camp too as well yeah that's right yeah yeah i remember i always counted enough that's right they do but now so i believe this is what i believe and i tell everybody this i believe another inmate did it because i listen to me and i know this is going to sound bad you give me 50 million dollars i don't think he would have made the next day either i mean let's face it for free well i was just gonna say they could have waited but they didn't want him to get out into where he can open his mouth we know what happens but we the reason we believe is because we know the structures of shoes and how they work it had to be someone to open the door so one of the guards had to open that door because you can't just get a key off a guard you can't make them think you can't pick that lock it's none of that crap oh i'm gonna pick a lock to get in there you can't even if the um food tray is open if you had a the key that fit that door your arm won't reach up to where the key is to open it so you could even do it that way you know how how it is oh yeah oh no no no you can't reach around to where it is no so far no they couldn't what he's trying to say is they couldn't have dropped it and then you reach and here and leave the food slot open because there's a food stall where they pass the food through and reach up you can't it's not possible not a possibility no so somebody had to open that door and i do believe i don't believe he killed himself not with three neck breaks there's several things with that the the three neck breaks were strange he had a big contusion on the back of his neck to me it looked like somebody just went up and whacked him around the back of the head if i wanted to kill him i could physically they had to kill him with somebody that could do it quick so he wouldn't get caught and make a lot of noise on the range this guy was a monster listen you and i i know i could i know you could yeah yeah i mean there's no way he's a 60 something year old man yeah um it's not and the other thing i was going to say that it's very irregular the noose that they used and evidence that's on the you can look it up now the initial guard said he cut it down they have like a uh it's like a seat belt cutter that you can buy right right right so i have one of those he said he saw epstein at 6 30 he went there cut him down but the noose that's on display and cut it's got a hem on the end the bed she's got at him and that's the end that was tied to the thing he didn't cut it so he took it down he had to right yeah it's not cut well you know i also i don't understand why you know he's on suicide watch and there's one person and there's one person in the cell that's way out of policy way out of bounds way out of bounds he went on suicide watch uh sometime prior i don't know the time frame and when inmates on a suicide attempt or a suicide have you been on watches like this okay tell the audience how that works well they you mentioned it before in your other videos they put them in uh like a suicide or a dry seal and a dry cell is just basically a cell with a concrete block for a bed and it has a a giant quilt and it's tear proof you can't tear it and the guy wears a paper suit there's no running water in there or anything and you're under observation and yes you're 24 7 you're on your observation if that's not possible they'll at least come by every 15 minutes i'm only speaking on the things i know of from 2007. now now would that would that what they've done would they be union violations yeah yeah they're going to get fired well i just fired i mean it's easy give me 50 million dollars and find they're going to get fired yeah they could do it with kirk was that cryptocurrency oh and yeah they could do it and they couldn't be nervous absolutely but there had to be two people or an operative had to be snuck in there in some kind of a way and to me it's just so that's out of reason so crazy you'll get solved someone will detect i think you see you're saying and i get what you're saying that that inmate did it i'm not even saying i'm saying one of the guards did it maybe and the reason i say that is what you know the greatest secret in the world and i talk about on this channel two could keep a secret uh three can keep a secret of two or three yeah right and the more people involved somebody wants you give any guard i'm telling you these people were billionaires and whatever they were they're involved in this epstein case give somebody 50 million dollars and say listen you might go to try you might not you can get away even if you're done your family everybody's taken care of for the rest of their life of us these people somebody will do it i wouldn't want to murder on mine no no no i know you wouldn't i didn't say you wouldn't but think about that now yeah easier for a guard to come in and put epstein at ease because he's not thinking that he's a guard that's a good point now fc turns around he bams him chokes him chokes him out puts them up on the thing locks the door and goes could have there's no video there's no video so why wouldn't that be more plausible than bringing another enemy if it went down that way then that guy it would probably have been the guy that was a guy and a girl on shift right i would think with the guy i could have been the guy right and you know i i slept what a great excuse fire me well here's how that would have went they were overworked no question um tremendously so they were tired they were forced to do overtime so you get in your sleep when you can when you're forced to but how about how about the one girl says i'm taking my nap oh i'll do rounds that's what i was fixing to say so that's how that would have worked you would have been like okay i'm gonna sleep right now and you go check everything and then you can come sleep the next time and i'll go check everything he probably got her to go to sleep under your theory and put him out i mean listen it's not nipple you know that yeah obviously you did that black belt in judo right so and you know you could choke someone out show someone out in twelve seconds yeah 30 seconds before they're dead the rear naked choke isn't really like an air choke it's a blood choke if you cut off the blood supply right here you'll pass out but here's why i think but that's the three of those bones right that's why i think it was a choke yeah and i think a guard got in there either hit him so get knocks him down grabs his neck chokes him out he lays down puts it i mean literally it could take 30 seconds and then said i'll count this range at five o'clock exactly and that's it and they discovered i did 30 which would be consistent with the food service tray coming in yeah and two other guards come in at six o'clock so when they found him at 6 30 it was probably they were trying to give him his chill looked in there and there he is and he's hanging there and they say oh i just saw him or whatever they said initially well there's two other guards in there too then no i'm talking about what i'm talking about when they originally you know the two guys that are there well i don't i checked them at five you know oh but now now they send the camera sleeping which is normal and so the guy says yeah i went out in the tear i i did it or i fell asleep through it it doesn't matter how can you i don't i don't understand how these guards aren't either put on in front of a grand jury they can be pressed hard this whole thing's fishy and you know how quick look how quick it went away no one's talking about it nobody's got a thing to say but getting back to the suicide cell we were talking about that when i got sidetracked and went down the road no no no no no no you're doing great yeah they're supposed to be monitored and when they come off suicide watch even after they've been monitored i have never seen anyone be placed in a sale by themselves no single cell ever ever never you know when i heard that he was he'll get orderly and put in there with them better than that his train his sally was transferred that saturday that saturday how was that do you see in the bop correct how often do you see someone moved on a saturday never never i've been in prison once there's a fist fight something that's making them not do that there's no question guys that that's got me like are you kidding me exactly you know and then when the guard said then they said well what about the cameras oh they were only on the guard and they were sleeping but what happened oh but they did the round and he was okay at five o'clock and his autopsy said he died at 4 30. yeah i mean that all doesn't make sense and another thing that doesn't make sense they moved the body they took it to the hospital he was dead it should have been a crime scene he should have been left how that's a good question to a b.o.p policy 100 percent he should have been left there it's a crime scene at that time yeah but i thought the bop don't want anybody to die in the prison and they always try to well they could oh they that's the if you do an information request whatever they'll say no one died in here they'll be graveyard dead but they're not officially dead until a doctor at the hospital pronounced so if a person died in jessup you have ever seen a president well probably five people died and did it make it a crime scene no that wasn't a murder though it wasn't how do you know well you know that's a good point and you don't you know i mean you've seen suicides correct i've seen yeah i've seen it i didn't see it happen i went up there after gary just said i was in atlanta i've seen three total i was in atlanta i see more than that in atlanta i was in atlanta and they said a guy hung himself and when they took him down he had a hole in his head how the [ __ ] can you get yourself a hole right they killed him whatever they did to him they beat his head i've seen a sad kid cut his wrist one time wrote [ __ ] you on the wall and killed himself he just and that's sad now my point is at what point do we know they're not murders or suicides that's a good point you're relying on you're lying on the autopsy that's all right you're relying on the autopsy report always three to be that's all right to be uh accurate you know to point out these things but but at what point is like you know i mean i just there's a case in my area right now you probably saw some of my videos uh there's a guy named edwards who was a veteran combat veteran yeah he goes into jail and they kill him in the jail and they refuse to release the video refuse i don't get it i don't get it either how in your world can you really if you say he was out of obnoxious and that fighting and that's strong or whatever you know you know what four point and you know what four-point chairs are you know that i'm telling you i get goosebumps because i was four-pointed no no it was horrible and and uh i what they did to that kid now i always say no oh he they justified it in a hot in a uh what they call an uh uh autopsy yeah oh excited delirium so at what point do we say wait a minute this these autopsies can't be right i guess you're right that's a very valid point that's a good point in the whole thing how do you really know you know we don't so what do you think should you think you should just be left alone no what do you think should happen nothing's going to happen the attorney general has the power to investigate we're not the smartest people in the world if we can figure out this stuff right here just talking in your rv you have people with investigative powers they can track who came in and out of that place that day they can track what inmates were placed in there by the time epstein arrived or whatever to see if there's a lot of stuff they can do and the bop policy they violated uh there's a big paper trail of what happened if it wanted to be investigated correctly they could really find out who did it they can place you know simple simon all they want but yeah they don't want them they don't want it hey it's clean you know what i told you earlier and i believe this it's just gary i don't know but i think he was an asset for a foreign government because the people we had dirt on were mainly americans and great britain the prince that's our allies so why would someone in america use him to get dirt on other americans well what i i could it could be a foreign power well it could be but my my theory is more this you had other billionaires billion exactly who were [ __ ] around with little kids or something look at all the ones in hollywood i'm saying exactly they were doing something really egregious that it would have been over yeah he would have come out he might have had pictures he might have had this he might have had testimony he might have had voicemail sure he did and you listen if the guy's worth five billion dollars and you don't think 50 million or 100 million to stop this from coming out that's my yes the foreign asset is one but also the the ruining you would ruin you'd put him in jail that's true now what he would he do to stop him going to jail a guy was worth 10 billion bill clinton on there 26 times on his airplane yeah the clintons are stone cold gangsters oh listen they all the other people on this plane they're billionaires clinton's a poor compared to the people on that plane the money and power of the people involved has to make to believe they want to just push this away yeah and and like you say man you haven't heard another thing about this it's just got swept away and our news cycles are quick stuff's happening all the time but you would think someone would get to the bottom of this i agree we're going to do with that all right gary any final word on that case no other than you believe like i believe he was murdered it's one of the two ways yeah i believe he was one of our ways and don't you think though my way too were if they opened the door for that dude they cut though they cut the range lights off at night he would have got in there oh absolutely all they had to do was open that door it's easy to find out which one of them did it because both of them ain't going to be able to take pressure no absolutely either one of them will break quick one of them will break uh listen the guy might not break because he don't give a [ __ ] you know he got 50 million dollars he's got three life sentences what does he give a [ __ ] his family's taken care of anyway whatever he might say [ __ ] you and that's the end of it but the guard or somebody involved or went on to sleep and could start telling the truth or like you said i believe they can go with records they could tell you with records who was in that prison at that time what inmate was sleeping what is that you know how they do it and and if they really did a deep deep investigation i think more would come out whether it was one guard or the guard and the inmate uh who really conspired because this is the only the only other option is he killed himself i just don't kill yes but he's on a bum just leaned forward right he's on a bunk i mean you know that i've seen that happen i just let the air cut off is how they do it and they just suffocate that they really don't break their neck like that was you know you suffocate the death it's like auto affixation those guys who you know what that jack off on that [ __ ] crap but that's what it is robin williams did that yeah i don't know whatever but he didn't did he die from that one one of them but i don't know it was him maybe the guy that did the kung fu oh that who was david carradine out of the other guy but anyway gary and i both believe that it was gary again i want to thank you for coming here man i appreciate the chance it's been really fun we've been having a lot of fun we did a lot of videos and you guys everybody are going to see more gary he's going to be my go-to guy when i have b.o.p questions he's a great guy i wanted a show on this channel that an ex-con and a guard can be friends and we don't judge anybody he never judged me i never judged him and that's the way life is supposed to be we all know that all right everybody have a great day stay safe please keep uh thinking about making good choices because that's what it's about see you later guys you
Channel: Larry Lawton
Views: 65,297
Rating: 4.9597068 out of 5
Keywords: ghislaine maxwel, suicide, prison, prisoner, murder, mcc, conspiracy, federal bureau of prisons, lawton, epstein death, federal prison, epstein, jeffry epstein suicide, bureau of prisons, jeffry epstein case, jeffry epstein murder, jeffry epstein conspiracy, prison guard, sexual misconduct, jeffry epstein, prison stories, coverup, jeffry epstein epstein crimes, prison camera, ex prisoner, prison crime, jeffry epstein coverup, Epstein evidence, Metropolitan Correctional Center, MCC
Id: tugERE-9KIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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