Loyalty in the Mob - Chapter 3: Episode 4.5 | Larry Lawton: Jewel Thief | 5 |

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this is Larry Lawton and he's an ex jewel thief Larry's a former career criminal once considered the biggest jewel thief in the United States and I take it I pointed right near juniors head on the side of his head he's sleeping and I pull three three shot o go boom welcome back everybody this is chapter three called loyalty of my book gangster Redemption we're gonna be doing it a little different we've been getting a lot of requests for me to actually just talk about stories in that chapter explain the chapter a little bit and give some stories in which which I'll do you can still listen to the whole book on Spotify and iTunes if you want to do that you know chapter 3 is called loyalty and let me tell you a little bit about loyalty when you get into the mob people think oh you just make some money and get pulled into the mall that's not how it works you are tested on loyalty let me give you a little thing how Dominick tested me it was crazy I'm sitting at home I'm in Florida and Domenic I actually got a call from will he not Dominic will he called me says hey Larry be up here tomorrow 9:00 a.m. I hang up the phone and just go up I get a plane ticket back then you didn't need IDs I mean you can actually just go to an airport and pay cash this was in the late 80s so all you had to do was just go go to an airport give me $200 if that's what the ticket was and get a plane ticket Lika say any name you want but anyway I get on a plane I get there I get to Kennedy Airport in New York I'm coming from Fort Lauderdale and it was really crazy because I was a nut job back then and the first thing that what happened was I'd get picked up by my wit cab service which was a mob own cab service that we had you know one of the guys in the mob owned the cab service so anyway he picked me up the guy would pick me up some driver and the first thing you would do is give me a pistol cuz that's what I wanted I want a pistol so it gives me the pistol but it's kind of funny because I'm cursin I hate the place I'm here I'm living in South Florida living a life and I come up the Belt Parkway if you know anything about New York its traffic it's it's [ __ ] dirt it's it's just this crap on the sides in a road the traffic is bumper to bumper I'm just like already going crazy and so I get to the to the bar the home stretch where we hang out and Friday mornings always we play cards so also we'd stop playing gin gin and I played Joey played a couple of the guys earners Dominic would come in you know and we play we just play it all day would be playing gin Dominic is seeing people all through today they're coming to see him it's on Fridays every Friday so as we're doing this I never say a word you know and it's really funny because on Fridays we'd also go to what the place called la polina's la polina's was a restaurant in Brooklyn on West sixth Street and we pull the cars on the park on the sidewalk just like in the movies and we'd have a table in the corner there's a round table we'd all hang out there and eat and everything and then afterwards we'd go back to the bar and we had two apartments above the ball one there was a lady in it just like you saw in a Gaudi thing but this is legit same thing but we used to have one that was empty and we used to use it we used to play cards and play big card games and I'd stayed there and this is on a Friday I'd stay up til whatever late hours now once Dominic left Willy left some of those kind of guy we were partying maybe we'd do coke doing all the stuff you shouldn't do but listen they don't think anybody don't realize where the money's coming from but anyway so we're playing cards and then Saturday would come I'd still hang out with the guys do a little stuff be always in the bar and be crazy and Sunday I used to see my kid my my son was very young at the time and when he went back in Brooklyn I had an apartment in Brooklyn and one of Fort Lauderdale when I started having trouble with my wife so anyway I would never say anything so one day I called Nicole I was sitting down with Willy and I say well what's that all about why did he call me up because Larry passed the great test he goes we didn't know if you were getting too big for your britches you're making a lot of money you're doing a lot of stuff down in South Florida we didn't know if you were making too much money and you wouldn't answer and I learned a great lesson I'll tell you why because it shows that we Aloia latias and I did that with Mike crow I'll tell you a quick story a junior guy who worked for me I had a rule you either answer your beeper back then it was beepers if you didn't answer your beeper you better be dead or in jail only ways you didn't answer that beeper so one night I had a Clubhouse built where I had my limousine and made it into a clubhouse where I had bookmaking operations all works and I Texan jr. jr. doesn't answer I end up at about 4:00 in the morning I come back to the clubhouse and we had a room in able to pull out bed and kitchen and the other side was the limo and it was a warehouse that we built out so anyway I take out a 357 silver 357 never forget it and I take it I pointed right near juniors head on the side of his head he's sleeping and I pull three three shots boom boom boom junior flew out of that bed shaken he didn't know what to do he didn't know what I was gonna do and I said to him you ever [ __ ] not answer my beeper you ever not answer my beeper you're gonna never you're not gonna live and boy was he scared and I'll tell you what he always answered no matter what after that and the word got out it was a one-time thing I learned it from Dominic and I passed that down what I did that's part of loyalty and that was a test and I talk about that test I also talk in loyalty and why you need the loyalty and talked protection you know you need to be protected not that you know you know a lot of people think the mobs all this you know loyalty and and and all the stuff trust me when I was in prison they didn't give me any money didn't do any of that so that's BS but I'll tell you where the protection comes in I was making a lot of money I'm robbing a lot of jewelry stores and I'm making a lot of money and when that happens you people get to know who you are they know you're making money and that circles the criminal circles people know who they are and you didn't want to be not connected and protected by one of the families so I was protected by the Gambino's I wasn't again you know associate because I was making a lot of money I'm kicking my money upstairs and nobody wants to disrupt that money-making flow so I'm not gonna get kidnapped and I'm not gonna be I'll tell you you know the story about that later but you you don't want to be kidnapped and you don't want them to get your money and they will get your money and so you had to be protecting it and it's funny people say well why did you join the mob you don't join the mob you use it for protection or you use it for the reasons you need yes I grew up in that area I grew up in the Bronx and Brooklyn and that's what it was that's who we aspired to be so that's part of the protection so that's definite I tell you what it also means is when you keep kicking up when you do the right thing by people I'm making a lot of money I'm bringing diamonds in and making big money and Mike the band and the made guy and I and our crew comes in to me says hey Larry you know he's an old-timer he's about 60 years old at the time I'm I'm a 30 year old guy he goes Larry I want you to start bringing your diamonds to me and I'm like what are you talking about I had a great setup what another family it was my setup everybody's making money nobody had to know anything Dominic was happy Willie was happier he's making money and Mike demanda says you got to bring it to me now I'm like it mad this man why should I give this guy anything you know he's not doing it he's trying to hustle in on my my gig so like I was telling you we used to go a lot Bolinas on Friday nights so we pull up there and I ended up telling Dominick before we were playing cards this is done this is [ __ ] I said I'm making money and Mike the band is trying to hold it on my stuff I got it working good I don't know how much money I'm gonna make with those guys it's all bull or people to know he goes Larry I'll take care of this family it's making money so you know he wants to do that so Mike the band were thin and we always had a big round table me Joey my Willie Dominic maybe a couple other guys and we're sitting in now at the end we're having the espresso with the old pots the uppers on pots and and bottle sambuca and Dominic says all right guys listen up he says nobody at this table works with Larry nobody and you I could feel the venom of Mike the band like you know man but I'm like inside saying like do you know I know where my mom my bread is buttered and ever since then he never mentioned it never said a word but I kept my connections things kept flowing never had a problem with that kind of stuff but that's why you want to be with a crew that's why you want to have loyal to with that crew because if you don't things can get sketchy I also never beat Dominic once never never beat him out of money when I made a good score he got his percentage I usually hit him more for 10% and if you didn't you know something you know not that he would know you don't know exactly what the dime is or the exact money but what happens if somehow it gets back to him that old IRA made 300,000 on that score and I gave him you know five grand ain't gonna work you know I mean you don't want that put in the back of his head you know and that that's funny story with Mike the Bandit tell you another week why you got to be protected I was in Florida I was in South Florida well had a place called flicks and my buddy Ernie owned it so we're in flicks and we're up in a high-roller area kind of high role you call you know where the tables are and stuff you sit down you champagne rooms they call them now but it's the high play area so we're sitting up there and we knew a couple girls up there there's another guy in that area and he's really talking and really disrespecting this girl I know up there and I don't know who he is so I go up to him and he looked at me and boom I hit him BAM he kind of rocks he goes back and he goes Ernie Ernie owned the place splits us up and the guys going off kill you yeah you're at our place in South Florida and you're gonna kill us so but Ernie says we're gonna put you in a 55-gallon drum of can get in the back we're gonna get out of here get out of here I forget about it you know what do I know so I'm back in Brooklyn I'm at the home stretch and we're all it's a Saturday a bunch of people around and in comes this guy that I hit and another guy I don't know he notices me sees me down to the end we rolled my whole bunch of hog guys he goes I'm gonna kill him I'm the kid and I'm like who is this guy it dawned on me it's a guy hit I always had a pistol on me always had a pistol on me so I'm like what's going and then everybody's screaming and he's coming around my aisle guys like they don't know who he is so but Willie knows who he is so we'll is whoa whoa what's going on and this guy says this guy disrespected me I was in Florida the whole thought the story comes out I'm like what the hell Willie oz hold on he calls me in the back actually calls me into like the storage room it was like what happened I said Willie what do you mean what happened I'm in South Florida the guy's an [ __ ] is some bull with a girl and he was real disrespectful I find I hit him Willie goes man oh we got some problems now my gosh what's going on he goes all right you guys I gotta call Dominick so Dominick lived in Jersey so Willie goes clear it out and the whole bar clears out an int on to Kings Highway it's right off Kings Highway and West 10th is the homestretch of everybody there's gonna be about 30 40 guys out in the street and they're just waiting at but I'm in the bar sitting at warning wait he wants a long bar I'm at the end what Joey I kept Joey with me and Joey did the drugs and did the robberies and we were up and coming guys and this guy's on the other end with his friend and you could feel I could feel the venom and I'm like telling Joey man I gotta kill this guy Joey I gotta kill him I don't give a [ __ ] I gotta fill this guy minica what the honey and all the egos man calm down you psycho all it is income zombie that makes this little five-foot-seven guy little comes in for he comes all the way from Jersey had apartments about right in front of home stretch no one could walk there that was his spot it's a it's a meteor all that but that didn't matter people know that was his spot so he comes in walks up he talks to Willie for a few minutes I'm sitting there looks at me gives me the finger come over I go to the back again I explained in the same story I do the doodle of Willie and Dom because you know I'm gonna try to quash this this guy's a made man he does and this is gonna be a rough but you got to apologize and all that and I said of course time whatever you want I'm just thinking I was gonna get killed and I'm still worried you know so Dominic brings me up to the front and boy talks to the guy he says listen I said man sir I'm sorry I really didn't know who you are I says I didn't mean any disrespect to you and he's still me I don't give it I'm the kid not that he's with dominating and that makes a powerful guy Dominic used to go to Paul Castellanos I used to go with him Paul Castellanos was the white house in Staten Island they called it the white house it looked like the white house with the big stanchions and it's up on toad hill in San Island so Dominic gets mad leaves gets on the phone very rarely touch the phone in this place but no one ever says a few words comes back and says get out of here anything happens to this kid you won't make six o'clock tonight I'll never forget and I'm like holy what happened the guy got so pissed he didn't know what to do of course is game messing with Dominic especially in our land he leaves all the guys come back in and we're all having drinks I'm feeling like a million bucks and I I think back about that and I go man all that mob stuff you know what it's about money I made a lot of money for a lot of people and that's what they care about that is what being you know kind of connected meant that's why you need a to be connected it was it was crazy all that kind of stuff so then you know talk about loyalty and then getting back more and more powerful with the with the mob I had the pizzeria at a pizza rear down in South Florida Lenny's pizzeria I named it Lenny after my father-in-law was Lenny's pizzeria it was in a plaza so I said you know making money on hot diamonds that loan back to Fort to New York I'm saying what am i doing at a pizzeria so much work so what do i do brainstorm I do I said I'm gonna burn this place down I'm gonna get the insurance so one time I am in the pizzeria and I take a lighter just a regular lighter and try to seal it just to see if it would've lit it gave a little mark on it but it's got those like those fire resistant ceiling drop ceilings it doesn't go up but there's a mark I don't think anything of it I say okay I can't go anything like that it's okay here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go hang out with a couple that we my wife and I she don't know what's going on but I'm gonna go we're gonna go hang out go for drinks in a Jacuzzi on a Sunday night Jews who used to close early and we're gonna go in there and at that time I'm gonna light the place on fire it had an alarm they're gonna call me and I'm gonna come and do all the you know all my pizza races got it Pete sorry so we do that I end up I I take I light a fire in the garbage can that's against the wall going into the back lock the place up real quick go my wife doesn't know anything that's going on we go to our couples house where the air in the jacuzzi we're hanging out for our no beep you know you get the beepers I'm getting no beep I'm saying what's going on why no beep and I didn't know what was going on so on the way home about midnight I passed the pizzeria and it's dark nothing no fire anything so I open up the pizza I go in and sure enough the fire went up the wall but it went out on its own just went out on its own and it's no man so I said I got mad I ended up lighting the the pizza boxes that was that so I like the pizza boxes come out close the door go home and all of a sudden 15 minutes later my beeper goes off the phone's going off your place is on fire I go down there oh my god my place is on fire oh my god and the firefighters put out I ended up burning the whole plaza down the whole plaza I ended up burning a bus go a BBQ joint and insurance joint like the 7-eleven was next to us we did that didn't burn down but those four stores that was right down the whole place and I burned all forth they were all made money they actually told me later they were happy cuz they they made money after I burn I never got my insurance money they knew it was arson but they didn't know it was me they couldn't prove it was me they knew it was me they tried to get me but even my wife was loyal she never said a word didn't know anything my wife my my both wives are great I'll never say a bad word about them ever so that's what loyalty you know I look back and I I was loyal and I learned about life and loyalty from certain things obviously I'm not gonna sit here and say the mob life was the great life but there were some principles that you can follow and stuff things that were pretty good so I look at that in in a positive way although what I did was wrong I look at that in a positive way so that's loyalty that was Chapter three I hope you'll like in this new format maybe you're are maybe you're not let us know in comments and keep following us because we're coming out with some more more powerful videos every day and I'll be coming up with chapter four soon if you can listen to the whole chapters in Spotify and iTunes [Music]
Channel: Larry Lawton
Views: 493,891
Rating: 4.9381924 out of 5
Keywords: mob, review, mob movie, mob movies, mob story, mob stories, mob earner, mob snitch, mob member, mob wives, mob killers, mob killing, mob family, mob justice, mob families, mob lawyer, mob oath, mob cosa nostra, mob hit, mob hitmen, mob boss, mob boss don, mob henchmen, mob heads
Id: OhBGjziPiio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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