Consistent Characters With Midjourney For KDP Books - Midjourney Tutorial & Tips.

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hi guys how are you doing and welcome back to my Channel today I'm going to be talking about how you can create consistent characters in mid-journey that you could use for for example creating a children's book for KDP [Music] [Applause] the channel I mentioned that has this method is called easy as I'm not sure exactly how you pronounce how he wants it to be pronounced but yeah he has some he doesn't have too many videos obviously right now he has some really great ones really useful um all of these at the top here highly recommend looking at and this is the the first one that I watched about creating consistent characters so I'm gonna follow the message basically that He suggests and then I will also link to that video in the description so you can take a look at that directly as well so I'm on my journey at the moment you need Discord if you don't already know obviously probably if you're watching this you do know how to sign up and everything like that but we need to download Discord I'm paying to use my journey and you do need to after the trial anyway and that's the only way that you can actually use the images for commercial purposes as well foreign [Music] [Music] this was one of the the results from it which I really like and with this prompt it's a little boy character multiple poses and expressions children's book illustration style detailed watercolor cute eight-year-old boy full watercolor blue Wellington Boots green coat Hood short wavy brown hair flat color white plain background no outline which is very similar to The Prompt that was shown in the video that I mentioned but obviously you can play around with this as much as you like but I have seen in another video as well that you should probably mention clothing you know quite specifically but with these that you know this boy is the same boy I tried it with slightly different prompt where I put a giraffe character so I put giraffe character multiple poses and expressions children's book blah blah blah basically the same kind of thing then described the clothes but as you can see in this one I mean these two look similar but these these don't so there's some kind of variety there with the different characters another thing that you can do in my journey is press this little circle and it will redo the prompt again from scratch so in this case what I did I did it with the giraffe character that I'd already done and then this time it came out with some that looks similar so this one looks similar but they have different heights okay so I I realized something really significant about the original prompt that I used from the original video and that was that the first sentence was little um boy character so what I realized was by putting cat character and Mouse character you're not really specifying that it's one or you know one particular thing so I've put little mouse character and that has worked so that has now come out in exactly the same character in each set which which is great I'm gonna try a couple of other words and see if that makes a difference to getting the same character and show you okay so this time I tried happy Mouse character multiple poses and exactly the same thing it's brought out the same character so I guess you could put any kind of descriptive word before the original you know Mouse character boy character girl character giraffe character whatever it happens to be and that will work whereas if you just plainly put giraffe character multiple poses it will come out with probably various different characters within the same set I just wanted to show you this one which amused me it's showing the mouse and it looks like it's being sick which is interesting actually what I'm going to do is I'm going to do some variations on this so this could actually generate you even more characters by doing this so I'll put V4 and that will give me a variation on this particular panel panel four so this has given me a variation on that original panel some of them will have something weird about them like this only has one ear I don't know what's going on with these shoes that's a bit odd there are going to be issues so obviously you need to pick and choose ones that are accurate what you need to do is you need to cut out these images using a different software now the guy in the original video he used Photoshop I used Affinity designer uh I think you could I guess use Affinity photo you know anything where you can basically cut out an image there are lots of different programs that you can use it so what we're going to do next is upscale because these are very small images and if you try and stretch them to a bigger size then they're going to lose quality often if you upsize too much you will end up at the moment anyway with some sort of additional stuff that you don't want we don't want that we just want to keep it as it is so what I have to do is upscale it then download it then go to an upscaler tool online I'll show you which one I use but I just want to show you how you can cut out these images because this isn't the end I mean this could be the end right you could find some of these and you could decide that this is enough for your book that you're creating you just need some of these characters with a few different Expressions but there is a way of creating more Expressions on demand if you like it just takes a few more steps Okay so we've upscaled that one and then we just want to go to the web and then we want to download it to our computer so now I've gone to and I'm just going to bring the image in here so the image is here and then there are different options so you can use so you can go to digital art and then you can actually upscale it to a four times the size so that goes from 100 to a thousand by a thousand pixels to four thousand by four thousand so we'll start processing that and then after that we just download that to our computer again and then we're going to upload that in to Affinity designer we're in Affinity design and we have our canvas um I've also created another canvas as well just to get started so we want to bring in our picture that we just upscaled so there that is okay so we need to go in the right Persona we need to be in the pixel Persona which is here and that gives you a totally different set of tools that you can work with and we want to be cutting out these characters now this one again he has one ear so I'm going to start with this guy so we want to go to this little tool here it's called The Selection brush tool and then we kind of have to just Trace around him now you can do this as kind of carefully as you want but for the purposes of this and what we're using it for we don't have to be careful with it at all so we just kind of want to roughly do it we want to make sure there isn't any of these wavy lines within the actual character itself or else you'll just get a big hole so we want to copy and paste this into another document so we've done this now and it's basically an outline so we want to go to the move tool which is over here then we click on it and we can copy and paste so we want to command C or just copy this is command C honor and a Mac and then we go to our document and we paste it what we want to do after that is we want to just do exactly the same thing for all the other characters and then we want to export them but I will show you how to export so you just go to file go to export and then you can choose the size that you want to export as and then you can go for you know jpeg PNG Etc but we're just going to go with JPEG and then you can export and then we'll just title it you know Mouse one so what I'm going to do now is come off the video and I'm going to get a few of these different characters up in order to upload them back to Mid journey and show you how to do that so once you have your characters you need to upload them onto magelli I've already done this but what you do is you just click the X and upload a file um and then you know do them each one by one and you'll have these different files so I've only done four characters in the original video he actually did six so I don't know if that makes any difference but I guess we'll see what happens so the purposes of doing this is that we could try and create this character again but or a very similar version but in different poses or with different Expressions we need to grab the links from each of these so just click on there and copy link and then we need to copy it into the prompt box and we want all of these and then we want to take the original prompt which I've just realized also so I had eight year old boiler which I didn't want to to do actually um although it came out fine with that but I'm probably going to take that bit out okay so let's just copy the command but then we're going to replace this multiple poses and expressions section and then we're gonna try and create a different pose so in the original video the guy put I think dynamic running pose so we could try that um side profile running running away I don't know I mean you could try different things this is what it came up with first time that was with the eight-year-old boy still in but yeah I mean you could definitely use these these look really similar oh yeah so this one I put a happy smiling you know smiling laughing or whatever um but yeah this one definitely looks like he's laughing so that's worked pretty well I tried this one with angry very angry face anger blah blah blah I mean it looks more like unhappy really but you know this one me angry-ish I also did one where I was trying to get it to sit down and I actually put sitting down high back wooden chair well it's ignored the wooden chair of it um but you really have one sitting down here so you could use that so with this one I put little mouse character extremely excited Dynamic jumping into the air pose okay so that was basically it I'm sure you can see how you could actually be really creative with this just going back to the YouTuber I was talking about I'll just skip over to YouTube this video here what should we create a children's book in my journey in this video he actually uses Chachi Beauty as well and obviously he's using multiple different images that he's cut out and sometimes edited from mid-journey as well and then he's creating his own unique book out of that um that looks really really good and you can see he's editing some of this as he goes along because I think he is creating this in illustrator I could do the same kind of thing with affinity and actually to some extent in canva so yeah see he used the cutout tool there to get the banana and then he's just edited it to get the monkey's hand around it so that's the kind of thing that you could do anyway I will link to this video as well in the description so you can have a look at it for yourself I really wanted to share this because it's something that's been bugging me for a while uh trying to create consistent characters but this Channel shows you really can be creative using AI it's not just a case of you know getting an image and pasting it onto a canvas and then you know selling it online or something there are so many much that you can do that is actually unique and does require creativity and will create something that is actually a value things that are going to be low quality are just going to sink like a stone eventually anyway even if somebody does make money from it initially you know people are going to come along who do have more skill and more Talent or whatever and that is what is going to shine through eventually okay so I hope you found this video useful I have a fantastic week and I will speak to you again very soon
Channel: Rags To Niches
Views: 21,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, midjourney, mid-journey, midjourney ai, midjourney prompts, midjourney consistent character, midjourney character prompts, midjourney tutorial, midjourney multi prompts, midjourney ai tutorial, consistent character, midjourney character creation, create character in midjourney, consistent style, midjourney amazon kdp, midjourney kdp, midjourney ai kdp, artificial intelligence kdp, midjourney consistent style, childrens book amazon kdp, kdp kids, make money with ai
Id: dE864cZe25w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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