Conquest of Israel by the Assyrians: Chip Thompson June 2018

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a story about the Assyrian conquest okay so the Assyrians lived here and Israel's down here King Hezekiah who was King of Jerusalem rebelled against the king of Assyria and convinced the nations around him to rebel so they all quit paying taxes so the Assyrians came down and attacked all right now the reason God let them do that was because see the idols over here these are all idols and the Israelites were worshipping idols they rejected the God of Israel and they were sacrificing their children to idols okay so God used the Assyrians to judge them so first he came into Samaria and that's pottery from Samaria and he destroyed the northern eight nations of Israel which were ten tribes so the Assyrians came in and wiped out the northern ten tribes of Israel took them three years to get through Samaria and then they killed the king and his sons so so the way that the Assyrians would destroy nations is that they would do this they would take the king's sons and they would skin them alive they would Flay them and so King Sennacherib was a gnarly dude all right and so he would take the king's sons and he would Flay them in front of the king and then he would kill the king so when he got done destroying all the cities and then he killed the whole kingly dynasty and then deported the people then the nation ceased to exist so at that time in history northern Israel ceased to exist and then he would take the dead royalty and hang them on poles around the cities he was attacking to intimidate the cities okay so he was a really nasty nasty guy so he destroyed all of northern Israel then he came in and attacked Judah and this is an another inscription that he created for the Isaiah battle that he did and it just basically says that he besieged it captured it destroyed it completely carried off it spoil burned it with fire and that's what we find in as a consumnes pottery is from his destruction so from Isaiah he moved to Lachish and so this is an image of the Lakeisha reliefs and in the Lakeisha reliefs it shows the whole battle in stone so it's a really cool it's in the British Museum today this is just a piece of the relief we're Sennacherib sitting here and the inscription right above his head says this Sennacherib the mighty king king of the country of Assyria sitting on the throne of judgment before the city of Lachish I get permission for its slaughter which means don't take any prisoners slaughter the whole city so when they excavated the quiche they found this it's a mass grave these are skulls of Israelite warriors and you can see a bunch of them have holes in the skulls see the sling stones so the slingers would actually be behind the archers in all the and all the reliefs they have the slingers are behind the archers which means they could sling stones farther than they could shoot arrows and so they would sling them into the city of bombard the city so he completely destroyed makes-- and then he moved his army and surrounded Jerusalem so at that time in history Jerusalem's the last city every other Israelite city has been destroyed at they're all burned leveled destroyed by Sennacherib just Jerusalem's left and so Sennacherib are Hezekiah the king is trapped so this is how Sennacherib described it in his prism this is another another account of the same conquest but it's in in the prism that that Sennacherib created man says but as for Hezekiah the Jew who did not bow in submission to my yoke 46 of his strong walled cities and innumerable smaller villages I'd besieged in Concord Hezekiah himself I shut up like a bird in a cage within Jerusalem his royal City so he's got Hezekiah trapped in Jerusalem and what's going to happen to Hezekiah if he breaks through the walls he's gonna get flayed right so this is really dire for Hezekiah it's a really bad situation so Micah describes Jerusalem like this at this time in history he says I will surely gather all of you Jacob I will surely bring together the remnant of Israel I will bring them together like sheep in a pen like a sheet like a flock in its past year the place will throng with people so this is a sheep pen here's the Shepherd in the gate and this whole sheep pen is crammed full of sheep and he says that's what Jerusalem's gonna look like because all the people that escaped from Sennacherib in the north they all have fled to Hezekiah and anybody that escaped in Judah they all fled to Hezekiah so Jerusalem grew 15 times larger and at that time in history all 12 tribes are inside the walls of Jerusalem and he wants to destroy Israel so if he breaks through the walls there will be no more Israel so here's how here's how Isaiah the prophet described what was going on first he laments over the slaughter and the destruction of the nation and then he says this unless the Lord Almighty had left us some survivors we would have become like Sodom we would have been like Gomorrah we would have ceased to exist so God's got a problem and Israel has a problem that if this Sennacherib destroys Israel they're gone no more Israel okay so God sent this message of comfort to Hezekiah from Isaiah the prophet and it says this thus says the Lord concerning the king of Assyria he shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it was shield nor build a siege mount against it for I will defend this city to save it from my own sake and for my servant David sake so God says I'm gonna save you not because you're so righteous but because I'm going to do it for my sake because God made promises to Israel right and if he didn't keep his promises it would make God look bad so he's going to save Israel and then he's also gonna save Hezekiah for his servant David's sake so do you guys remember the promise that God made to David that he would have an heir to sit on his throne who would be an heir for how long forever who would that be Christ okay so Hezekiah is in the lineage of Jesus Christ if he breaks through the walls of Jerusalem's flay's all of the royalty and then kills Hezekiah then the the lineage of Jesus is gone and then Jesus can never come so God is going to save Jerusalem for his sake and for David's sake and so that night the Bible says he sent into the camp of the Assyrians God into the camp of the Assyrians an angel who slew 185 thousand Assyrian soldiers and when King Sennacherib got up in the morning the whole army was dead corpses so God forced Sennacherib to go home he had no army to fight and they they even though they had Jerusalem surrounded they never even attacked which is amazing because they destroyed every city that rebelled against him no cities got away they destroyed them all except for one city Jerusalem and you can see that in the archaeology of Israel together if you go to today if you go to any city you can see the Assyrian destruction layer except for Jerusalem doesn't have an Assyrian destruction layer so God did a miracle to save them and we can actually see that miracle in the archaeology so the cool thing about this is that God did the miracle to save Israel for his own namesake he did the miracle to save Hezekiah and he also did the miracle to save all of us because by saving Hezekiah he preserved the lineage of Christ so Jesus could be born so he could die on the cross for the sins of the world so we could all be saved it's another cool story yep and the Bible says that a lot of a lot of people in our world today believe that that the death of God's Son on a cross seems like a foolish idea but the Bible tells us that because we all have sinned that punishment needed to be your judgment needed to be ret rendered for that sin that we committed and God put all that punishment on Jesus so that we wouldn't have to be punished and if we put our faith in what Jesus did for us on the cross then he'll forgive our sins so it's a very cool story alright so here's something else cool okay this is something that you gotta so it's it's only this is just the last thing so this is a seal that they found in in Jerusalem over the last ten years and it's about this big I blew it up so you could see it but the inscriptions really clear on it and it says belonging to Hezekiah son of Ahaz king of Judah and they found this in Jerusalem in the government buildings of Hezekiah so they found the seal that's Hezekiah seal and then do you remember who I told you Hezekiah prophet was that sent him a message of comfort and it was Isaiah okay so 10 feet from this seal just this year they found this seal and the top of its broken off at the top of its just a deer a picture of a deer the inscriptions all right here and it says belonging to Isaiah the prophet so how cool is that King Hezekiah and his prophet they found a seal in Jerusalem that proves their their existence in the archaeology yeah so yes so the reason we do this and I want to give you one of these or anybody that wants one can have one but so the reason we do this is because we want people to trust the Bible and you know these cities are real this destruction is real preservation of Israel is real Hezekiah is real Isaiah is real you know we can prove that the Bible is a true story it's a real people and so there's a lot of skepticism about the Bible in our world today and this is something we've created to help everybody to understand that the Bible is absolutely trustworthy in other words what you're reading in your Bible today is exactly the same as what the Apostles and Jesus were reading or writing in the Bible in the first century nothing's ever been changed so this is our way of proving that and anybody that wants one of these can have one and so you can read it before the pageant begins it's just something for you to study on your own but we want you to trust the Bible we want you to realize that what God says in the Bible is is true and that he preserved it for all of us so that we would always have his message throughout the history of mankind cool so what are you guys from you we came down from Provo from Provo you won't be wise to BYU students yeah yeah yeah cool has a Facebook page and that's where the big museum is it's right across the street from Snow College see the all number snow colleges right Jericho brick is in the museum so he'll cool nice to meet you guys have a good evening you
Channel: Eric Johnson
Views: 705
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: chip thompson, Hezekiah, biblical archaeology
Id: tVVm011Yl3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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