Connecting with One Another - Matthew 5 | 59 Series Bible Study

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hey let's give a big round of  applause for my father big daddy d all right well good morning guys it is certainly  great to be back together uh you know if we were   alive in 30 a.d in any one of the cities that  are mentioned in the gospels it would have been a   we'd be living in a time of very high tension  rome was in power and with power comes control   and so they were constantly putting  more and more control on the israelites   from taxes to penalty on taxes to taking away  their property to even if a soldier was walking   down the street he could say hey i need you to  carry my stuff for a thousand steps a mile because   no matter what you were doing you'd be taking your  kids to school you had to stop and do that and so   the chosen people who god wanted to to show to  the whole world that he was the one true god   started because of the tension  started turning on each other   can you imagine what that would even be like it  would be like it's hard to imagine but imagine   in america two americans fighting over a parking  spot right or road rage because somebody cut off   one another or going to a ball game and even  though you're both for the same team somebody   says something and a fight breaks out because  there's so much tension going on in the world   or you're on an airplane and the guy next  to you is eating peanuts and having a coke   but you're getting yelled at because you  don't have your mask on give me some peanuts high tension with power comes control and high  tension and we certainly live in that world it   was at a peak when jesus came entered jesus  right as a crowd start gathering around him   he gives this sermon on the mount and take a look  at what he says he starts he talks to him about   a new paradigm so let's read it you have heard  that it was said eye for an eye tooth for a tooth   but i say do not resist an evil person if  someone slaps you on the face off the other cheek   also if someone wants to sue you and take  your shirt let them have your coat as well   if anyone forces you to go one mile go with  them two miles give to them who ask you and   do not turn away from those who want to  borrow from you are you serious jesus you want us to live our life like  this we're men we lead we provide we   take care you want us to be a doormat  people are going to walk all over us   i don't know what you think when you read that  maybe you have a business and your partner left   and he's suing you you're supposed to just  say take it all and hear some more besides   maybe you have a marriage partner and she  left you and now she's got a high-powered   attorney what are you supposed to say take  it all i don't care is that what he's saying   what's she just saying here let's hang on to that  thought for a second okay so as ryan mentioned   we're kicking off two series it's gonna be back  and forth i'm gonna unpack in the new testament   god recalibrated things for us 59 times  he gives us a directive and how to live   with one another 59 we're going to take  those and categorize them into seven   different themes but god wants us that  he's always been about people he's always   been about nation he put a nation together so  that the whole world would know that he's god   by that nation and for us today what does he say  the whole world will know that we're his disciples   and what kind of god he is because of our  relation because of how we act with one another   he wants us to live one another and then hutch  is going to unpack moses a man on the mission   one of the most powerful figures in all the bible  and we're going to take life lessons from moses   and so someone have a bible pull out look up ii  timothy 3 verse 16. second timothy 3 16 gentlemen   all scripture is god breathed and is useful for  teaching rebuking correcting and training in   righteousness to hear that says all scripture  is god breathed this bible that we have   is god's word and while there's many different  writers every one of those writers god breathed   into them what he wanted for us to have  right and so what hutch and i are going to do   over these 14 weeks that leading to  christmas is we're going to take the word   that god breathe into and we're going to breathe  it out breathe inhale back right we're going to   then spend time in god's word and try to pull  truth from it and we're going to come here and   we're going to exhale it out and then the table  leaders are going to lead in discussion on that   what is your story how do you see this how does  this fit into your life what's the impact but   here's the thing guys we've talked about this  many times it's so important that you breathe in   that you find a place we're told i will challenge  you on your property find a place where you   regularly meet with god the best thing my  mentor ever did was challenge me early on   find a place and i found a bench and so i went  and met on the bench i'm going to tell you some   some of you i know have tried it and pulled off  of it because at first this can be very awkward   i will tell you what my experience  was i remember the first day   i went to the bench and i was like oh i didn't  know you were sitting there that's not true that's not what happened  but i did sit on the bench   and i thought so you're here the  god of the universe you're here is that seriously true you've got a lot  going on but you're meeting with me here   right now one on one is that actually true and i asked show i mean hi i'm not going to  hear your voice i realize that but i do want   to meet with you i do want to slow down my life  and i do want to meet with you and we're told   that enoch walked with you in the bible  we're told that abraham was your friend we're told elijah was a man just like us that's  how james finishes his book elijah was a man just   like us but then it goes on to say but he prayed  and look at what happened so god i want on my   bench i want to be able to talk to you and pray  and see things change and think see things move   and so it started out awkward but i stuck  with it and then it became formal it was kind   of interesting because i realized that yeah  it actually is true god will meet with this   god will meet with you on your property  every single day one-on-one experience he   will speak into you he will help things come  to life and so i moved from that to saying   i need to focus the god of the universe so i  got a little basketball and i held it i was like   god holds the whole universe in his hands and  that's who i'm meeting with you know if i was   meeting with a ceo i wouldn't be nodding off i  wouldn't be drifting in my mind i'd be focused   and so i held a basketball to help me  realize who who i'm meeting with and then   i found because i have atd i still would i mean  i'd be on the bench and it's like a squirrel what kind of bird is that and i would be drifting  off right and yet i'm talking with god i'm meeting   with god it's my time with him and so then i got  pictures and i think god smiled that he was very   patient with me during this part of my evolution  on the bench but i took pictures and i realized   you know if i actually look at my family i can  pray for them better and so i started taking   pictures of guys i was meeting with john yeah if i  look at john i can you know i can focus in better   and god was patient with me but it was formal  and then something happened where it became very   personal where all of a sudden it was like i can  be myself totally and so i'll give you an example   friday when i couldn't wait to get to my bench  last friday morning a week ago right now i was on   the bench and i sat down i was like god i can't i  it's so awesome what's going on what you're doing   in my son's life my grandsons are going to this  youth retreat i know something awesome is going   to happen with my grandsons i can't wait to get  back to find out what's going to happen i know   there's no doubt in my mind thank you for who you  are thank you for the way you work in life thank   you father and this time is so rich because i can  just talk to him like that i don't have to sit   there and say i should praise you first i should  thank you first no it's natural it just becomes   natural but guys you have to go there it wasn't  natural with your wife how natural is the wife now   it wasn't natural with your best friend the first  time you're with him but how natural is it now   get personal like this on your bench and then  breathe god's word in so when we read something   like we just read the new paradigm which doesn't  make any sense when you first read it god you want   us to live like that we're doormats if we live  like that so you go to the bench you say god tell me what this means jesus you you  came and you gave this talk right out   of the gate what were you saying you  know what the holy spirit's for real   he will start bringing he'll you start reading  it differently all of a sudden you start seeing   things but you can't do it on the run and you want  to be personal so yes fall in love with this word   that god breathed in but take the time find your  spot where you meet with him make it that personal   and allow yourself to get to a point where you  can't wait to get there and i will tell you things   will happen here that will give you strength out  there you'll have wisdom out there you'll have   strength wisdom fruitfulness love because of  what comes from here that's what god wants for   us he wants to have relationship with us personal  relationships so let's go back what was he saying you have heard that it was said an eye for an  eye and a tooth for a tooth you know that was   a good thing that god came up with that is from  leviticus 24 and exodus 21 basically it was hey   if you purposely hurt somebody an eye for an  eye a tooth for a tooth a wound for a wound   a fracture for a fracture you know why the rule  was so that you wouldn't go hey he broke my arm on   break both of his arms no no it's even so the rule  was there insurance companies will love this today   because you want to settle for pain and suffering  a little extra besides getting your car fixed the   inconvenience right so no no god had this plan  as no it's even you do something on purpose   you're going to pay for it but it's even so jesus  says you heard you've heard that's what it said   it says it in leviticus 24 it says in exodus 21.  but i say to you don't resist an evil person if   someone slaps you on the right cheek you know  what that is that's a backhand if i if i hit   you in the right cheek coming in my right hand  i gotta backhand you who backhands somebody well i'll tell you who backhands somebody the  roman soldiers would backhand somebody they   hit a jewish guy actually didn't  like the way you looked right here would be a bad boss an evil bass  boss you don't like the way you're working   wake up dude so jesus is saying don't resist  he hit you like that turn the other cheek   let go he's introducing he's basically what jesus  is doing during this time he's saying i want to   take you from your self kingdom and invite you  into my father's kingdom have a different heart   i want to change your heart i want to change  the way you think so if someone wants to sue you   and take your shirt it says take your tunic  you know that was that was their underwear   all they had was a tunic and a cloak so  he's saying if you're so poor that all i   can do is sue you for your tunic let him have  it give me your cloak after stand there naked   if you give them your tunic and your clothes  you're naked you came in with nothing he's   saying your heart if you're being sued let  it go this is what he told the rich man the   restaurant euler right you did this you did  this you did this you did this sell it all   come follow me what's he talking about god's  kingdom get involved with our father's kingdom   and how he views things die to your kingdom  someone's suing you have a heart that says   let it go god's gonna cover you he says vengeance  is mine i will repay we're his adopted sons he's   gonna watch after us he's not saying be a doormat  he's saying connect to god's kingdom have a heart   that says if they take it all they take it off  it's not mine it's his you're not gonna just   let it go but hey your heart is such and you're  gonna shine and that's what people need to see we're gonna run out of time so i'm gonna  i'm gonna keep going but each one of those   on the bottom it says but you are to be  perfect even as your father isn't perfect   you can say you know i'm 25 in on that i'm  50 i'm 75 in all in you give your heart   everybody wants to be happy jesus  starts the beatitudes by saying   recalibrate your thinking you want to be  happy you will be divinely bestowed well-being if you're happy are those who are poor in  spirit those who mourn those are meek it's   different kind of thinking it's not the type of  man that we set out to want to be it's all heart and so we take this to the bench and go where am i not like this  how can i be more like this   and watch god work in your life it'll change  things all right oh that's an introduction we got seven minutes from us  send it to the table all right and we need to talk about the first thing  which is connecting with one another   that's the first one another it's always  interesting to start a series and start a thing   i started and then have the microphone not work  and start late but we can get through this quickly   so let's let's let's do it okay let's look at what  god tell us to do in terms of connecting with one   another he wants us to connect with one another so  let's look at some key verses here hebrews 10 25 let's not neglect meeting together as is the habit  of some but encourage one another and all the more   as you see the day drawing near there's  two things that we're told to do   when we see the day drawing near  does anybody see the day drawing near   do you think jesus coming may just be a  little bit closer than it was yesterday here's what he tells us to do luke 21  verse 8 and when these things begin to come   to pass what are we supposed  to do look up lift your head   and know that your redemption is near so  that's the first thing we do all this craziness   all this tension who's in control today who's  wants control today our government wants control   who wants control the media wants control  we tie into either one of those we're not   we're not we're going to be an attention life  what jesus tells do when you see it look up   lift up your head and realize your redemption is  near and the other thing he tells us to do when   we know the end is coming near is meet together  and encourage each other when we meet together   recalibrate our thinking and say that god  we're part of god's kingdom we die to our   kingdom we're part of his kingdom and it's nearer  than we think and we're going to be in eternity   closer than we think so there's some empty  chairs in here who should we invite in   who should we share this with and when  we get together we encourage each other   look at first john 1 verse 7 if you're  living in the light what does that mean you're not living double minded you're not got  this sin back here that you want to hang on to   you're giving it all up if you confess your  sins he's faithful and just to forgive you   and to cleanse you from that unrighteousness now  you're living in the light and when you're living   in the light you have fellowship with other  christians you ever meet somebody you know   they're a christian never even talked about  it but you knew because the spirit in you   resides with their spirit because you're both  in the light there's a natural fellowship there   that's what god wants for us he wants to ask  fellowship be devoted to to be devoted to one   another outdo yourselves honoring each other  how important is that in this type of world   we're devoted to each other looking around the  guys at your table you come here you're saying   hey i'm devoted to you i'm with you i'm going to  honor you but i'm going to be mutually concerned   with you if we had time i was going to share with  you seven ways you can know if you're selfish   in case somebody comes in here  that's selfish so we can identify it look it says bear one another's burdens if  somebody's hurting don't just flake it off and   walk out the door that's selfishness if we're  gonna do life together let's do life together   let's bear one another's burden there's stuff  going on if we pass the mic there's a lot   of stuff going on in our lives and we need  guys to encourage and to help pair that and   carry that burden a little bit spur each other  on to good works live in harmony and realize   we're part of a body that's what paul paints the  picture of the last page we belong to each other   if one suffers every part suffers i had  something happening we built a new home we   have a different layout to be cool we put a barn  door between our master bedroom and the bathroom   one night sandy didn't close the door all the  way open open it all the way she left it partly   like this well in the middle of night i have to do  something right and so i get up and i start making   my way there and my toe goes underneath that barn  door took my nail and bent it all the way off   you know what my body did i didn't have anything  planned i knew she was sleeping my right hand went   like this so that wouldn't scream out and wake her  up my left my my foot left what came off the door   somehow my mind said your toe is bleeding  so i started hopping to get to the tile   while this hand then braced me against the wall  right now what i had to do i still had to do but my body shut it down for me long enough to  get together that's my body my whole body worked   together i didn't plan any of that my body just  did all that and that's what paul's painting for   us you know we're all part of a body and we  all need each other four weeks ago kobe hit   our family thankfully i've got the antibody i was  the only one that came out okay okay ryan got it   his wife got it two boys got it my  wife got it you know what happened all of a sudden we get soup delivered to the front  door i get lasagna delivered to the front door   people are calling are you okay people are  praying between ryan and i we get enough   food to feed us and our neighbors what is  that that's the body working together right   and that's what we want to have so our  partners realize we're part of a body   god's gifted us specifically how do we  walk that out connecting with one another   10 of the 59 have to do with us connecting with  one another living together sharing life together   caring for each other burying each other's  burdens all right let's send it to the tables   i'm going to come back up at 7 55 and then we'll  wrap things up have great discussions guys thanks do so let me just hear from the floor a little  bit take a look at that first question   as a table discuss the type of fellowship you  would ideally like to have what did you talk about speak life all right anybody else what type  of fellowship you're looking for ideally   transparency with other guys oh intentional  yep yeah just don't go with flow right   be directive anybody else accountability  yeah it's good to have that right   so here's the real question as you look around the  table table leaders are you giving at your table   the ideal fellowship do we set that let's give it  up for our table leaders these guys do a lot of yeah you know we can create that  right guys it's all about caring   it's about being intentional it's about being  direct and you know intentional all that so   um we'll talk more about that  in in just a second um so anybody know what this is that's an ear right yeah see mr  potato head's missing his ear   hear the ears over there on on  the table not doing anything well we talked about our our table at number four  was how do we better engage top of mind what are   some ways you can connect with other people the  answer is right here we're part of a body and and   being an ear is an important part of it isn't it  great when you find someone that's a good listener   that actually gives you their ear be that  guy be that guy and watch it come back   around for a good listener good things definitely  do happen right um romans i'm going to pull out a   verse that i don't have on there but we're going  to go to that last passage romans 15 there it is romans 15 verse 4 mark that down on that sheet  above romans 15 verse 5 that you have here's   what it says in romans 15 verse 4. this  is paul talking for whatever was written   in the past was written for our instruction  everything that was written in the past   old testament and new testament was  written for our instruction so that   through perseverance and the encouragement  of the scriptures we might have hope you know people are losing hope today if you want to be a man of hope if you want  to be able to be salt to a tasteless world   and light in a very dark place then spend time  in here everything that was written in the past   was written for our instruction and to give us  encouragement and then paul closes with it's on   it's on the sheet verses 15 verse 5. this is  his prayer this is his prayer for your table   now may the god who gives endurance and  encouragement grant you harmony with one another   in christ jesus so what we do here is we  spur each other on to a closer walk with god   but we connect with one another  we share one another's burdens   we're devoted to each other we honor each other we  encourage each other we give an ear to each other   so that's our prayer as the board that's our  prayer as table leaders i know that's your prayer   too you wouldn't come here that is a place where  you can connect and so i'm really looking forward   to a great season thank you for coming and thank  you for being a part of this uh next week hutch   is gonna open up on this series on moses's life  so many great applications and we're gonna bring   and bang back and forth i gave you a little hint  of what's coming with the next one we'll have you   a card that has all 59 one another's at some  point in time as you continue to go from this   freshman year to the sophomore year to junior  year to senior year right you know undergraduate   school but you can see where we're going next  in in two weeks from now which is going to be   love one another of the of the 59 directives  to one another 17 of them have to do with us   loving one another what does that mean  what does that look like we'll impact   that in in two weeks so looking forward to  a great season again thanks for being a part   of it go ahead and close at your tables and  we'll see you back here next week thanks guys you
Channel: One Thing for Men
Views: 122
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Online Bible Study, Men's Group Bible Study, Spiritual Growth, 59 series bible study, connecting with one another, matthew 5, matthew 5 38-48, sermon on the mount, andy stanley one another, andy stanley, north point church one another series, north point church one another, love one another, one thing for men, men's bible study, small group bible study ideas, jesus, practical wisdom, bible study with me, small group bible study, bible study for men, bible studies for life
Id: Ka412RPQ34U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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