Connecting gas to a caravan

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so gas bottles are a bit more complicated than I first thought and I was given a 6 kg Cal alights propane gas bottle and I bought the caravan which I thought ah would be days nice one I've got a free gas bottle I will take it to exchange so offeree turtle to the store this morning to exchange the gas bottle and it turns out it's not that simple after all I didn't have a contract with it and Kalin no longer make the light gas bottles so moot point there the free gas bottle wasn't actually any use so I've had to buy a new gas bottle here it is 6 kg propane gas bottle the connector in my Caravan was a clip on one for this color light and gas bottle so I've had to buy a new connection as well which is here so I'm going to have to fix this new connector onto my existing gas pipes that are in the caravan which is going to be fun another connecting a gas connected before I have to say that the chap Agartha was was so helpful and friendly he was a keen Caribana himself so it was more than happy to help now and give me advice and it's and everything else he also told me that I needed to check the gas pipes for the date apparently gas pipes have to be within five years old to be legal I didn't know this so I hadn't checked the date stamp on my gas pipes I've just done it ha ha so I have nicked and on my pipe right it's gonna be awkward there is a date stamp on the other side and we see if I can turn it around mine happily says on here somewhere product dates there we go I'll take a photo put up dates March of 2019 so happily she's new it's me so we're all right through our pipes I don't have to replace those so happy days there all I need to do now is reconnect to be well connect a new propane fitting thingy and then connect the gas and see how I get on wish me luck it felt so wrong cutting through this pipe but there we go I then unscrewed the little clamp thingy that goes around the pipe so that I could reuse it placing the clamp back onto the pipe I could then insert the new regulator it takes a bit of effort to push it in but it does go in and not too badly and in quite tight well that was easier than I thought I'm thorough myself I then place PTFE tape around the screw area so that it would connect better to the rest of the pipe rack in the caravan [Music] I'll tell you a 6kg bottle of gas is quite a hefty lump to lift in and out I made sure the valve was closed before removing the front cap then it was simply a case of putting the new connector on turning the bolt it goes the opposite way to everything else in the whole history of the world ever but there we go make it as tight as possible and once you've tightened it up tighten it up a little bit more with a spanner there's either the right size or an adjustable spanner like I had although I forgot to film that bit and then it's time to switch on the gas and test all of the appliances and it worked I'm so pleased if you enjoyed this video hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe thank you
Channel: Travelling Box
Views: 4,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h3OYDXRu4q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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