Connecting chords with scales can be easier than you think!

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oh [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no ah [Music] hey friend how's it going Thomas Decker here from and I am here because I want to help you to become the best guitar player you can ever be in this video here I'm going to be talking about how to mix your major and your minor chords to their specific scale okay I'm gonna be breaking down what I did in the intro here which was improv okay I'm gonna teach you the tools that you need to learn that you need to know in order to play things like that essentially what I did there I play for each chord I played I use their own scale okay so I didn't change scale I mean I changed scale all the time and I didn't want to use just the major scale of G in this case that's the key of that sequence but for each chord I did a different thought a different thought process a different scale so it you would sound more coherent and more melodic according to the chord that was being played in the background and that's my son right there Hi here we go bye bye what do you say there we go so for each chord that I was using there I played there the the uh its own pentatonic scale and this is what I'm gonna teach you in this video okay I went over that in the last few videos I've been posting my channel here but this is a little bit more advanced in the terms in a way that I'm mixing the major and minor scale major and minor chords pardon me and in this case here the root is on or top string on our e Big E string okay we're gonna zoom in I'm gonna break down show you the tools and you're gonna learn how to do that before I want to invite you to click the link below to download my 30 Day lead guitar jump start guide PDF which is completely free and it's a guide where I I guide you through the main tools that every lead guitarist must have in their tool belt in their toolbox I like the idea of two belt it's right on your hand right I work in construction for a bit so I know it's how important it is to have a tool belt and the essential tools that you need to in order to get the work the job done right so that's what I do I give you the list and give you the tools to work on to exercise to work on those tools develop those skills all right completely free download and enjoy get your guitar playing to the next level all right let's zoom in okay so very simple okay the chords that I'm using here nothing fancy about him G so that means or key is G major and then I go and this is the first the fifth chord for this key is going to be d g a b c d d [Music] after that I go to the sixth this is the fifth sixth is the E minor I could have played down here but I wanted to play here okay but you can do that too and then C major that is the fourth sequence one five six four one five six four how many hundreds of millions of songs you'll find the sequence one five six four let's say if the root is a one five six four if the root is I don't know B flat a flat one five six four one yeah there we go one five six four you just follow that sequence right now let me show you what I did here okay whenever I have this chord on the top string here the roots right here right I do this one three slide so three five seven to the slide to the seventh of my ring of uh finger three one three slide one three then I do the same thing here one three five because this is octave I can do the same thing one one three five one three and two so I have G I have a first chord down here I'll go okay that's what I do I have a chord A major chord looking like this on the top string is the root I go this is the pentatonic I have the first second third the fifth and the sixth okay that's the pentatonic tail but on a more vertical working on horizontal spread if if I'm going too fast please go back to my videos on this channel where I break down just about the major just about the minor mixing those two uh right now okay when I have the next chord that is D I have this pentatonic related to this chord I have the root and these three fingers right sometimes you can do like this some people like different ways to play but these are the notes I have finger one two one two three sorry one three slide that's what I do the same thing I did here I do here from the root one three slide and then from here I played the most famous of all Pentatonix [Music] but instead of going to the E string I stay on the a string right [Music] could stop here all right and here are the three fingers right the three notes but I prefer two and right there so first G fifth [Music] yeah fifth sixth the sixth I do this pentatonic uh one four one three one three two four one four it's the pentatonic that goes right on top of this chord shape here we play this chord shape so often so now you know you can apply this pentatonic shape here over this chord shape okay take a look this is the cord the pentatonic sounds amazing perfect and you can kind of go back on this string too or even on this string on the D and the a string or foreign right that's another option that I do that a little a few times and then so first fifth there [Music] and then sixth and then the fourth a uh sorry C that is the same that I did to D for D I do for C so I have here the cord one three slide that most famous of all to the root that's all I did in that intro there so I'm gonna play here a little bit okay and then so you can kind of have a better understanding what I did there provides a little so in the beginning I did this actually something like that oh I did the cord see uh d [Music] e [Music] c g D E minor see G D [Music] E minor see [Music] foreign so that shows too that you don't need to be starting on a route you can start once you're familiar different position of the scale right [Music] foreign [Music] very fun you can do the octavo if you want foreign very squishy [Music] foreign [Music] there we go that's one of the very fun ways to play the pentatonic scale over the chords without having to just play the main pentatonic that we like the central tone there it'll be G but follow the chords it's so much fun so much much more melodic and you can't be more creative and you know create runs and create transitions between chords the fills it's super cool um I hope this is helpful for you I hope you can have a better understanding of your fretboard start visualizing the G with the pentatonic all the chords right you don't need to be stuck um and separated the chords from the scales but they start to fuse together become one thing and that's the ideal thing you don't want to think separately about those things but it the best thing is if you can fuse them together you know as you play the chords you already see the scale and you play the scale you see the chord in there that's the goal um and that's amazing tool for you to have put that into practice different keys different tones go for C try it I don't see try that and I don't know different keys because that will give you uh that will give you a different approach that will give you different feel to it as well a different understanding so you're not stuck to the positions but actually you can see throughout the fretboard right more freedom that's what you need you need freedom anyways hope this is very helpful hope you enjoyed this don't forget to download my free pdf the 30 daily guitar jumpstart guide for you to accelerate your growth as a lead guitarist those tools are fundamental mandatory for every lead guitarist and I hope to see in the next lesson and see you then
Channel: GuitarRevolution
Views: 14,411
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Keywords: want to be a better guitar player, how to be a better guitar player, become a better guitar player, how to practice guitar, chord tone soloing beginner, beginner solo lesson, best intermediate guitar lessons, improvising guitar beginner, how to be a better lead guitar player, how to improvise on guitar for beginners, how to practice guitar solos, improvise guitar solos, improve guitar improvisation, do this every day guitar, soloing exercises for guitar, guitar, guitarrevolution
Id: Tia-S-4X3WU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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