Shortcut To Learning Country Guitar!

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foreign [Music] welcome back to my channel thanks for watching I thought I'd do another country lesson or you know country lick or whatnot um I got kind of a big response on the last video I didn't realize I had so many country fans I'm not really sure who my audience is so it's kind of exciting to just kind of keep making these videos I'm over 30 videos now so that's pretty exciting for me I didn't think I'd keep uh going with this it's been kind of an interesting ride if you will so um so let's zoom in and check out what I'm doing here um so once again I'm going from a g to a c chord [Music] and I'm holding the G chord with my third finger up on that g note here so I can switch to the C chord by just moving these two fingers going from G to C on the third and second fret of the sixth and the fifth string and then for C I'm going down to the fifth string and fourth string [Music] foreign [Music] strum pattern down for you a little bit there one two and three and four and one two and three and four and one two three four one two [Music] and what's happening with this riff here is I slide up to the 11th fret on the G string and with my middle finger I pluck the 10th fret on the high E string then I'll go down to the ninth fret and I plug the eighth fret with my middle finger on the on the high E string and then I'll go down to the seventh fret so it's seven and seven on the G and E string same thing on the fifth fret or I'm going five five on the G and E string I grab this B flat note and I so it's [Music] three open two open three and that's on the third and fourth strings I grab this B flat note here on the fifth string first fret and I I'm trying to pull it up to that major third and then I grab this third fret on the low E string that's my G note [Music] so just this little maneuver hello you have your major sixth shape minor so what I'm doing is I'll kind of muting you know I'd go down up pluck down up pluck [Music] so have fun with that um playback a couple times watch it you know and uh half time or 0.75 you can mess with the speeds on the YouTube videos I don't know if you're familiar with that feature but if you go to settings you can slow videos down and do it in any video and it'll help you absorb some of the information so once again that's um play out with this little riff here [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Go Guitar Go
Views: 18,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6ths guitar lesson, Boom chicka strumming pattern, Country guitar lesson, Country guitar shortcuts, Country twang guitar, Hybrid picking, Old school country, Pro country guitarist, classic country songs, country guitar, country guitar lesson, country guitar lessons, country guitar licks, country songs, easy country guitar lesson, guitar, guitar lesson, guitar lessons, hybrid picking lesson, old country songs, strumming, top 100 country songs
Id: zPixWdLwXpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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