Connected to Allah | Dr. Tahir Wyatt | NJ Dawah HD

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bismillah r-rahman away early he was sorry he will Manuela Emma died first before we get into any talk with this light here I can't see anything just to be honest with you I don't know how shake I'm mother saw me come in but I but I can't see anything so but but I do need to know this by show of hands are there any people in the medical profession here like doctors okay have you ever had to go to the hospital for a procedure yourself as a doctor yes how would you feel if you walked into the hospital for you know you're trying to go see the doctor and then they say oh you're a doctor we need you to work on some patients while you're here that's how I feel right now I didn't come here to talk I came here to listen and it's important Hungary that's great it's important to know that all of us these people who come up in front of you and they speak all of us are servants of allah subhana wa ta'ala trying to nurture our own souls and trying to connect to a loss of hematite or which is the theme of this particular conference and so in keeping with that theme of connection to a loss of henna Hulett Anna I'd like to share with you a very important dua of the Prophet ideas a lot to a sedan because the connection to a loss of Hamlet Anna is never more prominent than it is in prayer this is why Eliza little obligated upon us to do that which is most important for us which is salat in terms of connection with him subhana wa ta'ala so it's obligated five times a day and salat is built on a very important pillar in that salat which is sort of tell fatiha and fatiha is a dua again again the dua is your connection with the loss of hematite and the more you are remembering a la strada and calling upon him and asking for his guidance and asking for his favors the more you will be connected to a Subhanahu WA Ta'ala so I want to share this day with you a companion very famous companion his name was Abu but what huh I will buck come on front row front row don't worry about anybody's ever Beca what I will Beckett no Abu Bakr right tap a sucker fee well the allahu ta'ala anhu he he had his son son's name was muslim muslim had been a be becker and he said i used to hear my father at the end of the salon he would say allahu meanie are all do we come in a little crew 51 why they will cover yes i used to hear my father say this all the time and so I was in salat one time without my father and he came by and he heard me saying at the end of the salat allahumma inni ah who do become in a little cookie well me why that will cover he said so he came to me after the salon and he says yeah boo nay I mean aina hut hat will let you Kelly met where did you get those words from and he said yeah but a hut to her Hank I got them from you he said fellas m1 he said then stick to them stick to those words because in me similar to Rasul Allah he said allaha wa salamu be happy do body could be salah i used to hear the prophets of allah i they were sulla make dua with those words at the end of every salat this dua the translation of it is o allah i seek refuge in you from disbelief Cofer from utter poverty and from the punishment of the grave and if you can't memorize this in arabic at least memorize those meanings in English and save them at the end of your prayer your salat even if you have to say them in English though it is better for you to learn them in Arabic now that being said it's important for us to understand the depth of what the Prophet idea salatu was-salam was actually seeking refuge from because it gives more meaning to the dua and Eliza were gentle does not accept it there are from a heart that is min Khun Ben laughing and a heart that is distracted and preoccupied so if you don't know the meaning of what you're saying most likely your heart is not going to be in it it's very difficult to mean something and you don't know the meaning of it I mean I guess that's kind of pretty obvious so the Prophet idea cilantro is said I am here is seeking refuge and a lot of us we say I will be led but do we really know what and it's the other means when we seek refuge in something so right now in the United States there's a a crisis at the border right what kind of crisis is it people seeking refuge refugees right so people seeking refuge they want to take shelter in the United States and be protected from whatever it is that they're running from so when you're when you're seeking refuge with a loss of habitat you're seeking Allah Azza WA JAL shelter you're seeking his protection subhanahu wa tada from whatever it is that it this thing that is that you don't want in your life so you seek refuge from that thing and so the Prophet I'd ASL activist said M would seek refuge in a loss of having to add up frequently from many different things here we have three things the first of them is cooking and Cofer linguistically means a tub TIA it means to cover something and I think the first time I realized that was when I was first started studying Arabic in the mid to late 90s and I was in medina at the time and muslin format and so the the teacher was going around the room he's asking the students to tell him something about themselves in a family so the one the one student says to the to the sheep he says yeah my father's a Fatah what's up a lie does anybody know a farmer which which totally sad note if you say hi a little fella huh okay sorry we'll get back to the point so so he says yeah my father's a farmer so then the Shaykh says Eila a book can fit your father's a catheter we were all like what no really that was like that really I'm telling I never forgot this lesson a book can fit father's a can fit man that was like wait a minute that's over the top we can't do this here I mean you know I think doctor was a talked about people insulting other people I mean that was it was really insulting so he says no a calf it is a farmer somebody who why why they call a farmer a calf it because he he puts the seeds in and he covers it right so Cofer linguistically linguistically means a tongue to you and in fact some etymologists claimed that the word cover in english comes from capella in arabic and it is a similarity Allah knows best the point here is what does that mean for for the believer when we say cooker we obviously know that Kufra is a rejection of faith right or what we would say is disbelief but some of the scholars say that the carrot was called a kafir because his heart was covered and and a man was not allowed to penetrate that cover and so we seek refuge in a loss of henna Wattana from disbelief and when we seek refuge and a loss of habitat from anything then we're seeking refuge from that thing and those things that lead to it as well and we have to be careful of that so allah subhanaw taala did not just prohibit Zeenat and adultery and fornication buddy well that tough out of boo don't go close to it the means that lead to that are also forbidden so when we think about seeking refuge in Allah spare anatta from anything as you're making that do I think about those things that lead to cook for your also seeking refuge and a lesser parent either from those things and your Eman is the most valuable thing you have your Eman is what defines purpose in life and every human being needs purpose which is why you find people and it's really sad it's really sad when you hear people say I found my calling in life I'm supposed to make people happy through singing no really they and they honestly believe that for four or five years or whatever it might and they waste a large portion of them looking for their calling as Muslims will I Eliza what Allah has blessed us because we know what our purpose is and we know what the endgame is a lot of people don't have that and by leaving off faith and going down a path of disbelief your purpose gets altered and therefore it messes with the psychology of the human beings of Hannah lung so when you say you seek refuge and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala from Kufa from disbelief and everything that leads today and we have to realize that the things that lead to that in this society are many I'm not gonna go into we don't have enough time to talk about all of these things but just beware of everything that leads to covered and especially those things that alter the identity of the Muslim that that play with the identity of your children where they begin to think that there's another way that may be equal to or better than its land and that's what happens a lot of time when we throw them in the middle of the ocean of secular education and so forth that it begins to reprogram or program them because maybe we haven't done our own job of teaching them the value of is land they do I have use of ideas sir damn Tawaf any Muslim an O Allah allow me to die as a Muslim well honey I'm sorry he put me in the company of the righteous and we hear in every hook by alladhina i'm gonna talk allah how koto Carty well time on our intimacy moon and don't die except that you are muslims and so living as a muslim and submission to a loss of hand with a de we can't get away from submission we will submit to something the human being is frail so we either are servants of a loss of hand which either the one who created us away servants of something else and being servants of something else is covered so we seek refuge in a loss of hand which either from that and by seeking refuge in that you are implicitly asking the loss of hence ala to make your Eman stronger so long many other become another cool one and I seek refuge in you from poverty poverty by definition both in English and Arabic is to lack something to be deficient and something if you say this water for example is it's poor of minerals or something like that it doesn't have enough mineral poor it doesn't have enough minerals so when we say that when we when we seek refuge in allah sanatana from poverty this is two types there is little Neffs or little man there is the poverty of the soul and you we actually use that this terminology by the way in english we say oh what a poor soul right you know how poor this person is but there's there's poverty that is well known which is that you don't have enough wealth enough money and there's poverty of the soul and the prophets Elijah who sell them here was seeking refuge from both and I lost Anna knows best poverty of the soul is to never be content this is why the prophets Elijah was sometimes a lace and latina and Catholic a lot oh well like in the Latina in a nurse that being rich being wealthy does not mean that you have a lot of materials a lot of property but it is the wealth of the soul meaning that you are content with what allah spirit sada has blessed you with that is real wealth so you can imagine and you probably know people like this Tabarrok allah they have a lot of money they get a brand-new car how long are they happy with that new car a month two months and then they like ah yeah it's okay but I need another one you don't need anything but because your heart is attached to dunya and it's attached to these material things you feel like you need so when you feel like you need something then what you're not satisfied so you don't really you have a lot but you don't feel like it and what is it that actually makes you happy what you have or how you feel seriously it's how you feel and so a person who is content with what a loss of Hemet ila has given them that person is rich because their heart is attached to a loss of handle Rattata and elijah Weddell nourishes them and they don't feel the need for external you know validation and so that that's the poverty of one soul and then there's really being impoverished in terms of wealth and in acquiring brothers and sisters don't take this lightly the prophets Elijah has seldom sought refuge with allah salla from poverty because there is a correlation between poverty and violence there's a correlation between poverty and bad health there's a correlation between poverty and inadequate education all of those things do you know how many people here in the United States of America live below the poverty line anybody huh how much took 22 percent twenty two percent about in some big cities 25 percent of the population live under the poverty line and you know the fact that the profit idea is salatu wassalam sought refuge with the lust parent either from poverty is important because it shows us that there's not a virtue some people believe this by the way that there's a virtue and being poor there's virtue and being patient with your circumstances but the virtue is because of the patient's not because of of the circumstances and so as Muslims we need to actively try not to be poor not so that we can have a whole lot of money to brag and boast because the prophet sallahu some of us also sought refuge with allah spirit ala min fitna til Agena from the fitna of wealth because some people with their wealth they become arrogant because they have wealth and some people with their wealth they brag and they boast and some people use it if they didn't have wealth they would not be able to do some of the Haram things that they do with their wealth so wealth can also be a fitna and the Muslim seeks that middle ground and there were many of the companions of the prophet Isaiah salatu wassalam who were rich and that was considered to be a fuddle because they used their wealth to benefit Islam so we want well so that we can benefit our Deen and so that we can leave something for our families as well the prophet Isaiah salatu wassalam sold sadder than ever will cost for you ready a long time for you to leave your family with wealth so that they don't have to get the telephone s an e that they don't have to go out put their hands out in front of the people this is better for you than to give it all away as sadaqa okay so the prophet Isaiah salatu wassalam sought refuge with the la strada from alpha and everything that leads to poverty therefore comes under that and one of the main causes of poverty in the big wealth gap that we have here in the United States is inadequate education and and the the in fact they call education the the great equalizer and it doesn't mean that if you have a great education that you're necessarily going to be you know well-to-do and it doesn't mean that if you don't have a good education that you can't be like a very prosperous businessman but education is key and I think that as a very sad note side note I think that as Muslims we have to create our own platforms about what we think is important and not just align ourselves with the right or the left because the reality is is there is no platform that exists right now that a Muslim can buy into wholesale you look at the right they don't want us they don't you look at the left they want us but only in as much as we will you know push their agenda which may be against our own morality but because they have accepted us and because we are a minority in us because we say okay okay we'll play along and it's not okay we have enough of a minority we have a critical mass where we could create our own platforms what if we as Muslims did like Lyndon Johnson did in 1964 when he declared war on what does anybody know I know some of you were alive in 1964 he declared war on what on poverty fifty five years ago when the when the when poverty had risen so much in the United States that nineteen percent of the people were living under the poverty line well here we are fifty five years later after the war on poverty and we got three percent more and in other words he didn't succeed he didn't do so well but as Muslims we could get behind a platform of a war on poverty that pushes better health care the most of the middle class who have declared bankruptcy in this country do so because of for medical reasons medical bankruptcies have broken the middle class and the majority of people who declare bankruptcy in this country is because of medical reasons or something related to it so we could get behind a platform that pushes for better and more fair medical care better education those type of things because that is part of the profit sorry sometimes do I allow my any oil to become a little I all do become a little coup free well the last thing that the proper idea is salatu was-salam sought refuge in lost planets are from in this particular hadith was a terrible cupboard punishment in the grave and again when we seek refuge with the loss of Herod's adder from anything we're also seeking refuge from him with him from those things that lead to that thing that we are seeking refuge from and what is it that leaves to punt leads to punishment in the grave ignore him or him oh Allah who tada he gives us a very comprehensive answer and he says that there are three things a gentleman that well Eli Lema dealer what tea cab Massey in other words ignorance of a lost parameter adder neglecting to fulfill his commands and doing those things that he has prohibited so we have specific hadith about people who have been punished in the grave but that is the ultimate you know summary of it how do you not get punished in the grave you know who a loss of hematite is and you connect with him and you fulfill his commands and you stay away from his prohibitions if that is the case then you will be like that Muslim who though the hereafter is a very scary event if I can use that term a very scary stage but for those who fulfill a loss of how a tireless commands they will be like the one who in his or her grave a person will come to them hasanul which hasn't at the end but you believe this person is he has a nice face handsome wearing nice clothes and from him emanates a great smell and he says men and - are you and he says and I'm a Lukas ollie I am your righteous deeds we ask a loss of Hamlet Anna to make this from most those who remember him Kathy or on to remember him alack subhana wa tada I implore you to memorize this dua allahumma inni out of the beaker you all know that so I want to hear you say that allow me I will do beaker everybody knows that oh Allah I seek refuge in you mineral coffer one well I devil cover say that at the end of all of your prayers and be and think about what you're saying before you do Tesla so after you as the Prophet SAW sound taught every miss Gould at the end of your tisha hood and at the end of the sending of salat and Salam upon a prophet I need someone to wasilla forget to high up somewhere to higher minerality measure then let him choose from do our whatever he likes to say make sure you say this dua Allah in the elder become a little coffee well y double cup of soup and a kilometer ham dick Cheryl Island to stop recording like bismillah
Channel: Wyatt's Wisdom
Views: 5,165
Rating: 4.948936 out of 5
Keywords: islam, Allah, Quran, Muhammad, Ramadan, tahir wyatt, shaykh, qari, ustadh, mufti menk, omar suleiman, nouman ali khan, fatih seferagic, madinah, makkah, haram, halal, iftar, vlog, live, hd, debate, exposed, refuted, dawah, ali, nasheed, tawhid, sunnah, sudais, tarawih, salafi, mawlid, sufi, Prayer, icna, Cair, Mend, Msa, Mas, Bible, tutorial, emotional, hijab, fashion
Id: Rwhphxa6M_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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