Connect to Your Raspberry Pi From Anywhere in the World Using Raspberry Pi Connect

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now the majority of people use their raspberry pies without a monitor keyboard and mouse permanently attached to it of course it was attached at some point when they were doing the setup but after that it's just sitting in the corner doing whatever job you've designed it to do of course there are people who do use it with a keyboard and a mouse and a monitor permanently connected to it and that's absolutely fine but the majority use it in this headless setup now to connect remotely to a Raspberry Pi there are various solutions that you can use secur shell for example VNC Microsoft Remote Desktop protocol even the X11 protocol itself and there are all different ways in which you can connect to your Raspberry Pi now the Raspberry Pi Foundation have launched a new service allows you to connect to your Raspberry p from anywhere in the world that means you can connect to it while you're in your house in your home office you can also connect to it when you're on the other side of the world and connect to it over your internet connection and get access to your Raspberry Pi so in this video I want to look at this new service that has been launched see how you set it up see how it works talk about some of the security implications H and of course demo the whole thing as we're going along so if you want to find out more please let me explain okay so this new technology which you access by going to connect. Rasberry is a service that allows you to connect to your Raspberry Pi using your web browser from anywhere in the world and once you're connected with the web browser you get a copy of the desktop shown on your web browser using VNC using some clever web RTC protocols now what this basically means is that you now have full access to your raspber Pi wherever you are if it's only 1 meter away from you or if it's thousands of kilometers away from you now to set it up is quite simple you need to be running a Raspberry Pi which has whand built into it so at the moment that means a 64-bit version of the latest Raspberry Pi OS on a Raspberry Pi 4 a Raspberry Pi 400 or a Raspberry Pi 5 you then do the normal sudu appt update sudu app upgrade to make sure all your files and everything's up to date and then you do the sudu appt to install the RPI connect client after that you need to reboot your raspber Pi once the client is installed you need to go over to id. Rasberry and make sure you have a Raspberry Pi ID if you don't have one register with an email address password and you know the drill and then after that you go to connect. and there you can add devices so you can then authorize a device you've got access to the desktop you need uh VNC running at this point or a monitor and a keyboard on it at this point you authorize this device to be connected to your account once you've done that you're then able to open a web browser from wherever you are click connect and it will bring up the desktop in your web browser now there are two modes of connection the most likely one is you get a peer-to-peer connection which means your web browser is talking directly to your rasri pie using the clever technology that exists in a web RTC it's a peer-to-peer connection and if you go up to that little padlock symbol next to the disconnect uh button there it will tell you what type of connection you're using now as I say most of the time it's going to be peer to-peer now there are occasions when it has to go through the relay ser server that's run by rasby pi itself that's in the UK there's only one of them which means if it does end up using that then it there could be quite a lot of lag now I've tried all kinds of different things inside my house outside the house using a VPN using two different internet service providers using mobile whatever I was doing I could not get it to connect to Rasberry Pi's relay server it just worked directly peer-to-peer so I don't know what exactly needs to happen to kick in that particular scenario but if it does you will get all your traffic rooted through the UK now the rasby pi Foundation say they want to keep this service free particularly when it's peer-to-peer if they find a lot of people are using the relay server then it looks like they're going to have to support that infrastructure cost so maybe there's going to be uh some subscription model or something if you use that but peer-to-peer they say they want to keep it free because all their server does really is just arrange the hand shaking the connection bit and that's pretty simple and then all the data doesn't go through through their server they go it goes peer-to-peer now one other thing to note is this only works if you have Auto login enabled for the desktop this is because the rpy connect service only runs once you log in to the desktop so you need to be aware of that and then decide accordingly now let's just talk about the security concerns for a moment one and of course is that once you have a service that allows you to connect to your Raspberry Pi anywhere in the world then theoretically that could mean that anyone could access your Raspberry Pi from anywhere in the world now maybe accessing your Raspberry Pi itself isn't the end of the world because you probably don't have very much on there but of course once they're in your network then from there they can hop onto other machines in your network your main PC whatever and could do all kinds of damage now that will likely happen for one of two reasons one is if your account gets compromised so if you log in with your email address and your password is you know password then you can that that account would get hacked and then people can access your uh your Raspberry Pi now the way around that of course is to use a unique strong password but also to enable two Factor authentication and that way you can't just get in if someone discovers your password they still have to use that second step to get access to it using you know the normal things with the codes from your phone and all that kind of stuff now the second way it could happen is if the Raspberry Pi service itself gets hacked now this has happened in in the past other services that allow remote connection to something whether that's a desktop whether that's a network attached uh storage whatever it is those services do come under attack when vulnerabilities are found they can get broken into so you have to be aware of that now to get around that or to help in that the Raspberry p Foundation send out an email every time your account logs in then you get a fresh email so you will know whether someone's gained access to your account because the email comes up and says someone's just logged into your account so there's balances here you have to think about it for the moment I think it's a really good idea uh I'm using it now rather than using VNC setting that up on the server I'm just going to I just go to the web browser and I just connect to it and it's pretty good let's just hope it remains secure no reason to think it won't but then again you know anything is vulnerable ultimately uh now of course where the hackers are going to spend time just trying to get access to raspberry pies and invest the time to actually hack that service well who knows but we'll wait and see what happens but definitely install um two Factor enable two Factor authentication cuz that's certainly the first step so it's currently in beta go over to connect. rasby give it a try I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below about how it works for you and whether you find it useful okay that's it my name is Gary Sims this is Gary explains I really hope you enjoyed this video if you did please do give it a thumbs up if you like these kind of videos why not stick around by subscribing to the channel okay that's it I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Gary Explains
Views: 7,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gary Explains, Tech, Explanation, Tutorial, Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi Connect, WebRTC, VNC, SSH, rpi-connect, rpi-connect daemon, Peer-to-peer, in-browser VNC client, Raspberry Pi ID
Id: 77kOEIEekS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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