Connect GNS3 to LAN and Internet (Updated).avi

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all right today's tutorial is sort of going to be an updates combination of several tutorials I've already done first one was connecting gns3 to VirtualBox and the internet and that was a sort of convoluted one before they came out with VirtualBox guest support natively the other one was connecting gns3 to VirtualBox using VirtualBox support so sort of an update of both of those combines so that you can have one video about how to connect VirtualBox to a Cisco router to the Internet and so on and so forth so let's go ahead and get started right now we're running genus three this is very important in administrator mode in Windows 7 that means right clicking run as administrator so we're going to pop this router on there pop a VirtualBox guest on there we're just going to make it Windows XP throw it on there all right I'm going to throw a cloud on there that's another thing we have to do and do configure when you go see one and we have to choose local area connection if you don't you can sometimes have issues if you don't run into administrators I've had weird assert it weird issues so as inside administrator or route X's where hit add plus literally your local area connection right there exciting huh so what we're going to do next is actually throw a switch on there fast after that connect it up and I think there's yep get those to them and there's there was two Knicks down there already we're going to go ahead and connect it up to the second one and we're going to do is start and wait for that to pop up that can sometimes take a second while it starts the machine all right forever didn't like the VirtualBox so I'd delete the VirtualBox and add the hard disk to a new VirtualBox and it looks like this one will actually work and as you can see it's starting up - Georgia - - and it should put up into Windows XP as you can see all right now let's focus on this router let's go ahead and console an and let's change the settings on this it's for to do that put 18-hour now we can see a little better all right so first thing we have to do we have to do a few things to get this actually connected to our physical router which I added in the meantime over here so we have to go to that my physical router beautiful box right here is one and two and one state one to one and this is my physical address rater this cloud is one physical address on my physical box one is one state one to 103 not really important since we won't be needing it it just connects this to our router so essentially what we're going to do in here is do it enable which we do need to do compte interface a phase 0/0 do IP add DHCP and punch that's it then do a no shut since my physical router has a DHCP server on it we're going to get our our address directly from there and it looks like ok it looks like it turned the link up so let's do show IP interface brief and it looks like we just got assigned IP address one to two it's going to see from my router so that's the first nice thing so if we just wanted to ping one or two wants to say it that one to one obviously success there you go the first time it always misses one but there you go success we're good to go there we still can't go out the internet though because we need DNS server setup and domain server lookup so we need to do a few things to do that and do a compte and then do IP name em server name server why don't you two want to state that one dot one since that's going to be our DNS name server and the other thing much to do is domain lookup we have to do I believe it's IP domain lookup they're young that turns it on so that we can actually do domain lookups so let's go ahead and test that ping success so there you go that's pinging that's able to ping out to the Internet so so far we have this right here this router right here can go through a physical PC port go to a router and go out to the Internet and the Internet can absolutely get back through a router through the physical to the virtual that's physical virtual bridge right there to a router then we're going to set it up so that this it will set up NAT and will set up everything else so that it can go through our router and this thing can get to the internet through here usually what I would do is set up just another NIC on there so I can get out directly to the Internet through a different a different method but I figured you know what might as well have it so that it's all all the traffic is going through there so we can run tests with that but so next we're going to touch FA 0/1 sounded weird but let's go ahead and do compte and face fa 0 0 / 1 & do it IP add 1 7 2 2 17 to zero dot one two four five two five two five dot zero do a no shut on that and do an exit and another exit and then show IP interface brief and as you can see method Manuel up up so alright next we are going to have to configure the client - well actually not we'll just do a DHCP on the client and we'll set up a DHCP server for FA 0/1 to give it an IP address and let's do one seven two two seventeen that's 0.1 cetera et cetera so alright that'll be next so let's go compte and we'll do interface fa let's start with 0/0 that's our external interface we're going to do IP net out side so that we know it's the outside part of nap exit that we're going to interface fo 0/1 we're going to IP NAT inside exit on that then we need to do an IP net actually first we should probably access list because that's how it knows what actresses to assign or what edges to let through to where so access list one permit one seven two that seventeen to 0 dot 0 0 to 0 to 0.25 5 since that's a slash 24 so I'm just checking the string sure it's right this is one permit okay alright that should be good then have to die P net inside source list one interface and I believe the interface we're going for is the external interface so it BFA 0/0 and overload all right I think that sets up our net correctly well then that what else to do we all a DHCP server we're going to set up that shouldn't take too long so let's go ahead and do a two digit two IP dhcp pool let's just use internal client now we're in the date speakit fig will do network one seven two two seventeen that 0.0225 Biagio 5.0 a default router for the DHCP Network now is one sub two 17.0 that one since that's the internal all right I think we're all set let's go back to our client and see what we have going on there down nice and small all right don't care everything's going to be out of date I haven't used this in forever now just leave me alone leave me alone all right control panel network connections local area connection let's see what we got here properties okay let's see if we can do repair oops repair now I want to do a renew it should find they go through the switch to find the router and should get an IP address in turn does intend to all right as you can see connected now firewalled if we do a start run brand IP config oh hey look at that 172 1702 they're not just choosing a random I guess I get a dot - how special all right so if we paying on some to a 17-2 zero one you know not a big deal now we should be able to ping and that sure if this will work actually because I don't think I'm sending them the DNS yes wait let's make sure that it's getting its DNS okay IP subnet default gateway DHCP server blah blah alright turns out that may be much simpler than I thought I actually just re-enter your DHCP pool and then just do a DNS see Dennis there your server wanted one state dot one dot one and we're going to go ahead and we renew you just like that um ipconfig slash release and then renew and then we'll do an IP config slash all and there we go finally DNS server there you go right there that was our problem that was what we didn't have and we should be able to do ping yay all right so that is essentially how you add all of that to the Internet through a physical NIC and physical router so essentially to break it down again we only have one NIC on a Windows test machine and this is the one 7 to 17 0.1 Network it goes up to this router right here this router is assigned an IP address of in this case 1 on to that one state that 1.12 - I believe and then it's passed through this physical neck which had also has an address I've of 181 state 1 dot 103 for our physical box that's being recorded on but it also goes up to the router and the router goes out to the internet so alright that's much easier than the way I've been doing it before and the addition of the virtual a guest helps you
Channel: Jared Swets
Views: 111,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gns3, virtualbox, internet
Id: BA1oubidWbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2012
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