Connect Domain Name to DigitalOcean Droplet. DIgitalOcean DNS server HOW-TO

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in this video we will use digitalocean dns server to point a domain to an ip address in this case we will point to ip address of a digital ocean droplet this is the domain name we need to pour into digitalocean we already have a server created for this domain name you need to click on this networking link on the left menu then you can see all the domains under this domain you have the option to enter the new domain name we copy and paste this domain name here then click on the add domain button once the domain is added it will show you the name survey send us one dot digit lotion ns2 dot deletion dot com and ns3 dot what you need to do is log into your domain name control panel then change name server of the domain name to these three names in this case names are for this domain already pointed to these name service you can verify it with command who is domain name then you will see the name service lotion and ns2 ns3.digitalocean if this name service corrected then the domain is pointing to digitalocean next you need to point the domain to whatever ip you want the domain to be resolved for the root domain name you need to enter at the rate in the first text box then you need to select the enter the ip address here or you can select if you have a droplet you can just select the droplet from here from the list then click on create record this will point the domain name without ww to this specific ip address if you copy this and enter it will show the website but if you use the www.the name it won't work because we have not yet added a dns record for the ww sub domain so we need to create a dns a record for www sub domain so in the first hostname field in the www then you need to copy this ip or you can select the droplet from here in this case i just enter the ip address that auto selected the droplet click on create record now if you visit this site it should work but it may take some time for the dns cache to resolve because when you visit this site the browser may catch the dns for some time anyway let us see if it is working by refreshing it is not working but if i take another browser this browser don't have any cache so if i enter the domain with the www then it will work if it is not working just wait some time because dns propagation take time you can just close this browser and restart it again then also it will site with the ww will work it is now working on google chrome also the dns cache cleared quickly because we don't have any dns entry before but if you have a dns entry it will take more time as specified in the ttl value time to leave value in the dns on
Channel: ServerOK
Views: 55,291
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Keywords: digitalocean assign domain to droplet, how to point domain to digitalocean, digitalocean domain name, digitalocean domain name hosting, digitalocean domain name setup, digitalocean add domain name, digitalocean droplet domain name, digitalocean connect domain name
Id: x7535H895o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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