How to Setup Cloudflare DNS 2024 - Under 5 Minutes For Beginners

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anyway guys my name is Marquez and in this video I'm going to show you step by step how you can set up a cloudflare DNS for you and how you can add your own website to cloudflare by connect your own domain so what you want to do is that when you're going to be first in cloudflare websites here you're gonna have like add a site on top click on that here we're going to add a domain name I'm going to use a domain name from my hosting on namecheap and my domain is right here I'm going to paste the domain press continue and when you're gonna do it now we have to change DNS records in our like provider I'm going to choose the free account right here continue [Music] and then you're gonna have uh like review allowed for fundamentals you want to click also here to DNS and when you're going to be here in a DNS you want to change these name servers so what you're going to do is that we're going to come here to hosting domain list then manage and here you can have like name check basic DNS for example if you're using hosting I'm going to even show it for hostinger when you would click your domain and you want to connect it with your hostinger account you would click manage and then you can have again name servers and you want to change these name servers that you can have like hosting your name servers and change them to these that you have with cloudflare so right now when I scroll down below so these are the cloud the cloudflare name servers that we want to have now when I go to here domain again I'm going to name servers custom DNS and I'm going to add a name sir number one and name server number two and okay and now we can connect it same thing if you're gonna go here and come to hostinger same process I'm going to copy the first one paste it copy the second one paste it and here you got it and then you're going to click save so that's how it's done I'm going to have default one for this side uh so that's how we're going to change the DNS and how we can have the custom name servers or your domain when you will finish it and when you will change your new stuff then we go to overview and here we got like improved security okay automatic https save then always use https okay then you can have broadly speed up page load times for your visitors okay and in summary finish so right now we have the quick start guide and everything is perfect now when I go further what we can do next is the money gonna connect your site we're going to come here to DNS and we know that uh you can have all the things right here so what you can do is to add records so here I'm going to add a record and I'm going to refresh the site edit record a let's say this is going to be like the root domain 0.2 and we're gonna have uh it right here and add IP address of your site I'm going to click save now I'll record again and I'm going to add a cname www so when someone wants to connect it to our site uh with the www they will okay and when someone writes this they will get here safe and we have it uh right here done and it can take up to 24 hours to complete the protection and everything so now when we have it and when you're gonna get everything like this you have it done right so uh thank you very much guys for watching if you have any questions let me down below in the comments but this is how it's done
Channel: Knowledge By Marcus
Views: 19,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: namecheap, cloudflare, hostinger, hosting, how to, tutorial, guide, domain, How to Setup Cloudflare DNS 2023 - Under 5 Minutes For Beginners, how to connect cloudflare dns
Id: M-wxorxYVNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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