Ben Donich via Rest and Be Thankful | Scotland Day Walks

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[Music] waterproof socks because these boots are saturated [Music] today is a new day in Scotland actually it's my last day in Scotland my last morning I was supposed to leave last night I just couldn't bring myself to do it so I shifted my plans and uh now I'll leave this afternoon but before I leave this wonderful part of the world I'm gonna climb I've been Donny eight five seven meters above sea level so there's not quite a Monroe but uh either way it's a pretty popular route I'm doing an up and down and I don't do these very often but then again this trip to Scotland hasn't exactly gone to plan I'm cool with that but I've done a few up and downs I don't mind up and downs um because you know you basically walk up you see up the mountain you walk down and you see the views behind you and uh yeah just sort of means you can switch off a bit on The Descent to a degree um but anyway why am I talking about going down and I've got to get up first let's do this thing a couple hours should be at the top Ben Dorner is a Corbett located in the arachar Alps and is the highest mountain on the ardroil peninsula it's pretty crazy really just like 100 meters into it and you've got this fantastic views down the Glen stunning stunning stunning let's see how this walk evolves hey you can see the cobbler up ahead and hopefully you know well obviously not hopefully soon as well it's quite wet underfoot but then last night yesterday really really heavy rain it was like flipping Monsoon so just gonna see how we go not all mountains have uh slabbed footpaths pray for the best really all right nice see the geological patterns here the Court's embedded in a rock look at this we're swervy and curly that my friends it's geology it rocks the geology in the area is actually really cool crumpled and curled every stone had so much character and a story to tell I kept moving though climbing ever higher whilst mildly obsessing about the beauty around me that screamed out to be enjoyed [Music] [Music] thank you they're moving heading up there now with a little call really enjoying this climb just in this weather it's just views every direction and the path twists and turns it is a sense sometimes steeply sometimes gently just already it's so fulfilling and rewarding I really really can't wait to see what's going to be like at the top this is proving to be very good indeed and just like that we've run in the corner I can see the summit obviously got a fair bit of a climb to go maybe even a wee bit of scrambling it's a you know what it's a pretty spectacular Peak actually just a small view behind me nothing much to look at you know now just you know a few mountains oh I'm loving this hook no I've been loving loving this morning maybe I should write a song called loving this walk because I'm not having this walk up the mountain no way I draw the line here ah feeling good and boys does it feel good to feel good it's a good day have a good day can't get enough of these rocks just the wiggly wobbly strata this is incredible it's right here to see thousands no hundreds of millions of years of geological history right here underneath our feet I don't know if you can see this but the path is just Meandering its way up these cracks here spectacular spectacular drop into the open air and oh my goodness whoa look at this we've got this like Ravine here just full of these rocks which are just incredible spectacles of geological time scale layers of strata so obvious so weird it's almost like the ground has just slumped in it's just given off and couldn't take the weight of its own monstrosity definitely a boulder is Paradise oh and my voice hello [Music] sitting down [Music] there's a little tricky and then Run and Jump no I think oh geez that's a big drop that is a big drop camera zipped in I think I'm gonna score and drop [Music] ah here we go down as we alleged to step onesie I hope that works it's gonna be good fun going up there later quite excited about that all right let's go in this Rocky Boulder Field [Music] yeah balance now balance it's not steeper than this [Music] this is okay wow look at that view oh my gosh it's just taking my breath away every angle hey to see the stomach head not far too now I feel like I I just want to fall on my knees at the Majesty of all of this oh my life oh sometimes sometimes I feel very small and humbled indeed this is definitely one of those moments having reached this point I found most of the climbing was now behind me leaving just a small Trek to the top of the mountain ahead here we go last little push to The Summit and we've made it I'm really feeling quite quite impacted right now quite emotional there's a lot of thought swirling around in my heart feels very very full let's get to the trick point there it is the chick by going interview almost oh gosh eight five seven meters above sea level here we go the iconic white trig point we've made it I've absolutely lost for words this is mind-blowingly beautiful it was hard to express the scale of what had opened up before me views across an Endless Sea of Glenn's looking West towards the Firth of Clyde Mull and Aaron and then everywhere else a dragon's playground made up of Peaks such as Ben Lomond another hike I thoroughly enjoyed the length of lock oil stretched out as well and to be honest I had a hard time remembering to breathe everything was just epic in every possible way Greg clouds are coming in now but all good and so we go and have a look at this Viewpoint it's a massive outcrop how cool is this [Music] thank you [Music] all righty leaving by natural rock and uh there's something let's begin a descent okay leaving the summit the skies have turned Moody there's definitely rain coming in so I'm gonna head down just gonna use this time for some reflection really I'm absolutely gobsmacked at the the awe and wonder of this little mountain the the beauty of the view just everything and just what I'm feeding I'm just feeling so grounded so peaceful so grateful so blessed blessed by my body you've lost by my mind the things that yes can cause me trouble the reality is they are but within those lie my greatest lessons my greatest learnings and potentially my greatest possibilities as well so I'm going to begin The Descent see how quickly we can get down and uh I'll catch up with you guys in a little bit I've got some thinking to do usually preferring circular hikes this up and down Trail was incredibly enjoyable as I was now walking into the views that before had sat behind foreign [Music] foreign [Music] around in the valley it's just come over the mountains hopefully uh everyone's okay always gives me a bit Goosebumps when I see a search and rescue helicopter or a mountain rescue rather well my friends we have made it back down to the tree line that was some very good thinking time I can only be honest just processing the last few days where things haven't gone to plan and actually it's okay there is always another way we just have to open our hearts and our minds and I think so often we get set in a rigid itinerary and the truth is the greatest Adventures happen when we let go and today I think it's just been a summary of all of that it's been a cementing of the learnings that I've experienced during my time here in Scotland okay so I didn't end up doing a long distance Trail but I ended up here I mean how can I complain so Ben's on it what a hell what a view what a climb what an experience thank you so much for watching guys I really hope this has inspired you to head higher dream bigger and open your hearts and minds too whatever may come your way remember there is always another way have faith and hold on and of course stay wild I'll see you soon so I the bank holiday I'm gonna be in the league and speak soon okay bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Abbie Barnes / Spend More Time In The WILD
Views: 15,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abbie barnes, Thru Hiking, Backpacking, Song Thrush Productions, Adventure, Hiking, Day Hikes, Gear review, Foraging, Walking, Mental health, wellbeing, Trekking, National Park, Mountain, spend more time in the wild, trail, community, long distance, national trail, scotland, lake district, camping, wild camping, expedition, stay wild, UK hiking, filmmaking, vlog, photography, cycling, biking, uk, corbett, munro, day walk, rest and be thankful, ben donich, family friendly, cobbler, ben lomond
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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