Congratulations Podcast w/ Chris D'Elia | EP92 - Bruchdown
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Channel: Chris D'Elia
Views: 151,632
Rating: 4.8923078 out of 5
Keywords: Congratulations, Chris D'Elia, podcast, comedy, delia, chris delia, chris delia congratulations, chris delia podcast, congratulations chris delia, congratulations podcast, congratulations podcast chris delia, congratulations podcast chris, congratulations chris, man on fire, video games, halloween, chris d'elia halloween, scary noises, streets of rate, scrooge mcduck, old video games, new video games, video game music
Id: CFYMb2eyTrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 57sec (3897 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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Happy to see Chris calling out Brandon Slob for stealing his bits/phrases, hope Brandon sees this episode.