Congenital Heart Defects Nursing | Learn Pediatric Cardiac Defects

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now for congenital heart defects this is an abnormality in the heart that develops before birth where one or more problems within the heart structures changes the way blood flows through the heart and out to the body now in terms of risk factors genetics plays a huge role so family history of heart disease and down syndrome predisposes a child to congenital heart defects and even during pregnancy if the mother has infection like rubella or uses Al alol or drug abuse and even diabetes all these things are huge risk factors now in terms of the types we're going to break down all the pathophysiology signs and symptoms and treatments for all the top tested cardiac defects but first let's cover some key points that apply to all of these as you know in a normal healthy heart deoxygenated blood is vacuumed back to the heart via the veins through the venne Cava and into the right side of the heart then then pushed into the lungs to get oxygenated after that this oxygenated blood is pushed to the left side of the heart to be pumped out to the body this is called cardiac output meaning oxygen-rich blood out to the body but with these heart problems less blood is pumped out of the heart resulting in decreased cardiac output meaning less oxygen-rich Blood Out to the body resulting in b big complications like abnormal heart rhythms murmurs heart failure and hypoxia that low oxygen in the blood so in terms of complications the most deadly complications are usually the most tested so please be sure to write this down hypoxia that low O2 most common in right to left blood flow problems like in to and TGA so the memory trick if it starts with a T then things trouble so look at the t's here t for tetrology of fow that TF t for transposition of the great vessels TGA so these are the two most tested so please be sure to write these down now the last two T's we have truncus arteriosis and also truncus atreia now we'll break these down one by one in a moment but first you must remember that these are priority since low oxygen is always a priority on the enlex since it's the most deadly here now this hypoxia leads to blue babies as these defects take blood away from the lungs and push it to the left side of the heart so top signs and symptoms to write down is number one cyanosis that blue skin so hessie mentions a child's bluish color the child has sinosis associated with lack of oxygen and the next sign and symptom to write down is poor feeding and poor weight gain from that lack of oxygen it's harder to breathe during feedings so Kaplan mentions the nurse knows a cyanotic congenital heart defect is associated with which symptom poor feeding with no or very poor weight gain the next sign and symptom is clubbing fingers those thick spoon-shaped fingernails from that low oxygen so Saunders mentions an infant with congenital heart disease chronic hypoxia we're most likely to see clubbing of the fingers the next sign is dmia as well as tacpen that difficulty breathing and fast respiratory rate now a big sign here is polycythemia this refers to an increase in number of red blood cells within the body so huge blood clot risk so please be sure to write this down we always always report a hemoglobin level over 22 huge enlex tip now this is priority and must be reported to the healthc care provider so please be sure to write it down many students get this wrong now here's why due to the hypoxia in the body the body says oh snap I better make more oxygen carriers so hemoglobin is produced to compensate for this low oxygen but instead of perusing the body these extra ra rbcs cause a big old traffic jam within the blood vessels basically meaning thick viscous blood that can easily clog tiny little blood vessels and form a deadly blood clot specifically in those tiny blood vessels within the brain now this blood clot can cause a deadly stroke a CVA a cerebral vascular accident so this is why we must report any hemoglobin over 22 now the priority intervention is hydration we basically want to dilute the blood and decrease the risk of blood clumping together and forming clots so hessi mentions polycythemia highest priority maintaining adequate hydration and question number two here primary reason for a newborn with congenital heart disease to be kept well hydrated to reduce the risk of a cerebral vascular accident a c vaa fancy words for a brain stroke now Kaplan mentions cyanotic congenital heart defect the nurse understands that chronic hypoxia from this disorder can result in which finding polycythemia now Switching gears to CHF congestive heart failure this is most common in left to right heart defects with ASD vsd PDA as well as avsd and P I'm just kidding okay these are far less deadly than the right to left problems as hypoxia is not a primary problem here so these defects are from Holes in the heart septum that push blood from the left side of the heart to the right side into the lungs sort of overloading the lungs with too much blood flow so remember HF for heart failure HF for heavy fluid in the body and not in the potty so the Key signs to write down here number one is weight gain remember think water gain huge enlex tip here heavy fluid in heart failure so the number one sign here is pale with cool extremities due to that reduced profusion in the body number two is puffiness around the eyes thank you so much for watching don't forget to take your quiz and download the steud guides and also feel free to share the love share with a classmate and even your instructor see you guys in the next videos
Channel: Simple Nursing
Views: 326,383
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Keywords: #CardiacDefects, #ASD, #CongenitalHeartDefect
Id: eI89jduge3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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