Bone Fractures in Pediatrics | Nursing and NCLEX Review

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now for fractures and cast care for our pediatric clients it's a little bit different from our adult clients in that broken bones heal faster in children so let's cover all the key points from our adult Health course the pathophysiology is simple a fracture is just fancy words for a broken bone and there are a few different types for a closed fracture this does not break the Skin So with this fracture the skin is still intact now for an open fracture also called a compa pound fracture the skin surface is broken and Bones protrude through placing the client at high risk for infection like osteitis the bone infection which we cover a little later in this video now the other types of fractures we have a complete fracture where the bone is broken all the way through an incomplete fracture also called a green stick only goes partially through the bone and a spiral fracture write this one down this one results from a twisting motion so it's common in child abuse these are typically reported to the authorities for further investigation next is an oblique fracture a fracture at an angle and then a compression fracture known as an impact fracture where bones are compressed like after a high fall or even a jump and lastly we have a crushing or compression fracture where bones get crushed under a heavy object like dropping a safe on your leg this one places the client at high risk for a deadly fat embolism which we also cover later now you don't need to memorize every single one here I would focus on the three that are highlighted a spiral fracture indicates child abuse in Pediatrics a crushing or compression fracture here think deadly fat embolism and an open fracture or compound leads to more infection because the skin is broken so ATI had two questions here question one which of the following injuries in a 2-year-old is most concerning for child abuse humorous fracture yes that broken long bone in the arm again spiral fracture is the most common type of fracture seen in child abuse due to the twisting of the arm now question two an 8-year-old child who has a green stick fracture after falling from his bicycle which of the following items represents this type of fracture yes the green stick fracture also called incomplete fracture only goes partially through the bone now for causes and risks of fractures write this one down bed rest as well as osteoporosis where the bones become very weak and porous with porosis a big one here is steroids ending in zone huge enlex tip like prazone just think that the zones make the bones so weak and lastly is a trauma like falling off a bike so hessie mentions a nurse is caring for a patient on bed rest which long-term effect of bed rest on the muscular skeletal system would concern the nurse the most so bone fractures as well as loss of muscle tone and atrophy from the lack of motion now the signs and symptoms are pretty simple here with any type of fracture we'll see a lot of pain swelling as well as bruising and crepitus which is a grinding sound as the bones or cartilage rub together and muscle spasms now a priority finding and a big enlex tip here is internal bleeding so hypotension tacac cardia and even hematuria that blood inside the urine so hessie mentions a pelvic fracture which is the most serious physical assessment finding for the nurse to report hypotension tacac cardia and hemat ARA now Switching gears here for some enlex priority findings on who to see first so write down these key terms here for a basilar skull fracture we see CSF that cerebral spinal fluid draining from the nose this is called rhinorrhea so key terms clear liquid drainage from the nose area this is a priority patient now for a spinal fracture that is T6 or higher we want to make sure to monitor for neurogenic shock look for hypotension with any type of shock as well as bra cardia write that one down because typical for shock shock we'll see tacac cardia but not for neurogenic shock braac cardia is the biggest indication for a spinal fracture as well as skin that is pink and dry now for a mandibular fracture or basically a fracture to the Mand area we'll see bleeding and drooling in the mouth so we suction the mouth and the Oro fairings this is done to protect the airway here now for hip fractures big enlex tips here Key signs are shortening of the leg on the affected side caused by the muscle spasms around the affected area and we'll see eimos on the thigh and hip as well as groin and hip pain with weight bearing so ATI says which of the following statements by Apparent indicates an understanding of teaching a fracture to an arm can cause it to be shorter than the non-injured arm now speaking of uneven limbs let's cover all the key points for the top tested bucks track action all right that wraps it up thank you so much for watching don't forget to take your quiz and download the stud guides and also feel free to share the love share with a classmate and even your instructor see you guys in the next videos
Channel: Simple Nursing
Views: 108,824
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Keywords: #Fractures, #InfantFractures, #PediatricFractures
Id: V_gHhIgifmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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