Configuring Mobility in Unified Communications Manager

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today we'll be talking about configuring single number reach or mobility for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6o and above so to get started we're going to go into our call manager administration web page and go to user management end-user and we're going to search for the user that we want to configure mobility for in this case our user name is Mobility user so we'll select that user then we're going to scroll down to device association click device association and search whether by description name directory number for the phone that we want I happen to have my phone here in the search results already we'll check the checkbox for that phone and save selected changes we'll go back to the user and scroll down again and we're going to find enable mobility now one thing here this primary user device drop-down is all by MAC addresses it's not very easy to find and it doesn't give you a searchable field to find the phone anyone so what we want to do is go up here to the device associations take a look at the last four of the MAC address here which is 7 5 F 0 in our case and we're going to scroll down here and look for it on our drop-down box so we'll click the drop down here roll down and we're looking for 7 5 F 0 which is right here and we will save the user the next thing that we need that we want to do is we're going to go to Device device settings and we probably want to look at access list real quick we're going to we're going to go through how to configure these and then later on we're going to show you where to where to actually apply these excellent access lists so first thing we're going to do is create a new access list we're going to add a new access list and we're going to call it mobility user deny list and we're going to set the owner again one of our non searchable fields so we need to scroll down and look for the user that we want to have that access list and we're going to save it then we're going to add a member to the access list and this is we're going to dis an access list we're going to deny users for so pretty much if their if their number is a member of this list then we're going to block them for mobility it's still going to ring on the users phone but we don't want it to ring on their cell phone just just their decimal so the number we're going to put in here is two one two five five five five five five six just kind of a made-up number just for demo purposes so now our access list is configured it's saved next thing that we want to do is go to Device device settings and then remote destination profile we're going to add a new profile and it's going to be called mobility user demo a quick note about the names of the destination profiles and the remote destinations if you have users that are already using extension mobility and you have destination profiles that are in there maybe with their user name or the first and last name it's going to give you an error if you give the profile here the same name as their extension mobility profile name so usually what we do is we either put mobility at the end of it or we somehow give a naming convention is different than the extension mobilities we're going to select the user ID for this for this mobility profile for the destination profile again not a searchable field so we're going to scroll down and look for our M user we're going to set to the device cool I'm going to set it to our plaintiff device pool calling search base a reroute calling search base now quick note about the calling search base and reroute calling search space these are these are what you're going to use if you want to prevent users from using mobility to send the call to a long-distance number or even an international number you probably don't want them to send it to an international number especially because every time somebody calls their desk phone then it will ring that international number and use up use up valuable resources from your from your telco lines so it could be very costly so recommended to put a restrictive calling search space on there rather than a full-blown one we're going to save the destination profile and the two things that we have on here now are at a new DN and atom new remote destination first thing we're going to do is add the DN and this is going to be the extension that is on the phone that we're configuring mobility for so it needs to be in the same it needs to have the same directory number it needs to be the same partition that we had before and really that's that's the things that that we're worried about too to get this working we're going to save that go back to configure the the mobility user demo device and we're going to scroll down to the bottom and add a new remote destination so we were adding a destination profile here now we're going to go add a depth just a remote destination we're going to call this mobility user cellphone and I like to put cell phone on there or whatever type of phone it is just so that it's real easy to tell at a glance what number we're sending it to so we're going to send it to nine two one two five five five five five five five again just another made-up number for demo purposes it's already filled in what destination profile we're going to use this is where we configure our access list so we had a blocked access list we're just going to select it from our drop-down you'll notice that when we select the blocked access list the allowed access let's Gray's out because you can't have both of them at the same time the blocked access list blocks anybody on the list for mobility and around so everybody else through the allowed access list only wraps through the people that are on that list so the next thing we're going to do is check the mobile phone check box and we're going to hit save click OK and the last thing that we need to do here is click Linus and click the check box for the line Association if you had more than one line on your remote destination profile you just need to check the check boxes for the extensions that you want mobility to be enacted on so now we're going to save it now the configuration is going to you but there are probably a few settings that you're going to want to tweak to get this working exactly the way your end-users want to want to see it work the first settings that we're going to look at are actually on the remote destination configuration and they are these the answer to student timer the answer to light timer and delay before ring the answer to student timer is used in instances let's say somebody is calling you your phone and it's being forwarded to mobility but you've gone out of coverage on your cell phone so most cell phone providers when you're out of coverage are going to send the call directly to your cell phone voicemail so this setting basically prevents the call from going to that voicemail because we want all the calls to go to a central voice velvet the voicemail system attached to the call manager whether it's unity unity connection whatever so this setting is in milliseconds how many milliseconds is going to consider answering too soon where where it's going to let let the cellphone answer or whether it's going to continue to ring on the desk phone and ignore the fact that the cell phone voicemail picked up the answer to link timer is is pretty much for the same purpose if if you're ringing if your ring timer on on your desk phone is too long and it and your cell phone voicemail picks up after the answer to link timer then it's going to still go to the to the voicemail for the desk phone and this last one I usually try to set it to zero the delay before ringing timer that basically allows it so that if you have calls that are coming to your to your desk it's going to ring it for for this many milliseconds before it even tries to ring your mobility device and 4,000 is a long time that's four seconds but then you also have call set up timers for if you're going out of PRI whatever it takes for the PRI set up then whatever it takes to get to the to the carrier for the cell phone and then whatever it takes for the carrier to set up that call to your cell phone so four seconds is a lot of time to add to all that usually I sent it zero because all that time makes it so that you still have plenty of time to pick on your desk before starts ringing your cell phone speaking of bringing your cell phone the last timer that we're going to look at is actually on the phone itself so we're going to go to a device and then phone and we're going to click on the on our phone that we are using for mobility and we're going to go go to the extension itself now further down the page here we've got a no answer ring duration in seconds this is one of those settings that you're going to have to tweak based upon a number of things in your environment in addition to the carrier that the that the user is using for their cell phone because all the cell phone carriers have a little bit different setup times so what you'll need to do is you'll need to test the call the mobility make sure that that the the call is ringing long enough on the cell phone and and then but not so long that the user is just hearing ring after ring after ring so that number you're just going to have to adjust up and down to find out what the optimum setting is for that user once you've set that your mobility configuration is complete
Channel: SampleFive
Views: 20,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, communications manager, mobility
Id: UNezC2mVeXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2009
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