How To Take Cisco Call Manager Backup (Manual Backup)

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hello my friends today we are going to look at how to take coal manager back for this you will need to download this free tftpd third part is over there this is freely available soft app which you can download from the internet so I will put the link on this hotel you can download it from there so here you need to first select the backup location so I am planning to take the backup into my desktop yeah I have created empty folder rename it as you see so you can create new folder as you want and now I am going to this TFTP and here I am selecting my interface Souls I am connecting to the network with this interface so I am selecting that one and here TFTP root directory you need to select this for the location so here I am selecting next up and see you see then you can apply and save it then you can start the TF sorry FTP service so you can see it is running you can go to this data set you can see now FTP is running so in SSL you don't need to do anything go to the SFTP here also you need to select the same interface and you need to do the same thing here you need to select the same for the location C UCM and click ok then apply and save it then start the service now you can see both services are running but we need another thing actually we need user to communicate with the call manager here we need to create new user this is already created user I will remove this one and yeah I am going to add new user so I will see like username s-voice and here you need to seal a second one password stored as a sha-1 hash then you need to select the password in here you can do simple password then here home directory you need to select the same backup location which means take stop see you see so I now you can apply this one here you need to select the network interface and you need to select this backup destination fold and start this earth in this FTP also you need to select the interface and you need to select the backup location same location and you need to start the service once you go to the users and you know created user after that inside the user you need to select the own recrea same backup location and you need to give the login and the password so keep remember the authorization method this password stored as sha-1 hash then you can apply now these configurations are so the part we need to complete on the calm and angel so in here you need to go to Cole manager but not usual cold administration page you need to go to the disaster recovery system keep remember you need to go disaster recovery system you need to click this one and keep the cope then you will go to the disaster recovery login page it is not different only the name is different you need to use the log in and log into the system yeah sorry yeah I'm looking okay now I'm looking to the disaster recovery page so in here you can see backup backup device a tool your bed well Vega several setup and restore wizard help option everything is there so here we need to first create the backup device once I go to backup device I can add new backup device in here so here we need to give the FTP server IP and here you need to see like all you need to give the backup name and the name tour directly so here with my pc IP address is 10 2 0 1 5 2 2 2 that means this interface which we have given to this third part is on their path name always true we mentioned it like this slash and user name is voice and I will give my password and you can save it so once you saving Coleman is checking whether this network directory is available or not once it is available it will update successful now the backup device is creation successful now be how to take the backup for that again you need to go to the back up and see like the manual backup here we are going to take manual back here you need to select the backup device from here the backup - one is click backup device which we have created and here you can select what the features you need to take into these backups so here I am going to select everything okay fine now I am going to start the backup you can see it will start you need to wait few minutes also in the D so yeah if you go to the user sorry if you go to the old line user you can see the user is Papa so that means this user is king and the backup process is started so you can see 5% 11 plus R so here we go to the backup for you can see like I saw you can see the backup please come to this fold you can see go to the coronation and let's wait for the backup as you can see now it's 66% should we need to wait another few minutes to complete the backup so we need to wait until it's go to the 100% so let's wait okay now you can see the backup is completed it is a hundred percent and hold a success you can see and here you can refresh the page you go to the backup folder and you can see all the backup is completed actually T is about and near 1gb so you can have the backup like this so hope this is helpful for you if you have any queries any doubt please let me know thank you very much for watching thank you
Channel: Voice Guru
Views: 947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cucm backup, restore cucm publisher from backup, cucm drs restore procedure, cucm disaster recovery, cucm publisher rebuild, cisco call manager backup sftp server, schedule backup cucm, cisco call manager backup sftp server cucm drs restore procedure, cucm 11.5 backup and restore, cucm 10.5 backup and restore, free ftpd, cisco, ccnp, ccna, collaboration, cisco voip, cisco voice, ccnp voice, ccna voice, sinhala, voice guru, sri lanka
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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