Configuring Epiphan Webcaster X2 for YouTube & Facebook, and the Beta USB Camera Support

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on today's show we'll be looking at how to configure your epifanio welcome to photo justice photo moment the first line daily show every weekday morning at 8:30 a.m. Pacific here on YouTube about photography and video and all things related except that I'm kind of lying to you because today's not actually alive this is a show that is pre-recorded and released at the lifetime on a day when I'm not able to go live because I'm on vacation I'm in Sweden or on my way to Sweden or on our way somewhere else on the journey to Sweden hey I'm not available to the live right now so that's why this pre-recorded show is being released for you right now so today we're talking about the x2 and how to configure it when we did a whole live broadcast around the x2 and I wanted to show the configuration setup for it I realized that actually wasn't set up to do that it couldn't really show up properly so Ryan kind of pointed his camera at my Adams display that was showing the output from the epiphysis it didn't it was not good so I want to show you now what you can and can't do inside of the interface on here I think it's quite useful to be able to see now first let's just take a quick look at the device itself this is the webcaster x2 from epifanov you weren't yet familiar with it if this is the first video you're watching on it this is a hardware streaming device which means that this is dedicated to streaming video to either YouTube or Facebook if you're familiar with your webcast or x1 this is a second generation of that and the x1 you had to buy a separate one for YouTube or Facebook with the x2 it does both in one so this is an all-in-one unit if you will it has a variety of ports on it does take a look at what we do have on here so going to the side first thing you'll notice is this big old honkin antenna so this does have Wi-Fi on it if you are going to connect to your network by Wi-Fi you got a nice big antenna to do it if you're not using Wi-Fi you can actually just take this off so that's nice to have on there this button on here is a supposedly a power button although what am i powered off it just comes right back on again but it does allow you to start and stop your show now that's great in the sense that you can then use this head list once it's completely configured you can plug in a camera assuming that it connects to your network just hit that button to go but I haven't know that I would ever recommend using this totally headless I think having a display to connect to it to check your settings check your streams status make sure that it's connected to the right stream make sure that everything is in place is a good idea and in that case I would actually recommend starting and stopping the show from within the software because what I did find one time that I used it when I push the button to stop the show it just stopped it does it there was no warning no are you sure you want to it just boom was gone now maybe I did something wrong maybe I double clicked it but I would certainly recommend avoiding that button until you are 100% confident that you know what's going to happen when you push it and for that I'm going to tell you say that you get it have to do a little bit of trial and error all right let's get back to the device here so going to the back side of that we have our DC power port so this is plugged into the wall right now you can apparently run this thing off of a battery so if you have some type of a power port pack type of the thing you can run it off of that that means that you will have a some other cable you have to find the right cabling to go from that power back into here but it is designed so that you can do this if you want to take this on the road you can but otherwise it does need to be plugged in it does not have a built in battery next up we have the optical port now the optical port is not currently being used there are a couple things on here they're not yet in use and may come on a future update but for now that is where they're real that is not being used HDMI out this is how you are going to see the display that I'm about to show you so that's how you see the interface and if you ever want to configure your x2 which you'd want to do you need to hook up an external monitor now that can just be a regular old HDMI television if you have an HDMI convert - UNH of my signal on your computer you could do that as well so if you're traveling trying to travel light you want to have a way to do that you could look into a HDMI to USB adapter FFN makes them there's third parties that make them as well or if you're no hotel you can plug into your TV there or if your home plug in your TV wherever you might be but you need some type of a monitor to plug it into if you have if your filmmaker and you have an atom most ninja product or one of those you could plug into that as well a lot of different ways but point is you do have to connect this to an external monitor to be able to set up the setup you got to be able to get to the menu through that the second part of that is you need a mouse on there we'll come to that in a moment we come around to the other side we look at the USB ports next up we do have two USB ports here which are both active I'm not actually using either one of them but those are both and then the land ports if you want to plug in an Ethernet connection which I of course would highly recommend if you're doing streaming I mean being on wireless is a little bit sketchy if you have a really good wireless signal this does have a really nice big antenna odds are you're going to be fine but yeah trust me from someone who does this a lot if you can go wired go wired plug into an Ethernet jack keats just it just removes one of the possible problems when it comes to live streaming there are way too many variables to risk it if you can go tethered if you can go wired please do so that's what that land board is for I'm not actually connected to the network right now because we're not streaming from this device so it doesn't matter but that's where it would be next up rotating the device run to the other side you'll see we have our HDMI in now this is of course where your signal comes in that you're going to broadcast or whatever camera or your switcher or whatever it's going to feed into that the reason I don't have anything plugged into it right now is because I'm going to be showing you the interface from this and if I was plugging in and then going back out to the interface it would loop and we'd very quickly get an infinite feedback loop that wouldn't work so there's nothing yet so when we switch to the interface on this you're going to see a big blank screen where the picture should be but that's what the picture would come in so HDMI input that is of course is something you're going to be using if you're going to be streaming with this next to that we have another USB port this USB port is the one I'm currently using and you'll notice what's in there is a teeny tiny little adapter what the heck is that well remember I said that you need a mouse to use this thing if you have a wired mouse you can plug that in but honestly can you buy a wired mouse today so what I bought a while ago is just really cheap RadioShack wireless mouse it's not bluetooth it's I don't know radio whatever it comes with this little tiny transmitter so you plug that in to your computer or in this case plug that into the X tube and it works fine and then this mouse connects to it just beautifully so that's what I would recommend wired tech who wants that this is a pretty good cheap easy way to go I think this thing cost less than 20 bucks really cheap mounts from RadioShack believe me it's no good but it gets the job done so there's that and then next to that we have a micro SD port now that is also not currently in use but through a future firmware update it should be which in theory will allow us to record the show locally this is really important if you're doing a live show you want a local backup you want to be able to record your show locally so that if something happens on the way to your livestream whether it gets interrupted or you lose your internet connection or there's just stuttering because I don't your bandwidth went to hell whatever might be having that local copy as a backup is pretty important so I'm looking forward to that being activated on here being able to record your show locally is a really important feature and then the last thing we have on here well two more things there's a recovery with switch to the right one there's a recovery hole right there so you just push that's into a full master reset and then an AV port the AV port is also not currently active but along with the microSD port and the optical port that will be coming online in a future update on the front you have a little bit of a status display this light tells you that it's on and there is it's actually really really hard to see but there is a message in there right now it says you HDMI in no signal and if I was offline I would say offline I think it does actually light up once you start actively using it but that is the status display down there that you can look at although frankly it's not a whole lot of communication I think most your communication you're going to want to do through the interface so speaking of the interface let's take a look at that here's what we see so there you go you got the mounts move around you can see that I haven't connected that way this here would be our signal showing whatever's coming in if I click on the logo the YouTube logo anything like that all the UI disappears and I'm left with just my signal you can do that at any time that also will include the comments that could be flying by on the screen starting up at the top left it shows you the time of your current broadcast we're not broadcasting so it's at zero but that would show that there would also have a you or a button there that says link I think is what it says and that will give you a you click on that and it shows you the link to your current show and it actually also shows you a QR code so if I'm for whatever reason that was handier then typing in the URL you can get a QR code of your show and that would show up there next up we have our HDMI in it would tell us what it's receiving of courses again receiving those signals so that's set and then destination is set to stream now this is a really important thing to know as well when we get into the HD into the YouTube settings I'll show you how this whole thing works but effectively when you're in YouTube you can either you can choose to either stream to your stream now which is just your kind of generic ready to go anytime live streaming page or you can stream to an existing show something you set up in advance so we'll take a look at how to set that up on the computer and then that would configure over here as well next up you have the account that you're connected to you see it says floater Joseph that's my YouTube account and to the right of that this little red button allows you to switch between streaming to YouTube or streaming to Facebook we're going to stick with YouTube right now but the configuration options are going to be pretty much the same it connects to that and off we go now if you've never connected to your network before to your YouTube channel before then what it'll do the first time you connect is it's going to be very very simple it pops up a screen that says go to slash device on another device so you get your iPhone you get your laptop whatever go to slash device and immediately it's going to pop up well it's going to ask you to login your account if you're not already logged in and it's going to say enter the code and the epifanio stting at this point a code that you just type in you type it in it only takes a few seconds they find each other across the worldwide internet and boom you're connected and that's it it really couldn't be easier you're not required to log into your YouTube account on the web caster which is great because you have to type in the URL is soft the password of the soft keyboard and I'll show you that when we get to it but just really easy to do you just say connect YouTube just go to this URL type in this number you do that and you're connected it's pretty slick it's a really nice set up there like that a lot alright next up let's see here that's how we connect so down here we have start that'll start the stream but we're not ready to go there yet unpair so that will disconnect from my current YouTube account don't want to click that but if you wanted to that's what you do and then there's the Preferences and the settings now when we go into the settings you're going to see a whole lot of stuff it is not necessarily all actually active so this device is running Android it's running I'm sure a modified version but it is largely stock meaning that there's a lot of controls that Android provides a lot of software the Android provides it is not disabled in the UI so you see things in here you can't actually use it's a little odd and I got to be honest I wish that Epiphone could go in and clean this up a little bit and I don't know anything about Android maybe you can't do that but there are buttons in here that you think oh wow the device has that but it doesn't so let me just show you what you can doing here so you see at the top you've got Wi-Fi and Ethernet both of those work if I click on Wi-Fi it'll allow me to enable or disable Wi-Fi so if I click this box it just turns it off I turn it back on it will connect to our Wi-Fi networks are available so it's currently turning it on it sees them now footage of guests it has connected to that already because I connected to in the past so it has saved that here's another network photo Joseph let's say I wanted to connect to that I need to type in a password and this is how you do that so brings up a virtual keyboard a soft keyboard and now you have to go through here and type in your password using the mouse you could also connect a physical keyboard to this if you wanted to that works as well but if you don't want to carry that around then that's how you do that let's back out of the Wi-Fi settings and go into Internet there's really nothing to do in here except to turn it on or off and once it's connected it'll take a few minutes but once it's connected it will connect to your local Wi-Fi network allow your local Ethernet network and that's where all the settings will be then you find Bluetooth but there is no Bluetooth you can turn it on but there is no Bluetooth so this is going to do anything so don't even bother that's just it's one of those things that's there it shows it there but it doesn't actually do anything data usage it currently doesn't show you a report how much did you are using out so that's good to know if you want it over Wi-Fi or over Ethernet you can see what you have been broadcasting see see how much data you've been using let's see if we click on more I don't think we're going to get anything under here yep tethering port on none of this stuff is activated here so just don't bother it really is just about the Wi-Fi and the Ethernet you're going to find things like under device under USB connected PC again it doesn't do anything a lot of these controls don't actually do anything in here now one exception is display when you go to split display mode and you scroll down to the bottom here there's an HDMI mode and you can switch in here what your HDMI output is going to be now this is a little bit curious it works but it doesn't and I don't just might just be my set up so right now it's set to 1920 by 1080 at 24 P which I should therefore be able to connect to my 8 M switcher which for those you've seen the show before might know that's how I'm doing all this broadcast everything every signal going into my HM has to be 1920 by 1080 at 24 P exactly or won't show up I set it to that and I plugged it in but the 8 M doesn't see it I'm right now the way that you're able to see this is I'm plugging it into a scaler that I use from a company called a decimator but the Desolator is actually reporting that is getting in 1920 24p so I'm not sure why my ATM isn't seeing interesting point but you can actually switch the interface in there so if you're looking at this and for whatever reason you've got a television that won't connect at 1080 you want to do it at 720 by 1280 by 720 you can switch that in here and this does actually switch or just leave it on auto and right now the screen is going to refresh and it comes right back and we're good to go interestingly now that I've set it to auto when I look at the decimator it tells me there's getting 1080p 60 so that's what has chosen to send out right now but again the 1080p24 wasn't working with the switcher who knows but it's one of those things that is there if you want to dig into it you might find other things in here that actually do something but for the most part this is all just screen display stuff you can look around see if there's anything that works but there's certainly nothing in here that is critical to your broadcast looking under apps users all the stuff is just not being used so just don't bother do not bother really all you need to do in here is get into your network settings enable Wi-Fi and connect to your network or enable Ethernet which will be enabled by default and see if there's anything you have to do in there now to get out of the screen you right-click I know that sounds a little counterintuitive there's no exit and believe me the first time you use it you're going how do I get out of here right-click on your 2-button mouse that takes you out of that screen all right let's go back in the next up is the Preferences tab now preferences is completely customized so everything in here is actually valid and this is a lot of really important stuff so let's start at the top streaming details including resolution do you want to stream at 1920 by 1080 Full HD 1280 by 720 HD light 640 by 360 or through 20 by 20 now seriously if you're streaming live why you would go that low is beyond me but I guess if you have to and you've got like a 2g connection you could do it I don't know some screen live that way go at least 720 preferably 1080 your audience will appreciate it so we're gonna leave it at 1920 by 1080 next you have your video bitrate also very very important by default it's going to be I think at 2,000 but I have the bandwidth so I want to do it at 4,000 now you notice dy here's a little bit where you click on it and it immediately disappears so you're going to wait to actually select it you open it up again and it did so it's just it saves you a click but also it adds a click if you want to confirm it so video bitrate is now set to 4,000 4,000 kilobit 4 megabit you can also enable the USB camera now this is currently as of this recording in beta of course at some point maybe when you're watching this will be out of beta but this allows you to hook up a second camera plug that in and off you go now I haven't experimented with this yet so this is something for another show but you can hook up a second camera in there and then presumably somewhere along the way you can actually do a camera switch you know what I think it's time to set this up let's find out if this works boom just like that we've got two USB mic so let's go back in here and turn this on and able it says use the camera not detected oh well I guess I better connect it first okay well then let's just go back into the close-up here and we take this USB camera we're going to use this port on the back here let's plug it in there on the right direction to plug that in to excellent so we've got our nice little Logitech webcam there let's go back into the interface and oh and reboot your webcast all right well I guess we're even tester so to do that we're going to do that the old-fashioned way let's try the power button sweep power button she doesn't even this time I push it once here nothing happens push and hold it splashing this actually rebooting I think it might be trying to stream oh that would be bad let's just unplug it then plug it back in probably know about this power button thing so going to plug that back in let it boot up I am watching for that screen to come up and once it does I will share it with you here we go it is booting up and it looks like we're good to go all right HDMI and no signal as before as expected now how about that USB camera let's go back into the preferences and enable that the feature is only available when you have a USB camera connected with did connect one and all right well let's try again shall we we've got a different port and we'll try a different port let's unplug the little transmitter unplug the camera let's put the camera into that port on the side I don't know if they didn't tell me there's any difference between the ports but this is how we're going to find out plug that in let's see do I still have Mouse control I do let's let's just reboot it so again the old-fashioned way every we're going to unplug that guy plug that back in and let's go back to that screen and here she's booting up epithet video webcaster x2 works with Facebook live and the YouTube and it is let's see here see if that's working let's go to preferences again enable USB camera beta click that ah work that time so it does matter what port you're in alright well that's very very good to know if you want to plug this in don't use the back boards maybe the other one works I don't know but the side one does so good to know now keep in mind this is in beta so this could absolutely change in the future but that's the way it is now alright back to the screen so I've enabled that right click to get out of here and now how do I switch cameras HDMI mm-hm oh okay well this just suddenly came up so interesting so this is a picture-in-picture let's go back into preferences see if we have anything over this USB camera let's see it feels in their USB source resolution let's see if that is loads can be full 1080 because that camera is a 1080p camera switch input tab AHA multi-source here we go multi-sports enabled space switch inputs tab layouts ah picture and picture twin side-by-side alright let's try that exit here okay there we go so again we don't have the input coming into there because that would be that would be Inception I wouldn't work but that is certainly interesting so we have that so now it would appear that you do have to have a keyboard installed connected to control that I'm try alright now we've got a keyboard in here now we'll say this is obviously wired I could not use an Apple Mouse wired mouse with this before that's why I had to buy this it just didn't work especially remember now if the keyboard dinner didn't but we're going to find out aren't we kind of hoping it's not going to tell me to reboot it again although that does bring up that does sound familiar as well let's go back to the screen here so I hid this but look at that space bar so it's a space bar is toggling between the TMP the side-by-side and the full screen and then tab does a swap so let's go back into the Preferences here and scroll down to those USB settings where the multi source here we go so space enables it excellent switch inputs tab is set USB source resolution set layouts let's do a different layout let's go for a picture in picture right top alright and then there's some padding none thin or wide and you got home end button changes that okay so I can remember home and end transparency page up page down all these controls and then there's a transition as well transition fast medium solace to a fast transition alright so let's see what happens here so if I hit the spacebar it enables that and disables it there's the transition if I do the home button or end button that's interesting is just kind of moving it around slightly or is it growing it or tell us let's hit the tab to swap that quite sure what that supposed to do is just kind of moving it a little bit mm-hmm not sure about that and then page up page down changes transparency so if you want to have a slightly transparent picture you can all right well hey you know it works as advertised it does work you get that second camera so it's good to know see I think you really wanted to use it as a two camera let's set that up because that would be the most useful so let's go in here back into preferences and let's see where were we I'm going to scroll down to multi-source multi-source enable switch inputs is tab layout so I don't want to do I just want full screen overlap there we go I think that's what I'm going to want and let's not do a transition transitions or just boring so let's just turn that off and transparency we have picture and picture of padding that's what the whole mendosa padding picture and picture size or plus and minus I missed that okay well that's okay so now is I hit the tab it switches between the two there you go so there you have true multi camera input that way now keep in mind I have just connected a webcam but you could in theory connect a full-on secondary proper camera whether that's a DSLR mirrorless camera or a big Blackmagic camera or whatever it might be because you can buy an HDMI to USB converter back and makes one so in theory if you took a DSLR HDMI out into an HDMI USB converter USB into this you should get two complete full quality inputs it's good to know very good to know all right now audio what's going to happen with audio in here let's see if there's anything in here about the audio setup so let's so I guess we could point this off to where we point this I feel like I want to point this somewhere cool yeah maybe we should just switch out of that not have that up on screen let's go into the preferences and see if there's anything in there about audio because that is a very very good question where's the audio going to come from they don't see anything in here well that is something I'm going to have to find out and add a comment on later so by the time you're watching this hopefully I'll have an answer for you you will need to scroll down and look for the first pinned comment the pinned comment will be the one that explains where the audio is coming from hopefully especially since it doesn't have support yet for the audio input it's probably going to switch audio sources which would not be good or it's going to have both live at the same time well I'm just going to find out and I'll let you know that I think is about it let's just go back in here real quick service anything else worth looking at oh yes of course we haven't finished looking through all these settings in here so we were at encoding resolution video bitrate enable USB we did that now we come to publish destination aha very very important stuff so we clear some space on my work desk here published destination do you go to stream now or a future show that is set up so I have a show set up right there and this is a really important part of choosing how you're doing your streaming so let's say let's head over to YouTube on my computer here real quick open up Chrome and let's go full screen on this you can see what's happening I'm going to go to my live events page and one thing that's interesting you're going to see here is that let's get the right screen up not both of these events were showing up in March I'm not sure why but here's stream now so if I go to my stream now patient a little bit bigger for you if I go to my stream now this is just a basic general I can stream at any time so this is really useful if you want to be able to just go live I don't really setup I just want to go live that's a stream now is all about and this device supports that but the most people I think most part for the most part people are going to want to schedule a stream in advance that way you can build an audience you can promote it you can say here's a link to watch my video because the video is built in a bit and that's we're going to show you how to do that done this before but if you're new to this whole thing we just showed you real quick here so go back to the computer let's go back to the events page and I'm going to go click on create new event new live event and I'll say this is the x2 and I'll say today at 1:00 p.m. and I can put in a description here I can put in keywords tagging - a lot kind of stuff or make sure you set this privacy properly so that's it that's the public and you can go into your advanced settings and you can choose when you want to promote this when you want to promote promote it when the event is live at our before so on I'm going to say when the event is live right now because I'm not actually going to take it live and I don't want anybody who follows my channel to think and show us about to come up that isn't you can also go down here and choose your latency normal latency or low latency so in theory normal latency will give you a slightly better quality playback low latency means that it is closer to real time now don't fool yourself neither a real time but it is closer to real time it's less of a delight so I personally always put it on low latency because I want to have interaction with my life audience as close to real time as possible that's pretty much all you have to do is then you click on create event if you want to you can go in here and and create a you can create a graphic for it and upload that this part of the page takes a moment but there's no progress bar it is actually doing something just wait maybe up there we go that's done you can create your own custom graphic if you don't is just going to use your main art for your page and then you do have to set this basic ingestion bitrate and we're going to go 1080p at 4 megabits so right fits right here between three thousand six thousand so we put that there this selecting your encoder this is irrelevant you know actually doesn't matter what you set this to so you just leave it at that or if you want to choose other encoders and see what yours your streaming URLs would be that's all there but we don't need that and by the way none of those URLs will do any good because the show is going to disappear by the time you see that and then you can go to view on what watch page or more likely what you're gonna want to do is go to your control room now from the control and you have a whole lot o control and this is a very important part of this so let's talk about that from one within the control room you have the ability to set up your stream so that it goes from your device to youtube but not live quite yet so you can preview things on the page and that's the next part of the setting this is really really important let's go back into the settings publish destination I now should be able to see that new event now it's not showing up there so let's just exit out of here for a moment go back into the Preferences and click on publish destination again and there it is this is the XD okay so it refreshes that when you load that page so that's what I'm going to do you can say use title from the YouTube live dashboard this is saying I think that if you're going to if you have a youtube live stream now it's going I don't really know what that means you've got your own title ignore that video title stream now only so now if you are doing the stream now so that's one where you don't have the events set up your stream has to have a name what's going to be called well this is where you change that so I go in here and I can click on this go in here and you can type in whatever title you want so again you're going to be typing it in the hard way but you can type in whatever you want and that will become the title for your show privacy again for stream now only is it private public or unlisted so you can choose that in there too but we are not using stream now so it doesn't matter we're using this publishing this to the this is the X to stream show comments whether you want to have the comments showing up on your interface and so off left or right so off is off left to right just tells you a side of the screen is going to be so they're going to show up on top of your video on the left or right side of this screen so you had another reason to have the monitor on there very very useful use your two to preview now this is the really really important one that I was talking about when you enable this use YouTube to preview before going lives you turn that on or off once you hit go live if you have this enabled the device will start streaming to YouTube you will be able to preview the YouTube stream over here so if I go into in fact let's just just do it because it's public private I said it to public I think we're going to be ok with this alright let's go back into here it is set to the right event let's exit out of here and I'm going to hit start and it is going to there we go destination this is the x2 it shows how many people are watching nobody's watching it because I haven't actually taken it live yet so there's no indication here there's actually not lives you do that can be aware here's that URL but no selling you right-click on that it tells you the URL for that YouTube stream and of course the QR code I mentioned so now let's go back to my desktop and you'll see over here on my computer is to stream status is good it's got the stream it's good it's good to go so if I click preview it says are you sure you want to preview it yes I'm still not public that's ok we're going to preview that now we're going to wait for moments because they start streaming it's given us a moment to do it Stacy says you're preparing your live stream preview please wait a moment so what wait for that we'll wait for that we wait for that there we go and now I'm going to click play on the preview now I'm gonna tell you right now sometimes when you click this it just says error and if it does say error just refresh the page but this case it worked so now there is the live student I remember I don't have a single going in but if I hit tab it should switch over to the other monitor which it has but now we're going to see how much of a delay there is because let's just push this up into the picture-in-picture corner because I have just tabbed over to this display if we look at what this device is showing it is showing that look there's me aha but if we go back to the Mac screen there doesn't just came on so there's I don't know that was I wasn't counting probably 30 seconds or so but there's the display so we're live green we're not live we're in preview mode but we're ready to be live so this tells us wait here this tells us that we are now ready to go live so this is a really important part of this if I go back to is just a look at the screen and cuz I wouldn't do that scroll down here here's my public view let's see what the public is seeing right now the public right now is not going to see the screen it tells you that I'm going to be going live soon you see tells you what the countdown just when I scheduled it to go live here's a live chat that I've got but if I'm ready to go live now I click on here I click start streaming it's going to pop up one more dollar are you sure you want to click OK and it will be live of course I don't actually want to do any of that so I'm not going to but that's how you do that that's an important part of it it's important to know that you can go live in two stages and I highly highly recommend that this allows you to stream your preview for a while you can stream it for a few minutes or a half-hour or whatever you want beforehand just to ensure that your signal is clean and strong this allows you to make sure that the picture looks at a large enrich of your video and audios and sync it allows you to check everything if you're going to be switching cameras making sure that works check it all before you actually go live it's a very very good thing to have sorry highly recommend that you do that all right let me know let's get out of this inception mode here and so one live viewer that's me that's me on one watching that go back to the preferences and see what else is in here so as we scroll down we looked at use YouTube for preview which is enabled pair automatically have to reboot this you want to leave on because that's going to connect to YouTube or Facebook automatically now start streaming just connect so do that this I highly recommend you don't turn on start streaming automatically after pairing now I suppose if you were doing the kind of thing where you wanted to just plug in your ex to and within a couple of minutes be online touching nothing else just plug it in sit back and wait for the show to start you could do that you would set it to go to your life now page set it to connect automatically and stream automatically and then as soon as it boots up it just goes live that really don't recommend that but there might be a use case where do you want to do that so if you want to you can do it stream automatically after pairing let's leave that off so there's the multi source stuff we already look at all that so that's all enabled and then down at the bottom here admin reset to factory defaults and that's basically all there is to it pretty straightforward device so again just to recap when you first turn it on and plug in your your network connection your Ethernet connection or connected to wireless it is going to ask you to continue to you go or Facebook if your Facebook you just follow the prompts on there really easy choose the show that you want to go to don't forget to change your resolution don't forget to change your bitrate so that it matches what you want and what your internet channel can support and by the way you want to have I mean I've heard you know 50% 100 someone I would say ideally have double the bandwidth unit so if you want to stream 4k have an 8k up stream just that's my recommendation if you don't have it you can try it obviously but there's all these other things going on in your network don't don't try to over limit it don't try to push it get yourself a wireless mouse with a little USB dongle things so that you can control this you do have Carrie make sure you carry an HDMI cable with you to HMI cables one from your camera to the device and another one from your device to your television or whatever you're connecting to you can see what's happening and that's about it so there you go hope that was helpful that is how you configure your ex ooh see you next time bye bye Hagen quick little insert here I had a viewer asked about Facebook live set up on the x2 and that's totally fair I've only shown how to do it on YouTube so I figured while I'm making this video I'll just add in a quick little bit to the end explaining how to do it on Facebook we're just gonna try I haven't done it before so let's do it right now so switch over to the back to the x2 screen remember I can exit where I am by clicking this red arrow on the top right and it's now says where you want to scream it's all go ahead click on Facebook for the first time all right so it says pair with your account go to this URL and type that in line couldn't possibly be any easier cut it so let's go ahead and I will we get that loaded on my page here and then we'll bring that up for you see and here's what it looks like over on slash device there's my code I've just typed it in I'd spared you the would spared you the time watching that I'll click continue and that's it it's already connected that was it it just kind of went away and now we're connected to this Facebook live down there alright so there's the unpair so I guess would be the same thing as clicking this although I wonder if this will allow me to switch back and forth let's see it'll retain my YouTube connection let's see photo Joseph yes and if I switch back to Facebook will it retain that connection and it does that's very cool now let's go down to the preferences and take a look at our settings in here so encoding resolution Facebook is limited to 1280 by 720 so the settings here match that that's very good let's see what the bitrate shows up to 4000 K bitrate that's excellent so we can go right high I've disabled the camera for now let's see publishing destination alright so you can choose straight to your timeline or to any of your business pages or events that you have created wow these are all very old events that's funny that those show up in there but I could go straight to my business page my fluorosis Studios page excellent go in here and change the title and off we go so title video description privacy show comments continuous stream continuous stream I think that's a Facebook feature where you can just have an ongoing stream I think looks really shirt I think it's a Facebook feature you can take advantage of so just as like a permanent fold I'm always going each app s that of wet as well and we call cement YouTube settings anyway so you've got that delete post after stop for continuous streams only okay pair automatic victory boom we talk about those settings before all right so one thing I'm not seeing I wonder since shows the page I wonder if I create an actual event in Facebook let's find out I'm going to bring this up here and I'm going to go into my Facebook settings and remember where these settings are least I can find these you've got this thing called the live dashboard which I've bookmarks I think you go to your page and then under videos video library it looks like and then view inside our plus live let's go plus live let's create a live event and there's the URL for that so if you're streaming using a system that you have to make enter everything manually you've got that there let's go next we're going to call this video title what I call this this is an X to test and says it's offline that's fine is anything to send in here that's an embed code I guess that's it see here scheduled live actually let's schedule this for later today let's it's going to put this for 11:00 o'clock because I don't want this to show up on anybody's feed 11:00 o'clock you can add my custom image and click schedule and that is thinking that is now created so now let's go back over to the x/2 screen and I know from the from experience I do have to back out of the screens let's back out of that go back into the Preferences and go to publishing destination and let's see we can find that event so where are we oops things you can do all these events in here that are not things are scheduled anytime recently I let me know those events are there is so weird some really old stuff in there page group so I'm not seeing I'm not seeing the actual Lubeck out of here again I'm going to do this I'm going to give it a chance to kind of rethink about things let's switch over back to YouTube and switch over back to Facebook and I want to see if I can find that event in their preferences publishing destination timeline page group event these events are calendar events these are not video events scrolling all the way down at the bottom so it looks like maybe not so it appears that I cannot actually access a prebuilt show well confirm that I'm going to find out for you and I will confirm that and again just like with the audio thing if if you scroll down and look for a pin to comment I will include that info in the comments there alright well that's it some people want to see how the Facebook connection works and that's it just like YouTube is click connect it says go to slash device type in that code and that's it you're connected just don't forget to go in and change your settings and you're good to go thanks guys [Music]
Channel: PhotoJoseph
Views: 36,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PhotoJoseph, Photo Joseph, PhotoJoseph’s Photo Moment, Photography, LUMIX Luminary, Epiphan Webcaster X2, Webcaster X2 for YouTube & Facebook, Configuring Epiphan Webcaster X2, Configuring Epiphan Webcaster X2 for YouTube, Configuring Epiphan Webcaster X2 for facebook, Webcaster X2 USB Camera Support, Webcaster X2 for YouTube, Webcaster X2 for facebook
Id: cygOqRE3GVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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