Think tank retrospective 4 vs 5 camera bag comparison

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hi there this is my first youtube video i thought i would do this um to review the think tank retrospective 5 v2 versus the 4v2 because i couldn't find anything online comparing them so i have a sony a7c and a few lenses and a couple flashes and i wanted to try to minimize what i carry with me so i wanted a small but functional bag i'm also a mother of two young children and so i'm carrying around my kids stuff as well so it's important for me to have something that is functional but also if i have to sit it aside or if it gets bumped around or tipped over that i don't have to worry about something coming out of the bag so at first look um you can see that they're a similar size um and in height there's not much of a difference at all maybe maybe an inch or so in height if you look from the side you can see what i'm talking about not much of a difference then if you look from the top you can see their width is where you see most of the difference so you could probably use that to pack an extra lens or a flash that you could fit in here that you might not be able to fit in here and then on the back of the five you've got a couple extra things going on so if you were carrying a luggage there's a pass-through that you could put the handle through where you don't see that on the floor there's also a couple extra pockets here so in the 4.0 you just have the one pocket and in the five you have the pass through the pocket and the pocket has a zipper here so there's no zipper in the pocket of the four the other uh thing so you can see they both have these uh removable handle straps to me that's super important because if i have it in my car seat or i just need to pick it up quick i can go like this instead of having to reach my arm really high to move the whole thing and it's got a nice grip on it it's in the center as opposed to off to the back the one the bags that have it off to the back then your bag kind of dangles like this so i don't like that you can see that the straps are different sizes the one on the five is a is a lot more substantial than the one on the four um and then you can see on one side there's there's nothing really there's you can clip anything on this side with a four but with a five you could do a modular adaptation or put a carabiner here put something there if you flip it to the other side again the ford doesn't have anything the five has a collapsible pocket there's not really any padding in here so if you're going to be carrying it around for a while you want to make sure you don't have something too much of value but you could easily fit a water bottle in this pocket i have a godox v350 flash that loosely fits in this pocket here is a v1s flash that fits in here also but isn't you know won't go all the way down i think if i put it this way it'd be a little more snug in there i don't know if i would put that flash in there at all but it's an option um and just for an example um here's a there's a tumbler so that easily fits in there as you can see just kind of a standard tumbler so now if we go to the inside of the bags they both have the uh silencer system on both of them i just have one on right now so here's one of the big differences why i wanted to take a look at the five is um on the floor there's nothing to secure your equipment from falling out other than this flap i will say the velcro the velcro on these is really good i wouldn't be too worried about the velcro ever coming open if you have both of the velcro packs engaged but if you are expecting that you're gonna be banging your bag around a lot and it's not gonna be actually on you then i might be concerned um just about you know maybe something falling out the side if you had something small in there but if you if you are gonna use this and it's gonna be on you a hundred percent of the time i think the velcro is gonna be um perfectly fine sorry i've been standing out of the view for a while um then if you go over to the five one of the big differences is it has this uh zippered security flap so the zipper is here and you can just zip the whole top shut so if i was anticipating that i'm not going to be using my gear for a while i could just zip that closed and if i have to lay my down my bag down or tips over i'm not gonna be worried about it i have not used this one yet it just came in the mail i have used this one a little bit and it's been great other than for if i have to sit down for a little while and it gets bumped around i have you know i have the concerns that i stated um so if you want this flap out of the way there's velcro here so you can make sure that you're not having to deal with two flaps when you're opening and closing and then if you want this out of the way even more than it is they have this convenient little pouch up here that you can stuff this flap into so then it's more part of the flat as opposed to using the velcro so that's the big big difference right away that you see you can see the difference with the spacing inside if we just look at what's available here we've got a pouch in the back that you could put a tablet or maybe a very small computer which is not available on the four i'm using my ipad right now um so i can't show you an example of a tablet but i would say an ipad mini would very easily fit in here i'm just gonna hold this up to my actual ipad [Music] i think you might be able to fit an uh an actual ipad in here if you don't have a substantial case or maybe if you don't have a case at all i think it would be a tight fit um so now i'll just pack these real quick to see what so you can see what uh you might be able to fit in here one of the differences too is this bag comes with this little extra pocket in it you can put a cell phone in here maybe some filters here's a filter and actually this case does not fit this is just a standard filter case it will not fit in that little pouch i was hoping it would but very easily you can fit this in one of the front ones the you could put a battery in here but again it would be loose um so this uh is my sony a7c i have a black rapid curve strap on it so if i put this in i can fit it i can fit it like this in here and i have here uh so this has a 50 or a 40 millimeter lens on it prime lens and then this is a sigma 28 to 70 which i can put on one side this is a tamron 17 to 28 which i can snugly fit on the other side so this is pretty full and pretty tight i don't i don't know how comfortable i would be carrying all this stuff at one time honestly if i have my prime with me the purpose of my prime is that i don't want to carry a lot so if i use this bag i probably would just have my prime and maybe one of these lenses not both um so i'll just pull out one of them so this is the 17 to 28 that i pulled out so you could very easily fit a small prime a zoom lens and a not funny shaped flash on the other side and i'd say this would be a pretty comfortable setup i'll take the diffuser off of here so this fits a little bit better in here and i i think that's a pretty a pretty good setup there in the front we've got a nice gusseted pocket with a zipper pocket here and then both bags come with a rain cover and and then there's just a lot of room in that gusset there so you could easily fit your filter and no extra little individuals oh wait sorry there are two individual pockets right off the zipper pocket there's one here and one here you could you know maybe fit a memory card reader easily in one of those here is a sony 87c battery that i can slip in one of those and they easily fit and are fairly secure so again those two smaller pockets this pocket doesn't zip shut so if you have concerns about your bag you might not be able to you can't close those pockets sorry about that my kids came up from the basement the other thing that i have found with this front pocket is that uh this fits very nicely in it this is just a little mini tripod from promaster that has a snap out remote actually use the remote more than the tripod and it fits really nicely perfectly in this front pocket so i've ran out to do some landscape photography in my backyard on our lake a couple times and i could just easily fit everything in here super quick uh if i'm switching out of a bag and then and then head down so so that is kind of how i have packed this one and [Music] oh i didn't show this v1s flash in here so that flash is actually too tall for this bag you could maybe bend it over and put it in there and it would work that way but straight up and down it's too tall so moving on to the next bag battery memory card out okay so back to the b5 this is actually the first time i've put anything in it so if i have my a7c with my 40 millimeter prime very easily fits in there um with my black rapid strap tucked right next to it um that's one of the problems i have with my black rapid strap is it does take up more space in the bag than i'm used to um and probably make this a little tighter around the camera let's see so that was very easy to move and i'm gonna put my two zoom lenses in here with my prime and so this is a lot more comfortable fit it's not so tight that i'm concerned um and again usually if i have my prime on here i'm not carrying both other lenses if i was going to use this bag i probably would not be bringing my prime at all so i would be more likely to just have one of these set up with a zoom lens and then have my other spare zoom and my black rapid strap fits in there really easily if i put my v1s godox flash in here it uh you can see it sticks out a little bit above the top but not too much um i'm guessing i might have issues if i tried to close this flap with that sticking out so let's see here kind of tricky to get around the corners but if your purpose is you're not going to get into the bag for a while okay so it closed easily over the top now this top is not padded um and neither is this flap so if you want a bag that has padding in the top neither of these bags have padding in the top um so this fit in there so that's nice and then obviously this the smaller flash would fit even more nicely in there um there is another pocket in the front of this bag before you even get to the gusset that is not present in the four and it's um i don't know what i would use it for um there's a little bit of padding in it against where the camera is and there's this little velcro flap here oh to keep the to keep that shut so i don't know what i would use this for but you certainly could fit some filters or gels for your flash easily it's just a flat pocket you could stick some batteries in there i could stick a filter i already said that um okay so now for the gusseted pocket um again it comes with rain cover and you can remove it it's attached by this little loop so you can just undo the velcro and get it out i'm not gonna mess with it right now um okay so just for showing the video i'm gonna get this stuff out because it's easier to tip the bag over and show you so in the gusseted pocket we've got one large just flat pocket on the front of it it's got um two smaller pockets here so here's a memory card reader with a memory card in it that's probably about the only thing i would put in there is memory cards and then we've got a bigger flat pocket where you could easily put some a filter but again it's pretty loose um then if we open up the zippered pocket there's uh you know no small pockets in there either so it would be nice if there was uh i don't know why they chose not to put a compartment pocket on this side they've got these two small ones here but nothing over here this would have been like perfect size to stick a battery or a filter so that it you know kind of had its own little organizational space so kind of disappointed with that they didn't put an extra compartment there um but otherwise uh i think i've hit everything so overall big differences in terms of impressions of these bags are that if you are gonna go out and you're gonna have your bag on you the majority of the time that you're out i think this is this is going to work great for you if you're going to carry like just a prime lens and one other lens um or if you're going to have a three smaller lenses you could probably fit it in here with a mirrorless system if you want to have zoom more than one zoom lens with you plus a flash i would definitely go with this bag if you're concerned about your bag tipping over because it's not going to be on your body the whole time then this is a really important feature here that's not here if you want to have an extra pouch for a um for a water bottle or a flash you've got this pouch here oh and i just noticed there's a little flap so there's a tiny bit of padding on the bottom there's a flap that i just flipped down that holds this out and and if you want to have an ipad or tablet to slip or just a notebook you can put it in here so this flap in here that's padded is not in the v4 so um anyway hopefully this is helpful to people who are trying to decide between the bags i think for for my purposes um i want to have a bag that if i'm with my kids and i have to sit this down to open up a diaper bag or you know do whatever my kids are asking me to do i think i'm more comfortable with this one i would like to keep this one for the times that i might go out and um just be out doing you know street photography or whatever but that's probably gonna be in like five more years when i don't have to carry my kids stuff with me all the time thanks for watching my video and have a great day
Channel: Lindsay Novak
Views: 614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sABzmN1a6G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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