Configure Synology's DDNS With A Wildcard Certificate To Allow For Sub-Domains

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I recently discovered that Synology is ddns supports subdomines and let's encrypt wildcard certificates thanks to this excellent blog post by Marius hosting which I'll link to in the description below this is great because through a reverse proxy you can create multiple secured connections to Services running on your Synology Nas using subdomains off of your main ddns domain name for a clearer picture of what I'll be setting up in this video I'll start with an overview of how this all works we'll first need to register a domain with synergies ddns service then create a port forwarding rule through our router back to the nas we'll then need to register a let's encrypt wildcard certificate and at this point everything should be set up for us to use subdomains we can then create reverse proxy rules pointing subdomains to local Services running on the nas which can be used to allow remote access to these services let's get started and I'll begin with setting up a ddns domain name from within DSM I'll bring up the external access control panel select the ddns option and click add from this add a DNS window I'll select Synology as the service provider and enter in a hostname I would like to use I'll then test the connection and because the test came back with a status of normal I'll click ok to complete the setup for port forwarding I'll enable external access from the normal SSL Port Port 443 to the corresponding internal port on my Synology Nas this is all I had to do on my router but your setup may vary depending on how your router is configured next I'll set up a wildcard let's encrypt certificate by going to the security control panel and clicking on the certificate option here I'll click add to bring up this create certificate wizard I'd like to add a new certificate so I'll continue and click next on this window I'll select Getty certificate from let's encrypt and enable the set as default certificate option from this get a certificate from let's encrypt window I'll enter in the Synology ddns domain name I set up earlier enter in an email address I would like to use then in the subject alternative name box I'll enter in a star or asterisk symbol in front of the ddns domain name this is what will allow us to make use of let's encrypt wall card SSL certificates and subdomains I'll then click done to complete the setup and now we are ready to start creating subdomains that make use of the let's encrypt wall card certificate that was just created for my first example I'll select the login portal control panel where I'd like to create a subdomain to access DSM through the https Port tested here to do this I'll select the advanced option then click reverse proxy now I'll click create to bring up the reverse proxy rules window where I'll give the reverse proxy ruler name switch the source protocol to https under hostname enter in a subdomain I would like to use here you can see I added DSM to the beginning of the ddns domain name I registered and added 443 for the port I'll enable hsts then under destination I'll enter in the protocol hostname and port number for DSM and click save now in a new browser tab I'll enter in the subdomain that was just created and we can see that DSM loads up properly I'll switch back over to the DSM session that I've been working on and for the next two subdomains I'd like to have them access the brown Cube mail and uptime Puma Docker containers I have running for round keep mail the local Port that allows access to the container is 9002 and with that information I'll switch back over to the reverse proxy window and I'll click create once again to bring up the reverse proxy rules window I'll again give the reverse proxy rule a name and provide it with another subdomain this time I added round Cube to The Domain I'll again enable the hsts option and enter in the destination using the port that was identified earlier and click save now I'll change the address in the DSM tab that I opened earlier with round Cube and we can see that their broncube mail container loads up properly using the subdomain that was just created the last subdomain I'd like to set up is one for uptime Kuma so back in DSM I'll bring up container manager to figure out what port is used to access the uptime kuma container which is port 3001. I'll then switch over to the reverse proxy window and click create once again I'll add in the details to create the subdomain for uptime Kuma and click save back in the tab that I had opened earlier I'll update the address to bring up uptime comma but this time it didn't load properly because a plemkuma is based on websockets to get around this back in DSM I'll edit the uptime kuma reverse proxy rule click on custom header then click on the create option here I'll select websocket to add the websocket headers and click save now when I switch over to the uptime kuma tab we can see that it already loads up properly hopefully you found this video informative and for more content from my channel check out this video listed here on screen also if you'd like to support my work or hire me for a project check out the links either here on screen or in the description below thanks so much for watching
Channel: Digital Aloha
Views: 3,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: synology ddns, synology ddns setup, synology, synology nas, ddns, lets encrypt, letsencrypt, lets encrypt wildcard, lets encrypt wildcard ssl certificate, letsencrypt wildcard, letsencrypt wildcard certificate, wildcard certificates, wildcard ssl letsencrypt, synology reverse proxy, reverse proxy, synology https, synology remote access, synology port forwarding, let's encrypt, synology let's encrypt, reverse proxy synology nas, synology nas reverse proxy, reverse proxy synology
Id: H2nDut-1wGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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