Setup WireGuard On A Synology NAS Running DSM 7.2 Using Container Manager

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in this video I'll be going over the setup of wire guard on a sonology Nas running DSM 7.2 along with wire guard I'll also go through using container manager to set up wire card easy which is a Docker container that provides a web UI to manage wire guard before getting into the setup of wire guard and wire guard easy there are a few prerequisite steps that need to be in place the first is to install container manager from the package Center we'll be using container manager to set up the wire guard easy container a little later in the video next we'll want to enable SSH by bringing up control panel select terminal and SNMP then enable the SSH service we'll need to SSH into the sonology nas to start up the wire guard service once it's installed next we'll also want to set up ddns which will provide a consistent host name that can be used in The Wire guard configuration even if the IP address assigned by your ISP changes to set up ddns I'll bring up external access from within control panel then select ddns here I'll click add and for service provider I'll select sonology I'll then enter in a host name I'd like to use then click test connection to see if the settings are correct the status came back as normal so I'll click okay to complete the setup you'll then want to configure port forwarding through your brouter which I've already done and here is a screenshot of my setup basically the router will forward port 51820 to the corresponding port on my sonology Nas to allow external access to wire guard now we are ready to start setting up wire guard on our sonology Nas but this requires us to install an additional third party package developed by Under and runfa named Soni wire guard the package can either be generated using the instructions I go over in my build your own wiard spk file for your Soni Nas using Docker video or to simplify the process I've shared a Google Drive Link which provides SP spk files built for various DSM versions including 7.2 which you'll find Linked In the description below what you'll need to do is figure out what BK file will work on your sonology Nas by visiting this web page which I've also linked to in the description below here you'll want to search for your Nas model and look for the package architecture that it uses in my case I'll be setting up a ds220 plus so if I search for that specific model I'll find that the package architecture used is Gemini lak now I'll bring up the Google Drive link that I've shared and download the Gemini Lake s spk file at this point I have the wire guard spk file I'll be using so I'll bring up DSM once again and launch the package Center to install the file here I'll select manual install then from this upload a package window I'll browse for the spk file that I just downloaded upload it to my Nas and click next I'll click agree on this popup warning window regarding installing packages from third party developers then I'll un check the run after installation option and click done on this confirm settings window now I'll SSH into the sonology Nas and issue this command to Startup wire guard then back in DSM if I click on the wire guard package from the package Center I can confirm that wire guard is currently running now I'll be able to set up the wire guard easy container which will help in installing and managing wire guard clients however before creating the container I'll set up a folder that wire guard easy will use for persistent data to set this up I'll bring up file station and create a folder under the docker folder and name it wg- easy now I'll launch container manager from the main menu and click on the project section here I'll click create enter any project name and set the path to the wg- folder that I just created then for Source I'll select create Docker compos yaml and paste in the yaml content needed to set up wire guard easy look for the yaml content that I used in the description below now I'll scroll up to the top of the file and change the wgore host entry to the ddns host name that I set up earlier and assign a password that will be used to access the wire guard easy web UI under the optional section if you want to change for example the wire guard port number that will be used or use a specific DNS name server you can uncomment any of these options and change the setting to your specific needs in my case the default settings work perfectly fine so I won't enable any of these optional environmental variables the remaining entries are required settings for wire guard and wire guard easy and don't need to be changed unless you change the port number in the optional section earlier at this point I'm all set so I'll click next then next again on this web portal settings window and finally click done to complete the setup and start the project now I'll just wait for the WG easy image to be downloaded and extracted and the container to be created and started once everything is running you'll see an exit code of zero in the terminal window and a popup that says the project was successfully built now I'll connect to the wire guard easy web UI by bringing up another browser tab enter in the Lan IP address of my sonology Nas along with the port number to access the web UI which was set to 51 a21 in the docker composed jaml file once the web UI is up I'll log in with the password that I set up earlier which brings me to this client's window here I'll click on new client and set up a client config that can be used on one of my devices once set up I have the options of either downloading the configuration file or showing a QR code that can be scanned by a mobile device for example I'll be setting up my iPhone as a wire guard client so I'll click on the show QR code link then from my iPhone I'll bring up the wire guard app that I downloaded from the App Store click on the plus sign to add a new wire guard tunnel then select create from QR code and scan the QR code that wiard easy generated I'll give the new tunnel on name and click save now I should be able to toggle on the new tunnel and if the connection between my iPhone and the sonagi nas running wire guard is established the wire guard easy webui should display connection details for the client configuration that I'm using one tip I'll leave you with is if if you are using wire guard on a mobile device you may want to consider setting up on demand activation what this does is activate wire guard automatically if you are on a cellular network or on an SSID that isn't trusted this has been working great for me in my setup and hopefully it works for you as well also check out my previous videos covering wire guard listed here on screen and if you would like to support my work or hire me for a project that you are working on check out the links either here on screen or in the description below thanks so much for watching
Channel: Digital Aloha
Views: 14,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: docker wireguard, docker wireguard management, wireguard management, wireguard, docker, vpn, wireguard vpn, wireguard docker, wireguard setup, wireguard tutorial, wireguard vpn setup, synology wireguard, synology vpn, wireguard vpn server, container manager wireguard, container manager, container manager synology, container manager docker
Id: v0Z1m658Xe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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